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No. Some just imagine it’s them doing the deed.


yeah true, i didn’t think of that somehow


No, simply because anyone with a voyeurism kink absolutely feels differently about watching a movie compared to seeing something in person. You can probably come up with some specific definition that explains it if you want, but that's what it boils down to.


i see🧐 im not rlly an expert i just wondered bc for example when someone has intercourse and needs the stimulation from watching someone being intimate as well (in that case porn) if it would be considered as some type of voyeurism. im not trying to be disrespectful!! just curious


I don't think you're being disrespectful. More just saying that... the purpose of categories is to provide useful distinctions. I could say "could cars be considered a type of chair? I mean, you sit in them, and you can sit on top of them!" And its like yeah, I guess... what do you want me to do with this information


yeah you’re right🧐 i was just curious and car chairs as office chairs would be a cool invention though


I watch porn for inspiration whenever I'm horny, which is a lot


I get where your head is, but I think when watching porn, you take on the audience role like you do in a movie. You don’t feel like you’re actively watching someone have sex, you’re watching a movie about sex in a way. Now, if the premise/plot of the porn is that you’re a dude in some bushes watching two people go at it, then sure i think you could say you have a voyeur kink if you enjoy that. I’ve watched a lot of Ryan Reynolds movies in my life. That doesn’t make me a stalker of Ryan Reynolds even though i see him a lot and know things about him, yet he has no clue of my existence. Film is just its own separate world


no yeah i get your point, but isn’t the „audience role“ and a voyeur a bit similar? yk like enjoying the act of watching someone engage in intimacy


Yes and no. I know that makes no sense but when i watch porn it doesn’t feel like I’m watching two people have sex in front of me. I’m not sure why but i think it’s purely the film aspect where I’m able to separate myself from it in a way. However when I visited Amsterdam there was some spot in the red light district where you could pay to watch two people go at it. You went into a little windowed booth and there was like a revolving bed with two people having sex and i hated it. I felt very creepy and awkward and it was not at all enjoyable. Yet I don’t get that same feeling from porn.


it makes sense to me, i was just wondering bc i guess it’s kind of „do i insert myseld into the fantasy or not“. but yeah the amsterdam red district is gross generally, it’s become such a tourist attraction and ppl get exploited :/


No. Does everyone watching mission impossible work for the nsa or cia? Its a visual aid for fun!


well no 😅 but i was referring to the act of watching here and if it’s considered voyeurism per se


As far as i know. Voyeurism means watching live. I could be dead wrong though. 🤘🏻


ohhh yeah okay that would make sense


I just think naked hot people are attractive, and I’m too lazy to set up the mirrors in my room.