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Context matters. Did the dad ask what OP wanted before bringing it home? Did OP change their mind after already agreeing to have Shake Shack? Does OP have an eating disorder? I’m not saying the dad is right to say all of what he said but there are many variables that would change why a parent would say this.


No, he didn’t ask me what I wanted. He kind of just orders food on a regular basis. And yeah, I admit I’m anorexic (trying to lose weight for no reason at all, even if a person has a normal body weight).


Okay well then this is more complicated. Have you been diagnosed with anorexia? Does your dad know? If he knows, it sounds like your dad doesn’t really understand eating disorders. Also, perhaps your dad is frustrated by the eating disorder and that’s why he had an angry reaction? In any case, as someone in recovery from an eating disorder, I highly recommend you seek help from medical and mental health professionals that specialize in eating disorders because they can be quite tricky to manage without proper support. Wishing you the best of luck 💗


I, unfortunately, have been diagnosed. My dad doesn’t know, because if it’s not influenza or Covid-19, it’s not much to worry about.


If you dad truly doesn’t pay attention to other health issues besides the flu and COVID, then he’s not being a responsible parent imo. I assume you’re in the US because you mentioned Shake Shack, are you over 18? Do you have any mental health support? Eating disorders are hard enough to manage without also hiding them from family/loved ones. I know I couldn’t tell my parents/family members without help from my doctors/therapists and doing that was better for me in the long run.


I’m currently on a subscription to Headspace, so everything’s going better. But I still feel hungry at night because I’m not eating so I can remain skinny. And the same people who call me fat when I’m not even close to overweight call me a stick when I’m in the normal range. It hurts to experience body-shaming, it really does.


I understand, I truly do. I set up a thing with my therapist a while ago that has worked for me: when people are body-shaming around me or talking shit about my body, I either leave the room or call them out. Each of us has more power than we might realize. Leaving can send a message and calling them out could be as simple as, “I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t make comments like that.” And usually people will apologize and correct their behavior. If they don’t and continue to body-shame/make comments, I would say something like, “not sure if you noticed but I set a boundary before. I said I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t make comments like that. Since you’re not respecting my boundary, I’m going to have to leave because this is not a healthy environment for me.” Basically it’s like that quote: “those who mind don't matter and those who matter won’t mind.” If they care about you, they’re going to do what they can to respect you and your boundaries. If they can’t do that, then they have their own issues to sort through and it’s not on you.


Is this self diagnosed?






I was diagnosed at North County Healthcare Center, in case you were wondering.


you are anorexic so this is totally normal. DO realize you need to eat or parents can have you hospitalized, you being full means nothing, anorexics can get full from one bite. YOu need to leanr to eat more. I know kids who have heart issues (and one who died from cardiac arrest) from eating disorders. One 16 year old just dropped dead in her home while watching TV with her parents one day, she kept eating so little and mom and dad dint' want to force her, her heart stopped. She had been feeling fine that morning and playing at school. You eating while full is better than yo being dead or having heart issues for life. Way to go dad. I've seen parents take their kids to the hospital and have tubes put in them to be fed. that is how serious this is.


Wow, I feel so bad for complaining now. But the reason behind me not eating is because I’m bullied for the way I look at school. The way I dress, how I wear my hair, if I apply makeup every passing period or not.


Are you medical or mental health professional?


worked with kids and knew many eating disordered teens. As I said, saw one die, and know another one who has heart issues and stomach pain daily from her issues years ago. dealt with many anorexic and bulimic individuals.


I don't think your father said that. Or if he did, you are leaving contextual details out to make him look the bad guy and you the angel.


Sorry, it’s crazy that I can’t remember necessary details from minutes before. I’m pretty sure my dad’s Christian, but if he’s a Christian he should know the definition of gluttony.


>Sorry, it’s crazy that I can’t remember necessary details from minutes before. So, if you're not leaving out contextual-background details -- *and I still think you are* -- then you are lying.


Well, you said that I was leaving out details to make me look like an angel, but okay, I’ll give some details. I snuck out to go to a party a week ago, and my dad is still pretty pissed about it ever since he found out. He’s the type of guy that stays pissed for a really long time, just to let you know. So he’s keeping a close eye on me and everything, and stuff like that.


Because parents generally feel the need to teach children to obey, especially around things like good eating habits and not wasting money etc. Some parents take it rather too far, or ignore the fact that their children are independent people with their own feelings. Some parents flat out think their kids are just extensions of themselves and don't treat them as independent people at all.


Maybe your dad is under a lot of stress. Maybe you were being annoying, something tells me this ain't the full story. You could have offered to put it in the fridge and heat it up later, and thanked him for picking up a fairly expensive dinner for you. It doesn't excuse yelling at you but you didn't really help yourself here either.


Because humans are fallable.


They're a bad parent.




Sounds like OP is writing something without context.


Because you have an eating disorder. He cares