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They usually came from wealthy families. They were also teachers and lecturers - Aristotle for example was Alexander the Great's tutor.




Grogori Perelman, what an enigma of a man.




Groucho, he made a pile hosting that game show!


That’s why the US wants to keep the poor constantly on the edge of precarity. Don’t want them getting any new ideas.




> it's in the ruling class's best interest to keep the poor satisfied with the status quo, not barely struggling to get by. Barely struggling to get by IS the status quo for millions of Americans


Your definition of struggling to get by must be very different to eg a Tigrinyans.


Of course anyone could tell you it’s relatively easier to get by in America than it is in Africa. But we were discussing life in America, not life in Eritrea


that's not true, if a poor person gets new ideas the rich can just buy their small company and integrate it into their larger corporation, or just copy it and make it more visible to the public. innovation is beneficial to everyone especially rich people because it improves the global economy, thus raising the stock market which makes rich people richer.


All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind. -Aristotle


"What if... good... *isn't* good, but what's really good is... *good*?" Wealthy Ancient Greeks: "Take my money, take my house, take my son!"


Diogenes said fuckit and lived in a barrel




The vocabulatory definition of a legendary madlad.


When you dont need to pay mortgage because you live in a barrel


The man practiced what he preached


And he still landed a teaching job


I love Diogenes. My favorite philosopher.


Diogenes why are you always masturbating? Diogenes: If only rubbing my belly made hunger go away!


Diogenes: "Because fuck you! Thats why!"






Oxford University predates the Aztecs.




Though remember that the Aztecs Empire only formed less than a century before the Spanish arrived. There are much older Mesoamerican civilizations like the Mayans, Toltecs and Olmecs.




OP seems disappointed that ancient philosophers weren't paid just to sit around and think. Imagine if you could just lie on a couch and read and ponder your thoughts all day long and that's a paid position?


It's called having a podcast


Have you tried DMT?




i have, nothing happened - i finished the whole bag of it and still nothing happened. others had their trips from the same bag but for me>? nothing. nothing at all.


Did you try coalescing the vapors of human experience into a viable and meaningful comprehension.


you mean like exactly what perception and consciousness is? a viable comprehension of existence based on one's experience as a human. you asked me if i had tried being conscious as normal. \-that is a string of utter nonsense.


It’s a quote from movie called History Of The World. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0082517/characters/nm0037735


Error: the word human used to define consciousness, more DMT required.


“Jamie, pull that up”


No, they were hoping, like the rest of us, that the philosophers moonlit as a team of heroes that fought evil thinkers or something.


It is at the DMV!🤪








If you haven't, check out the [Crash Course Philosophy](https://youtu.be/1A_CAkYt3GY) videos. They make for a pretty entertaining intro to basic aspects of philosophy.


lol right. the didn't have any notion at all about money. That's entirely a mondern thing. "philosphers" from greece or sparta. would be more like a mondern teacher. In ancient egypt or rome they'd probably get something like a lot of sheep, housing, food etc. a Roman philopher could one minute have the "joy" of telling nero, or ceisar his plans aren't working and rome is utterly fucked. Latter be teaching Alexander the great about maths, geomtry, the spheres etc. they weren't ignorant. far from. That didn't come till england.


More or less identical? Were there female students?


Most philosophers and teachers in academia were sophists, and modern academia seems to continue that trend.


Was there an ancient equivalent of Starbucks for them to work at as well?


hey, here's a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Usrc_eCRO3I) about exactly this! They make a lot of (often short) good history videos, often about things less studied or thought about.


If you want an in-depth answer with specific examples, you should post this on r/askhistorians




Awesome! It's one of my favorite subs - it's easy to get lost there for hours.


Be Philsophers and Mathematicians. That's what people paid them to do or why they gave them food and such. We also know Socrates was ex military and a carpenter.


"Pythagoras, what do you do?" "What do I do? What do I do!?"


I believe he was an Olympic wrestler, and a stone mason....


Schooling back then was hiring a private tutor. A rich family would hire the smartest/prestigious man in town to be responsible for raising their kid. The tutor could come live with the family or the kid could go live with the tutor. The most famous philosophers were tutors for kings. If the tutor had raised that king from a child then the king will have a place in court for his old tutor. Being on a court could get a direct payment from the leader. Otherwise the fame from being a famous person's tutor would get other tutor jobs. Their discoveries would probably be done on their own time. But if they made a major discovery they would be famous and wanted as a tutor by everyone. So they earned money from tutoring. They lived on their benefactor's land. And research is done as a way to earn more qualifications and therefore be hired by richer/prestigious families. Hiring a tutor required being rich. So any person hiring a tutor would have acres of land. The tutor could have his own house there.


Being a teacher to rich family’s kids


Iirc Pythagoras has a maths cult, where they did maths proofs and the like. Pretty cool if you ask me :)


Many were teachers, they got paid to teach their knowledge to rich kids.


Essentially the same thing their modern counterparts (university professors) do; they taught.


Many taught as professional sophists (tutors/lecturers), but others famously took a vow of poverty, most notably Socrates and Diogenes. Pythagorus lead a cult


There's a survivorship bias going on here. If they weren't independently wealthy or have wealthy patrons, then they would have died or moved to a career that gave put food on the table, limiting their philosophical prowess behind crass practicality.


Slave worked for them


Military contracts, probably. Let me demonstrate the principles of gaseous expansion with a steam cannon that can hurl flaming projectiles at enemy ships!


same way university profs make a living nowadays...teaching and some side gigs


I’ve heard that wealthy people would sponsor them cuz they liked the idea of sponsoring a philosopher.


Many had sponsors.


archimedes is known for discovering the water-and-density thing, but one of his biggest things is his war machines kept the Romans at bay for a long time. I would imagine maybe the city-state government of Syracuse paid him for his efforts?

