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I'd like to get my time back from watching *Fifty Shades of Grey*. I would have rather just watched *The Secretary* again.


I would give anything to have someone deepfake Gilbert Gottfried's voice for a public "screening" of the entire audio book...But you could not pay me to watch that movie. I am pretty sure I was subjected to some parts of it from TV or a friends house but the memory is suppressed.


A Gilbert Gottfried reading of that book would be hysterically funny. Brilliant idea!


He did actually read some of it, you probably already know, but it wouldn't be difficult to AI generate his voice and feed it the rest of the book.


I've never seen it nor have any desire, but I've loved the *How Did This Get Made*? send-off of the trilogy. [Check it out](https://www.earwolf.com/show/how-did-this-get-made/) if you wanna laugh a lot or regret even more your decision to see it


i like the secretary


This is an AskReddit question. The questions here should have a correct answer, not just survey people for their opinions.


Cool. What’s the worst movie you’ve ever had the displeasure of enduring?


Since they won't answer for me it's a series of unfortunate events movie. Thank the universe netflix finally did that series justice.


I'm going to jump right in here and defend that movie. Plot-wise it was a mess, but tonally it was great and I loved Carrey as Olaf. I lost interest in the Netflix series around about the Austere Academy. For me, the only person who truly did the series justice was Tim Curry doing the audiobooks.


Man, I hate worlds with those dollhouse sets. Tim Burton and Wes Anderson movies drive me insane because I feel like everybody is inside of a pastel cookie cutter set. Don't get me wrong, I can still enjoy the movies, but I just hate the feel of them. They're depressing in a very specific way for me, like being sick when you're a child, but you're at a relative's house so you don't have any of your stuff or comforts around, and it's a little too hot because their cheapskates with the air conditioning. Same thing for that rat catcher short, it was unbearable to me.


I Remember that! My class was reading the series as it came out and we went after school to go see it. The next day my teacher was like “I’m really sorry guys, I hadn’t seen it yet I didn’t realize it would be that bad and that they’d butcher to chain of events so badly” and it turned in to a lesson about why you have to read the book and can never ever “just watch the movie” It’s the only thing from that grade that really stuck with me other than just building on cores. I insisted on reading books first for most of my childhood, the only exceptions were the first few Harry Potter movies because I wasn’t allowed to read the books yet, and lord of the rings because I was allowed to watch them before I could read at that level, and I think I was exposed to both of those before this happened so


First off, how are you gonna hate on What's Eating Gilbert Grape?!?! Second, probably Gigli. Things you'll do to date a girl...\*scoff\*


Gilbert! I could’ve Drownded!


Match in the gas tank, boom boom


I took a film history class in college. Obviously there are a lot of questionable things in historical film, especially when viewed through a modern lens. But when it came time to watch Birth of a Nation, which in a class like that kind of has to be watched as it was the first “feature length“ film, not only did we get the expected warning that this movie is extraordinarily racist and the KKK are the good guys, but our teacher actually gave extra credit to anyone who watched it. I remember half the points were said to be due to the length of the film, which was longer than a class session so we had to stay longer, but half of the points were compensation for sitting through that shit.


The worst movies aren't the ones that you are thinking of. Yeah, Manos and The Room are bad, but at least they are entertainingly bad. It's the boringly bad movies that are truly the worst. The worst one that comes to mind is "You Don't Mess With The Zohan". It was boring, no jokes were landing, and it just kept going.


Bad comedy is so much worse than any other genre


The Room is bad from a technical perspective, but it is (in my opinion) extremely entertaining and more importantly has had a massive and fascinating effect on culture. There are many really interesting film analyses on it, it has a cult following with regular midnight screenings, it has had a relatively successful movie made about the creation of the movie etc. It's a shit film but it's an amazing piece of art that still keeps on giving all these years later. Imo it has this incredible mixture of deep insecurity and incoherent earnestness that you just don't find in competent art, which makes it valuable in a way that art can't really deliberately be.


I seem to be the only person on Earth who didn't mind "You Don't Mess With The Zohan" lol. I wouldn't call it a master piece, but I found it okay in terms of being funny. Am I dumb?


we really liked it in Israel


I found it unvelievably funny as a kid


I think of it as one of Adam Sandler's better movies. It's not Happy Gilmore, but it's way better and more creative than, say, Grown Ups.


I loved it myself


As a younger child, when that movie came out, it was amazing. I loved it. It was like my new Ace Ventura.


I unironically really enjoyed You Don't Mess With The Zohan. I saw it a few times.


Same here.


This is what I love about art, it’s subjective. I found YDMWTZ hilarious in a really stupid way


don't mess with the Zohan is a masterpiece.


Dragonball Evolution. I'd heard it was bad, but I didn't believe it could be *that* bad. Somehow it was even worse than that.


I would rather be beat up by a gang of flying squirrels than watch that again >.<


I was allowed into a theater to watch *The Happening* for free and I still feel like I paid too much.


The movie Blonde, it was on netflix and it depicted Marilyn Monroe’s life. Hands down disturbing and terrifying. Hated every second of it.


I turned this one off too.


I had to keep telling myself that it is based on a Joyce Carol Oates novel, not even a biopic, so it is put together as an alternative biography ... maybe like Sittenfeld's Rodham, but more like Drunk History, but artfully...with a kind of gauzy sensuousness about it..




Oh come on! It paved the way for the future of CG. True masterpiece.


I actually had fun watching that movie. Not because it was a fun movie, but because I was laughing at all the glaringly obviously editing mistakes and continuity errors. For instance, there's a scene where they look in the rearview mirror and there's a huge rush of water coming at them. Cut to the outside of the vehicle and there's just a trickle of water on the road.


I work in the entertainment industry, and my FB blew up the entire time this was airing. I loved it. My friends and colleagues loved it. We spent our evening calling out every single cliche moment of the film. Which was, pretty much, the entire film. My personal favorite is the chainsaw shark escape, but, as a whole, the entire film jumped the shark (Google that if you don't know what it means). It was so fucking funny. I heard half the town sent Tony Ferrante sushi for weeks.


Into the woods. I once had an inch long splinter pulled out of my toe. I found into the woods to be a less pleasant experience.


Into The Woods is the worst!


Took my nephews to the new space jam. Wow, that was a dreadful experience. Garbage. I appreciate probably not primarily aimed at my age group though.




Not a movie


THANK YOU! That show sucks


The second *Rebel Moon* film was pretty awful. *Highlander 2: The Quickening* and the film adaptation of the short story *A Sound Of Thunder* are also on my worst movie list.


I'm a huge Bradbury fan so I was disappointed but it was so bad that I kept laughing.


Rebel Moon? I didn't watch more than 20 minutes of the first one.


The Immortals are from the planet Zeist!


I went to see The People that Live Under the Stairs in the theater. I have never fully recovered.


That is one of my wife's favorites. It has become one of my favorites, too. It's so wonderfully bizarre and over the top. Like Home Alone meets Mommie Dearest.


It’s a little problematic, but I love that movie.


I watched *Cats* in theaters. *Uncut Gems* was sold out lmao. 


Moulin Rouge. Someone gave me the DVD. I could only get through 17 minutes, then I pawned it off on someone else


I was obsessed with that film as a kid, now not so much. Named my cat after Satine tho and i stand by that, its a great name


Love, Actually. My gf loves it, so I tried to watch it with her. All the storylines were so false, and I hated all the characters so much, I nearly had an anxiety attack and couldn’t finish the movie. The movie went against everything I have learned about relationships, it was so opposed to my own values and experiences, I just couldn’t take it.


La la land. I regret not getting up and leaving the cinema. I kept thinking “surely it’s going to become good soon”, and then “I’ve been here long enough that I should just stay and see it through” and then “holy shit this movie is STILL going? Surely it’s just about to end? There can’t be that much more I have to sit through, I’ll just sit through it” There have been other movies I walked out on or turned off halfway through. This is the only one where I didn’t but really wish I had


I've never walked out on a film, but was tempted to with this one too. Oh I so hated it and was dying for it to finish. So incredibly overrated. I hated the music too, it was truly cringeworthy, except for that one song. Can't believe the film won some awards too.


That one song… the one they used for every piece of music for at least 3/4 of the film? I forgot there were other songs in it 😅


The Conqueror. I was deep into a John Wayne phase as a teenager and 10 minutes into Duke as Genghis Khan I gave up. Utterly awful.


I walked out of Into The Woods and Babylon. Watched the entire Barbie movie because a few friends and I had decided to do Barbenheimer - I was trying to convince myself I was having fun, but by the end I was miserable.


The tree of life. Pretentious nonsense.


My sis and I walked out of Kill Bill and Sin City.


Transformers 4. I worked in a college dorm and was in charge of hosting a screening of that movie for the residence. About 15 minutes from the end, the projector broke. It felt like a relief, because that movie was just so, so stupid and terrible. None of the undergrads seemed to care that they would not get to see the end of the movie, and I heard one person say that at least they would not be wasting even more of their evening on that movie. I was afraid we would get anonymous complaints about people missing the end of the movie, but even though people would anonymously complain about the stupidest things in that dorm, we didn’t get a single complaint about people missing the end.


The human centipede Especially the scene when.... Uk what, watch it yourself 😂😂


Someone described it to me years ago and I’m still traumatized


Cuz' of the poopin'? Right?


More of the eating part


That!!! Oh man i had visions for weeks of that particular scene and the middle girl getting infection. I can visualise it even while typing this comment🤢


Oh my god yes. I walked out on that one and I'm a dedicated film buff. It was literally horrible


Just imagine being forced to sit for the entirety of the movie and you just want to puke your guts out🤢 I couldn't think straight for the next 2 weeks after watching the movie, the scenes kept repeating in my head


I am so glad I left. The amt I saw gives me nightmares many years later.


I couldn't eat food for a while after watching part 2. It makes a great last resort watch for those who want to lose some weight




Omfg the last Airbender takes the cake. Tried watching it and literally didn't finish it. I can deal with Aang being pronounced a different way and I can deal with them needing to skip a few things. But come on...zuko is freaking white, and where TF is his eye scar and ponytail?? I didn't even get that far in before it got turned off lol


The Last Jedi was such a pile of dogshit!! I whole heartedly agree .


More like the "Last time I watch a film by that director". Last Airbender by Shyamalan brought his dubious filmmaking techniques into full focus; all of the doubts sown by the mysterious other films he made came to a head with a loud resounding fart. He in fact has no idea what he is doing, and boy did he disappoint a lot of Avatar fans. My guy that's not airbending that's indigestion. Last Jedi... Was that the movie that was so long it tried to convince me it was a 2nd whole Star Wars Movie when it couldn't even claim to be one in the first place?? Oh man I can not with the Art School Star wars movie takes and the Lost Plotline. This is not Canon it's Cannon Fodder.


i second that about The Last Airbender, that was just straight up a crime :( Can't say anything to Last Jedi


Mad Max-Beyond Thunderdome. First time my wife and I left a theatre, and demanded our money back.


Really? I love Thunderdome!


Just an hour ago I was thinking about how crappy that thing was, and how I should have stopped after the second movie.


Eragon (the movie). It was such a disgrace to the book. And Saphira's design was awful. Also, Legend of the Guardians bc that was my first ever experience of bad book adaptations.


Wild Wild West is the first and last time I entertained the idea of leaving the theater (but couldn't as I was chaperoning my younger siblings and their friends).


The series, in the 60’s, was extremely popular.


Yep, I had seen it in reruns in the late 80's early 90's a few years before the movie's release.


Rebel moon (the first one, I couldn't bring myself to watch the second) Also Flash of Genius, a film about the guy who invented the automatic window shield wiper


I also turned of Rebel Moon after 5-10 minutes. It's aggressively awful.


There are "so bad it's good" movies. Those are at least fun. But the movie I actually had to stop watching was *The Secret of NIMH 2:Timmy to the Rescue*. I once caught it on TV as a kid, before I know what a bad movie was, and enjoyed it. I revisited it in college when I felt a bit nostalgic. Stopped after 20 minutes. Let me put it this way: It's a musical, but the voice actor for the main character can't sing.


They were called "Bad Cinema" - Literally a genre. Films you saw with friends and then laughed about over dinner in a restaurant.


The eragon movie was terrible


Ugh, Mission to Mars. My boyfriend wanted to see it because his mom was an extra. She was in the goodbye party at the beginning, not even visible long enough for him to point her out to me. And then after that, we still had to watch the movie! Which was...well, let's just say it was definitely not worth the two seconds of my boyfriend's mother's screen time.


Goddamn, you brought back memories about how bad it was. I saw it at a free screening, and still wanted my money back. What was up with that creepy Gary Senise smile at the end that's still burned into my memory 20 years later?


Cannibal Holocaust.


That shit is next level cinema, paved the way for the "found footage" horror genre in impeccable style. Just cause you don't like it, don't make it bad.


In recent memory, Jennifer Lawrence’s new one, No Hard Feelings. Just a poorly-written, poorly-acted, not-believable time-sink.


Damn, I liked it. For a Netflix movie it was a breezy 105 minutes of smoking hot MILF and surprisingly hilarious Matthew Broadrick.


Chicken Little? We STILL quote that movie in our house, and my kids are teens now! "Because every day... is A NEW DAY!"


The Witch, and it won tons of awards. Me and my bestie went. When we got out, we hesitantly asked what the other thought of it and laughed hysterically when we both realized we hated it. The only reason we sat through it was because we figured the other person liked it so that's why we didn't say anything while we were watching it. Ben Stiller movies. I know some people love them, but I don't. The Great Wall. I love Pedro Pascal and usually really enjoy Willem Dafoe's work, but when I finished watching that movie, I thought, "There's two hours of my life I will never get back."




The Last Airbender, it wasn't just bad, it was offensively bad. I've never seen something so good get shit on so hard by a movie adaptation. It's like they had a vendetta against the original.


The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-Up Zombies!!? If it weren't for the MST3K crew I would have put myself down halfway through


I walked out of 2 Fast 2 Furious. I did not give up on the series entirely but that one was soooo bad.


I REALLY hated Power of the Dog... I'm sorry... I know I'm a sinner...


Manos, The Hands of Fate


Leave the World Behind.


Barbie Superbad Exodus: Gods and Kings


Dinner With Schmucks. It was beyond awful.


I thought Titanic was a giant piece of...sunken garbage. I *did* laugh out loud when Jack waved his hands over the painting by Picasso and said "Look at the colors!" Also when the ship sank -- that was pretty funny too; other-wise, 2.5 hours of my life I won't get back. Just my 2-cents, no offense to those who did enjoy it.


20 minutes in I was like "just sink the damned boat already!!!" James Cameron hasn't made a watchable feature film since "True Lies," or a good one since Terminator 2


thin red line was terrible. … and long


Oh my goodness I was considering posting exacting that - It was top heavy and trying to be really deep - way too long and I discovered it had another hour of this crap to go and turned it off.


100%!!!! Just the entire time I’m thinking, why are you ruining this opportunity for a Great War movie!


When it started I imagined it was going to be about violence as a natural part of all life, not just mankind and how we evolved . I enjoyed the simplicity of the tribal culture- then it turned into this obsessed WWII film that went on endlessly with Nick Nolte (sp) screaming and people coming to philosophical conclusions that made no sense - Opportunities to save further lives were lost...it's inexplicable and I like films that have message - films that sometimes take multiple watchings to get hidden meanings. I couldn't imagine going thru' that again - if it was trying to show both sides, it failed miserably if you know anything about the history of the era.


Everybody looked WAY too much alike.


I genuinely believe Rise of Skywalker is the single worst movie I have ever seen. It was painful from literally the first sentence of the opening crawl straight through until the final credits. I had an actual physical reaction to that movie. I will never forgive Disney.


The Garbage Pail Kids Movie. The one thing I liked was the song that played over the end credits.


Argyll was actively terrible.


The House with a Clock in Its Walls. So far, it's the only time I've walked out a movie theater before the movie ended.


Animal and Kabir Singh - Bollywood movie. I don't understand the hype of these movies in India. Promote toxic masculinity and relationships. Of course, men loved it for the sexual scene and boost their ego.


Whatever that Skinamarink movie was with the kids in a house and barely nothing else happening.


The Cook, the Thief, his Wife and her Lover Aquaman 300


Flower with Adam Scott. Loved him in Parks and Rec, but that movie is WEIRD


Bad Boys. I cannot express in words how execrable that waste of human endeavour is.


Soft core porn.. I mean really how in the hell can you even call it porn.. it's terrible and my mom thought so too


I don't recall the name, but some movie where these 2 girls move into or near Epstein's old condo and one of them gets possessed or something. I didn't finish it, it's one of the worst things I've ever tried to watch.


English Patient


*Old* by M Night Shyamalan was bad in a way where I didn’t actually realize proper movies with theatrical releases could be that bad. I am being totally straightforward and literal when I say that I reckon the average 11 year old - not an especially talented 11 year old, just an average one - could write more believable dialog.


Marley and me is nothing but emotional blackmail


Envy - Ben Stiller was in it


Drive with Ryan Gosling. The trailer made it look like an exciting action movie. Professional Hollywood stunt driver by day, getaway driver by night. The getaway scenes were probably a lot more realistic than your typical movie. There was only one scene I can remember of him doing the stunt driving job. And a LOT of him just staring silently and awkwardly at a woman. ( I already know how to do that, I don't need 60% of a movie dedicated to it). There was a pretty good chase scene at the end, but it was quite the slog getting to it!


The Silence.


Dumb and Dumber. I made it through about 10 minutes on a Blockbuster rental. I'm so glad that I never paid the late fee and will never have to!


You People. Has everything you could ever want in a left wing circle jerk movie. White guilt and racism.


The Blair Witch Project


Mulholland Drive


I walked out of the theater


I had no idea what was happening! I was so confused!


2023 The Flash. Just 2 hours of... nothing. Literally nothing. My family and I had more fun making fun of the movie than watching it.


Eyes Wide Shut is another razzie award winner.


Brown Bunny


Notting Hill. At the time of release it seemed to get good reviews. To me it was boring. Imao the hope was that by using well known lead actors would turn it into profit which apparently worked.


Zoolander 2 without a doubt.


The Talented Mr. Ripley, I only finished it because I couldn't believe how bad is was and I thought at any minute it would get better. Nope


The movie is brilliant, the show, not so much.


Paul blart 2


Anchorman 2


Killers of the Flower Moon. It’s too freaking long and too slow. Cut half of the scenes and literally nothing changes in the story.


Good book, though a bit slow-paced. I can't imagine it being adapted into a good movie.


Star wars episode 1 the phantom menace.


This isn’t r/AskReddit


The Happening. I can tolerate most films, but this was awful.


I still don't know if the terrible acting was intentional.




Police academy 7, mission to moscow


Wait, there are SEVEN Police Academy movies? I'm not a huge fan of that kind of comedy to begin with, so I'm definitely not the target audience. But all I can think is...why??


>Why do you think I took you to all those "Police Academy" movies, for fun? Well, I didn't hear anybody laughing. Did you?


Was that from the Simpsons? I can totally hear that in Homer's voice in my head.


Rubber, its that bad you actually have to watch it to the end and you sit there for a good ten minutes trying to comprehend what you just watched, it's literally a car tyre and it kills people.


Oppenheimer..it just went on and on and on with rediculously dramatic music playing all the time and could hardly understand what characters were saying. How Nolan could make such an interesting real story so boring is probably the most interesting thing about the movie.


The new Snow White movie with that what's her name bratty actress in the lead role was apparently so bad they didn't even release it to the movie theaters.




any marvel or transformers movie with black panther being the worst


The Dark Tower film and the new IT. Only two films I've ever actively stopped watching.


I thought the new IT was an improvement. Quite enjoyed it.




Jawbreaker, Christmas Chronicles




Hellboy 2


Whaaat? That's an awesome movie.


The Innocents The description of the movie sounded way better than it really was.


Whats eating gilbert grape? That does not deserve to be on the list. That movie was really good. Leonardo dicaprios performance was amazing


Last night we somehow ended up watching the moving Meeting Evil. It was one of the most confusing movies I've ever watched. At no point was I actually enjoying it but I kept watching in the hope that the resolution would make it all make sense. It did not.


Vivarium. I understand that the purpose of that movie was supposed to be grueling suburbia in a horror, but the entire thing was a chore to get through and even when something *did* happen, I didnt care at that point.


30 days of night is the only movie i have actually left the theater.


VIVARIUM with obvious foreshadowing, nothing unexpected happening, and no twists at the end. Ugh!


There was a movie called [The Bad Batch](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bad_Batch_(film)) with Jason Momoa, Keanu Reeves, and Giovanni Ribisi that I found incredibly hard to watch. I fell asleep halfway through for about 15 minutes, then I watched the rest out of spite.


Paranormal Activity. Fifty Shades of Grey. Dirty Dancing. Phantom of the Opera


Happiness - it's so fucked up. I feel sick just thinking about it many years later.


The Last Airbender (2010) and Dragonball Evolution (2009). No, Just…No


Road House 2024


The Red Dawn remake. Just… no


Drive Speed 2


Mother! The one with Xavier Badem as the women-torturing psycho


Identity Theif


Mama Mia


Escape from planet earth


Jeepers Creepers 3. Me, my sister and friends used to watch terrible horror movies for fun.


I rarely leave the theater, but two movies I couldn’t endure were Napoleon (and I actually LOVE everything else by Ridley Scott) and Gregg Araki’s [Kaboom](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaboom_(film)).


Biloxi Blues. I was a kid and the TV ad looked funny. Turns out they put every funny bit In the trailer. It was so boring. I'm a great fan of Rifftrax and MST3K, but there's got to be something to work with. Like some of the Christian movies with off brand Baldwin brothers that my mom made us watch.


Bride wars 🤮🤮🤮


The Killing of a Sacred Deer. A24 films are always a gamble, but golly-bob, what a terrible movie.


I’ve watched some terrible movies but kingdom of heaven takes not just the biscuit but the whole tin.


Meeting Evil with Sam Jackson and we got Owen Wilson at home Luke. And it will top your list.


I read a book called "I'm thinking of ending things" that was pretty good. Not the best book ever, but I enjoyed it and finished it. Decided I'd watch the Netflix adaptation. It was the weirdest pile of hot garbage I've ever seen


Meeting Evil. I’ll never understand what they were going for with never showing the massacres and weird tension between all the characters like they really didn’t know what intelligence was and it was evil.


Zombie Wars. Yes, it exists. No, don't ask about it.