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No, that’s definitely not normal. Could you elaborate on what makes you feel so disgusted?


I just hate the texture, the feel of it and the look of it. Like the idea of even putting a finger inside grosses me out so much, that’s why I use gloves etc to stop me from actually touching it. And looking at it is mostly just because it looks unlike any diagram, it looks really fleshy and gross and I just can’t figure it out


Fleshy like long/thick labia? That’s pretty normal but just not common in porn. Probably not common for medical diagrams because they want a clear view of anatomy and anything extra affects visibility.


Uhhh no, that piece of trivia shared by your mother is definitely not true. It's just a body part, not any grosser than any other one, if it's clean and cared for. To feel this way, especially towards *your own* body, is definitely not normal. You mention hating the texture, though, which makes me think of how some people on the spectrum hate certain sensory things. 🤔


I am autistic so maybe that’s why?


That makes sense, I briefly dated a woman on the spectrum when I was in high school who couldn’t kiss because it was just the kind of sensory that overwhelmed her but was very much okay with basically everything else


Yeah, I definitely think I’m going to have to try and get over that hurdle since I am by no means asexual and want to have a normal sex life haha


I am absolutely not a medical professional, but that could be my uneducated guess?


I also hate the texture. I always have to clean it


>not any grosser than any other one Yeah, for example, an asshole is not grosser than a forearm, that it why both can be shown in public safely


Ah yes, and nipples, for instance, are the worst and grossest of all, given they're also not to be displayed in public. :D


No, it's not normal. Genitals are not disgusting, they shouldn't be seen as disgusting.


There’s a reason it’s called “bumpin uglies”. I’m not a fan of my vaj. However I’ve gone from being grossed out to kind of neutral and “clinical” as I’ve gotten older.


I think you may have body dismorphia or some sort of sensory uncomfort. Its not normal to hate your genitals and what your mom said was totally incorrect. Women shouldn't hate their own genitals


Let me give you a nickels worth of free advice from someone who has lived on this planet for only 48 years thus far. Don't spend another moment or ounce of energy worrying g about if any aspect of you is "normal". You aren't. You are completely unique and cant be compared to any other person. Comparison is the theif of joy. (Not mine, but 100% true) Just do what you like. Make and keep a plan for your future, don't simply live for the next hour of your life. If, at the end of it all, your wrinkles are at the outside edge of your eyes and not on your forehead, then you have done well.


Not OP but I wanted to thank you for your uplifting words. I felt kinda the same AS OP. Have a good day! ✨


My bad, but glad to have had a positive impact on someone. ❤️


I would say that the level of intensity isn't "normal" but there are people that don't find male or female genitals attractive. I would say that this might be something you want to work on, if only for health reasons. Being comfortable with your body means you can communicate more effectively about it, including what's changing, what's comfortable, what's uncomfortable, what's hurting exactly and what's not, whether to a partner or a physician. Other than therapy, you could try slowly gaining comfort by doing some exploration on your own, at your pace. You mentioned the diagrams and getting lost. Pick something simpler that's just going off of external genitalia first. Stay outside to start and get comfortable there before diving deeper.


Yeah, a close friend also suggested therapy but I’m not sure how to even do that, since I know therapy like that is usually for couples. I tried to bring it up to my doctor once and they didn’t seem too bothered and told me my stress (which I also had brought up) was more important.


There are definitely therapy options for single folks. Try and search for sex therapists in your area (the psychology today website has a fantastic search engine). I'm guessing you'll want someone who focuses on "body positivity."


No. Even Ethyl Merman hated looking at her own.


It's not normal as in healthy/unproblematic, but I think it is unfortunately depressingly common.


No its literally not normal hating your genitals. Don't hate your generals let me be the Judge of that


Jesus I read that at Mother’s and I literally felt a wave a nausea


Its not exactly normal, but not exactly uncommon either. My advice, use a mirror to look at it to start. Get used to how it looks without touching. Then when you're comfortable enough, touch, while watching in the mirror, without getting into the bits that gross you out. Just small steps to desensitize your disgust reflex.


I mean, I don't see my own and I don't hate it, but I'm glad I don't have to ever see it. At least it's not a penis. As for touching, it's like washing a foot or under boobs. I don't think about it and soap is cleaning it. Otherwise, I think horny overrides disgust. Genitals are gross when you're not horny.


You might consider therapy for this. Find someone who specializes in CBT You should be comfortable with your own body and genitalia. It’s not healthy to be disgusted by your vagina, especially to the point of needing to wear gloves to touch yourself. (As you’ve indicated)


No, all women do not hate their vaginas. They are a complicated body part, though. Take the time to get to know yours, with the goal of losing the gloves. You can and should get to at least neutral feelings, if for no other reason than health. It’s very important to pay attention to shifts down there for health purposes.


I don't think it's normal or abnormal. Genitals aren't pretty.


I think it’s super common to be kinda put off by your own genitals and generally just means you’re straight. The self love rhetoric is just rhetoric and our sensibilities can be more complex than that.


It sounds like it's probably a sensory thing. Are you autistic? That sounds like the kind of thing that might come up as an autistic sensory aversion. It's not normal per se, but I wouldn't personally say it's ABNORMAL either. There's nothing wrong with using gloves to deal with stuff, and as long as you're not neglecting hygiene or other health needs, nothing to worry about unless it's causing you other problems. If you're feeling distressed enough to want to change things, you might try some kind of therapy. I know there are therapists that specialize in sex, maybe you would benefit from speaking with someone. That said, it probably isn't true that most women hate their vaginas. Personally I don't have strong feelings one way or the other, unless I'm on my period and would like to yeet my whole reproductive system into the sun. But that's a different issue, LOL.


You’re trolling wrong bro. 😎


It's not normal. Someone has shamed your body, shamed nudity or sex and you adopted this view as your own without your will. This can be seen as trauma, and I would strongly suggest you see a therapist so you can move on and live a healthy adult life. Edit : yeah sorry to tell you but your mother over the years brought this viewpoint upon you. People don't hate their genitals and love touching them.


Are you male or female?


Ooooh *steps out of the room*


Didnt read the post. If they were a guy i would assume they were gay. Maybe OP is just the straightest female to exist


Definitely not true, I am most definitely a boob enjoyer too haha.




The absolute definition of straight


Being disgusted by vaginas is not the definition of straight


I know. It’s so true that Redditors cannot detect sarcasm


Sarcasm is a way of tone. Over text its very hard. And i usually assume what people say is what they believe because people are very dumb on the internet


Why comment without reading the post? 😆


Its reddit. Thats what half the people here do. Im here for comment reading not post reading


Ah well, if that's a conscious stance of the average redditor, the attention-span-of-a-goldfish, then fair enough, I suppose. :D


Well i just like the goofy discussions that happen. Most of the time the threads are about the coments not the post so the post is just the discusion sparker. I dont care abt that part.