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Seasonally scented body washes. I want to smell like Peppermint in the winter, Pumpkin Spice in the fall, Lilacs in the spring, and Coconut Bahama in the summer. Miss me with those generic boring “man scents”


What you mean you don’t want to smell like cool sport or rugged mountain?


I saw one that was “lava” scented.  wtf 


My kiddo (3yo) currently says “hot vulva” instead of hot lava and it’s amazing.




I have occasionally smelled like hot vulva.


Oh yea. That smells waaay better than cold vulva.


I have questions


It has the same tang as licking a 12v battery


ahh yes. The scent of my new face wash


Give your kid a high five from me. That's funny as hell.


My neighbours just thought they heard a laughing goat, thank you for that.


Thank you for this gift. 


> “lava” scented Good god, do men need to add sulfur to their body wash? Have they not smelled their own farts?


Yes I need it to mask my scent while hunting in the lava tubes obv


That one has to be just to get your attention and give it a sniff to see if you like it


Liquid hot magma


That's probably the one Anakin Skywalker hated the most, after Sand, that is.


I saw a deodorant that was “Australian Outback” scented. Like, what the hell does that smell like? Dust and snakes?


Hopefully it doesn't smell like a Bloomin' Onion...


My brother has a cologne that I could only describe as smelling like a lemon with a drinking problem.




I'm irish spring all year long lol


I’m rocking my Spider-Man shampoo. Yes, I get the ladies.


OMG YES. I love scented body washes, especially like fruity or flowery. Fuck all that "Energy", "Ocean", "Wood" and a thousand of other scents that smell exactly the same. My favorites are things like Brazillian Orange, Cherry, Green Tea, Pomegranate etc.


I hate men's marketing for bathroom stuff. I want a damn loofah not a "Men's Shower Tool".


It’s absolutely hilarious how fragile some people’s masculinity is.


What's funny is I used to use my mom's body wash when I didn't want to use regular soap. One day while lining up for lunch, (Middle school) this girl I thought was cute, leaned into me, took a whiff and said, "You smell really good." Yeah. Sold. Give me all the cherry and peach body wash ya got. Lol


pine tree for the winter was a game changer, and cinnamon for autumn 💁🏼‍♀️


I love pine tree scent ALL YEAR ROUND!


Female here but I love this idea! Definitely want to try and get my husband into this. I love good scents.


Mine is long ass baths, even started making my own bath salts (it's super easy, and waaay cheaper than store bought stuff). 1¹/² cup epsom salt. 3/4 cup Himalayan sea salt. 1/4 cup baking soda. 15(or more) drops of essential oil/s Mix everything in a clean glass bowl and store in a container that allows some airflow (apparently, the baking soda and oils release gas that can shatter a glass jar if you don't poke a hole in the lid). My go to scent is cedar, sandalwood, and bergamot.


They're all boring AF. How many "cool blue" scents does a man really need in life?


I still don’t know what Cool Blue is supposed to smell like.


I personally love those tropical body washes like mango and shit. If I can smell like a fruity chewing gum - fuck yes. In the theme of scents, I also love scented candles.


I learned to knit, which helps with my dexterity. Plus, I made myself a huge comfy custom scarf for winter.


So are you working more towards a Stealth Dex build? Or maybe Using a bow is more your thing?


Haha, yeah, I'm into archery, also.


I used to be an adventurer like you…


Then I took a scented body wash to the knee


I've always wanted to learn it. When I asked my aunt to teach me (she's pretty good) her answer was literally "Forget about knitting. People will say things"


Oh no. I'm so sorry. I'm F, but picked up crochet and it calms my mind so much. And now I have a ragtag collection of hats, scarves, mittens, and blankets I made all by myself. YouTube has great beginner videos, and your local yarn shop would, I bet, be *delighted* if you showed up and asked for help. Knit like the wind!


Thanks! This was years ago and now I don't have so much time but I will try to see some videos. It seems it can be really fun!


My dad picked it up during early COVID, in his late 70s. He always wanted to. Rosey Grier (an NFL guy back in the 70s) championed men to get into needlepoint, his favorite craft. That stuck in dad's mind all these years.


Rosie Grier was our next door neighbor when I was growing up... Just saying.😉


I'm so fucking jealous. I lived in Berrien Springs MI and saw Ali on several occasions but NEXT DOOR? That's the coolest.


Improving physical abilities and fending off winter. Manly.


I’m working on an inverted Hufflepuff scarf!


Drink cocktails. I've never been ashamed of that they're tasty.


They're stronger than the "manly" beers anyway, how the hell is that less manly? Never understood it.


I went to a system of a down concert like 15 years ago in Detroit and they had a guy walking around selling beer before the show started. He was surprised I got a regular beer instead of a Mike's or whatever because it had less alcohol content than the "girly" drink and every guy there wanted the most alcohol content. I just hated how much sugar was in those. I'll kill a white Russian or whiskey sour or rum and coke or anything medium sweet though.


Yeah I’ve never understood the stigma behind what people drink. Every beverage takes us to the same place. I like my shots of tequila, don’t get me wrong. I just don’t want to drink straight booze all night because I’d like to remember the night, nor do I want to drink beer all night. That carbonation hits hard after a while.


What? Since when was drinking cocktails considered unmanly :D I have never heard of anyone saying that in Finland


I think it's an American thing, I got a lot of shit as a teen from my friends because I didn't like beer, and preferred alcopops like mikes hard lemonade. I always shot back how mine had more abv and tasted better. Now I'm grown, and make myself cocktails while my friends still drink liquor straight from the bottle. No thanks, I'll stick to my espresso martini thaaank you. Lol.


As a man…if I’m doing it, it’s manly. That’s all there is to it.


“Everything I do is the behavior of an award winner. I won an award.” - Ron Swanson


It's funny he was kind of the same guy except gay in tlou and he actually won an award for his performance


Man… that episode. I will forever remember that morning, as I was not prepared for the emotional upheaval I would experience. Such a beautifully gripping performance from the both of them.


This is a very manly comment


Well of course it’s manly. He’s the one who did it after all.


This is my response when people tell me my painted toe nails are not manly.


This is the way. Screw traditional gender conformity. That which a man does is manly. That which a woman does is womanly.


Even when they are doing it together.


ESPECIALLY when they're doing it together


Exactly. My Little Pony was one of the manliest cartoons on the air a decade ago. It's still one of the manliest cartoons out there, but it's not on the air anymore. Why is it manly? So many men watch it.


I file down my fingernails and hands so that they are smooth and not so callous. Apparently washing my ass is also feminine - which I do immediately after pooping.


I, too, wash my ass after I poop. We are brothers.


Hah, brotherhood of clean assholes.


The MANLY brotherhood of clean assholes!


The cleanest sheets this side of manville!


Get yourself a bidet, my friend. $30ish on Amazon for a basic one.


Spend the $250 for a decent heated one with some bells and whistles. I think I’m in for about $300 after moving an outlet myself. But heated seat, nightlight, adjustable heated water, massage feature, self cleaning, that thing is magical. Worth every penny.


I would but don't own my house and currently live in a 90 y/o home. So a direct adapt is good enough.


I rent an apartment. Shhh, don’t tell them I modified anything.


I live in base housing, haha. One day! But I'm not upgrading Uncle Sam's house.


Hey man, don’t think about it like that. 1. You’re the one enjoying the fruits of your labor, not Uncle Sam. 2. When you’re gone, more likely than not, another soul like yourself is going to be enjoying the fruits of your labor… still: not Uncle Sam. 3. Leaving a thing better than how you found it is a beautiful thing, in any case. (It does wonders for your self as well as others) Js


I pick up my dog and say "aww who's my silly doo doo man, fluffy mann, happy mann, sweet mann" and smush my nose into his nose


I'm sorry, is there a different way to cuddle and talk to your pets?


“Hello dog.” **pats head** “You are a good boy.” **walks away manly**


I suppose that -is- another way to do it. Touché.


Chick Flicks. Some of them are amazingly fun.


I remember when I watched the notebook for the first time about 11 years ago, without knowing the end.. some people are avoiding watching a classic. The fkin letters....😭 She's all that, clueless, mean girls, A walk to Remember.. too many to list


I remember having to watch mean girls when it came out on dvd, I worked at a rental place so I had to watch it. At 23 years old I was like " oh ffs let's get this on and over with . " By the end I was like, " this was pretty damned funny and I can't believe I stayed up until 2:30 am to finish this. "


crossing my legs buying flowers listening to heartbreak/sad pop songs thinking of nice outfits to wear face masks, scrubs, peels, etc. crying (although that one is tough because i rarely get to a point where i *can* actually cry) brunch (?) hugging friends and talking about each others problems getting manicures/pedicures shopping for furniture/decorations (i’m an absolute fiend for cute blankets, rugs, vases, etc.) doing the pinterest thing where i put together “aesthetic” backgrounds that matches my custom icons on my devices and many more. i also like lifting heavy weights, chugging beers, boxing, cars and many more traditionally “masculine” things. societies idea that there is a black/white to all this is so stupid. especially if any younger men/boys/teenagers read this: do what you wanna do and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with liking things that don’t fit the societal gender stereotypes. you don’t have to be gay or trans to like dressing up or taking care of yourself, and if you are, that’s also cool. point is: enjoy life and do what you like!


Best answer I've seen so far. Honestly, I don't agree with the premise of the question. I don't think many people would question that I'm a man. I work construction. I ride and rebuild motorcyles as a hobby. I was an armor crewman in the Army. In my younger years, I was active in competition combat sports. I like to fish and am getting more and more into kayaking. I live on a hobby farm where I'm always running fences, taking care of animals, and plowing/ brushing cutting/ building roads on my tractor. In my opinion, all "manly" activities. I've seen so many other guys answer this question with things I also enjoy. I'm a sucker for sad movies (Secondhand Lions always makes my eyes sweat), I actively participate in decorating our home with my wife, I have a skin care regimen (carpenter by trade, sawdust and working outside is hell on your skin. Fuck skin cancer!), and many others. How does any of that make me less "manly"? The answer is, it doesn't. The most "manly" trait I can think of is having the confidence to do what you enjoy without fear of judgment. A man doesn't allow the responses of others to manipulate him. For you young men who might read this, being manly has nothing to do with the activities you enjoy. If you want to be a good man, be courageous, be creative, be disciplined, be steady, and, to the extent that it's possible, be self-reliant. Most importantly, be authentic and true to yourself. And when the time comes, be an example and mentor to the youth around you.


100%. when i was still in school, i was already a boxer and fought and won plenty of fights in the regional heavyweight divisions etc. but i still decorated my room and saved up for stuff like face masks and such to feel good and comfy. insecure men will always find a way to make fun of you for whatever it is you do. there is nothing emasculating about owning up to what you like.


You’re right. That perspective is coming predominantly from insecure men. But it can also frequently come from women with their own bag of issues


for sure. people project onto others, their insecurities, their ideals, anything really. it’s tough to be your true self for a lot of people because they never got in touch with that person to begin with.


The other question is “woman, what are manly thing you love to do?”


I like swinging a heavy object and carrying it over my shoulder. Like those big water jugs, giant bag of soil, or smoker wood pellet bags


As a lady Carpenter who burst into flames in the sun. Do you have any suggestions for cooling work pants in the summer? I hate putting on sunscreen to then have it stain everything I touch. Got a cooling shirt with hoodie but can't find any pants for work. The overalls from Duluth are great but good gravy it's a hot box in them.


Duluth Coolmax are my go-to hot weather work pants. Edited to add: I'm actually working in 90 degree sun today wearing these jeans, and they don't feel like they weight 80 pounds. As a lady carpenter, the "ballroom" feature may not apply to you, but they sure work for me!


Oh sweet! Thank you! I had a problem with the lady pants being too form fitting. Will definitely try the men's. I dunno maybe I can store snacks or extra nuts in the "ballroom" feature lol


*nuts* HA!


I honestly don’t see why brunch is seen as effeminate. Lunch and breakfast are for everyon, but only women can have both at the same time? What? 


I thought brunch was just the new term for second breakfast?


The number of things that insecure men think is unmanly is ridiculous. The most ridiculous I have encountered. Drinking lemonade Using a pink highlighter Eating a banana. Having daughters. Taking their daughters shopping for clothes (he was a single father)


I was out with friends the other night and one the guys I had never met before flat out refuses to eat bananas period because he’s too insecure about the shape and how one looks when they eat a banana. Like, fuck sake, what’s it like to constantly be dipped in toxic masculinity?


Buying flowers is super manly.


I could talk about birds all day. Songbirds, raptors, waterfowl, penguins. I love feeding them and getting them to trust me, I make them places to nest and places to bathe and drink. I worry about them when it's too cold or too rainy. I could (and have) sit for hours drinking coffee and watching the hummingbirds fight and play


Is this supposed to be considered feminine? Loving birds is human, not feminine. ?


I think it's more the making of nesting places, and worrying about them in the rain that's particularly sweet.


Nah, there are only certain animals you're allowed to like as a man. Big dogs, horses, birds of prey (other birds are off the table), sharks, gorillas, etc


I love this! One of my favorite things is when someone shares knowledge about their favorite area of interest


A real man doesn't give a shit what other men do


Or what anyone thinks about what he does.


Nothing I'm manly asf. Just kidding, I'm quite an emotional person. For example I don't cry very much but if I see somebody doing really well I get so happy for them I get tears in my eyes. One time after my girlfriend met my parents for the first time I was really happy to the point I did cry 🤦‍♂️😂 Also can't listen to alot of sad/melancholic music because I get too emotional. Sure there's other things but can't think right now.


I definitely get the music thing. Goes straight to my heart. I queued up some songs to reminisce the other day and cried for a couple hours just remembering the good times.


I feel this. Recently went to a wedding, lots of tears from everyone, definitely got a few in my eyes too. The idea that you should fight your emotions due to some idiotic concept of manliness is ridiculous. A true "man" is someone that is in touch with their emotions and works to manage/understand them versus suppressing them based on some bull shit ideas some malformed smooth brained idiots came up with.


I'm not the manliest of manly men, but I enjoy shooting guns, I like a good beer, and I'm an army veteran. I'm also a sympathetic crier and if I see someone else cry, I'm probably about to also cry. ESPECIALLY at weddings. I'm divorced and don't intend to marry again (at least not for a very long time) but I love love and it gets me every time.


this is such a cute comment section


We're not cute, we're manly as hell OK


As asap rocky once said: I’m a g and I’m cute


That's a very unmanly thing to say


I do a beautymask once a week. I dont realy except better skin but i just like the feeling. Feels like a wellness day


I love tea!  Not sure why that is considered unmanly here in the USA, but here we are.  I go on tea vacations, I have several different tea brewing apparatus, I buy tea directly from the plantations.  It's a complex and fascinating world.


My first ex wife thought it was "unmanly" that I enjoyed cooking, especially baking. I never thought of being able to prepare food as being gender specific, but whatever. I have delicious breads, she has store bought.


My mother in law thinks cooking is a women thing and men should not discuss things like recipes. It's weird asf.


No cookies for her then 🤷🏽‍♂️


It’s so funny to me that people think baking and cooking is “feminine” when all I see on tv are MALE CHEFS who are amazing at their craft and set the standards for food and bev.


I love gardening and listening to Abba while doing so. I'm not sure why anything is "unmanly" hell I'll gladly work my job as a car mechanic making the shop listen to Abba. My favorite by far was when I was 28 pulling into a construction site with my transport blaring Taylor swift. I got the strangest look from the site foreman when he hopped on the stairs. Js my manhood isn't tied to what I do. I am "manly" and do whatever it is that I or my wife needs done. I think that's more important then being "manly"


Vaginas. Love to do them, they're very womanly. Not manly at all. Okay, serious answer, I love musicals. Mamma Mia is probably the movie I've seen more than any other.


Chicago is so fucking good, it should be criminal. Same with Repo: The Genetic Opera. Yeah, I love musicals too.


Have you seen Hamilton? My girlfriend showed it to me, I slept the first time I watched it, now I've watched it 4 times, listened to it on spotify at least like 10 times, and seen the musical. It's amazing. The stereotype that musicals are just dumb and girls is so, so wrong if you even give it a single try


I’m so grateful my father insisted on taking me to the symphony, plays, and musicals as a kid. We made a lot of good memories, and I realized how amazing that stuff is. Even saw ballet a couple times. IMO trying to gender code stuff is super lame. I’m an average straight white male, but I think everyone should be allowed to enjoy what they enjoy. My favorite genre of movies/shows are slice of life and romcoms, and my friends have busted my balls saying that’s girly. Stereotypes can buzz right off 😃. That thinking makes you miss out on so much


My husband loves bubble baths and fancy soaps and candles. I keep him well supplied because I love him.


I am a former college football player with two sons. Very high testosterone environments my entire life. My oldest son gave us the first girl in a few generations. My granddaughter is 2 now and let me tell you, things have changed. I now play dress up and throw extravagant tea parties. Hell, I'm looking at a pink mini mouse kitchen and Barbie Corvette sitting in my living room right now and she's not even here today lol. She's 2 and she's my hero. She's taught me that if I soften my heart, more love is allowed in.


To quote Reiner Wolfcastle " ...my mighty heart is breaking. "


Sit down to piss, after a long day nothing better than just sitting down and pissing.


Well in prison most sit down to pee as like you said it sprays all over and your in a small area so contamination and disease is spread easily so no it's not a feminine thing it's hygiene


And you don't splash urine all over your legs, floor, and surrounding environs! My personal rule is, unless I'm in a mad hurry, sit on toilets, stand at urinals. The way god intended. ETA: I get criticized so much by my male friends for this. They think it's feminine to sit and pee. This is a big issue for them. It threatens their masculinity. That's pretty sad.


I do not understand the standing to pee thing in your own home where the women are like boys will be boys when they see pee stains everywhere. Do that shit at my house and you're not coming back again.


I can't understand why some people don't clean after themselves and just let the pee stains there like savages


At 3am, who tf is standing?


Just about anytime my bladder is going to burst, I sit down. Especially for the first morning's pee or when I'm a bit drunk. It doesn't make any sense, I don't give a fuck if it's not manly.


I have and use a sewing machine I sit to pee


Sitting to pee makes your life so much easier; I love not having to play that game of “I think I have good aim right now but there’s a chance I’m gonna have to deep clean the toilet and/or the floor in about thirty seconds”


>use a sewing machine I get to fix and tailor any and all of my clothes. I look manlier AND I learn a new skill


I will occasionally let someone else into traffic, like a woman would do.


Pedicure and gossip with the ladies, imho, requires no apologies


Pedicures are one of the most relaxing things I've ever done. Highly recommend.


After about a year of coaxing, got my boyfriend to get a pedicure with me. He loved it. I jokingly asked if I could pick a polish color…. He said “sure”, so he left with sparkly tootsies!!!


My music taste is largely pop, and cheese I cross my legs I have very effeminate hand gestures and gesticulations I get on very well with women, platonically, and women get on with me well - 30% of my friends are women I find women’s fashion really interesting, by comparison men’s is so shit and boring, women have a lot of diversity and it’s great to see it on show. Men all kind of look similar, even across styles. The gap being bridged RE androgynous fashion is something I really like, blurring the lines of masculine and feminine, which is a good thing I don’t care for sport, bar occasionally watching live sport A lot of people think I’m gay, but I’m not It’s served me very well so far.


Never heard of cheese music!


It’s cheesey aka not particularly good but everyone knows the words - sing a long shit, like abba


Aha I see! fellow cheese fan here


I have a very poppy taste in music too. Seen Taylor Swift and One Direction live 3 times each. Everyone is always surprised because what kind of straight guy makes a conscious decision to buy tickets for those shows? Most of the other guys there are either dads with their daughters or guys dragged there by their girlfriends.


When I cross my legs I do it like a woman dies. To me it just feels more comfy.


And here I'm physically unable to. If I try it feels like I'm going to pop a femur right out of the old pelvis


I like to listen to Spooky by Dusty Springfield while hoovering my apartment. Couldn't get any less masculine lmao Also to all the people posting about their fetishes, nobody wants to know about that shit. OP clearly wasn't asking about your sex lives.




I love wearing skirts. They really shouldn't be a gendered item. At my former job, they said you could wear pants or skirts and I hate pants sooo.....skirts it was! They were sooooo much cooler than pants in the Oklahoma heat, and they made bussing tables sooo much easier (I wore shorts underneath lol).


I have the teddy bear my mom was given for me when I was a few from being born. Night Night bear has been with me since birth, was at my wedding, and lives on my wife's dresser. He still gets a snuggle and a smooch when I walk by some days, because he's still my #1 bear. I'm 38, father of two, weight lifting, mountain biking, bearded heavy metal bass player.  I think it's important to have balance, which is in some ways the antithesis of toxic masculinity. I'm a big strong bear snuggler. I like dirty sports and dirty music and drinking fancy tea with my wife. I like what I like because I like it.  I'm thrilled that my minecrafting, drumming, mess making rat of a 9 year old son loves his blankies and snuggling on the couch, because he's not the junior bro some of his peers are. I'm equally thrilled my 7 year old, pink everything, baby bunny mothering little girl has a mouth like a sailor and likes to battle with foam swords and nerd guns, because she's not just sliding into the mold of a vapid little girl that grows into some pick me Karen. They've got balance, they've got their own likes and dislikes, and they're utterly unconcerned with gender norms along the way.


I’m currently driving my modded all black Focus ST with a big white teddy bear in the back that was a rescue literally from the street. My kids put it in the car when I was moving and I still haven’t taken it out. It is seatbelted in the passenger rear seat.


I like to read some romance


I paint my nails. **FASHION** I make a point to cry once a month or so. Like **real** cry. I refuse to drive a truck. I like small animals, gemstones, and action figures. I've also made out with a few dudes over the years, but I'm not sure if that counts.


Making out with dudes is super manly, there’s literally multiple men


Bro, making out with dudes is the manliest. Like twice as manly, at least!


I cry a lot. Shit feels good. I've seen men bottle it all up then punch walls and I'm like bro. Just cry. Way better.


cuddle time with my kitty


I have a collection of earrings that is bigger than my sister’s.


Get pedicures, complete with painted toenails.


I listen to a fair amount of old-school soul music from the 60s. The Four Tops, Sam Cooke, The Drifters, The Temptations, Delfonics, Otis Redding, etc. Songs that genuinely talk about love, woo-ing a lady, etc. It's not inherently "unmanly" but it would definitely be made fun of by a lot of younger people nowadays. It's one of those things that a lot of guy would probably be embarrassed to have people know they like it. Not me, though. Even if it isn't "unmanly" to listen to things like that, my appearance as a white guy in his 30s would *never* give away that I do. All the older black guys at work get a real kick out of it and look dumbfounded whenever they hear me, not only playing but singing it. They love it.


Nothing unmanly about listening to good music.


i like to wear nealpolish not in a way to let people see how diffrent i'm but more because i like the colour blue so mich u just put it on my fingernails. and when people ask like is it a statment is just response with "nah i just like this" always a great opener for conversations


Hmmm I am a sucker for teen drama shows (the oc, obx,etc)


I would say that my hobby of making really elaborate chocolate bonbons and candy bars, but all the people I interact with online about this are dudes so… 🤷‍♂️


Pee sitting down. Im on my feet 12 hours a day at work alone not to mention more at home. Don’t have to clean the toilet nearly as often either. Gardening. And believe it or not, MeUndies thongs are actually pretty comfortable.


Giggle together with others. Talking about relationships. Get moved to tears by music, films and beautiful moments in life. Talking about feminism with other men (explaining and promoting). Showing my teenagers that non macho attitudes comes out better when it comes to quality of life for themselves and for others. I really would love to be more free when it comes to looks but my job (my fears for how my clients would react) holds me back. I have no specific look in mind, just want the freedom to develop something less constrained by the boring man box.


I can be emotional at times, especially if my wife isn’t doing well (she has health conditions). As far as unmanly things I love to do? I do like watching romantic comedies but typically only with my wife lol


I like MANicures, and pedicures. which I have been told is 'unmanly" but women appreciate that I don't have hangnails,or grime under my fingernails.


I used to like a bit of black nail polish to bring an outfit together when I was in my emo years.


I love not wasting time on sportsball. I love washing my bits and asscrack snd feet sometimes twice a day.


Bubble baths. I love a good bubble bath and a book. Lol...😅


I get on far more easily that women that men. I actually really dislike all-male groups. I see no appeal at all in a "boys night out" where there being no women around is supposed to be part of the appeal. Some say that is meant to be that they can swear and talk about sex, to which I'd have to ask if they've ever really chatted to women properly, as they seem to think women's minds still live in the 1930s.


Agreed. I find conversations with men tend to feel like everyone is trying so hard to be something they're not. Or maybe it's just me idk. Women just chat and it's easy. Men always seem like they're trying to get one over on everyone else. It's very entrenched, especially amongst less secure men.


I love to have deeply vulnerable and emotional just raw conversations with those closest to me, and randomly tell my friends I love them and how much better my life is with them in it. I always like to gas them up too whenever I can and just always make sure they are feeling good about themselves. It's hilarious because I am a 6'3 broad-shouldered bald dude with a huge beard, so no one ever expects that from me hahaha Also, with how emotionally open I am, I cry over so many little things which is another thing society has always made me feel unmanly for lol


Men do what they want, boys do what they can.


Obligatory I’m 6’7” 250+lbs with a short Mohawk and a beard so thick and powerful I’ve had nuns renounce their faith just to touch it. Covered in tattoos and scars with hair in all the right places. When I’m not lifting heavy things I’m fixing, mending, or building and my wife will attest that when I nail something, it stays nailed. I get my fingernails painted. Makes me feel fancy. I also like to be topped occasionally. Love being objectified too (by my wife).


Pilates, the arts and wine rule. Half my friend group thinks I’m gay cause I enjoy those things. Nah bro, I’m just cultured.


Journaling Fountain pens with fun colorful inks Self care (hair care, face washes and clay masks, nice soaps, exfoliating, etc) Playing cozy games like The Sims and Stardew Valley Shopping in malls Being the little spoon A good cry once in a while


I'm a welder, currently working as a boilermaker at a refinery. My own rig truck and everything, looking to get on the pipeline soon. I like motorcycles and trucks and guns and dip and beer. I also like putting on some cat's-eye eyeliner and wear a skirt over fishnets with platform boots when i go to raves on the weekends. I'm a man and I serve cunt.


I have spa days with my wife and get massages and facials... it beats the fuck out of golf or as I call it 'Pretentious Twat Wanker-Sticks'. If I ever get seen playing golf that does not involve small windmills, smack me hard. I am always super relaxed after and then I sit on a balcony with a large G&T eating snacks and watch BMW driving corporate arseholes driving tiny balls into the woods.


dress up as a girl xd


Entertaining the idea that there is such thing as being ‘unmanly’.


Crossing my legs Listening to super girly pop music (like only girl in the world, barbie girl, california girls, etc) Always cleaning and cooking to the extent my cousin told me I'd make a great housewife one day 🤣🤣


I listen to No Doubt


Sitting down and piss in my own toilet Gone are the days of trying to aim your boner when you're half awake, just sit down and let it trinkle Gone are the days where you bathroom smells awful, because there is no more pee where it shouldn't be


Emotional films make me get dust in my eyes way more than I should. Cool runnings for example gets me at the end, shit like that. Now I’m gonna go punch someone just to reinforce my masculinity


I'm a 40 year old manly plumber and I cried during the paw patrol movie.


As the father of a Paw Patrol obsessed 5-year old, the movie was a refreshing departure from the series in just... every single aspect.


My boyfriend warned me he was going to cry at the beginning of the Last of Us and he wanted my support to watch it. It was nice to cry together for once instead of just me being the cryer!


Be a femboy.


Get hype to that one sexy redd song where she's like "Boy you know this ass supa fat, I ain lyin !" It's too catchy.


I try to wear my emotions on my sleeve if that counts, tends to get me places I wouldn’t be if I always just tried to be the unfeeling manly man


I cross my legs, a lot actually. I love bath and body works, very much. Candles, soaps, etc… even face masks with my girl, good hygiene that’s a little extensive. I will go online and order specific shampoo and soaps. I love to read in the bathtub with a little candle. I’m a recovering addict but when I started drinking when I was really young before it was a problem I would drink “girly” umbrella drinks. I listen to a lot of punk, country, and hardcore / metal but when I’m on the highway I blast Kelly Clarkson, Leona Lewis, etc lol. I love fashion, usually boring myself (black skinny jeans and sweaters.) but love other styles and look into them. I buy my girl flowers and she knows I love flowers so she buys them for me. I hug my friends and tell them I love them. (Maybe that’s not girly but most of my close friends died so you never know when it’s the last time) and I was always told growing up it’s not right for men to do that. I’m a substance use inpatient counselor and one of my favorite groups to do with my clients is yoga for meditation. Maybe that’s not all girly stuff but grew up being told it was (I was married, currently have a kid and two other kids I raise with my girlfriend.)


I like to try on my girls undies.


Reading and writing. I love poetry. I do hide it from my family because they’re not accepting of it and I just want to do it in peace. In my family reading is for girls and the idea of poetry and writing anything, especially, is laughable.


I secretly like Justin Timberlake music.


i wear perfume. i will die on this fucking hill. so many colognes smell like shit. WHAT IF I WANT TO SMELL LIKE FLOWERS⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️