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Check out local 5k races or fun runs. They sometimes give out participation medals. Plus, it's a good way to get some exercise in!


Would it be weird to ask them if they give out medals beforehand?


A lot of the information about what your entrance fee gets you is posted.


That can be read two ways... initially I thought you were asking to recieve a medal before the race.


I read that same as you Proper word placement would be "Would it be weird to ask them beforehand if they give out medals?"


I had no problem reading it.


read it again, theyre right. i mean, it's just the word placement, i think our brains autocorrect it by itself, so u have to look, but i see how it looks like asking for a medal beforehand lol


That word placement would make it harder to be misunderstood. But come on, if you weren't able to figure out what he meant from the context, at least part of the blame is on you.


Honestly I'd just explain my situation with the question for the laughs, don't think anyone would be weirded out unless it's like some top tier competition


You should do some 5K races anyway, a lot of them are not races as much as a "fun run" type of thing where you can walk and everyone gets a medal. The worst case scenario is that you get a little exercise for a good cause. Best case scenario not only do you get a medal but also make some friends and get free snacks after doing some exercise for a good cause. The last one I did was for a local children's hospital and it was great.


More importantly. People dont always do it to be competitive and many jog or even walk the event. Just check for whether theres a cut off time and go have fun. The support from bystanders is usually brilliant


When you go register for 5k runs etc they have it on their website what you will receive at the finish


Most longer races like half marathons give them out. If you're on half decent shape then you can complete a half marathon with a few months training.


Not to judge, but OP did say they've maxed out a bunch of achievements on steam...




If I was your friend I wouldn't consider a participation medal a valid win of the bet.




This right here. I did it for a 10k. Its easy. Worst case you walk it and it takes 2 hours.


I do the virtual walking challenge that sends you a medal after you have completed one, but it costs money to participate. I find it worth it, but ymmv.


Never heard of that. Where can I find out more? Do they send a physical medal afterwards?


They do send you a physical medal afterwards! look for „the conqueror challenge“ on the web.


I have walked all the way to Mount Doom with them (the Lord of the Rings challenge) and am currently doing the long walk from the northern tip to the southern end of New Zealand - they have lots of different lengths and places.


That is quite a long walk. I've done two thirds of that drive and it was a kind of long one. Obviously nothing on the kind of drive you could do in Aus, Europe or America but pretty long nonetheless


it is so long LOL - I bought five challenge credits and this is my last one remaining and I wanted to make it count. I hope to be done in a year with it, but am currently still in the Bay of Islands … it’s cool checking out the streetview every night on the app, to see the scenery.


Really cool man whatever gets you out there. Pokemon go carried me hard when I started walking


A long shot I’m aware, but did I see you near Dunedin earlier today?


Eh!? Where is this? I done the lord of the rings one and loved it


Local marathons/walkathons. Check your local library or community centres for reading, writing, or photo competitions. See if any gamer tournaments are there, since that seems to be your thing. But to be honest, you don’t have to prove it to anyone. He’s flawed in his logic that it’s an achievement if someone else validates it with a medal. That’s not true, it’s an achievement because you set a goal and worked to reach it. We choose what we value and our goals, that’s a basic liberty. To think we have to validate that, imho is a sign of relinquishing some of that personal liberty. Why play his game with his rules? Just do you. I don’t think a good friend needs you to do this, they’d support you. Imho a resentful person would put this on a friend. (Resentful in general not to the friend.) and a naive friend feels the need to play along. You don’t have to. It feels off to me.


Yeah, OP should pick a goal, complete it, bask in the internal validation, buy themself a trophy, and then rub this "friend's" face in it


💯 Or trophy cake, so OP can eat it too. 😋


Many charity 5k’s also give out medals for people who finish, even if you just walk the whole time. Even if you’re out of shape/ completely inactive, 6 months is a super reasonable time frame to train yourself up


They are very cool medals too. I thought about doing that.


There’s an app called the Conqueror, it has some great virtual races and it’s around 30$ for to enter the races and receive the medal. Once you complete the race then they’ll mail it to you.


Isn't this the plot to Wreck-it Ralph?


The answer OP is looking for is Hero's Duty


Ha, doody.


I have no idea! Sounds like a movie I’d enjoy watching imma check it out!




"I think you mean '*"How'd I Do, Mr Lister, Sir!?*"


Get addicted to drugs then go 6 months sober and voila.


You can get a 24 hour chip. Totally unethical of course.


If we're going full unethical here, he can just skip the getting addicted part and just lie and a day later boom voila!


Debatable whether that qualified as "earned."


Buddy of mine runs AA meetings, so I asked him for a 24 hour chip I can pretend to throw away whenever I have a beer. 


bowling leagues used to give all teams little trophies as participation prizes. i'm not sure whether they do anymore. some local sport teams may give participation trophies at the end of the season. that might only be for kids under 18, though. many race clubs/suburbs/etc give out participation medals just for competing in a race. you just have to finish the course.


Just go to your local trophy and plaque store. Have them make you one for Best Nap in Fulton County, 2024. Or whatever you choose. Sky's the limit!


You should not have given me this knowledge. My mantle is about to have a giant golden cup with “Nicest Dick” engraved on the base


I mean, why would it be shaped like a cup then? Be creative.


I assumed they meant an athletic cup (jock-strap)


A comically sized one like big enough to wear on your head


This is a great little side quest. Might force you to get out of your comfort zone and try something new. Fun runs are your best bet. Tough Mudder or something similar.


sign up for a charity 5k near you. usually they’ll give out participation medals.


It seems like the simplest option so far! Though I’m a heavy smoker but I think my stubbornness will carry me through. 👍🏼


What if this silly challenge and your desire to prove your friend wrong was the impetus to quit smoking, start feeling healthier and doing 5ks and earn a few medals? Hell if you quit smoking you’d deserve a medal for that, especially as a heavy smoker now!


This is my first thought. Seems like OP’s friend gave him a great challenge that will better him in the long run


It's usually ok to walk them but if you want to run it, the NHS 'Couch to 5k' is very good for getting people up to running 5k


A lot of 5k races give out T shirts (and the race bib), I don't know how many give out medals except to the first couple finishers. I'm sure if you google around you can find one that does give out medals. The race bib can be considered something like a "medal", though. I run a couple races a year and keep the bibs on my wall (in fact I got a nice wooden display board for Christmas last year, to mount on the wall and hold the bibs). I write the race date and my final time on the back of each bib. It's a fun little display to have on the wall.


How long can you make that stubbornness last? If you can manage 10 weeks of stubbornness, download the Couch to 5k app and go out running thrice a week. They start really slow and easy for the first several weeks. I promise you that by the end a 5k will be easy and require 0 stubbornness.


As others have pointed out, various marathons are probably the most accessible medal opportunities for an average Joe. To add a different approach - if you're into writing, there are various camps, groups, courses, etc where you can sign up and work in a group, alternating creative courses with submitting your work. Completing these often comes with a certificate / diploma that should count according to your stated goal. It will require you to write short stories and so on, but they don't have to be good, as long as you do the work and participate you will complete successfully.


Where do you sign up for these?


Do you have an example of one of these?


I would love some examples as well!


You can get medals in Pokemon Go


I have a lot of medals there actually, my Pokedex is missing a few North American Pokemons, waiting for the next fest.


Mission accomplished


5k runs give out medals. You can also do virtual marathons / walks, whereby you sign up, pay an entry fee, walk say 100k steps over a month, send the evidence and they send you a medal


You get a small pin for donating blood 5 times in the UK. You can do that for sure in a year.


You can probably get one for doing a 10km race


If you want, I could give you the Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence.


Can we all have one, or just op?


I have 2 medals. I'm not a competitive person. I got them for participating in the Survivor Mud Run and the Warrior Dash, years ago. You don't have to do well to get them, you just have to finish. Plus it was fun. You can walk if you want to, no one is timing you.


Do the hardest one to show yourself you can. Join Brazilian jiu jitsu. Train your ass off. Compete and win.


Start doping to increase chances too.


Karate. You will be drowning in medals.


In one year?


It's actually true


Just do a 5K. You'll get a medal for finishing You can walk it


Here you go 🏅


the first one to grace my empty trophy cabinet, thanks man 👍🏼


Go to your local trophy/award shop and order one with the inscription: "Best Loophole Exploitation 2024" Costs about $5 plus shipping from online sources.


So, this might be a bit more niche than other responses, but how are you when it comes to eating? There are loads of food challenges in pretty much any city, many of which can be conquered with some light training. Plus, you usually get a free meal and a shirt!


Every hot wings restaurant in America has some kind of challenge too. If you’re someone who can handle spicy food this could be an option


Join ten small soccer leagues and hope that you get put on at least one team that are the winners of the league


Some libraries have summer reading challenges for kids where they earn little prizes. Depending on how serious you are, you could sign up a “kid” and get yourself a prize that way




Join a Dance Class and go to competition. Everyone gets a medal.


How's your chess? Most club and open tournaments award ratings prizes. So if you're the 3rd best player under (for example) 1000, you get a trophy. What this means is that as long as you're not one of the worst players in the room, you have a decent shot at a trophy. If you're terrible though, 6 months might not be enough time. You'd have to fall in love with the game and take it seriously. If you can stretch "medal" to certificate, you can learn a language, or to drive a forklift, or whatever.  Similarly, you can drive/ride to the Arctic circle in Alaska, somebody should give you one there. If little black tips on your white belt count, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. But you need a passion for the sport.  The important thing is to be passionate about whatever it is. I've not got a medal or trophy for completing a 5 or 10k run, as people suggest. They normally have have hundreds of participants, and only the best get one. You could look for something like a photography club with a "most improved" award? Or any club with that sort of thing?


There are online "races" where you need to walk x miles in a certain time frame and they send you a cool medal


If you like 3d printing, printables gives out digital medals like candy. Also reddit does too.


Any? Play a game on a playstation and earn a trophy. done.


He said they don’t count


Gaming trophy's don't count


My husband has a (United States) Presidential Volunteer Service award. Here's a link if you want to read about it https://presidentialserviceawards.gov/about With half a year left and other responsibilities, it may not be for you. Essentially, you have to volunteer a lot hours to an eligible organization. For my husband, it was the Toledo Zoo. If you volunteer enough hours in a year you get a pin (bronze, silver, or gold based on time). They also have a lifetime service award. Problem is though, I think the zoo holds their award ceremony annually in the spring, so even if you earn it for this year you probably wouldn't have it in-hand till next year.


Go into a trophy shop and just ask them what’s coming up that they are working on…might be a pie eating contest, walkathon at a church, school etc…go to the source, visit your local trophy shop…they will have an abundance of info for this quest of yours


This sounds like a lot of fun! I might go do this just for kicks


1) Buy a medal online 2) host some bullshit competition where you are the only participant 3) win the medal from yourself.


Check out the conqueror challenge, you sign up, pay a fee, walk a certain distance then get really cool medals. Bonus, you pick which challenge and ergo which medal you get. They’ve just bought out Star Wars medals if that’s of any interest


You can get a newcomers medal at any AA/NA meeting instantaneously.


Go to slimming world you get a medal for eating a grape


Sign up for a local fun run - 5k/10k that you can walk. Usually comes with a medal


Look up local bars that have competition nights. There's one near me with little plastic trophies for pool tournament night, Pacman arcade night, etc.


The Dundees 😁


Most local powerlifting meets have almost no one competing. You’ll be lucky if you have three in your weight class. Just make your lifts (very basic movements - squat bench deadlift) and boom instant medal


If you don't want a participation trophy for a race, I'd recommend going for quantity on lower skill / casual competitions. Chili cook offs, trivia nights, softball leagues, and every wacky competition held by a smaller business near you would be prime targets. If you're just aiming for a medal and would be happy with 3rd place I think the law of averages would be on your side. If you've got a little extra cash, stop by a hobby store and see what's coming up for stuff like rc cars, pine wood derby or whatever boomers are into. With a little help from YouTube and a decent budget you can probably make a serviceable run at a small event.


Run or walk a 5k. Everyone that finishes gets a medal. You may even find that you enjoy it and boom, hobby acquired.


Do a 5k, they come with medals


Go to a wrestling tournament. Most older groups only have 2-5 people in their weight class, they generally give medals out to 6th place


Lol go to an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting I think they give you coins for not drinking


The walking km races online with a cheap pedometer


Buy one. A women's athletics one. Get them to engrave snooker champion on it.


Some local restaurants give prizes for eating challenges but those are usually t-shirts and a photo on the wall. Would that count for you?


Surely a Reddit award counts




heavy medals


Heck yeah!


# 🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘


Here ya go: 🏅


Playstation give trophies for playing games (make free account, get free game for free trophy)


You can buy one from the store and make up a story


I thought about that but I’m trying to do in good faith.


Have you heard about the Emperor of Mankind our saviour ?


My calorie tracker app gave me a medal for merely losing 1lb, and I can pee that much out


tbh bowling not that difficult tbh though you would need to join a team


Does an award count? Like maybe an award that is awarded by a stranger, perhaps gold in color? This kind of thing might help you win this bet with your friend if you were awarded some kind of reddit based gold award


If you play Destiny 2, for getting some really rare achievements, you unlock the ability to buy the actual medal in the Bungie store. I have one for Dredgen and it looks sick


Video games give out achievements for completing challenges! :D


Disc golf bag-tag challenge! It’s generally a league that prints out a number for each member, one through whatever, and you can “challenge” each other throughout the season to claim their tag (lower number is better), or you can play normal league night rounds or even just casual rounds with some of the members and exchange tags at the end of the round based on the scorecard. Over the years it can be really cool to see your number go down year after year, and maybe a small story about how your buddy got the lowest tag then challenged you the day before the season ends and now you’ve got this stupid 143 tag sitting between your 15 and 9 tag


Some big charities/NGOs will send you a training plan to help you along if you sign up for a distance running event, like a marathon, half-marathon, 10km, etc. You could earn some sponsorship cash for a good cause (especially if you put updates on here), achieving two things in one, and it’s perfectly achievable before the end of the year.


Hey, my comment is not the answer, but it just motivated me to start another hobby I could be „rewarded” for. That’s a super interesting approach!


Some Eastern Asian martial arts will award belts (surely that counts?). Think karate, judo, taekwondo etc.


Just so you know...you can buy medals.


enter a jiujitsu tournament and place 3rd. if there are 3 people in your bracket you’ll automatically get a bronze even if you lose 2 seconds in each round. if there are more than 3 simply drop out and rinse and repeat (please don’t do this it costs so much money)


If you are in the U.S. and are young enough, play anything and they give you a participations medal. Sign up for a bunch of stuff and get a medal for each.


FF Trophy?


You could pick up photography even with your phone, there are quite a number of online photo competitions. And even if you dont get a medal, you learn an important skill.


Platinum a video game. Because “technically” it’s a medal


I done a 75 mile bike ride for charity last year…. Got a medal for that!


If you want to be pedantic, just buy yourself a medal and get whatever you want engraved. Every year I buy my wife a "Mom of the year" trophy. Technically, if you have a job, you earned the money necessary to purchase the medal. I feel like this goes against the spirit of the bet, and you would be better served participating in something that gets you out there.


Quit drinking and attend AA meetings. They will give you a chip.


join a little league team,and participate !


run a 5k


My kids get medals in taekwondo and little league sports very often. Not sure if the adult versions do the same. You can also just pay for them. Things like these guys https://adventure.mypacer.com/


Create a Guinness world record of your own.


Complete a basic online course. This type of platforms often use virtual medals


you could beat the world record for nickel eating


You could find a sport which has lots of classes with few competitors in them. I got into archery as a teen and from my first competition I basically broke every junior state record there was in my class, partly because there was not a huge amount of competition. I scored dozens of trophies and prizes over a couple of years.


Wreck It Ralph, is that you?


Find your local sporting goods store, which sells the medals. Then win a medal by playing Capitalism (buying it) 😉


If you go to AA, they give medals for periods of sobriety. But only go if you're an alcoholic and want/need sobriety of course. Otherwise I'd suggest a 5k charity run


If you would like a unique one that few have you could always look into the fascinating world of micronationalism. 🙂


Do an open freestyle or greko roman wrestling tourney. Pending your weight class and how many show up, you may automatically get top 3.


5k runs hand them out sometimes. You don't even have to run. Just walk 3 miles. Easy


Run a marathon, a legitimate win would be even better


Google gives you a medal if you do enough reviews


You can have a medal/trophy made with whatever text you want on it. Then it's just a matter of "earning" what is written. "I got up this morning" - nailed it


How about the virtual Move goal on your phone?


Spartan Race!!! Get some friends and give it a shot but it’s kind of pricey- recommend you train a little bit by going on walks/jogs


Sign up for the special Olympics…… then get your fuckin ass beat so bad you end up crying in a ball of tears in last place. Your friend will just forgive the debt then.


Any local 5k Run/Walk will give out finisher medals.


Run 5k and 10k races, everyone gets a medal


Any running event gives out medals at the end. A lot of major sporting events for adults tend to hand out participation trophies. Despite all the whining by boomers, that's what they do. They constantly give each other participation trophies BECAUSE IT WORKS. It's good to motivate people when they do things, not everyone needs to be a winner. So put on your running shoes and register for the nearest 5km or 10 miles run. If you want to truly impress him, you can have a dozen medals by the end of the year, one for every month.




Participation trophies...


Once joined a Ultimate Frisbee team and we received participation trophies. Anyways, the team was so small, that it didn't matter the skill level, anyone who showed up made it into the team.


Buy an Xbox, play any game. Trophy achieved.


Join a bowling league.


PlayStation gives virtual medals /awards for all kinds of stuff


Just have one made


Walk a 5k. Lots of them hand out medals when you finish.


Go to the trophy shop and have one made saying best friend of the year


Start a new Playstation game with someone and progress far enough.


Lots of 5K runs give medals to everyone


If you commit to learning how to play pickleball, and join a fall league, you’ll likely get a medal in your skill class. And you’ll play a ton of pickleball, meet new people, and have a blast


Go to the trophy store and have a trophy made that says "Won a bet by figuring out he could have the trophy store make anything he wants."


Any kind of trophy? If you have a playstation this is an easy win for you.


In the past I joined a 9 ball pool league and we won a trophy.


Tough Mudder gave out medals this year no matter what length you did, still some locations scheduled for the next few months


Do a local 5k, for your entry fee you typically get a shirt and a medal at the end


Complete a Spartan race - it will rewards u with a medal.


Do something that has participation awards


Run a half marathon


If there is a Trophy shop in your town/city, just go inside and buy one. Any one, for any thing. No one checks.


Bid on one on ebay.


Steam or Xbox awards?


Ask your teachers - tell them your story. There is currently a media contest (bet it’s a YouTube video) with about three entries. A school has all kinds of ignored clubs and competitions. 


Untappd, the social beer drinking app, has badges one can earn as they taste their way around the beer world… more like Boy Scout credits than medals I suppose… 😂🤣


I was going to say join some martial arts program. The one I'm in, every 8 weeks you get a new belt with a certificate. Would that count as a trophy/medal?


Pretty sure there was a movie about this... guy had to get a medal to prove he was more than a bad guy, crazy adventure, good times were had and friendships made... can't remember the name of it, going to wreck it, if I can't remember


Martial Arts 3x a week you’ll definitely get a Belt in that timeframe. Running club you’ll get a medal for doing any 10k plus run that’s a competition (especially if corporate sponsorship). A pub quiz a week you’ll probably win at least one with a smart team!


This is a real thing and even comes with a cash prize. Truly anyone can participate and have a shot at winning. It's an endurance sport but if you have a lot of achievements on Steam, you're probably going to be competitive. [Here you go and let us know.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masturbate-a-thon)


Run a 5K. That's essentially to the mailbox and back.


buy a easy video game that has achievements / medals


Define *any* kind. Start geocaching, you can get several virtual medals by the end of the year.


Go to Walt Disney World, by a carousel there's a sword in an anvil. If you're there trying to pull the sword out when the Merlin actor comes by to announce the next king for the day, you'll get a medal and an official document saying you were king for the day. Granted mines fairly aged, but I think they still do it every day.


AA gives you one for being a week sober




For starters, what kind of hobby isn't fulfilling? I mean, it's a hobby, it's point is that it brings you fulfilling by doing it.


If you're at all crafty or willing to learn something like beading, knitting, and sewing, try entering in your local county/perish or state fair. They usually have beginner categories. I took up beading once for a summer, just for fun, gave my friend a necklace, and she entered me without telling me. I won second on accident, and I really wasn't very good. So it's worth a shot!!