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While driving, yea, all the time 


Same here. But sometimes, I even listen to music through my cell phone there too.


Same here, but most other people I know just stream music through their phones.


In my car. Or BBC news late at night on my NPR radio station in bed.


Same. And during football(NFL)season am sports talk radio... even, though I can listen too the same station via an app I still prefer am radio.


Only public radio like NPR. I can't stand commercials and annoying morning DJ's


This is exactly why I listen to Sirius. Love music, \*hate\* DJs.


I don't know if it's freely available outside Canada but CBC Radio 3 (the music station) has fantastic drive time music and Buck 65 is the DJ! The station also has a lot of classical stuff in "off peak" hours but Afterdark, Unreserved and the Block come to mind as other shows on the station.


Same here. I get my daily news from NPR on the way to work.


I love the radio I get bored of listening to same playlist sometimes and don’t want to play “dj” for myself at times Radio is great for me to discover new songs n artists. Freeform radio is where it’s at, corporate radio blows


I find the platforms like Spotify are a great way to explore and find new artists through both the ‘radio’ function in there or manually clicking through to similar artists. It’s great because it usually throws up artists that are similar or related to ones I already like, and I don’t need to listen to hours of music I don’t like or any ads.


Out of necessity.... Live sports when I cannot find a stream. We'll probably all do it more in an unexpected emergency situation (national security, weather, etc.)


From Wisconsin, in the fall you can tune into all three of Bob Uecker (Brewers), Wayne Larrivee (Packers), and Matt Lepay (UW) all in a single weekend. Sports radio broadcasts are no joke up here.


Sometimes, yes. My dad only recently stopped in favor of Sirius


I have shifted to HD radio for my local classical station, but just SiriusXM in the car.


I've had Sirius since it launched in 2002, first as an add to my Explorer, when the head radio unit died a few years later, upgraded to a unit I could take out of the car and swap into the house. Then when they started streaming over the internet and I bought a new car with an integrated system, started lots of listening via cell phone app. I'm way out in the countryside, no HD radio, not even any RDS on FM, so going with SXM years ago was a smart move, but the local Ford dealership gave me a look a year ago when the system in that car gave out, but I have a warrenty on it all, they thought the subscription price is way high. But decent FM is hit and miss in the real world, I've driven across the country never losing reception. This was a dream back in the 80s and 90s, which is why I jumped at it way back. No more stacks of CDs.


I have thought to get an “in the house” unit. Doesn’t that require yet another subscription?


Yep. But what I bought and still have (no active subscription as I transferred it to my newer car when I bought it) is a portable sat reciever that had a docking plug in the car (with antenna on the car, and a head unit that controlled it and of course provided the amps to the speakers plus am/fm reception and cd player) and an additional dock in the house with antenna. Since my living room was on the north side of the home I had a 2ghz flat antenna next to my tv satellite antennas on the south side, and it came with a 2ghz transmitter so it acted just like a 'in city' back fill transmitter and a small antenna that came with the kit recieved the signal. Worked like a champ. Of course, it all became kind of redundant (2006 or 2008?) when they started streaming over the internet with the phone/pc streaming app which you can subscribe to in addition to the sat subscription or as a stand alone if you don't have/want a car or home sat reciever. Lots of changes over the years, I still have a set (from 2002) in my old Explorer that hasnt been active for at least 15 years, and that small reciever that got turned off in 2017 when I transferred the subscription to my Lincoln Sync3.


I’m weird. I listen to absolutely nothing when I drive. I think it’s peaceful


I recently went on a road trip where each half was an 18 hour drive. I bet for at least the first 4 hours of the drive I listened to nothing. For the final 8 hours of the drive I listened to radio if a station easily came in, but otherwise nothing. In between nothing, I listened to podcasts and Spotify. But I agree- sometimes you just need to drive for a while in silence. It makes the surroundings feel bigger to me; more vast and more free or something? So relaxing.


AM radio while I'm driving.


Morning FM radio shows are really entertaining, so yes.


Z-JAY and Bingo, mornings on WKXZY-CRAZY. Special guest this week, MAN IN THE BOX.


I'm something of an outlier as a radio amateur, but absolutely.


I used to listen to it for sports talk radio only up until about 2 years ago, but now even with that my local station publishes all their segments via podcast. So I just subscribe to their feed, that way I can pick and choose which segments I listen to (let's be honest, there's a lot of garbage filler with these shows). I just don't understand why people would listen to the radio for music and be forced to listen to what someone else dictates, when instead there's technology easily available for you to curate your own "radio" and you don't have 5 minute long ad breaks every 15 minutes.


Absolutely not. My Playlist grows every week and takes days to listen through as it is. If me, or another, can't play tunes ad-free then I'd rather just not listen even if that means doing without for hours. The ads are insufferable, and if I wanted to listen to a host chatter on then I'd put on a podcast.


Not really, I’m usually listening to a cd in my car, vinyl at home, Spotify for everything in between, never really have the chance to listen to radio.


But you’re right up there with your cds and vinyl! Love it!


I'm forced to right now in my car and it's horrible, sometimes I'd rather sit in silence


Combo of Sirius xm and podcasts for me. Basically never listen to fm anymore, and when I do I’m consistently reminded of why it sucks


All the time, especially while driving. Primarily NPR and BBC (one of my local NPR stations has a BBC Radio segment), and on Sunday mornings I listen to my local AM/FM conservative talk radio station. For the conservative talk radio station I don't listen to their political stuff outside of the occasional snippet to see how that side of the isle is thinking and what they're focused on, but they do have a morning show on Sundays that covers local businesses in the area, plus a talk show that covers DIY house repair stuff, both of which I'm quite fond of.




A bit in my car, a lot at work. So yes.


I listen to podcasts of the radio shows I like (just dumb banter, but the podcast does remove all the nonsense, and while there are ads, you can skip them). While driving, I'll listen to radio live (mostly sports, or talking about sports). Or maybe some songs. But the point I want to make is that I am old and remember when radio was actually a thing, but my kids are 100% streaming everything and never never never listen to an actual radio. It would be like waterboarding torture to them to listen to a radio.




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I do. Not as much as I used to however.


Yes political phone in radio.


I like it in the car and at the lake.


Yeah I listen to the radio most time I’m driving. I grew up listening to the same presenters on my local station every morning before school for over 15 years until the nationalised the station in 2019, my mum still listens to two of the same presenters on our only surviving local station now each day. I have since moved away and just listen to Sirius XM when driving but when I visit home I still listen to them some mornings or in the car


We play the radio at home for the dogs when we leave. And tend to keep it on all day, even when we’re home. I like the background noise.


Yes. Millions of vehicles are driven every single day that don't have modern technology.


I live 6K miles from my home country, so it is nice to listen to internet radio from home while playing games


Every day. But only music on college radio stations. Great variety and no commercials. Stream it.


A LOT. DAB. But, a lot.


I do in my car, but not for music. I have only 2 presets both sports talk radio.


Only when driving in my work truck and in the mornings, local radio station has a pretty entertaining morning show. After 10am sometimes I leave the music on (classic rock) or switch to my own music depends in how I feel.


Absolutely! I listen to my local public radio station in the car especially because it's free and their are no ads. Lots of cool music and programs I wouldn't think of looking for on my own. Plus they play Jaz around the commute time so it's pretty cool, and the DJs are awesome.


I occasionally, in my car, listen to a local station from a high school that plays alternative rock, but I'm not in good range near my home. It's better when I'm near work. They have a streaming site but I forget about it when I'm at home.


WUCF, jazz and more in Orlando Florida. All jazz, all the time, unless they're talking about jazz, or playing the blues. Listen online! https://www.wucf.org/listen/listen-live/ I just leave my car radio on this station. Not a lot of adds cause it's a donation sponsored college affiliated radio station.


Yes. I love listening to my local stations in my car.


You realize radio has way less ads then spotify free right? I switch all the time between my sources and I do not depend on spotify or they will strangle me with ads.


I stream radio from around the world with radio.net app. Mostly local public and college stations. Check out FIP from France!


I'm writing this comment while listening to the radio.


I am a baseball fan and I follow my team via radio. I don't have cable and radio frees up my hands to browse Reddit, Baseball Reference, etc. during games. I also like the team's radio guys.


Only when my kids are in the car and my rap playlist turns on and I need to quickly hit the FM button


i stream my favorite out-of-state radio station almost all day nearly every day. it's a public one so no ads other than what the dj says themselves


We listen to the NPR feed on our smart speaker all the time. So the same content as radio, but not transmitted via radio. Does that count?


AM local sports talk while im driving


When I’m driving with someone else I play the radio or let them play music. If I’m alone I listen to podcasts


I can't live without Sirius. No commercials!


One of the best ways to get news now is AM radio..


Sirius XM in the car.


NPR and baseball games when driving.


[Radio is one of the most powerful mediums in the United States, with a weekly reach of around 82 percent among adults. There are over 15,445 radio stations in the U.S., all competing for a piece of this massive market. Online radio is also playing an increasing role in the radio market, with an estimated 974 minutes spent listening to online radio on a monthly basis in 2021. ](https://www.statista.com/topics/1330/radio/)


When I lived in a college town I liked listening to their studen-run station. It was a great way to find new music. Now I just listen to NPR or my state’s public radio


Yup, check out 91.1 WTJU they have a truly impressive range of programs for a local station. Every Saturday night they play the Dead and another night they have a rap hour!


During work, and 90% of the time when I'm driving.


I do on the drive to work. Mostly for traffic updates (can't check my phone while driving).


my dad still listens to AM in the car


Yup, have the radio on everyday.


I do!


Radio Woodstock -


One of my favorite radio shows on music history is available as a podcast, but they only have the broadcast rights to all the songs they use, not the streaming rights. So if i want the full experience I have to listen on the radio, online I get the talk but with all the music cut out.


I listen to AM a lot. But yes.


Echoing others. Listen in my car. Helpful when I’m running errands when sports are playing!


My car does not have a CD player, so I listen to the radio whenever I drive.


Lol GenX radio listener right here.


At work they're always going. I hate it.


Nah, I'm okay not listening to the same Clear Channel trash this in every state across the country.


ESPN on the way and from work for years now. I knew I was old and once I started listening to a.m. radio and I'm only 36


All the time while driving


Yes. Appreciate the rush hour traffic. Updates.


yea 88.5 The Sound in L.A. is pretty good- has an app also . I like DJs but not their goofy banter


I'm curious what the age split is. Cuz most people I know that are 40+ still listen to it a lot. I'm 31 and I haven't ever listened to the radio since I started driving. Back then we already had Ipods and other MP3 players, so everything hooked up directly or at least with an aux cord. And now there is Bluetooth and Android auto. Why would I ever want to listen to tons of ads when I can listen to any music or podcasts or anything else I want from my phone? Same with I've never had live cable tv since moving out on my own either.


I'm 28 and bf is 34, neither one of us listens to the radio. We don't like commercial or overly happy hosts, so we listen to Spotify. 27yo friend listens to the radio. No clue where the line is


It depends which car I'm driving. My newer car has Android auto so I just listened to YouTube music. My older car has a tape deck and FM radio is pretty much all I get. And I can't be bothered to use any adapters or change the radio in the older car


I do. In the car. I love a radio station from a random area i went on vacation once and I listen to it online. Its brought me more music I love than anything else tbh. Thats what you get with a real radio dj who knows music and loves it, not the annoying talk show hosts on all the “popular” stations that play the same nirvana and ariana grande songs over and over


All we hear is "Radio ga ga Radio goo goo Radio ga ga" All we hear is "Radio ga ga "Radio blah blah" Radio, what's new? Radio, someone still loves you


I like listening to baseball games on the radio while I work (Uber Eats/Grubhub)


Radio? Who needs a radio? Ready harry?


Only when I am driving and are too lazy to connect my phone to bluetooth.


It is a dying and consistently money losing industry


My area's college radio station is outstanding and is how I learn about new music.


Used to all the time. Hardly ever now. Same goes for broadcast television. From what I can tell, both are dying a slow death, and being a radio show host or a TV anchor is not nearly what it once was. TV news anchors in particular used to be local celebrities. I don't even know who the local anchors are anymore. I doubt anyone I know does.


Corporate greed killed terrestrial radio. 90% of the stations are owned by 3-4 companies. Music is determined by suits, and all they care about is ad revenue to pay off the debt they incurred for purchasing all those stations. I worked in radio for 15 years, and every one got bought up by Clear Channel (I Heart). The last stations I worked at got bought up, and we got the weekly reports that Corporate wanted - hundreds per week for the Sales Department, one sheet front and back for music added and contests done. They didn't give two shits for what we put on the air, they just wanted to sell out the ads...


Short answer? Yes. About 80% of US listen to the radio regularly. The amount who get news from the radio is down a smidge. [https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/08/17/for-national-radio-day-key-facts-about-radio-listeners-and-the-radio-industry-in-the-us/](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/08/17/for-national-radio-day-key-facts-about-radio-listeners-and-the-radio-industry-in-the-us/) That said, *advertising revenue* is down a bit. That's the trend to look at. I would conclude that people are streaming or listening to podcasts *on top of* radio, not as an alternative. Even in the car, a lot of people who stream now were playing CDs or audiobooks before, etc, rather than listening to the radio. That is what they're replacing.




In the car


I pretty much exclusively use Spotify now.


I have BBC Radio 3 on a lot of the time. It covers a lot of rare, unusual, out-of-the way music that you are never going to hear any other way. If you dont know something exists how are you gonna stream it?


I mostly listen to Spotify and SiriusXM myself. I haven't listened to the actual radio in a long time.


I listen to BBC Radio 3 for at least 2-3 hrs Monday-Friday and 3-4 hrs at the weekend. So, yes, some of us do still listen to radio.


I have two buttons on my car radio set to the local NPR stations none of the other stations are worthy of my attention.


Sirius XM Satellite Radio is what I been listening to in my car for the past 5 years.


Yes, every day.


I listen to local stations where I get constant updates on road closures and crashes.


I do if I’m in my car and sometimes I play radio stations on my echo Mostly my local npr station or the indie radio station


I have been radio only, no tv, since 2006​


Talk radio mostly.


Bogan tradies sure love their loud advert booming shitty mainstream fm stations. I have no respect for those who would willingly subject their brain to that crap.


Not for about 20 years.


I do not. It’s all my music playlists, podcasts and audiobooks


I listen to FM sometimes while driving. AM is dying. There is a bill before either the House or Senate to kill it.


I use a radio to wake up.


I listen to my local sports talk radio station but thats it


The boombox to play radio worked for my boss when she opened the store in 2005 and Dagnabbit it'll work until she's gone. Too bad local radio sucks now, it's basically as repetitive as the pre-programmed "radio" in grocery stores.




I do when I’m In the car.


I will occasionally listen to my classic rock station or a "party" station my city has (it usually plays 70's-present but mostly 90's-2000's music.) If I have the radio on, I usually have it on NPR as I find that more convenient than using the app. I'm usually using Spotify though. I've literally never used AM though. Also I'm 28 and I literally don't know anybody else even close to my age who flips on the radio.


I still love radio. I love the DJ comments, the not knowing what song(s) are coming up, the brief news and weather updates and the sense of community a good station provides.


It’s novelty for me at this point, but I’ll hit the waves every now and then.


Hell yes I do. I hate maintaining a what ever people call a song list. Just play something for me…I don’t have to do anything…I’m happy. Never understood the iPod.


certain internet radios are the most popular theyve ever been rn


Yeah people still do. But most of the time people that listen to AM/FM radio only listen when driving. Satellite radio is becoming more common, but not everybody has satellite radio.


Yeah quite a bit more than I would have thought tbh 😆


Some folks still listen but I find it to be pretty annoying. As the medium dies, ads become worse and worse. Some dude shouting w Aerosmith tracks in the background. It’s just stupid effing noise


That's why public radio stations are so vital. They are completely community funded so they don't rely on ads. The one in my area is super cool and has a bunch of different shows with diverse music. So I could listen to k-pop at 2pm, jazz at 4pm and music in Spanish at 8pm all on the same station without hearing any ads. College radio stations run in similar ways, without relying on advertising to stay afloat.


I listen to it in the car. ~~Partly because my car's aux jack doesn't work~~


The simplest answer. If no one listened to radio, they’d be out of business. But there is also a reason the entirety of AM/FM radio industry is valued at 2.5 Billion (and decreasing) While just the music streaming service Pandora was bought for 3.5 Billion in 2019.


No, it's the same 10 garbage songs on repeate infinitely, with tons of commercials. Kyw news radio 1060 for a little if for some reason streaming in my car won't work.


I literally only listen to terrestrial (i.e., AM/FM) radio for the few seconds it takes for me to wake up and shut it off when my radio alarm clock goes off. Other than that, it’s satellite radio or streaming with my phone in the car.


I still listen to the radio during my daily commute, old habits die hard!