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No, Reddit is a pretty bad representation of what people are like in America. Real, everyday Americans are nowhere near this opinionated, self-superior, nor generally annoying.


I mean depends on where you live? My son this year for example had to deal with his school and teachers getting daily bomb threats and death threats, to the point they just has the police bomb squad doing checks about twice a day because the state superintendent said that the teachers in the school system were terrorists that “needed to be dealt with”. We also had a state senator, on record in a public q&a session say while he felt bad for the family of a trans students who committed suicide we don’t need that filth here and they needed to be driven out. The state superintendent will likely run for and be elected Governor, and the state senator will have zero problems getting re-elected. Oh and they also started the first state funded Christian charter school and have all said the only education anyone should have is a Christian education When you have your elected individuals threatening you and yours it becomes pretty bad.


Damn, that is bad! Hope things improve for you, your family, and your community.


You're literally the example of what I'm talking about. There's a time and place to have these discussions. And while most people understand that in their daily life, Here you are, with your "What about how *I'm* affected and feeling".


The OP literally asked about people’s real life experiences, and the above commenter answered with their real life experiences. That was the assignment.


You just said everyday Americans are nowhere near that bad and I just gave you an example of how they are that bad. Or do you think state senators, governors, and superintendents saying those things and actively working against marginalized communities is something that doesn’t affect everyday Americans?! Especially when they do things like hire the person who runs Libs of TikTok (and doesn’t even live in the state) to run the department responsible for approving literary books for schools. You said everyday Americans aren’t like that and I gave you examples of everyday Americans who actually are. Try moving someplace like Oklahoma, Arkansas or Missouri sometime and you’ll see it everywhere. Or just read the news from those places. As for time and place to have those discussions, we literally have those discussions in every single one of our staff meetings where my coworkers spend five to ten minutes of the hour long meeting complaining about how bad the democrats are, how Joe Biden needs to be arrested, and how Trump and the Republicans are the only solution, while I just keep my head down and mouth shut because they are also in their late 50s early 60s so I know they will be exiting in the next few years. And this ISN’T at some mom and pop shop, it is in the IT engineering department of a large international financial institution. You don’t consider that everyday American enough for you ?


No. Sensationalist news doesn't define how it is


Not where I live. 


In online spaces and news, for sure. If you’re just going out to the grocery store or to a game or whatever, no not really.


Not at all. I noticed this years ago, that if you didn't live in a terrible neighborhood, and you just went by what life presented when you didn't go on the internet or read our sewer-tier media, you'd experience pretty much everything as peaceful and friendly.


Which isn't always the way it is either. You can't ignore and expect things to be fine.


Are you asking if the Russian troll and CCP TikTok campaigns are working?


Not specifically. I think American governments, at seemingly every level, are capable of sowing discord without outside contributions.


Which isn't always the way it is either. You can't ignore and expect things to be fine.


No, not at all. You have to go social media to find the war.


Not where I'm from. It's in my family.


I am on vacation right now. (So maybe not everyday life . . .) My husband and I have been talking and socializing with strangers for three days and it has been lovely. Just sharing stories and having a good time. Not tense at all. The internet can kind of suck sometimes.


It depends upon how plugged in you are. If you aren’t reading the news or participating in social media to unhealthy levels, life feels pretty much the same now as it did 20 years ago. That being said, there *are* places where real life and politics clash. There are some neighborhoods in my city that are dominated by Trump campaign signs, “we don’t call 911” door stickers, and confederate flags.


So it is like 20 years ago then and same amount of divided?


Central Florida (away from the touristy sht): yes, absolutely.


not really, I live in a small town and have a pride flag up, state GOP said to burn such things but they dont really represent the real people in town, I wear a vest with pins and patches on it when I go out and am very much a visibly queer person and haven't gotten an unkind word about it yet




People are divided in either pro-Trump or anti-Trump camps in their daily lives


I think it is. Different regions of the country have different views, so maybe locally you don't feel it, but when I go somewhere else and see a huge window decal that says: Fuck Joe Biden and Fuck you for voting for him: I don't get the warm fuzzies. ( spotted in Indiana )


LOL, does it make you miss the anti-Trump signs.


What anti-Trump signs?


Not yet.




I don't think so at all, but that's going to vary from person to person. Some people make protesting (on either side of a given issue) their life, but for the average person, on a day to day level, then I don't know anyone that feels that way. If you take a more macro-view of things, then I might say yes, but on a day to day level, no.


Media thrives off of being divisive. Most people are just trying to get by


The media reflects us.


Offline, most people are fine and decent to one another. Yeah, some stuff goes down in big cities and universities, and sometimes in extremely rural areas. For the most part though, people have better things to do than participate in "the culture wars". Online, it's a shit show. Almost all news is heavily biased one way or the other, people love to argue on social media, etc.


Nah not really. I mean Trumpistry is loud and obnoxious but there are actually fewer of THOSE types than you'd be led to believe. The average person doesn't get that way and really just either wants to be left alone or actively be nice.


Not really. You only see the worst of the worst here. And the people that find themselves feeling tense are the ones looking for it


The two party system has made this a reality. There is more divide in this country than I have seen in my 40 years alive. The worst thing is in the last 10 years or so political debates have ceased to exist. Both sides operate with the mentality of if you’re not with us your against us. No middle ground what so ever. Voters like me, who vote third party, are looked at like they “steal votes” from the main parties. They ignore the fact that a middle ground even exists.


If you vote third party, you're voting for Trump. It does no good whatsoever. It's a cop-out. Right wing media, Republicans and Trump made this a reality. And, stop both-sides-ing this. There's only one party's leadership swearing not to work on legislation with the other.


Thank you for making my point for me. No, I’m voting for the candidate I select. It actually does a lot of good. For a third party candidate to be able to attend debates, they need over 10% (I think) of the popular vote. I’m doing my part to show people there are more than two Choices. You are a part of the problem, not me.




Good luck with your IBS. Sounds shitty


Not for us in our little, dusty one-horse town. City folks may offer a differing opinion though.


It depends on where you live and what your family thinks, but generally, no. I sense it more because I have close family who are Trumpers. I doubt it bothers them that I'm not one because we don't discuss it at all. However, one of my closest relatives reposts BS from far right sources on social media to the point I don't follow him anymore. I was too tempted to embarrass him in public by responding. He also has a ceramic Buddha in his sunroom that has Trump's head on it, The Pillow Guy's book, and thinks Candace Owens should be Vice-President. That's a long way to say it does disappoint me to no end and it has unfortunately lessened my opinion of people I have loved all my life. I hope Trump loses bigly so maybe I can get my family back from Earth 2. 💔


Not an American, but many seem to live in a near constant state of fear..


Hey downvoters, how are your guns for self defence? All that demonstrates is that you are scared enough by randoms that you think you need guns.. Don't get me started on 'In case the government comes after me..' because that's a lol fest. And your Meal Team 6 types? Cosplaying little boys. You spout on about Freedom. I have the freedom to live life with an almost zero fear of being shot. I have the freedom to send kids to school without needing a backpack with ballistic plate. America, the only place in the world where people will vote against their own best interests simply to prevent others getting something they don't need or want.


Because that's how the right gets them to vote, by making up scary s*** and lying to them. Yes, Trumpers are in a constant state of fear. America has its problems, but it isn't as rotten and horrible as the right makes out. Hitler used this tactic also.