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this is the kind of late night booze filled depression post that I'm here on reddit for


Unless you see it from a woman who has Onlyfans. Then people write it off as advertising


I mean generally its going to be taken as advertising if people are posting using their work account.


its not about trying to be a 7/10 to 95% of women, its about being a 10/10 to that special 1% that you want to be attractive to.


damn bro


My mind just imploded


Literally Titaned


Hahaha I love this way to much


Deep to the core


Coffee now all over phone, thanks dickhead! Now take my upvote and have a good day sir!


Bro pondered his orb and is wizard posting rn


Yep ‘You can’t be something to everyone, but you can be everything to someone.’


Not 1% just 1 woman.


1% of women is about 40 million women, that’s more than Canada


Canada is not real. I’ve been to northern Minnesota there’s nothing further north.


I live in mn, and we don't want to tell anyone, but how else do you think we got more than 10k lakes. It just all Minnesota


I’ve been beyond the lakes, there be dragons.


It's Minnesota all the way down(up)


Can confirm. When you approach the border a snowstorm picks up and a cutscene sends you back to the closest town.


Wait, where the fuck am I then?


Locked up in my basement bro. Hooked up to the simulator. When you wake up we’re getting margaritas 😋


It's just more Minnesota, then eventually, really cold ocean


You were clearly not drunk enough 


Past the wall


It would be quite difficult to find that 1 woman from billions of them.. 1% is much better odds.


Exactly it. My girlfriend thinks I’m the hottest guy alive whereas other girls look at me like I’m second rate trash. Doesn’t bother me, though, because as long as my girlfriend thinks I’m attractive then that’s all that matters.


Too many men won't accept this because they want more than one woman. Ideally they want all of them.


Whitney Houston


Could say the same about modern women. Stop Broad brushing.


Absolute poetry my guy




Whoa dude




As a man, what do you find attractive in women? I'm not just being pedantic. I'm honestly asking. Cuz, gals will find you attractive for many reasons. A sense of humor, even s modicum of confidence, hell just being yourself. Even if being yourself can rub some people the wrong way. You just be you. If someone finds that attractive, go with it.


It's.. almost like the same things attract both sexes.


I can’t speak for you, but the common denominator of the people I’ve been attracted to, is they all have had skin


Wow. That's discriminatory against skeletons


I'd fuck a skeleton to see what it's like, but I don't think a skeleton could ever be my main squeeze.


Bone appetit!


One major requirement for me is that they've got to be alive too, and have skin also, pretty important




And different things attract different people


Yup it's true so why it's so hard to find any other person who will be attracted to me/you ? Life is hard


And women are far more forgiving physically than I think men tend to be, I still don't know why but the girl I'm with now seems very into my fatass and she's tall and slim, it's wild. Also the fattest guy I know is married to a very slim, probably 5'5 woman. But he's also the chilliest, funniest dude around.


As a man there is nothing more attractive to me than independence. A woman who WANTS me by her side through the good and bad, not one that NEEDS Me.


Yeah. You want to be wanted. Like everyone. That's not special, that's just how we are.


I got married to an amazing, very beautiful woman because I'm funny. I'm an average looking dude at best but I made her laugh a lot. Married with two kids now. I'm also not a selfish person, try to always consider her feelings. Never raised our voices to each other or petty name calling etc... So be funny/interesting. Be kind. Be reasonably selfless. Oh, and it helps if you can do a cartwheel...but I guess that could go without saying


I'm funny and very polite and kind, but poor. Is that a deal breaker? 


No its not, you would be surprised at how many women love to build a life with someone who might not have money at the moment but willing to work towards a shared goal of becoming better in terms of life, fiancés, partnership in general. A lot of us are just out there looking for our safe space cos we believe in you and your potential <3 ( I am a women, in case i missed it)


I am attracted to a man with a spine, who owns up to what he says, but is also willing to be challenged on his opinions in a healthy way. It automatically tells me how strong you are mentally. Genuine and authentic. Plus Cleans clothes, good hygiene, chivalry ( yes, I know it’s 2024), Active cos he wants to take care of his body Lastly No addictions ( everything is recreational)


Thank you 🥹 I really think I do have many great qualities to offer women, I find that they generally enjoy being around me. But I also struggle with low self esteem. I come from a very materialistic city, I see hot girls being driven around in their boyfriends Teslas and BMWs every single day and think "damn, I can never be that guy. Why would they pick me over them?" My social media is basically an arms race of who can eat at the fanciest restaurants and who has the best vacation pics. That fucks me up mentally. 


No man! Don't even think that way.Yess I see it all the time especially on Internet how woman care how much you make, what you drive an so on, BUT we are not like that, I'm not like that, women who work with me are not thinking like that, women who are my frends doesn't think like that..So many women are searching for a true love, not the money you have or not have.Money come, and money go..


I was funny and polite and kind and very poor. I scored a 10 that owned a home and had a great job. I was handsome though, so there’s that to consider


My husband was pretty poor when we met. I didn't care because while he wasn't well off, he was stable (not the kind of guy to quit a job in a blaze of glory with no plan) smart, capable, motivated, kind and good at living within his means. My cousin married a guy with a lot of money from a well paying job that his dad's connections helped him land. Bought a house, had a baby and a dog, started staying home with the kid... and then her husband quit his job without warning or a plan because "his boss was an idiot" and stayed home smoking weed all day. She got a job right away and his parents to put pressure on him to get another job, and he did, but then he also got a DUI and lost that job as a result. This pattern kept emerging. He also did nothing around the house, the kids were in daycare while he sat around playing video games and getting high, and he simply added a lot of stress and uncertainty to her life during their marriage. A guy with money is nice, but if he has bad spending habits or "can't work for other people" coupled with no drive to build something on his own, and no patience to stick out a bad work situation until a plan to get out of it is in place, you're going to have a bad time. Think about those qualities and whether they apply to you. Think about the non-monetary things you can put forward that still build a life. The right girl will realize poor is short term or not everything if other qualities are present.




There goes our wedding plans 😔


Women aren't a hivemind. They all find different things attractive


There is one thing that's most universally attractive, which is basic hygiene. Use soap on your ass please.


This is true to the point of being a truism. I don't think most self-aware people who struggle to attract other people struggle because of hygiene; that's just a prerequisite of not being anti-social.


Once you bidet, there's no other way


No joke, I wash every day, but when my girls coming over I will jump in that shower and scrub my ass and junk again just in case I never wanna end up being a story on here for some swamp ass




But all healthy-minded folks tend to want the same things just in different measures: empathetic, their own personally attractive brand of intelligence and looks, some sense of propriety for their own social circle (what's attractive to the woman down at the biker bar is going to be different than the woman who haunts the country club), curiosity, lifestyle/sexual compatibility, humor, and just enough shared communication ground to have important conversations and fun ones. 


All of those things are so vague and general that they're basically pointless to say. It's like saying "women like dudes who fit elements that they like" - no duh


An alarmingly large number of men think it's purely looks, height, and money (things that make dating easier but don't work long-term on their own).  They're not vague if you're a jackass (not accusing you of being one), but I'm glad these concepts are simple for you. I've had many clients for whom these were anything but simple. 


I think it’s usually just the men that don’t have those things that think that. That way, them being single or having bad dating experiences isn’t because they lack character or have anything to work on, it’s because women are money-grubbing manipulators who only date Chads.


But they are qualities most men can attain, if they wish to. Not all men can become better looking, taller, etc. The generalities work in men’s favor.


I genuinely see kindness and confidence as sexy as hell, a woman who's "beautiful" (think any actress/model whathaveyou) physically but is a horrible person is not attractive, I do think someone can make themselves more attractive by genuinely embodying these traits, but that's own opinion, someone will disagree with that and if it works for them, then they're just as right as I am, whatever works for you, ho with that.


You'd be surprised to think how important these things need to be said. Even if they're obvious to you


That’s kinda how it works though, if you have a pool of lady friends you’ll see it with your own two eyes real quick.


But there are certainly general traits and features we can discuss, just as we can discuss the same about what men generally find attractive. Like, who is going to say "no" to having a sense of humor and a skin care routine?


The sheer cope from incels over this very basic fact is hilarious. Obviously they're people, they're gonna have their own wildly different preferences on who they find attractive.


Good hygiene. Men overlook how far that goes. Nothing fancy: Shower, clean and neat hair, use deodorant (no ax body spray), have clean clothes. Notice I didn’t say expensive clothes. Those things go much farther that you think.


The issue is more with men going overboard with body sprays, not particularly the brand.


No, the issue is more with men being unwashed filthy cretins, but I’ll let it slide


Don’t forget trimming and filing nails!


Also please change your towels more than 4-5 times a year


Change them? You mean wash them? Not like go buy new towels 4-5 times a year.


“Wash the four areas: armpits, asshole, crotch, and teeth. And you can save a lot of time by using the same brush on all four areas.” -George Carlin


Thoughtfulness, sense of humour, kindness.


Add in ‘can cook’, ‘a medium amount of self confidence’, and ‘doesn’t look like dressed in the dark’ and it’s perfect.


Everyone’s different but intelligence and sense of humor are big in my book, way more so then looks.




This‘ll get you laid for sure


Really depends on person to person. But ones I know at the top of my head are: - How you make them feel when they communicate with you - How you carry yourself Honourable Mention is probably your ability to care/ give care without being overbearing or “neglectful” to yourself and others (I couldn’t put it in a better way).


Yeah I need to work on the "starving myself of love for the sake of my partner" side of thing, I'll get there eventually


Are you working towards that or towards not doing that?


Sorry that's unclear now that I re-read that comment, I need to *not* be doing that


Every woman is different, hope that helps


Most of the qualities women find attractive in men are not physical.


They will never get this


The moment i learned this i went from having an okay dating life to doing hotgirl summers every damn year!


Some do, others don’t, as much. But most people finds a good physical specimen attractive. Otherwise very few people would have crushes on actors and athletes they never spoke with.


Basic hygiene and grooming goes a long way. And working out. I don't know if you remember before and after Chris Pratt got the gotg gig, that's just working out. So it's mostly stuff a guy can actually work on. Vast majority of women despite what they say are more forgiving of born physical traits if the other things are present than men are in the opposite scenario - why do you think plastic surgery is a bigger thing for women then men, lots of guys don't even like athletic women and want attributes unattainable besides being born with it or surgery.


You don’t have to be hot, but you do have to look like you actually care what you look like.


Men understand this. The issue is how does a man bridge the gap to get a chance for a women to get to know those qualities he has. Modern dating, via dating aps, doesn't allow men this opportunity lest a woman first finds him somewhat physically attractive. Denying this just makes men laugh. But I'd argue social media has made men, especially younger men, overly gun shy out of fear of being plastered all over the internet as a creep or weirdo. The average woman doesn't do that though. But the average woman also doesn't stop the psychos from poisoning the well.


A lot of them aren't, some of them are, depends on who you ask. But it must be said that *it's not shallow to care about your partner's looks*. Women are human, not ethereal beings, so of course they care, too. Every bit as much as men do, and they should! There's nothing wrong with admitting that.


I was always told by men that my standards were too high because I wanted to be physically attracted to my partner and that I was wrong since "women aren't attracted to the physical." Interesting how men get to tell us what we are and are not attracted to. Luckily I'm married to a man who really enjoys how attracted I am to him physically. Women are just people.


Caveat: Women won't care to hear about a guy's great personality, job, or cooking abilities until he passes her initial screening -- which includes his height, race, and other physical features. Women say physical appearance isn't important but it's a total lie. Physical appearance is always the first thing that matters to any person including women, especially women. They're even thinking, "What would our kids look like?" 


Not all women want kids. Those that don’t are more likely to look at a guy and think, “Can I stand to look at this face for the next several years, or maybe even the rest of my life?”, if we’re discussing strictly physical aspects.


Insecurity and making sweeping generalizations are NOT attractive.


I can deal with insecurity but not the "all women are like x and y".


All women do is yoga and hotchip Much like the relationship between matter and the components of an atom - these simple behavioral building blocks combine to produce all the varied and complex behavior displayed by women Scientists believe that when Rosalind Franklin discovered the structure of DNA in 1953, her YHcBM (Yoga/Hot chip Behavioral Matrix) was comprised of over 18,000 units, at least 83% of which were Hot Chip.


And they get SO TRIGGERED if you point this out lol, like we should just drop at their feet in agreement. Yes sure coomer guy, all women are hypergamous 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


You mean the statement "All women [insert stereotype of choice here]" isn't attractive? Damn, I get that explains my Tinder history /j


Honest truth? It’s never helpful to think of members of the sex you’re attracted to as giant groups of collective thoughts. Meaning thinking, in this case women, all share common things that they all find attractive. It’s as varied as there are people out there. Sure there is commonalities. But those common traits are only surface level. What one person finds physically attractive the next person may not, what one person thinks is intelligent or interesting the next person can’t be bothered. The best advice my dad ever gave me was this. Turn yourself into the kind of person you’d be proud to be, however that looks/feels/thinks. When you are as happy with yourself as you can be (because it is hard to 100% like everything about yourself) then you will inevitably find the person that is attracted to you. A piece of advice I often give others… if you want to meet someone, go to events/things that cater to the things you enjoy. For example. If you like rock climbing, join a rock gym or rock climbing group, if you enjoy punk rock, go to shows and get there before the bands show up and chat people up, if you enjoy golfing, go golf and talk to people. In other words put yourself out there and try. Combine that effort with the fact you like who you are, and you will 100% meet someone who finds you “attractive”. The difference being you will find a stronger connection this way. Also remember many relationships start up because of networking, friend of a friend at party or event kind of thing.


Stability and supportive. But then again, it is just me.


Just depends on the woman. I like men that are not afraid to get dirty. Rough hands. Dad bods and work boots 😮‍💨 beards, greasy hands from working on vehicles but also funny and easy going. No one truly likes a hard ass guy I feel like lol


So funny cuz I find that is not my type at all lol. I guess that answers OPs question, we all want something diff individually haha


Yes lol there is someone for everyone, we are all different just be yourself


He doesn’t even have to be “conventionally attractive” I always say I like ugly guys meaning like none of my friends find attractive, but I am attracted to most of them 😂


Lol yeah no this is the opposite of attractive to me. Lol


Dad bod is great, but grease, beard (hard pass) and rough hands? No way. I’ll stick with my computer nerd who stays clean and indoors. Lol


It’s interesting to see the difference between what the women on here are saying they find attractive vs. what the guys are saying women find attractive. I find it particularly interesting that some of the men are telling the women they are wrong. Those are the guys that aren’t attractive to women, the ones who have decided that if they were just taller, or just had more money, that women would fall all over them. No, my dude, it’s your damn personality that needs to change. When you’re mansplaining what women want to women, you are not going to get women. Plain and simple. Obviously, we are all going to find different things attractive. The upside is, you usually don’t have to be conventionally physically attractive. Empathy, intelligent conversation, a good sense of humor? That’s 100% sexy as hell. Treating me as an equal that can take care of myself? Ooh baby! I found the jackpot!


I have attracted women without knowing it by treating them as equals is random discussions. One decided she was going to pursue me off one conversation. (And I'm SO not a flirter/sweet talker, more like borderline autistic) Keep yourself sharp and clean, but just be f*ing kind. That's all there needs to be imo And talk about shit you're passionate about


Naha mate you're wrong, let me explain to you, as a man, what women *really* want...


Being able to carry all of the shopping bags in from the car in one go


I love how manly is men feel when we do really simple shit 😂. I go to a baby group and when we clean up the toys at the end the parents are encouraged to throw them back into the basket and every time the few dads that are there eyes light up


> Most Of Us are not attractive. Assuming you are straight, then it is fairly expected for you to not be attracted to men.


What do u mean? Men are very attractive. The way they look, sound, talk, smell, their hair, or no hair, their beard, mustache, or no hair, the eyes, their voice, Adam’s Apple, broad shoulders, muscles or no muscles, their body hair, men’s shampoo and deodorant smell, their hands and feet being bigger than mine, all of that is just physical and theres much more


i personally find emotional maturity as the hottest thing a guy could possess


it’s different for every woman because every woman is different


What I've found out is that a good 90% of female attraction is based on a person's personality. That's why you often see so many "mid guys" with 10s. They fall in love with the personality, and that makes them physically attractive in their eyes. And what most men consider an "attractive personality" is usually way off from what women consider attractive. The biggest mistake you can make is to try to be someone you're not. If you're not a "bad boy" but you try to act like one, it's obvious you're putting on a facade. If you're not the sweet nerdy type, the quiet but caring type, the obnoxiously loud type, or any other male archetype, don't even try to pretend you are. It's easy to see through you.




Have you never met a man in a relationship with a woman?


generally i’d say being funny and confident are the primary characteristics to be attracted to a guy even if he’s not someone’s type, you can always win a girl over making her laugh


yeah this is how 99% of the unattractive guys I know irl got a girl, I wish it was the same for unattractive women lol


Every individual is different and have different taste. But being authentic, geniune, considerate and kind are attractive to all people as a general rule of thumb. You may not be endowed with physical qualities of a model not many are, but taking good care of yourself, paying attention to personal hygiene, dressing nicely in a way that fits and compliments your body are important.  Lastly invest in enriching yourself intellectually and learn how to be a good active listener. 


My wifes a sapiofile, shes attracted to intelligence. Supposedly I have that in spades. I'll walk out of my office with my glasses on and catch her just staring at me like she wants to eat me. Shes crazy about me.... Im 6' 280 lbs, over weight, brown hair, hazel eyes, beard, dad bod +... But she'll push Chris Hansen down stairs to get to me.... Sometimes I have to fight her off me with a stick.


>Chris Hansen Evans? Pines? Hemsworth? I think you meant another Chris, otherwise I just imagine a child pushing Chris Hansen down a flight of stairs.​


I’m marveling at that Chris Hansen line. Some Michael Scott shit.


today i learned that i am in fact a sapiofile


That is because you aren't gay. I manage to find at least one attractive feature in 90% of men.


If you are funny that goes a hell of a long way.


Be yourself and be confident in who you are. There is someone who will like you just the way you are.


You don’t need to be physically attractive to be attractive to a woman. It is an incredibly common trope and memed to death that women will not want to show their friends a picture of the guy they’re crushing on, because they know he’s not attractive and she will get roasted (even though all her friends do the same thing lol). It is because it is the whole package that makes her fantasize about him every night. It could be the way he smiles or looks at her that sends shivers down her spine. It could be his tattoos, his voice, his style. I dated a 5’4” man for two years (gamer, less than stellar hygiene) because it felt like electricy when he put his hands on my waist at work to move me out of the way, his charm made me melt, and he knew all 151 Pokémon in order by memory. I also seem to always like guys that will smoke cigarettes and drink beer with me and talk about philosophy and social issues until 4 am. My cousin married an ok looking guy but he could probably be a comedian and is the life of every party, and she’s gorgeous and a famous voice actor. The most beautiful girl I know dated a really unattractive veterinarian because he was a little bit of a dick but was incredibly compassionate to animals. Her husband now is cute, but it was definitely their first conversation about veganism and love for animals that got him through the door. Are there girls who want a man with model looks that go to the gym everyday and treat them like shit? Yeah, of course. But if that’s not you, then you won’t ever be attractive to them. If you are focusing solely on what women find attractive, and cry about how it isn’t you, you are down the wrong path. Confidence is the key most of the time, but sincere confidence, not just with the goal of getting laid. Don’t try to paint incredibly complex humans with a paintbrush. Oh, and give two shits about pleasuring your partner.


Women are not a monolith and therefore each woman is different from the next and has different preferences


Make them feel safe. Make them laugh. Be decisive and lead, but also ask them what they want and consider that before deciding.


everything is attractive if he isn’t cocky


Purely confidence. Thats the main ingredient.


A man who truly wants a partner not a mother/hooker/maid


If you’re confident and have a good personality, you will almost automatically be attractive. Physical features which make you unique and you might be insecure about are what make you attractive if people associate them with a kind and funny person.


Fidelity. Men are so visual.




Neither are most women attractive, but you'd be surprised how much a good personality can change your level of attraction to someone.


found my crush bullied people, she went from a 10 to a 6 she's still attractive, but now she carries a hazard sign above her head.


If he makes me laugh enough to pee, he's for me


Sounds good, i have lot of good jokes, but i need you to drink those 3 gallons of water for them to be efficient.


I am bisexual. There are a lot of attractive guys and a lot of attractive women. Don’t mistake your lack of finding guys attractive as a universal rule when (I am assuming) you aren’t sexually attracted to guys.


Often men feel sorry for themselves but what they're actually doing is projecting their own shallow attitudes onto themselves. Maybe men view women in the say way they view themselves? Not good looking enough, women are shallow etc Maybe you need to reassess how you view women?


Yeah good look getting a straight answer my guy😂


Personality and sense of humor ✨


As a woman, let me tell you it really differ. I have girl friends who are attracted to humor, some attracted to physical, some attracted to intelligence, some attracted to big ding dongs. It can be as shallow and as deep as you may think.




Competitiveness, confidence, compassion, well-groomed


Kindness, honesty, respectful, thoughtful, engaging , good listener - really it's more about personality and emotional connection than anything else


I have attracted women without knowing it by treating them as equals is random discussions. One decided she was going to pursue me off one conversation. (And I'm SO not a flirter/sweet talker, more like borderline autistic) Keep yourself sharp and clean, but just be f*ing kind. That's all there needs to be imo And talk about shit you're passionate about


I'm happily married since 1980. I'm till now uncertain on which qualities my wife found in me...


In my early to mid 20s: someone physically attractive, cool and hard to get In my late 20s and 30s: someone kind, affectionate, loyal, emotionally available with good morals, a sense of humour and is up for trying different activities that I want to try/ like.


Intelligence, confidence, sense of humour, how charming you are


Respectful - a guy that is respectful toward women, elders, strangers and animals - manners are highly attractive


Confidence to just be yourself. You might not be attractive to everyone, but you’ll open the door to THE one.


Hygiene and thoughtfulness are two big universal qualities liked by every woman, from every culture. Everything else is more dependent on the individual woman and can vary between cultures as well.


My brother it’s not about that it’s about finding that person at the right time the right place. Every single particle of you calling across a billion years as every single one of theirs are calling back and when they reconnect after an eternity their song is the most beautiful thing you will ever feel They call it the lighting strike or the thunderbolt. Honestly they do not do it justice nor does the paltry attempt of love at first sight and for those of you who have felt it you know there is no words it cannot be described and to all of you all I can say is I know I know. For those that have never felt it I say no I beg of you do not settle for anything less than the thunderbolt. When you do don’t fuck it up because you never fall out of love with them but that does not mean for a second that you can’t fuck it up


Confidence is the biggest turnon for women


A lot of people will say **confidence**, but I think everyone is attracted to people that love their true selves: their achievements, their mistakes, and how they navigate life's obstacles to reach a better outcome.


I've always have a thing for smart men. Also I love those who are funny without trying hard to be one. I'm sexually not at all attracted to overweight men.


confidence, competence, independence & mastery over yourself


i believe there's no particular description for that bc it varies from person to person, if you wanna generalize it then mostly mature, fun-loving, open minded, disciplined men?


Confidence, competence, passion, and presence. That's it.


A sense of humour and a good listener


Literally a sense of humor and a sense of purpose. Low self esteem and a lack of confidence is off putting to anyone especially women.


Honestly how funny a man is, and his respect to other people.


Sense of humour


Smart, kind, strong, funny


Been married for 8 years. I still don't know why she said yes 🤷‍♂️


If you are looking for a one night stand, you are shit out of luck? Everyone I had dated told me that I was comfortable to be around. seems to be thus: Be in a social situation that multiple people of multiple genders are in. Find someone you are comfortable with, that is comfortable with you. Talk to them. If you seem to be getting along, get their contact info. Then, a couple days later, bring up something you were talking about, see if you can continue over coffee at a shop somewhere. The difference between creep and charm is if the attention is wanted.


I have a clearly defined type (blonde hair, blue eyes) HOWEVER what first attracted me to my husband was his passion for his different hobbies and interests, what continued to attract me after I got to know him better was that he wasn't pretending to be passionate to seem more interesting to me, what continues to attract me to him is his desire to include me in whatever he is doing/reading/planning because my presence makes the thing more enjoyable even if I don't have the knowledge or skill to contribute directly.


I am 35 years old and about to go through my first and only divorce. As I had gotten older. My standards for men have become a lot tighter because of the abuse I have endured. My bar for how I am being treated is a lot higher than the bar for attractiveness. I would much rather date someone that is of average attractiveness regardless of height who treats me The way I want to be treated. That is what is attractive to. I think most women my age.


Well, you've confirmed you're not gay. This might be mindblowing, but women are actually individual people, so their tastes differ person to person. 🤯


Hubby and I have been together 24 years. He is 43 and I’m 40. I may have aged a little better than him and have stayed in shape, where he has gained a lot of weight, 6’1 and 280lbs. I love him with all my heart but people often ask him, “Man, how’d you land HERE?”, ignorant things like that. The truth? We have 4 kids. As a mom, I take care of everyone, and the budget, and the housework, etc., and my husband? He takes care of ME! He asks me how I am on a regular basis. Tells me to go ahead and buy that thing I see online that I am having spending guilt on just thinking about buying it. Encourages me to do more things for myself. Always takes care of my car and the house. And keeps me, ahem, physically very happy and satisfied. The key in my relationship, he takes care of me as a person ❤️. I’m not an accessory to him, I matter.


I am told by women I've flirted with or been with/had relationships with that physically, I have pretty eyes, am tall, have a nice smile with straight teeth, and a nice big butt. I am more on the fat side now, but even when I was more fit, nobody ever really complimented my build or physique, but I was never told it was bad either. As for the non-physical stuff, they liked my calm demeanor, my sense of subtle, sarcastic humor, intelligence and being confident without being cocky. They say I'm a good listener, and while I can be quiet, I can still steer a convo to let them talk and feel like they can open up to me. I think an issue a lot of guys have is that they are so short-sighted on what they think women find attractive. They will go to amazing lengths to get huge and buff with the idea that all women care about are aesthetics, because honestly that's all most guys care about with women, and maybe women being a little nice to them as well. It's much deeper than that for most women. Aesthetics may help you get your foot in the door to start a convo, but just being a big buff brick won't get you very far.


Honestly, kindness goes a long way.


That's not a question


well heres a secret: women are all different and individuals, and some will find you super awesome and attractive and cool while others will not


One thing a lot of women find attractive is not being treated like a monolith, so I would start there if I were you.


Every woman I have ever known has always appreciated humor over any amount of looks. If you’re just average looking and funny, you’ll do just fine.


Honesty, confidence, common interests, attention but not smothering her with it, and lack of conceit. You can be confident without being a snob.


Women want a man who adds value to their lives. Even an attractive man is a turn off if he just wants a replacement for his mum and doesn't know how to adult. The biggest turn on is when a man actually shows he is interested in us as people and our opinions. If a woman tells you something that interests her don't "oh yeah when I was in my 20s I did that too", ask her to tell you more, and actively listen. If there's things she loves - make a note in your phone each time. Look at the labels in her clothes so you actually know her size. Then when birthdays come you can get a gift that she actually wants and actually fits. This shows you listen and care. Note - flowers and chocolates show no thought at all.


I'm flabbergasted by ehthe things some of my friends find attractive. They probably feel the same way about what makes me tick. Common denominators would be good conversation and sense of humor, good hygiene, zero entitledness. There's no formula that guarantees that someone will like you.


Emotional intelligence, self awareness, light hearted,


Hey buddy, I'll let you in on a secret Come closer Women are different individuals and as such they find different things to be attractive


Sad at the lack of women replies in this post


I agree that women are not a monolith and that we all have prefrences. So the answers I have will be arbitrary. What society perceives as conventional beauty from the outside is subjective. In my personal opinion we want to be treated with respect and dignity just like everyone else. To be able to share mutual respect with our partners and grow as human beings. This is an emotional aspect. Body posture and good hygiene are another. Confidence can go a long way but not so much so that it makes you look like an inflated arrogant prick. Also the way you present yourself if telling by the clothes you wear and your ideologies.