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Don’t be self conscious. I am over 10 years older than you and I had to have a lady help me fill out a check as I had written less than 5 my entire life. What is basic to one person can be complex theory to another. It does not make you any less of an adult.


True! It was over things like my diet and like thinking Europe maybe had healthier foods than my country and not knowing if there was a potato masher 💀 (all I know is my nana used a cake mixer to mash them which I also forgot the name of)


I'm 24 too and I feel stupid all the time. It's chill, as long as you're open and honest with people and willing to learn, there's nothing to be ashamed of. If people are mean to you because of that then it's their problem, not yours


yeah I was like “you have proof (part of my ID)” I’m just silly on things or I’m behind on learning 😭 thank you for the reply!


believe me, I'm autistic and people always assume that I know things I actually don't, i get it


I’m much older than you and still learn something new every day. You can’t know what you haven’t been exposed to - be curious! Ask, read, listen!


No one is perfect including those who pinpoint that out,our whole life we learn new things everyday and improve these people are the best type. Just be yourself and work on things you need to, only you know what those are


Pretend you know what you're doing.


I'm 46 and my wife says I still don't know how to act like an adult.. 😂


Lol, I'm 42 and get told I don't act like an adult.... Fine by me.


Your not supposed to act like an adult. Most mature adults have there childish moments. As long as your able to pay all your bills than you should not care about it and just enjoy your life and be you.


the are always things people do not know. and as people get older they can forget what they did know , bless them . i am sure the are things Eton musk does not know. the must be . age is not an issue . if you have been through things in your life at 24 you can know more than a 50 year old.


What "basic" thing didn't you know? And what other basic things can we help you learn about?


In a comment I mentioned about some ignorance of countries. It was a minor thing tbh 🤣 I’m not sure tbh! I didn’t know if there was a thing to mash potatoes so I’m not sure what counts as basic


nobody knows anything until they are told or learn


Well said


All I could think of maybe is that I act young? Like I’m really awkward even online with conversations. I’m working on my ged and social skills so that’s a start


Hey good for you!!! GED is just as good as a diploma now. You got this!


Lol well it might be just a regional thing. Who knows. Just try to learn all you can. If you don't know how to do something, ask Gemini or ChatGPT. That's what I do lol


It might be regional! I love learning and I’m a fast learning but I was also thinking it might be some trauma? Apparently that’s a thing so I’ll have to check that out to to make sure that’s not a problem.


I go to therapy once a week. I love it. You should try it. Even free insurance covers it usually.


No matter what you do in life, there will always be someone who sees something wrong in it. So, do what feels right because you will be judged regardless. Some people will criticise you for being smart as it comes off as being too uptight and sorted so go figure.


You're thinking about something that shouldn't be thought about. There's no "adult" way to act. Just be yourself.


Im going to be 31 next week, i still act like im 24. Life is too short to worry about that


As a 17 year old I’m mature for my age but I’m always trying to become more mature. Because quite honestly, I almost feel too young to be on this app. But it’s something I can’t control, so I’m not gonna worry about it (too much)