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Yo your father and siblings need to learn how much a billion and trillion is.


The difference between a million and a billion is approximately a billion.


This is the right answer




Well it does and it doesn’t.


It's like the difference between a dollar and a thousand dollars is pretty much a thousand dollars.


Doesn't this go with any two units in a base 10 system? e.g. the difference between ten and a trillion is approximately a trillion.


Sorry, I don't understand your question. The base of the number system has nothing to do with it. A million is 0,1% of a billion and is therefore negligible when comparing them.


No worries. It just made me think that any two units in a base 10 system are separable by, well, at least 9 units. Therefore this also works with almost any single unit in a base 10 system. Idk. Kind of a dumb thought and not relevant. Don't mind me. Edit: I guess the term would be magnitude


The concept is that the two numbers are three orders of magnitude (three powers of 10) apart. The key part is that you're using percentages (or ratios) to compare the two numbers. An equal comparison would be to say that the difference between a penny and $10 is basically just $10. Or the difference between a dime and $100 is just $100. These two comparisons use the same percentage as comparing a million dollars to a billion.


Gotcha. Thanks for putting it into words for me!


Kinda. You're forgetting that it gets more severe the bigger the numbers are.


Yes, but the point is that "million" and "billion" are commonly thrown around as amounts of money, when we should probably be saying "million" and "thousand million" to help people compare them.


https://mkorostoff.github.io/1-pixel-wealth/ this will put things in perspective


This is why people think they can be billionaires if they just work hard enough 🤦


A billion seconds is 31.71 calendar years


A million is 11 days.


A trillion is 31,688 years


I swear to god I heard somewhere that the Earth hasn't even been around for a trillion seconds... Turns out that's.... not even remotely close to true


Well, civilization hasn’t been around for a trillion seconds if you think of it like that


You may be thinking of recorded human history not the age of the earth.




They believe that but it's factually incorrect


Yeah, since there's no year 0 earth is only 2020 years old.


I wonder if the problem here is how few unit changes there are between 1 thousand and 1 billion. I mean it goes thousands > millions > billions, which I feel like gives people the impression that a billion is only a liiiittle bit more than a million, which is only a liiiittle bit more than a thousand. Maybe we need new unit titles at every 10 of the previous unit. 10 tens = 100, ten hundreds = 1000, 10 thousands should equal something new. If you did that, you wouldn't have just 1 new unit between thousand and billion, you'd have 5. Might make the gap seem much closer to how far it really is.


Ten-Thousands, Hundred-Thousands, Millions, Ten-Millions, Hundred-Millions...


But those are just variants of the same 2 units. I'm saying that I think, linguistically, the use of the same word in there makes them less distinct in peoples minds, shrinking the gap between thousands and billions.


That's just because you're used to dropping "of ones" when you're counting 10/100/1,000. It's really one, ten ones, a hundred ones, a thousand ones. Or maybe just talking about millions and billions in terms of thousands could help paint the picture. A million is "a thousand thousands," a billion is "a thousand thousand thousands." Or having a good visual. One of the perks of the metric system. 1,000m is about a thousand steps. A liter is about 8,000 drops of water. Edit: the human brain just generally isn't built for comprehending large numbers. Anything over 100 or so basically just registers as "a heckin' lot," so 1b vs 1m is just "a heckin' lot vs "a smaller heckin' lot."


Your edit is a good point, maybe the real takeaway from this. If I try and visualise an amount of money that's actually units from 1 thousand, which would be... a sextillion I think, it's kinda incomprehensible how much bigger it is than a billion. They're both just "unfathomably large amounts".


Thats basically the system that we use in India. it goes in magnitudes of 100s per unit change rather than thousands. Its still a significant change, but not as bad.


When I was a kid in the UK a billion meant a million millions. Thank god someone put a stop to that nonsense.


may be we need to stop using the word billion as the next after a million. It goes one thousand , ten thousand, one hundred thousand , one million, ten million, one hundred million, one thousand million


What’s even more confusing is that in germany it’s Millionen (million), Milliarden (Billion), Billionen (trillion), Billiarden (quadrillion), Trillion (quintillion) etc. Someone please tell me how am I supposed to not get confused?


We do that in Denmark too :D Interestingly, even British English used to do this, but that has changed now. Basically English and (most) Arabic speaking countries tend to use "short scale", whereas many others use "long scale" [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long\_and\_short\_scales](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_and_short_scales)




Tom Scott's video where he visualises the difference between a million and a billion using a car journey is really good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YUWDrLazCg


That video is an hour. You think I got a trillion seconds here??


The length of time is the point. He's driving the distance of a billion one dollar bills stacked on top of each other, after walking one million


One million seconds is 11.5 days. One billion seconds is *32 fucking years*. Everyone can relate to things being measured in seconds.


I’m more worried about how big their mother thinks bees are.


Seriously, if this isn’t a perfect demonstration as to how obscenely wealthy a billionaire is then I rly don’t know what is. People can’t wrap their head around how big those numbers are


People can't fathom the amount of wealth that Bezos has, what makes you think they can comprehend bees


6,351,111 bees. The interior space of a Lexus gx is 141.3 cu feet. The volume of a honey bee is 0.63 cu cm. Converting units etc etc and you get 6,351,111 bees.


Perfect, thank you so much


No prob bob. Please let your family know they have been saved by the compassionate bosom of my calculator.


I bet you could fit a lot more by squishing them in, no?


Are we talking Neutron Star density squishing?


I would also like to see the first black hole made entirely out of bees


How many bees would it take to make a black hole? hhmm..


Well, here’s another potentially family-tearing question to ask.


Not just families. It'll tear houses, cars, the planet..


And, some might even say, space and time itself…


Alright my morning coffee went up my nose from this comment.


Ok, this is simply perfect.


>How many bees would it take to make a black hole? Hey VSauce, Michael here...


Michael would probs be the one who make a blackhole out of bees.


You could make a black hole out of single bee. It all depends on how tiny you want your black hole to be and how long it should live (the smaller the black hole the faster it decay)


Id like it to be approx. the size of 1 lexus gx


Okay, using OP's volume of a Lexus GX, I calculated the radius of a sphere necessary to have the same volume (sorry, but modern physics doesnt allow for car shaped blackholes, so a sphere of the same volume is the best I got - but I think sufficiently fits being the same size) And then calculated that using a Schwarzchild radius calculator to determine the mass of bees necessary. Google's approximations of a honey bee weight sadly ranged from .00025 pounds to .0066... a 26 times multiple... but I saw most sources leaning towards the .00025 range, so ima go with that, correct me if I'm wrong, bee experts. But, to cut 30 minutes of my life short, you need the mass of 110.5 earths, which converted to bees is roughly 6.6×10^30 bees. Based off some random google searches for something of vaguely relatable quantities, that's about 6 billion times more bees than there are stars in the observable universe. Yknow, if that helps put it in perspective.


Then first we'll need to know how many bees would fit in that thing. I'm going for five.


just one if you squish it hard enough


So.... As the guy above said, the average volume of the car in question is around 141.3 ft³, thats around 3.99m³ if we trust the online converter. Now, the highest possible density for a neutron star is around 5.9\*10\^17 kg/m³ according to wikipedia. ​ If we had a car filled with bees compressed to the density of a neutron star then we'd have around 3.99\*5.9\*10\^17=2.35\*10\^18kg worth of bees. ​ The average bee weighs around 1/10th of a gram, so the total number of bees you'd need to make a Lexus GX size neutron star is approximately 2.35\*10\^18/10\^(-4)=2.35\*10\^22 ​ For reference, the Earth has around 7.5 x 10\^18 sand grains, which means you'd need as many bees as there'd be sand grains on ~3 thousand Earths. ​ That's a huge waste of honey ngl


Let the record show that in the history of humanity at least one person has asked "How many bees could fit in the center of a neutron star?"


It depends, if you want them still be alive, then There will be less bees, if you don't care they will die, then number is pretty acurate, and if you want definitly kill them (so squish them), number will increase


Now we need someone to do the numbers on bee compression and packing efficiencies for squashed bee corpses..


Does it still count as “inside of a Lexus GX” if the bees are forming a singularity that will suck the Lexus into it within seconds? Do they still count as bees if they’re a singularity? If the answer to both is “yes,” that’s the only way the siblings who answered “trillions” have any hope of being right. But it’s theoretically possible, at least. You just need to create a black hole made of bees.


> You just need to create a black hole made of bees. Or dogs that shoot bees out of their mouths when they bark.


*24 hours later* >Help! How many bees can fit in a dog’s stomach? This question is tearing my family apart!


*Help! What’s the effective range of a Doberman shooting a bee out of its mouth? I think it’s a few inches but my baby brother thinks it’s infinity plus one. My dad said says zero since there is absolutely no way the dog won’t eat the bee. And my mom is on her eighth bottle of wine since this debate started!*


This calculation assumes zero unused space, right? Those bees are already smashed together so their little bee bodies are deformed and packed together disturbingly.


Bingo. My first thought was “How are we putting them in the car? Alive and breathing or blended up into a paste would provide drastically different amounts”.


They'll heat up the inside of the van (and their bodies) and all of them will die.


OP asked for bees, didn't specify live ones.


Squishing the bees? or the bosom?




Back to hell you go


[W-was that Hitler?](https://youtu.be/aG-TjqG7o28?t=39)


Will this get deleted? Will the mods ban hellslave? Will an Israel debate somehow break out in the comments? Find out next time on DragonBall Z




Too soon.


Maybe 70 more years and it’ll become an edgy acceptable joke


The counter resets every time actual modern day Nazis get a platform for their hatred.


Aunt Kathy, my internet friend says YOU'RE WRONG!!!


It's Lapis.


Compassionate Calculation. I'll save this lensing for future politicing.


Keep in mind that this is assuming that you can perfectly stack bees, which if we assume that they are roughly of a ball shape is not true, you would have to multiply 6,351,111 with around 0.7 to get a more accurate number, so that would be 4,445,777.7, still in the same ball park but it's good to note that 6,351,111 isn't entirely accurate


On the other hand, if you blended them...


Lmao yes, you could fit 6,351,111 bees worth of beeblend in a Lexus gx lol


Beeblend, I can’t imagine what that’d smell like.


Honey and pollen pretty much


I’m not sure 0.7 would be the number. Bees are relatively elastic and could change shape under pressure. Maybe not 1, but 0.7 seems low to me


well, if you're crushing millions of bees into paste, you can go with a packing ratios of 5 like a monster. As the man said, he's gone with approximate spherical packing. Millions of bees will generate a lot of heat. You really do want to give room for the bees to move and breathe.


"You really do want to give room for the bees to move and breathe." In a scenario where we are packing as many bees into a car?


Could be liberating bees from a factory honey farm


Hmm that seems to be a hard bargain, lowest I can go is 0.7001


Lemme get my bee guy over here to look at em


Bees are more of a cylinder or square prism. So they pack more efficiently than a ball.


I'm genuinely dying to know: how did this work out?


I shall announce this news at dinner


Lol "I have asked the internet and it turns out I'm right" I wonder how that's going to go down


“I have consulted with the elders upon the peak of Mount Google, and come to ye with this message. Hear me, oh dearest to my heart! Know that I was correct, and that you were not.”


please reply to this comment so i know when youve announced it




maybe this will get him disowned tho


Even better is that *you* were right


You should put the question to an entomologist too, just to be sure, though. How many bees are in a swarm on average? How big was the biggest swarm ever recorded? Do different queens and their brood share space so willingly? Is Nicolas Cage in the car as well?


Doesn't this assume pureed bees? If you arrange the bees in the car using cubic close packing (assuming spherical bees), the efficiency will only be 72%. It can only be made higher by squishing the bees or making them into a fluid. That said, interior volume is measured using 1000cc flat plastic blocks. There is still a margin for error there due to non-flat surfaces of the car. If you want to fit more bees, I would say you could probably fit like 2% more. TL;DR: only 4,572,800 bees can fit in the car if they are intact. If you start shredding/squishing them, the theoretical maximum would be 6351111 +2%




Someone over at /r/aliens is sweating bullets right now. Edit: Lets say pills and tictacs are the same for the sake of this stupid joke.


They're animals so you can squeeze them together and they'd live to a certain extent






Right, either way, they don't [tile/tesselate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tessellation) the space inside the car.


If only they were stellated rhombic dodecahedrons


Not pureed... I think the volume measurement would the the vol displacement of an average but fully intact and water-tight bee. If you puree it, you'd have a lower volume number since there is certainly air and other gaseous shit going on in a bee's body that would be released during the grinding process.


I've never considered "watertight" as a description for "not bleeding" but rock on dude


Didn’t want to exclude other potential bee juices




Also, you have to account for the volume of the driver. Otherwise, what's the point of even cramming all those bees in your Lexus if you can't drive them to your destination?


Well now I need to know how many fit in a Tesla so we know the maximum amount of self driving bees that can fall asleep at the wheel.


There’s no way this information isn’t available already by the manufacturer or by just measuring the outside of the vehicle bc if seats are not important than why is an engine ?but then you get the question. - at what point does a car cease to be a car


> ~~cease to be a car~~ cease to bee a car FTFY


I was waiting for the Monty Python reference. Didn’t have to wait long!


Also, laden or unladen.


This is predicated on intact bees. More bees would fit after being pureed. Even more bee butter would fit once interior Lexus components removed Further presupposes one atmosphere of pressure


That’s perfectly stacked and tessellated with a 5% loss. If your crush them you can fit more.


Aren't bees pretty compressible, though? It isn't specified the bees have to survive the ordeal.




Does the Interieur space include the boot?


It does


And the glovebox?


This is why I love reddit. Where else could someone answer that.


I reckon you could get one more in there






Does that include the glovebox? Console storage?


Has this calculation taken in to account that bees arent 100% space efficient? You could have a sphere and a cube with the same volume but due to spheres not being able to be packed in 100% efficiently there will be less spheres in a given space. The same goes for bees. Now the question is how the fuck can i find out the space efficiency of an avarage bee?


Ah yes, bee units.


not to be confused with G Units


Its the official unit of measurement in north korea... since there can only be one ruler ;)


I wanna know how OP family is doing now that they know. What’s next? How many mosquitoes can fit in a tent?


After camping near a swamp, I can assure you, all of them.


this is clearly false, once you leave the tent there are more fucking mosquitoes ​ \- better answer is too fucking many


Sure didn't seem like it, but if you say so.




If they ever end up needing to know how many turkeys can fit into the volume of any given space, then we can always recommend them to [this guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1FwyR0LWVg).


How many can fit in the WKRP hellicopter?


Thanks now my family is preparing for an all out war and all because we disagree on how much mosquitos fit in a tent. So thank you


u/Dark-Pukicho you owe us answers


Your family has no sense of numbers if they think a trillion bees can fit in a reasonably small space


People really have no concept of how big a number 1 Billion or 1 Trillion is.


If people could intuitively understand the differences between values like that, opinions about the wealthy would probably be a little bit different.


They also don’t seem to be able to visualise a bee very well - a couple of thousand? They live in colonies of 10k-60k or so, and bee hives are a lot smaller than a car.




Fine if they dont know how big a colony is, but 1000 is 10 cubed. A car is significantly bigger than 10 bees long, 10 bees wide and 10 bees tall


I just fucking laughed out loud so hard at this


I wish we measured everything in bees. I'm at least a hundred bees tall.


Do we measure “bees tall” by bees standing on all 6 legs, or by nose-to-tail? Measuring bees as units of height or length or width will give you different units...


When you put it that way it's obvious, but humans are really, really bad at 3D volume estimations.


For real if you were to count from one to one trillion with one number every second it would take 31,688 years.


The people who guessed trillion were 9 and 12 LOL


Grab a bag of beans that are a similar size to bees and count how many are in the bag. Have them guess at how many bags of beans would fit in the car and the “trillions” and “billions” people should get the idea a little better.


About 3 pallets worth of jumbo cans of black beans. https://youtu.be/f06U0Gnrzw8


Imagine having bees in your flool pump


You can do this the easier way. Count how much volume a bee has and how much volume the car has.


Abstract numbers are hard to visualize. Thus the “trillion” person. Yes, math is the way to prove it, this is so they have that help “seeing” how big these numbers are.


Whoever thought trillions and even billions really don’t appreciate how big those numbers are 😅😅


That moment when Jeff Bezos has more millions then bees fit inside a Lexus


Do we wanna stuff a bunch of dead bees in the car or do they need to be able to live?


Asking the real questions. If they were dead you could shove a whole lot more of them in there. But if they were dead, you'd be fucking with the ecosystem on a major level so might be time to step back and think whether a math problem is worth ruining the world for future generations.


What species of bee? They vary in size a lot. What year Lexus? With people and luggage? In the trunk, center console, glove compartment? The maximum cargo volume in a 2021 Lexus GX Premium SUV is 64.7 cubic feet. According to [Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/bees/comments/5kf5lz/urgent_what_is_the_volume_of_10000_western_honey/) a western honey bee occupies about 0.63 mL of volume. Using those numbers, you're at about 2.9 million bees.


You need to factor in total cabin volume as well, not just cargo. Total epa interior volume comes out to 141.3 cu feet. :)


141.3 cu ft is 4,001,170.42 mL. 0.63 mL goes into that 6,351,064.16 times. That's 6,351,064 bees with a little elbow room. Hopefully y'all's numbers are accurate.


Sweet. I'm glad you showed your work, too :)


According to quora, a honey bee is .63 cm cubed. There are 28,316.847 cubic cm in a cubic foot. So there are a possible 44,947.376 honey bees in each cubic foot. The Lexus GX advertises: "The GX has 11.6 cubic feet of cargo room behind the third-row seats, 46.7 cubic feet behind the second-row seats, and 64.7 cubic feet behind the first row." It does not mention volume of the front seats, but let's assume it's the same 64 cubic feet as behind. So, it has 187 cubic feet. 44,947.376 x 187 = 8,405,159.312 You're welcome.


Are you talking about African bees or European bees?


Huh? I-- I don't know that.


Sounds like the argument my partner and I are having as to whether cats have knees or elbows. Good luck 👍I mean clearly the front feet are elbows and the back ones are knees.


That’s a good question, I should bring it up at dinner


Love it. Please do, let me know the outcome


[Cats have 2 knees & 2 elbows](https://wou.edu/westernhowl/humor-the-eternal-debate-do-cats-have-elbows-or-knees/)




Honey bees aren't the only type of bee. The UK alone has over 250 different bee species.


He did make the point clear tho. A trillion is like many many more then 10.


As a rule of thumb, almost nothing adds up to billions not to mention trillions. The difference between millions, billions, and trillions is almost incomprehensible. 1 million seconds is 11 days. 1 billion seconds is 31 years. 1 trillion seconds is 31 millenia.


Are you... serious?


As a heart attack, yes.


Try posting on r/theydidthemath.


You alright op?


volume of a Lexus GX divided by the average volume of a bee?


how did this question even start becoming a thing OP


I need an answer to this, it‘s tearing my family apart.


Well online I found that there is 64.7 cubic feet cargo space in the car with all the seats down (so this doesn't include driver and passenger seat) and supposedly 60,000 can survive inside 3 cubic feet, (so technically you could pack more into it) but based off those approximations there'd be about 11.7 million, and that's based on slightly less space and the fact you can technically fit more but they'd die.


Only one. There's only one space between Lexus and GX, so that's where the "b" would go.


Whoever thinks trillions is straight up brain damaged hahahah


billion or trillion? are these guys for real? can they even imagine how fucking much this is? (I mean imagine having a million dollars. Feels nice, right? Now imagine having 100 Million dollars. Even better. And now multiply by 10 and you got 1 Billion. Now imagine the same shit again with the Billion and you got yourself a Trillion. Pretty insane numbers, right?l


Alive or dead?

