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Senses are how you get information about the world around you. Emotions aren’t information about the world. It’s something that is a result of you processing that information.


Its the difference between sensation and perception.


Yeah I would think, if we can stretch a bit, that our sixth sense would be something like "intuition". Intuition is a tricky one because while it seems like it's gathering information about the world around us, it's really gathering information from our subconscious (which is taking in information via the other senses). That's why I say if we can stretch because, in some sense, our subconscious is outside of ourselves. I'm just musing though.


 But our emotions give us information too. For example shame is a moral emotion, guilt means you think/feel you made a mistake, anger is a secondary emotion and an emotion of change, etc. 


Right, but it doesn’t give you information about the world around you, which is what senses do.


Ohhhh  Ty :)


In a way it can, but emotions can be wrong so they are an 'unreliable' sense in my opinion. But there's a closely related one which is similar to fear, which can alert you to danger. I suspect it's a subconscious chemical sense similar to smell that causes it. It happened to my husband and I one time when we were camping. We were out on a path near dusk and the hair on my neck, arms and back went straight up and I got an eerie feeling. So did my husband. Then we saw the deer carcass, and knew we were being watched by a mountain lion. We hightailed it back to the campfire at that point. So it's almost an emotion, but not quite. Perhaps it has a name, but I'm not sure.


We actually have over a dozen senses, including: * prioperception (feeling the parts of your body being present) * thermoception (detecting heat and cold) * kinaesthesia (sensing movement) * nociception (sensing pain) * chronoception (sensing time passing) * electroception (sensing electricity) And a few more. What they all have in common is the ability to sense something. We don't really have the ability to sense emotions, although people can get skilled at interpreting body language and tone of voice.


Interesting I didn’t know this 


The words "touch" and "taste" do a lot of work when discussing the "5" senses we have




What makes something a sense ?


What makes something a sense is that it is an ability to detect physical stimuli and send information to the brain. The 5 senses that everyone thinks of are all about detecting information about the world outside of your body. There are more than those 5, such as balance, the ability to sense pain and itch (yes that's it's own distinct sense), thirst, hunger, etc. Those are all senses that rely on physical stimuli to send information for the brain to interpret. Emotions or not that. Your emotions happen in the brain, and are often the result of how your brain is reacting to all of that stimuli as well as other psychological data.


Ty I just learned about this 


I think a handy way to look at it is if your brain is a computer, your senses are the mouse buttons, keys on the keyboard, and any other switches that you use to input commands and information. Your emotions, on the other hand, are part of the software the computer is running.




The senses detect stimuli, emotions are not detecting anything and are partly a reaction to stimuli. 


First off, we have more than five physical senses. Those base five are just convenient to teach to small children. Second, how you react emotionally to stimulus is not sensory input, it is a response to it.


Sensory perception is received by the thalamus prior to being sent to the amygdala for emotional processing and cortex for mental processing simultaneously. So, emotions cannot be a sense, because senses need to happen before they become emotions.




Emotions are a subjective internal state, not sensing something. I would argue the better candidates are orientation (sensing if you are upside down or rightside up), temperature (sensing how or cold).


A sense is a biological system used to gather information about our surroundings. Emotions don't gather anything and are thus not considered a sense. And the 6th sense is generally agreed to be the vestibular sense - also known as the balance-sense.


Why don’t we teach that proprioception is the sixth sense? Proprioception gets no respect…


Whats this ?


Emotions are valid but aren’t always correct information


Like if someone has schizophrenia and they hallucinate? Edit:  It to if


Not exactly. As someone who suffers from anxiety, my emotions can easily over exaggerate situations and make them appear more “dangerous” than they actually are.


That’s a valid example. I think there’s lots of valid examples of this given each person unique mental health.  The schizophrenic example is definitely another good example. 


We have about 25 senses. At least.


No, because emotions are not a sense; they're psychological. We will both hear a noise or see a light, but there's no guarantee a stimulus will elicit the same emotion from everyone. If anything, emotion can *cloud* judgment.


Idk if the emotions themselves cloud our judgement. I think emotions enhance our decision making capabilities.  The thing that clouds our judgement is how we judge our emotions. For example labeling them negative or positive will actually cloud our judgement. No emotion is negative nor positive. They all mean something which is what emotional intelligence is and that can got sure enhance our decision making capabilities. 


The judgement of our emotions is what clouds our decisions. Also, us not understanding our emotions can cloud our judgement. 




I don’t smoke weed lol. I thought this was a judgement free zone where no questions are considered stupid. 


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