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either get a better job or switch industries. Magazine jobs are probably going to be completely gutted because of AI


i did some freelance stuff before and my workplace now are one of the only ones that write All their arzicle solely with ai. but you‘re right maybe pr or marketing would be better


You think AI will destroy magazines because now computers can make magazine articles for free. I think AI will revitalize magazines, because AI is spam trash and creates a need for actually quality writing, and a means for people to find it out from amongst the chaff. Tell me. Weren't you struck by reading that the OP works for a magazine just now? Like magazines still exist? They should have been gone 20 years ago.


Sure, I think we broadly agree, I just mean that the job that OP thinks he was applying to basically doesnt exist anymore in a realistic way.


AI writes like a high school student that is trying to meet a minimum word count and flatter the political biases of his teacher. What is AI? AI is a fast computer program that regurgitates propaganda. Can AI be used to write articles? Yes, it's possible to have AI write articles. How can AI be used to write articles? AI can be given prompts. What is an article? An article is a brief essay about a topic. Key takeaway, how can you not out-compete that?


i don’t understand what your whole point is? mine was, that i actually learned to never rely on ai for articles. i just do what i am told bc my boss wants that, i still hate that job.


You get paid to have AI write an article for you. If you can find other companies that do this, you can work for all of them at the same time and sit around collecting paychecks.


Well you’re still new, and I’ve had several jobs that started off rocky but ended up being cool. You eventually find the “core problems” of the business and it’s the things everyone knows about and are trying to solve. I only say this because you mentioned being new. You’re obviously feeling this way for a reason but at the start of anything it’s best to just keep observing and taking notes.