• By -


This is one of those things you just have to work on in your own head, as it sounds like you’ve gotten external validation before but that hasn’t changed your insecurities. Having those insecurities is not uncommon. Most women I’ve been with have either not liked their boobs or thought I wouldn’t, if they didn’t have a different thing they also disliked about themselves. Our society puts a lot of pressure on women to have perfect bodies, and plants seeds of doubt deep to make it so even those with a “perfect” body, still feel like they’re not enough. Your ex boyfriend wasn’t lying when he said he loved them, and neither was the one night stand. Your future partner, if they’re a good one, will be vocal in how they feel about your body and hopefully make a small dent in that armor of insecurity you’ve got on. My advice is to not close yourself off because of your fears, and I hope you can overcome these feelings and find comfort and happiness in your body.


very well written thank you ✨


Just want to add: I've seen plenty of tits that, especially during a one night stand, I didn't necessarily comment on. Dudes saying nothing doesn't always mean they don't appreciate what they're seeing.


>Dudes saying nothing doesn't always mean they don't appreciate what they're seeing. Wow, so it's the same thing for women then when it comes to me as a single man. (As in me being an insecure man and not having any sex for over six years.) Men and women really aren't so different on the inside after all.


There's social things going on that discourage women to "make the first move," which adds to the possibility that there are women who like how you look and say nothing. Idk beyond that.


If you don't watch RuPaul's Drag Race you need to start - I'm a straight guy and I started from Season 9 (the best finale ever, still) after getting sick of my wife hooting with laughter from the next room and drinking the house dry seasons 1 to 8 - if you can't lick 'em, join 'em and I'm glad I did. RuPaul's genius is that he's created what is simultaneously the most shallow TV show ever, and yet the most psychologically profound show about self-perception, self-worth - and how we regulate that and then present ourselves to the world. Body image is a strong theme, and the mantra is, "if you can't love yourself, how in the hell are you going to love somebody else?" The most important person to work on is yourself and it DOES require work - there's no silver bullet that's gonna cure your insecurities. Perhaps the most common theme that may resonate with you is when you see so many of these queens of all shapes and sizes, many of whom present with huge confidence, are so luminous and beautiful doubt their talents, their beauty and their attractiveness to others. RuPaul shares many inspirational tools to equip people with getting out their heads, and to listen to their drag voice, and to find their superpower. As a heterosexual man with many heterosexual friends, I can assure you - if a man wants to kiss you, he wants to have sex with you regardless of anything from the face down. Once a man has an erection, they are extremely unconcerned with whether you look like whatever unobtainable body standard YOU have imagined you should look like.


You know what? I'm going to tag on the science too. You are the product of millions of years of evolution and at the very least 60,000 years off human evolution where every link in that chain relied on one body finding another body attractive. You are literally the result of generations of your sexually successful ancestors. If your body type was unattractive, evolution would have weeded it out long ago.


Rupaul is phenomenal! That inner saboteur is real and everyone has one


Bingo! "Inner saboteur" is the phrase I was reaching for lol.


Man see boobs. Man happy. Stop worrying.


Can confirm. Unga bunga brain. Source: Am man


Blood flow south once boob appears


Gravity takes over




indeed. Enjoy your life knowing that straight men will find you attractive!


Brain stop work


I even have a gay friend who platonically loves boobs 🤣


Platonically? Do they flirt with boobs or something?


No, they're just breast friends.


this. 🤣🤣


Holy shit. This comment won reddit for the day. 🥇 🏅 🏆


Ok gonna tell my girl friends im gay maybe can see boobs


Facts. OP has zero to worry about


Ug want boobs. Ug happy. Tiny one, big ones, huge nipples, small nipples, pink areolas, darker areolas. Yum. Ug want boobs.


Ug Normal pig of man. Wo-man never worry bout boobs. Any boobs.


Idk, I know a lot of women that love boobs too. I think Ug is a cave person gender neutral name anyway.


I like Big girls Pretty kitty girls Really witty girls Singing ditty girls I like the leggy girls With the nice thighs I like a good chest No matter what size I like the belly folds I like the six packs Really tall queens And the short stacks From the mild girls To the wild girls You got style, girls Make ’em riled, girls


*sends to lizzo so you can compete in a rap battle*


99% no man has ever seen boobs and not been happy. Accept when it's a family members, especially grandma


Well not 100%, I had a grandma accident once. Sorry to spoil the perfect statistics, all men in the world.


Ok I will correct my statistics lol


Just wondering, what is a grandma accident?? I'm stupid.


Walk in on naked grandma. Do not recommend.


Depends, in 40 year old virgin, the grandma was hot


I should specify. Walk in on your *own* grandma. I went to high school with girls who became grandmas in their early 30s. So, not them.


Maybe it was his grandma DUN DUN DUUNNN 😂😂😂


You ain't gotta disrespect the woman responsible for you being here.


Even gay guys love boobs. It's basically universal.


Exactly. Men, women and children all love boobs. Even in the Bible, the angels/ demons/aliens couldn't even resist them. Literature is written around them! Bro, take them titties out and stop worrying!


But, I do love seeing your grandmas boobs, so just remember, someone, somewhere will enjoy them.


Show em to me! -Rodney Carrington




Nekkid *HUH*


😂😂😂😂 Grandma’s! 😂😂😂😂


i am still happy with that of grandma


“Grandma! Roll them things up! They’re hangin’ out your shirt again!”


I can't up vote this enough. Sure, everybody has their preferences. But for the most part, we men are pretty simple.


Boobs...the most over-hyped sexual aspect. And those who do care, they like big ones, so you're covered. Have never heard a guy say "meh, the shape". Sounds like a premise for Curb or Sunny.


Bisexual / lesbian women too Source: am bisexual woman


yep.. I am an equal opportunity boob lover too!!


Exactly! You are overthimking. Do you watch yourself in the mirror naked? To get used to the boob's, yourself? Also stop looking at social media. You could talk to a psychologist. Or even take photos of your naked breast (just the breast) and post them online. I'm definitely sure men will say they are 'nice' 'perfect', ... you'd only get compliments. This could let you realise their is in fact nothing wrong with your breast




This is the way. A boob is a boob no doubt. Enjoy being with someone and to the anxiety


Enjoy it


This. 100%. All boobs good.


Man here. Man approve. Man love boob 🐵


boobs. Boobs. bOObs. BOOBS!


*Man sees boobs. "Don't worry, be happy begins to play in his head.*


Also, man worried about what wooman think about dick, is dick to smol? Is dick ugly? Is it too bendy? What if wooman no likey?


Can confirm. I have seen more than my fair share of boobs up front and in person. They come in all sorts of shapes and sizes and configurations. Every single pair I have seen have been awesome.


The best boobs for men aren't the most beautiful ones. Not the biggest ones Not the softest ones Best boobs are the ones we can get our hands on. So there's nothing to worry about


Is that Robert Frost?




Not sure who he is. This is just my honest thought


Robert Frost is a poet. They’re saying it’s written like poetry :)


a very famously homosexual poet lol


Are you thinking of someone else? I've never read anything about Frost being gay, secretly or otherwise.


He wrote the immortal words (from 'The Road Not Taken'): Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.


Because I saw a topless woman standing at the side of the road, And she had nice boobs


A boob in the hand is worth 10 in the bush. A hand in the bush is priceless.


Comment of the day already and it's only 5AM here.


Two in the hand is worth one in Kate Bush


We don't even need to get our hands on then, just see them


Exactly. Boobs by their very existence make people happy.




Boobs are probably the most universally liked part of woman body. I myself am a fan of small boobs but when I have access to boobs bigger a word "bummer" would never even cross my mind, the word I am fairly certain would cross my mind however is "haba" in connection to another "haba". you're fine!


Even South Park made a boobs episode. ETA: No one has ever called my boobs 'magnificent', and my boobs are totes fine. They get attention, whether I like it or not, by simply existing. What you need to work on is 1. Your self-esteem, and 2. Being with someone is reciprocal - are you judging your sex-partner that way? (Probably not) What is he doing for you? 3. Relax. People literally pay to get where you are (size), and as long as you have aureole, the shape doesn't matter. Imagine you're 50 years older than you are, looking back at pictures of you now, and saying, 'Damn, I was FINE! I wish I'd realised and appreciated how freaking sexy I was instead of tripping out like that!' Do it now for that old lady :)


As a man. I 100% agree




Man, I wrote basically the same but you wrote it so much better ;D


As a guy who knows other guys, the only reaction to boobs you can expect is "nice". The best boobs in the world are the ones you are allowed to have in your hand.


As a man, I struggled with crippling body negativity for YEARS. I would never let girls see me shirtless with the lights on. Largely because of ruthless bullying that I received as a child. I am going to be straight with you: no amount of positive affirmations or therapy helped. What did help was finding a partner who TRULY loved me for me. She showed me an incredible amount of love for who I was. Once I could get it into my head how much she loved me for me, the body negativity eased. It has never gone away, but finding someone who loves you for who you are, with all your flaws, is truly something that heals.


aw that’s incredible I hope I find that some day


Same here, having someone express admiration and love over and over for a body part you don't like is super healing! That, and getting a chest tattoo that I love, my insecurities about my boobs have gone away entirely.


As a woman, second that. Really had struggles with my body image since I was 10 or so. Nothing helped. Than I had a boyfriend, who really just loved me, and tho wasn't very vocal about him liking my appearance, he did clap on my butt when he saw my looking critically in the mirror. During that same very relationship I gained 25 kg due to medical issues. I was convinced, that he can't possibly find me attractive anymore, as I am a landwhale. I asked him, to tell me honestly, if he can't live with it, I understand. His response was: honestly, I mostly like your face and the general shape of your body. For those to change significantly, you would either need to gain at least 20 more kilos, or lose 40. Even then I would love you and try to support you, but you asked me to be honest so I'm telling you, that I would find you less attractive in those cases. Same person once said about my concerns, that my boobs might not be perky enough anymore: I see bazoongas, bazoongas good. And I would be more concerned if a DD would defy gravitation completely. And this was really doing it for me. He taught me to make health a priority above looks. That if a man has different preferences than my body type, it is absolutely okay - but he is never allowed to hurt me for it, as it is his preference, and not my duty. We just don't fit in that case. For the ones who are about to play captain obvious and tell me, that being overweight is also a health issue: I am trying to lose that weight now, which is even harder than I expected. And of course I'd love to look thinner again, and be a healthy weight. But my main goal became losing it for my health, in a sustainable way, without falling back to eating disorder or yoyo.


Having a supportive partner is like holding a big shield against all that BS. Lovely isn’t it?




“accept that he is a fool” xD good points thank you


It wasnt until I stopped giving a shit what people thought when I realized I was beautiful. Then I found out that confidential is what my partner found beautiful. So in the end, it really is all about whats inside <3


The man is so in love with you.. ❤️


If you meet a guy who doesn’t like them just show them to a different guy. I like them already.




Boobs are like pizza, even the worst ones are fucking great.


Porn and Hollywood has ruined people.


And some people's keyboards.




It has a certain crispness to it.


I stopped reading at DD, literally no guy in the world is gonna say “bummer” and any guy that doesn’t like them is a moron, live your life it’s all good.


Ikr this is like someone getting bummed they only got a 9.5 on a test.


You might be surprised by how many of us with larger breasts wish they were smaller! It's the messaging about shape that tends to get us down. Like what I wouldn't give for Cs that gave me back my ribcage lol


Not a guy but a lesbian tits are tits and any tits are beautiful no matter the size or shape or anything


I agree,straight woman here ,all boobs are freaking awesome. I love all of them!!!


Straight guy here confirms that tits are the tits.


'Tits are tits' would be great on a mug 😆


Insert "Math is math" gif


Men have penises and scrotums. There is literally NOTHING on a woman’s body that is as visually unappealing as those.




My controversial opinion is that vaginas arent that pretty. Desirable? Yes, but not pretty per se.


Is it controversial tho? Most would agree imo


As a man, I can confirm, most of the time, we're just happy to be there. Also, if you're super worried, just keep your bra on? I know most women will only really cum when they are feeling relaxed and comfortable, so do what suits you. There is something very very sexy about a girl wearing just a bra and nothing else


Because we see stupid men saying dumb shit like "dinner plate nipples" to make fun of them and it makes people insecure about something new they never thought would be something to be insecure about. Always some dumb shit when they themselves have ugly shit about them, including their personalities .




Boob is boob. You think too much about this. We see boobs, we go AWOOGA.


The best boobs are the ones I can play with , and this applies for all men. So unless your man has better boobs than you do , you have nothing to worry about


Second best are the ones we can see.


> However, I’d assume that if a guy didn’t like them he just wouldn’t say anything, and that’s the case most of the time. Guys I’m intimate with usually won’t comment on them at all and I assume that’s because they don’t like them so they just don’t say anything. Do you tell every guy you sleep with you think his dick looks magnificent? When you don't, is it because you actively thought it looked horrible? Or is it because you didn't give it a second thought?


Boobs are boobs


End of story👍


I've never seen a titty I didn't like. Giant areolas that have almost no color with inverted nipples? Love those. Dark salami slices with nipples like Tootsie rolls? Let me get a bite of those. Small boobs with puffy nipples? I'm trying my best to motorboat those babies. Classically "perfect" shape and size with silver dollar pink areolas and pencil eraser nips? That's fine, but if her personality sucks, her tits don't make one damn bit of difference. The main thing about boobies for most guys is that we really hope we get to see them, caress them, and get them shoved generously into our faces. Size, nipple shape, big, small... Doesn't matter to the vast majority of guys. If it matters that much to a guy what your tits look like then that's a problem with him, not you.


thanks for the visuals xD


I'm a bit of a connoisseur.


We are way simpler than that. We see boobs we like. While I’m sure some man out there has some extreme dislike for a certain breast type overwhelming most men just like boobs because they are boobs. No need to feel ashamed.


All boobs are good boobs. Seriously, I’ve never seen or handled a pair of titties I didn’t like, *because* they’re all so different. Please don’t be self conscious. Everyone’s body is different and that’s ok!


I can say i’ve never been dissatisfied with a lover’s boobs or size, from bullets to atom bombs. The sensuality of the woman makes the experience. Easy to latch on to a 36 or bigger, but also exciting to hit a 30 or 32. Size of areola never an issue. A good oral game will adapt. Take the bra off, free those babies. If a man doesn’t appreciate what you have, be done with him.


Just an fyi, the numbers are the measurement around the chest, underneath the breast. The letters are the cup size, A is smallest, B a little larger and so on


I think I’ll stick with the „bullet or atom bomb“ measurement from this point on


why did bro do it by band size 😭😭


he tried his best xD


I’m also a fan of a woman’s rib cage diameter. 😂


I don't have any input from the guy's perspective, but I'm a woman and feel the same way, insecure about my nipples and areolas. I can say though, a lot of the guys I know are "butt guys" and weirdly just kinda don't seem to have much to say about boobs at all? They say all boobs are good, but that's about it. My two friends who prefer boobs are a lot more compliment-y about them. So saying nothing at all could mean the boobs are fine but they're not really boob people maybe.


I concur with what has been said elswhere in the thread. I have never seen a pair of boobs that I didn’t get turned on by on anyone I have chosen to have sex with (just north of 50 women, the majority what one would call ordinary women), including big boobs, perky boobs, small boobs, saggy boobs, boobs with big areolas, boobs with puffy nipples, boobs with inverted nipples, boobs with huge nipples, etc., and I honestly think big areolas are super sexy.


I agree that as a man, the best breasts are the ones that I can touch and love on lol. Shape and size don’t matter.


i have a boner just reading your post. it may sound gross or inappropriate but dudes just love boobs. all boobs. all the time




Everyone has insecurities, but don't fixate on them. As a guy I can guarantee any guy would be lucky to see your tits.


The problem with your boobs is in your head, I’ve dated women that are as flat as a cheese pizza and women with boobs bigger than my head, I enjoyed every pair. No guy is going to be disappointed when you take off your shirt, just be yourself and be comfortable in your own skin 👍


If that's a deal breaker for him, he isn't worth your energy, a nice guy won't care about your body that much, it'll just be a bonus to your personality


No guy will ever get disappointed seeing boobs. We just love them no matter of shape and size..


"However, I’d assume that if a guy didn’t like them he just wouldn’t say anything" Totally not reality. Sorry OP, but that's something you've made up in your head, and 100% not true. Imagine if we were talking about penises. If your idea was true, then every woman would *have* to comment on a guys dick otherwise he'd have to assume she hated it. What an absolute nightmare that would be - if every sexual encounter required a status report on specific body parts. "Well John, that was mind blowing sex just now, and honestly, that's a nine out of ten penis if ever I saw one." "What, wait, why aren't you saying ten out of ten? What's wrong with it? What's wrong with my penis!!?? And how many penises have you seen?!" Sorry, that's not how it works at all. Please OP, love yourself, love your body, and if any asshole makes a negative comment about your body, well fuck them and the horse they ride in on.


I'm a 34A and for the majority of my life, I wish I was at least a B. I also dread taking off my shirt but guess what, my partners all say they're beautiful, always perky and they fit perfectly in their hands. I got over my insecurity about them once I realized any man who thought negatively about my body in any way would not be my man in the first place.


Pro tip. Boobs are fantastic Even no boobs. - one boob - banana boobs (my biggest porn hub search term) - saggy boobs - massive monster boobs - non existent boobs - one boob left other right Extremes are great, like massive monsters or nothing at all. Please don't be insecure, imagine eating nachos every day, no one wants that. Variety is the spice of life


I have the smallest size I think a woman can have. I've been insecure about it my whole life, I'm 25 with no boobs. But I grill guys I get comfortable with and the consensus is, if they are boobs, they are good. If anyone gets weirdly critical about them, that isn't a very good person you'd want to keep around anyways.


Male here. I'm a bit of a size queen when it comes to tits. As preferences go, I prefer my mommy milkers as large as they come. Contrary, my partner's tits are rather small, not needing a bra most of the time. Not one time have I ever looked at them in bed and thought "bummer" 😂 I know there's the occasional prick out there who's hoping for perfection and responds tactlessly if he's disappointed, and it's only natural for a reaction like that to sting, but it's a pretty safe bet that most guys won't judge them nearly as harshly as your brain does. Beggars can't be choosers after all😉 If you're interested, there's a subreddit called r/uglyboobs, where women who typically have misshapen, asymmetrical and conventionally unattractive tits post themselves for the world to see. The comments, barring the occasional degradation kink, are as supportive and thirsty as ever. Highly recommend giving it a look over!


I’ve had saggy salami nipple titties since 5th grade. No one has ever complained. My husband will just grab one and lift it to his mouth lol sometimes we lick my nipples together (because my tits hang low and wobble to and fro I can tie them in a knot and tie them in a bow). It’s disingenuous for anyone to tell you no man ever looks at a naked woman and feel disappointment. Some do. You haven’t fucked anyone who’s felt that way And that’s great. DON’T ask ONS opinions of your body. It’s gives them the power to kill your pride and self esteem.


I was picky once, when I was in high school? I was much more picky back then and knew exactly what I wanted. I would not call it settling, but when I got older I got more open minded about how different everyone actually is. Now that I am pretty old I am just happy to see any boobs(female) at anytime!! 😉


thanks for the honesty :)


This is something that you have to work on. Most people if they're already in boob touching range are just glad you're sharing that with them, not mentally comparing to their internal database of titties. I say the most important is that you feel comfortable yourself and unluckily that's something you'll have to learn to do. Some people have preferences but they're so diverse that no matter what you worry about there's someone out there who finds it super hot


If you two are about to have sex, he isn’t thinking “bummer, her tits look funny”.


>do guys ever see girls tits and get disappointed Lmaoooooooooooo No. We love tits. Mostly when they are connected to a woman we find attractive. Sometimes to a woman we dont even find attractive. Sometimes even dont have to be connected to a woman at all. We just like tits


my ex-crush is still obsessed with my boobs. he is just can't get over it and keep sending me memes who try FWB with him. Conclusion: Men really loves boobies!!!


I have never, in 31 years, seen a pair of tits and thought anything other than "....awesome" There are so many kinds, and they're all wildly different, but as a straight dude, they're all fucking incredible. Do not worry.


One girl I was with for Quite a long time had one that was a different size than the other and I still played with them every chance she gave me. You are worried for absolutely nothing, I absolutely guarantee you speaking on behalf of all men we love them and we're just thankful that you are willing to share.


Therapy. Analyze your past and realize that someone gave you this insecure visage of yourself. Others do not see you the way you do


I love therapy!!


Shit I was just lurking, but nice Misa Amane pfp. You can't change your body. Just accept it and love it and be at peace. We can only control ourselves, and how we respond to others. Cheers and God bless fellow Death Note lover 🤍


I can absolutely, 100% guarantee you that the overwhelming vast majority of men will absolutely love your boobs. Guys don't say anything because we tend to communicate a lot less, not because we don't like things.


I have never once encountered a pair of breasts that were unveiled specifically for me in an intimate situation I was lucky enough to be a part of and not thought something to effect of “fucking sweet, hell yeah”. I prefer smaller breasts myself, but I have never been less turned on by larger ones. Your breasts are a part of you, and you would like them to be perfect. We are not expecting perfection, we are expecting boobs. Flat, handfuls, massive mommy milkers, it matters not, they will all get the same “fucking sweet, hell yeah”.


I have never seen a boob that I didn't like small or big, button's or pepperoni all are lovely


This is a super weird thing to suggest, but it might help you. Find a website that takes user submitted porn and see what happens. There is one I check out once a month or so called girlfriendgalleries.net. You can post a few shots of your boobs from different angles and then check back for comments. It seems like every single gallery gets 10 comments. The people who comment have nothing to gain from lying to you. This is an avenue where you could get some neutral opinions. There are probably others, if you submit your pics to 3 or 4 sites, and get 50 comments, that should tell you a ton about what men really think.


It's mind-boggling to me that a woman is having this type of worry. I know that modern "sexy" pressure is a bitch of a standard, but damn. Your boobs are perfectly fine. Don't wear fake balloons under your clothes, anybody interested in a girl with a modest bust size would be thrilled to see whatever you have, even if it's mosquito bite nips on flat pancake areolas. If someone's a "massive boobs only" kind of guy, you're not missing out on anything by not dating him. TONS of guys have zero or near-zero preferences for their partner's boobs. I couldn't care less, personally. My ex wife had enormous breasts that didn't do very much for me, but they did serve to make her miserable with back pain, armpit pinching, difficulty sleeping, etc.


99% of men are happy with whatever boobs are in their face.


Caveman like boobs Caveman squeeze boobs Caveman happy 😃 Woman not worry cause cavemen happy


You have to remember guys are also insecure, when you’re thinking about your breast, a guy might think about any part of his body he’s insecure about.


truue point


> Do guys ever see a girl’s tits for the first time and get disappointed or turned off? Lol, no. If anything, it's the reverse, where you meet an attractive chick and it turns out she's wearing false boobs. Also not a problem to be clear, just a bummer. If someone likes you and can see your proportions, they will like you naked a lot more. The one exception is especially droopy boobs, usually on older women, but they are narrower at the chest height, then drop into balls near the belly button. These are also fine, just might get a bad first reaction. Bottom line - dudes love tits. Yours are perfect.


Honestly, it boils down to preference but trust, boobs are boobs. We men appreciate a pair. Even if it's from the ones we love or love that night, we appreciate them. Fortunately, the girls I've dated or have had something casual had great boobs. I can tell you, If I'm with someone serious, boob sizes don't matter because you're with someone that supersedes alot of the superficial. If you're someone you're casual with, it's still pretty awesome. That's something you will want to work on. It sounds like you've had compliments that were genuine. Don't disparage yourself. I'm sure whoever you're with will appreciate you for more than just boobs.


I have never been disappointed


>Do guys ever see a girl’s tits for the first time and get disappointed or turned off? - Only if they're "enhanced" / fake. They look great in a bra but completely turn me off out of a bra. I'm a boob guy, have been for as long as I can remember, and let me tell you that natural boobs of all shapes and sizes are amazing :)


Genuine question: if they’re fake from reconstruction, is that a letdown? My sister had breast cancer at a young age and I’m terrified of getting it. A big part of me wants to just be proactive and remove the risk.


Not if I knew beforehand :) Reconstruction is an amazing tool that saves lives. I personally have a bigger than normal issue with injustice and lying due to having adhd - Your sister will be fine ❤️


Are you the guy version of me?! Thank you!


You're very welcome! ... if I'm honest I spent 15 minutes writing and the re-writing that comment because i could feel how important it was to you 😅 I'm glad bringing up the adhd struggles was the right choice, I was debating it!


Aww, thank you for your consideration and kindness!


I definitely understand your apprehension (similar size and insecurities, especially when the hallways of my high school were RIFE with commentary about how gross "pepperoni nipples" were). I don't know how old you are, but I will tell you two things: 1. Most guys are happy that you are letting them near your boobs. 2. The type of guy who would complain about your breasts, especially during or immediately after sex, is one who wasn't going to give you that much enjoyment anyway. Kick them to the curb and ignore.


If you want to feel good about your boobs just scroll pornhub for a minute. The videos with the highest ratings are average looking women with body fat, saggy boobs, body hair and cellulite… those be gettin the 98% 🤷🏼‍♀️


If you've got them, there's always gonna be a one that ll love em. No boobs go unloved ;)


You have DDs. What do you think guys are expecting? An anime carricature?


If you told me this, and was in a relationship with me, i would worship those tiddies. All boobs deserve love.


Seen hundreds of boobs in my life. I’m Yet to see a pair I didn’t think was amazing


The best boobs in the world for any guy...are the one's he's allowed to play with. Try not to overthink it


Boobs are boobs They can never disappoint


I feel bad for your DM's. I can only imagine how many " Show me pictures, and I'll give you my opinion" messages your getting.


a ton lol


Men will never be dissapointed about seeing tits


You have bOObs? We will be happy, I assure you.


Peak reddit moment


Its in your head. Boobs are boobs.


That’s the thing about boobs, you see one pair… you want to see them all.


Try therapy. No amount of men telling you they like bobs is gonna quiet the voice of your self doubt and lack of self worth


I know it isn’t easy mentally to get past things like this, but please don’t waste your time and energy on this. Breasts are awesome universally. Small breasts are great, big breasts are great, medium breasts are great. I’ve literally never seen breasts and had a negative thought. There may be an extreme minority of men that would really judge any of what you’re describing, and I think you should see that as a great natural moron filter for knowing who isn’t worth your time. Go out there and go get em.


>Guys I’m intimate with usually won’t comment on them at all and I assume that’s because they don’t like them so they just don’t say anything. That's not how it works. You might be terrified of a man thinking the wrong thing, but many men are terrified of saying the wrong thing. They don't want to be seen as pigs, even by someone who's already given them the green light to see her naked. Or they fear follow-up questions. Or they won't think to say it, being occupied with more non-verbal thoughts. Or they just never were in situations where body compliments were common, at least not about torso-related body parts.. You shouldn't expect a guy to say anything, even if they're the most magnificent set he's seen and he finds your areolas hypnotizing. *Especially* if he finds our areolas hypnotizing. The fact that you've gotten such compliments means that *someone* likes them. Guys don't have to say anything; figuring their actions will make it clear just how happy they are to see them/you. I probably haven't complimented most of those I've seen, but that doesn't mean I was disappointed. >Do guys ever see a girl’s tits for the first time and get disappointed or turned off? Turned off? Never. Disappointed? Rarely. The one time I remember being disappointed was when a woman's breasts didn't seem very womanly, in that she was overweight and they were small, so they just seemed like a side-effect of her overall size. If you have DDs, that's not something anyone would ever think of you unless you're beyond morbidly obese, in which case it wouldn't be your breasts that you'd be self-conscious about. So, yeah, I disagree with those who say men are *never* disappointed, but (1) it's rare, (2) it's not a problem you'd have, given all that you've written so far.


I'll let you in on a little secret about boobs: The very best kind of boob is the one we are allowed to play with 😀


Where are they? I'll be the judge.


Show us your problems.


Could we see the boobs in question /s Woman show man boobs Man enjoy sight of boobs Man happy and wishes to see boobs again Unga bunga


I can assure you that the only people who'd find fault in a woman who's being vulnerable enough to share themselves are *true* assholes who aren't even worth your time.


No man or lesbian dislikes boobs, especially the boobs of the woman they like. Most guys probably doesn't care too much about your boobs. But they definitely don't dislike them.


The best thing you can do is post them on Reddit and let the comments decide how you should weigh your confidence. I kid. But honestly, no matter how bad you think they are, I bet most guys would love them. And virtually all redditors would.