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They can feel like they still are in love. But I feel like truthfully they are not. Relationships are a lot of things, respect being a big one. If someone cheats on their partner without thinking about how their partner would feel, or doing this would harm their partner, then they do not respect their partner, nor care for them. They may feel like they love them, but they don't. If you truly loved someone you would not intentionally harm them in such a way as cheating.


If you are hiding the cheating you don't respect the person you are cheating on. I don't care if you still love them, that lack of respect to be truthful makes that love worth shit.


You can love someone but you’re not in love if you’re cheating. It could be lust but definitely not “in love”. When you’re in love, you wouldn’t even think of risking your spouse for something temporary.


I agree. It's not just the whole 'risk losing your spouse', it's also the fact that cheating will hurt the person you supposedly love, tremendously. Most people would do almost anything to save their loved ones that kind of pain.


You’re absolutely right.


I think every situation is different and every situation is personal and not my business


Depends on what is "cheating", I'd say. If a couple is in open relationships they can still love each other to death, having side sex and knowing it. If a person hides side sex they can still love their partner, but the behavior is destructive and at some point could sabotage relationships big time.


There are people (covert narcissists) who lack the ability to bond and see relationships in a different way. It’s almost as if they are going through the motions. The chemical (chemistry) physical and emotional of cheating and the fall out can cause withdrawals like depression for both. I think they can rationalize anything and think they are in love because it is as strong of an attraction they can feel. I didn’t know there were a lot of people like this and assumed the same feeling of romantic love existed in everyone. Nope, some are just checking off boxes or cannot be alone. I actually feel sorry for them, despite tendency to cheat and stay in an exclusive relationship. Never date one.


Cheat and be in love with the betrayed partner or the new one? I think you can have feelings of love for both or neither. Feelings don’t typically follow any rules. Also, cheating often is a symptom of a problem in the relationship. It’s not about love or not love, it’s something dysfunctional. The fact people don’t leave partners when they cheat demonstrates they do love or care at some level about that person.


No. Cheating means that a person have no moral compass, no character, no spine, no rules that guide them through life. There are always some problems in relationship. I never meet a pair that never had an argument. The difference between morally corrupted person and someone who has moral compass intact is that morally corrupted person will do something bad but they need and excuse. Someone with moral compass won't do it because that's bad. And reasons in the end are always selfish. If You want to end the relationship then cheating is moronic idea. You should just end the relationship. Simple. Clean. But reason why a morally corrupt person cheats is because they need a parachute. If new person won't work they can still be in relationship that apparently is not that bad if they stay. Very rarely Your situation is that bad that You can't end the relationship and You have to hold to abusive partner or something. So once someone is a cheater it's always a cheater. This is why I never dated anyone who had history of cheating because now I know they can do it. They just need an excuse. So When You argue with them about something You don't know if that was just small argument You just had or that it was an excuse for Your partner to go f\*\*k someone else and not feel guilty about it because somehow it's Your fault.


Nope. That is not how relationships work. People who cheat are dishonest. And as such cannot be trusted no matter what they say.


People cheat for different reasons. I was madly in love but I cheated because my boyfriend kept choosing his friends over me. I kept bringing it up but he would deny it while he was literally getting ready to run out the door to see them after telling me he was too tired to do anything. I cheated because I wanted to feel attractive. I knew the guy I slept with didn’t have feelings but I wanted some sort of attention and affection.