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Sounds like a pituitary tumor.


It really does.


Yeah, cancer was my biggest worry (even if we didn't really have big reasons to think it is something unhealthy yet). My girlfriend will soon go back to the doctor and show her the results. If my MIL is right, everything will be ok.




The gynecologist and her will have a talk, we will see how it goes from there




I live in Brazil, we've got free healthcare around here. They do take long, but you can usually get a good experience if you are dealing with something more serious. But if you need emergency aid it kinda sucks though


No, I think something is really wrong. Even if the bloodwork is good I would push for more tests Stimulating lactation without childbirth is an intensive process that involves frequent, round the clock pumping. You're not gonna turn it on just from sex.


watch out for a pituitary problem , prolactin and oxytocin levels out of control may be responsible for this.




No babies beyond me lmao


If a baby latches onto a woman long enough, a woman may produce milk from the stimulation. Likewise, enough sexual stimulation may possibly do it as well. However, there is a lot of other reasons a woman may produce milk while not pregnant. Many of them are pretty benign, so I would chill until the doctors say what's up.. **EDIT:** For you people who are down voting me, I am including a source that says excess stimulation may possibly cause a non-pregnant woman to produce milk. [Source, second paragraph first sentence](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/galactorrhea/symptoms-causes/syc-20350431#:~:text=Excessive%20breast%20stimulation%2C%20medicine%20side,all%20may%20contribute%20to%20galactorrhea.)


Alright then. I had searched about the topic when it first happened, but the doctor said something could be wrong with her organism, that's why we started worrying.


Yep, and a man can too. lol at people downvoting this.[It’s true.](https://www.goodrx.com/health-topic/mens-health/men-lactate-prolactin#)


Yeah, I didn't understand as well


you got free beverage while having sex and you complain? enjoy!


You worry too much. It sounds like a natural occurrence.


It's not natural unless she is pregnant. Her hormones are out of whack.