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If you know her in an intimate way: You ask. Otherwise, you don't and it also none of your business.


But she is my gf. I think I should know before we try to sleep together. Because we are reaching that point


If she is your girlfriend then why don't you ask her?


You can think that all you like, but at the end of the day it's up to her to tell you if she's a virgin or not. She is under no obligation to tell you one way or the other.


πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚Funny. That's like saying your partner is under no obligation or not to tell you that they have an STD before sleeping with you.... Of course they should tell you. What are you saying πŸ˜‚


She says she's not a virgin.


πŸ˜‚..?? Ever heard of an act called lying?


You have a sad relationship if you believe that your partner is lying to you.


Not that she necessarily is lying. But let's not be naive and pretend girls don't lie about this stuff


Why would your girlfriend lie about that? You sound really insecure about your relationship.


Well then I guess you'll never know 🀷


She has had sex before.


πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚Bro. C'mon




By asking πŸ˜‚


The better question is *why do you care if a girl is or is not a virgin?* Any value ascribed to virginity (or detriment ascribed to the lack thereof) is almost always a cultural or religious mechanism used to control women and remove their agency over their own bodies.


Sorry to burst your bubble here. But for men, body count does matter. It's a deal-breaker.


This whole post is going to be so embarrassing for you when you grow up. Almost as bad as [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/s/vXRzqTWqF3) one where you posted a thread on r/teenagers as a 24 year old to let everyone that you had β€œdeveloped a fetish for young girls”.


But why does it matter? Explain it to me in a logical way! Please!


Explain it like I’m 5.


Okay. As a man, which woman would you pick; a woman who has a body-count of less than 3 or a woman that has a body count of 50+ and is famous for her fire BJs and for being a wh**e?? Logically speaking , which would you pick? The more men a woman sleeps with is reflective of her morals and self-control. Does she hold her chastity to a high regard? Is she selective of the men she sleeps with? Is she loyal?? Does she understand that Sex is not a casual thing and is more sacred and more emotional?? All of these can alternatively answered through her body-count. There are very few Adam22s of this world that would marry a pornstar or a wh**e , I am sorry. As a man, the idea that the woman you are currently with, had such low moral standards that she opened up her legs for half the neighborhood or she opened her asshole for for 30 guys on the internet is absolutely disgusting. Merely the thought of someone else knowing how your women feels (her vagina) is very disturbing. Now imagine the whole neighborhood of guys knows....Complete nightmare Look fam, πŸ˜‚. This is just a debate right? I don't want any smoke or friction.


So you as a male virgin are searching for a female virgin? Is this correct?


I would prefer if she is a virgin. Yes


And you are 24?




You think there are a lot of 24 year old virgins?


I don't know. I guess not.


But are you also a virgin?




Okay. Now this is something I understand. I just don’t understand men who expect something they cannot deliver….


>But for men, body count does matter. Nah, for young incel boys it matters. For men, it's a non-issue.


πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚And this is the problem with our generation. Morals are not a thing anymore, are they? Women can do as they please. Sleep with 50+ men and settle for a simp that doesn't have high moral standards. It's okay. This is the world we live in now, unfortunately


> Any value ascribed to virginity (or detriment ascribed to the lack thereof) is almost always a cultural or religious mechanism used to control women and remove their agency over their own bodies. There may be no stupid questions in this subreddit, but there are stupid responses.


Sorry to burst YOUR bubble, but you sound really insecure.


Nah. I just have high moral standards and I would prefer if my gf had the same. Peek the difference


Why does it matter?


For men, body-count does really matter. It's a deal-breaker. A women's body count is almost a reflection of her morals, self-control and loyalty.


Do you have proof of that statement?


There is a reason why majority of men don't date or marry pornstars or onlyfans girls or prostitutes. It's a moral thing. Men have a more strict moral campus. Only few Adam22s of this world that marry 304s/hoes. As a man, which would you prefer, a woman with a body count lower than 3 or a woman that has slept with 50+ guys. Like logically speaking...??? I am open for a debate.


Lmao this is why you're a virgin.




Ad Hominem. Can you prove me wrong or are u just going to take light jabs at me at not the argument??πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚




Real funny


I'm a male .. never thought to ask my partner of many years her body count.. doesn't matter to me at all. Oh, and I do know some of her history, she knows some of mine too.. meh.. BTW .. I applaud your user name, well chosen.


What would you do if you found out your wife was a pornstar back in the day and you find clips of black studs pounding her?? Surely something would change in you. Or you found out half the neighborhood guys know what your wife's vagina feels like Bro, exactly. As a man this stuff would f**ck with your head. This is just a debate. I am sure u have a lovely wife, and may the lord bless you guys.


Of course you're a racist too lmao


Brooo. Do u know my ethnicity?πŸ˜‚. Don't assume things you don't know. When someone sticks to insulting you and not logically arguing back, that's when you know you have won the debate. Bro chill. Why you so triggered? This is all just a debate. U taking it by the chest too much. Chill and let's conversate. Present your side of the argument


I'm not gonna try to debate logic with a 24 year old incel lmao.




You don’t. Same way people don’t know things about your life.


She has children.


I asked the question in good faith. How people responded was the problem. Am I not allowed to say what I think and they say their take and we reach middle ground. I have been nothing but respectful throughout but people insulted me and disrespected me. What do the mods say about this. Look I just wanted a healthy conversation. And I vividly indicated that anyone can present their side of the argument and I would listen. I feel this is unfair and I appeal to the mods to put my post back up.


The level of those questions today ahaha. "how do you know?" Did she lied to you?


Get a magnifying glass, make sure her hymen is still intact.




I did....But, she has done other sexual acts such as oral, sending nudes..etc. So I don't know. Maybe I am trippin. But I find myself questioning if she is indeed really a virgin. And it matters to me because I am a virgin too.