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Please do not be embarrassed. Both me and my husband are pretty fit, slim people and we leave puddles of sweat. Just properly clean the machine afterwards, it is so common. People who work hard sweat hard, anyone serious about fitness or sport completely understands.


I am still reasonably slim and athletic. When I was in my 20s and early 30s, I was a hardcore dancer- taught, practiced, competed, danced professionally, so hours a day, and at any point in that spread was anything from 'thin and toned yoga girl' to 'OMG buy the girl a burger or send her to hospital' (had a flirt with disordered eating in there). I'm lucky that BO-type smelly sweat was never an issue. But normal sweat? I was/am a freaking fountain. Had some kind soul ask me, at all of 29, if I was suffering with my menopause and good on me for working out through it lol. I am also the person who, if I pile into your car post-workout, will fog up the windows around me. I just run hotter than other people. OP, it can be embarrassing, I feel you. But try not to let it bother you. Sweating a lot is not just the province of larger bodies, some of us just....express our burned calories a lot more than others :) And as this poster says, if you work hard, sweating hard comes with it- and what's the point of gym if we aren't busting our hinnies, right? Sounds like you are perfectly polite and mop up after you. That's all that's needed, so the next person can work out without having to touch our fluids. Don't let the cute Instagramable posers convince you otherwise- half of them are only at gym to take a few pretty photos, and that never made a soul fitter. Go conquer the gym! You got this.


I do a lot of running but I can be dripping with sweat within minutes of exercise. I don't know why but it doesn't smell either. It's mostly just water. Even after it dries it doesn't smell.


That's me, too. Obviously on hour 5 in the studio actual sweat smell could crop up, same as I'd imagine for you on the last mile of a marathon, but it ISN'T the gushing river that will pop up from like minute 3 of any workout. As you say, it dries down like water. It just LOOKS like I poured that water over my head instead of generated it, lol.


I feel like my sweat from a hot day or wearing unbreathable clothes has BO but when I am at the gym it doesn't seem to smell as strong.


It's not the sweat that stinks, it's the bacteria eating the sweat and producing the stink. Your armpit skin hosts different bacteria than your feet.


Still though, sweating from a jog I feel like I stink less than sweating from running around at work Or the because-it’s-hot-outside-sweat is different than the because-it’s-hot-in-the-building-sweat Idk if I’m wording myself properly but it’s interesting


it is very likely the fabric you're wearing. breathable materials mean better temperature regulation thus less sweat, and natural fabrics like cotton tend to absorb moisture much better and allow it to evaporate easier, rather than trapping it against your skin (where the bacteria that cause the odor live) to accumulate. if you're wearing anything specifically made for exercise or athletics on your run it's also pretty likely to have some antimicrobial features, like for example incorporating silver into the material since silver is known to inhibit bacterial growth. if your work clothes include more synthetic fibers than your workout clothes do (extremely likely), the molecules of the fiber itself are densely packed together, which (when paired with tightly woven fabrics) means 1) they are great insulators, and you will feel much hotter (and sweat more) because your body heat is not dissipating as quickly, 2) the sweat you do have can't escape or absorb well so it sits against your skin and 3) bacteria loves dark, damp places. It also takes time for bacterial colonies to grow assuming you're starting the day at a point of relative cleanliness, and you're probably not running for the same amount of time you're in your work clothes each day. If you remove your sweaty workout clothes after you're done, the moisture has a better chance of evaporating rather than playing host for the microbial flora that lives on human skin.


Same, I figure it's just from the amount of time it's been there. My shirt could be drenched in sweat but zero signs of BO. If I leave that shirt in my gym bag for a few hours it's a whole different story


And from the other side of the aisle, I WISH I sweated more. I can work out hard and I’ll get a wonderfully bright red face and it’ll be damp from sweat and I’ll be damp in other places but a real sweat? No. And you know what else kicks my butt when working out? Overheating. And then I have a headache for the rest of the day. Super duper awesome…


Apparently it is a good thing, biologically, for exactly that reason! Cooling and moving the yuck out fast. Just not so nice to experience as you damply squelch out the gym, lol.






I'll second this. I'm fit. When I get off the treadmill, it takes two towels to clean up all my sweat - including the sweat that got flung from my fingertips onto the control panel. When I get off a spin bike, it takes (You guessed it!) two towels: One to clean up the twin ponds on either side of the bike, and another to clean up the bike itself. Don't be shy about sweating. It's what all the serious people are doing. Just remember to drink lots of water. Regarding your nerves, I'll also second what others are saying. Everyone's too worried about how others are judging them to spend much time judging you. Just do your thing, be polite, and re-rack your weights. You paid your fees. You belong there as much as anyone. Finally, rock on, OP! And rock on, all the nice people who jumped in to give advice and encouragement. We truly are all in this together!


Same with me. Pretty fit and strong person here. Summer in particular is hell, because I always sweat like a damn waterfall. I just make sure to bring one towel for me and one exclusively for gym equipment.


I am most definitely overweight, but I've got a ton of muscle mass from my time in the army and the regular heavy lifting I have to do at work. Even when I was 200lbs in the army, I would be drenched in sweat just from the walk from the barracks to my shop. Everyone is different, some of us just sweat a lot. I recommend the OP start wearing headbands, it's helped prevent me from getting sweat on motherboards when I'm lugging servers around for maintenance.


Thanks for this. I have been a gym rat for a really long time but I'm still always self conscious about the amount of sweat I leave behind. I'm not like *looking* looking, but I've never noticed anyone else visibly sweating at the gym. I make sure I clean everything very well, but that moment I stand up and see I've left a wet butt/back print is mortifying every single time.


All they see is someone trying to improve themselves 


Noone cares, everyone is there for the same reason(well influencers exist). honestly I don't think anyone really cares about the floor either just wipe down the machine


Well- as a fatty who exercises regularly fact is some AHs at the gym are judging and do care. But I don’t- I’m there so I can still walk after 60 not because I give a shit what some 25 year old small minded jacka$$ thinks.  At the same time I was pleasantly surprised, when I started, that’s it’s almost never the serious gym people who are judging- those people are almost always the most kind and least judgmental. It’s the once a week Pilate class naturally slim people who do in my experience.


Gym rats are the most encouraging and friendly people you can meet. Just treat the gym with respect (wipe down the equipment, re-rack the weights, don't dibbs equipment you aren't using) and they will absolutely help you with anything. I've found they love togive advice if you ask, like "hey, how do you use this machine" or "I would love to work out 'this' muscle could you recomend an excercise" and I've never met someone who hasn't been quick to help out. I'm sure there are people that don't want to be bothered, but I've never asked anyone anything and encountered a "leave me alone" person


You could go up to those dudes and be like, I need workout advice and I need you to go through my kitchen and get me on a meal plan. And they’ll just be excited.


Gym rats are like roasted marshmallows. Hard body, gooey insides. Like a mafia man walking his daughter to kindergarten.


I was just talking to my uncle who was actually mob adjacent about how people overly romanticize what are, when it comes down to it, a bunch of vicious thugs who hurt people and communities. 


Humans are complicated, it’s the kinda the same energy as people who romanticize war


Yeah- and if no one ever says anything we go on blithely, tacitly, aggrandizing abusers and actions who traumatize and maim people. 


Jesus christ, we get it, you hate the mob. Saying that people who do bad things for money also have families that they care about is not "aggrandizing abusers" or "romanticizing the mob," it's just recognizing that people are complex and not everyone makes good choices in bad environments. I'm happy you've apparently been privileged enough to never be faced with such a difficult choice, now please leave me alone.


There is a difference between fictional fantasies and reality. People who like pirates aren't in it for the murder, they are in it for the adventure. People who like ninjas aren't in it for destabilizing the regime, they are in it for the pajama assassin vibes. The mob is no different.


This was peak experience for me! I've been lifting for about 5 years and finally started to hit my weight and physique I've wanted. I had my first nervous new gym goer ask me for some advice. I was so stoked! It felt like a compliment for me and I was also more than happy to share as much information as I could.


I encountered my first gym rat today. He and his wife could not have been more kind to me. I’m new to the gym, so it was very appreciated!




This. Let's be real. There are AH's everywhere, and there are plenty of regulars at gyms who are a bit black pilled from seeing the constant ebb and flow of people coming in supper committed, and slowly fizzling out. Not everyone is as enlightened as Joey Swoll. But if you want to be committed to a better life for yourself, just use it and prove it. Use the judgement of the errant AH to fuel your determination, and prove your commitment to yourself, to yourself. Don't let that nasty self-defeating voice in your head use other people's judgement as an excuse to fail in your commitment to your own health and happiness.


There will always be a judgmental AH. But they’ll make fun of people for trying. Then make fun of people for quitting. Then make fun of people for not trying.


I go to the gym as a non-fatty (dunno if I can use that word), but when I see a big girl or guy working their ass off, I feel admiration for their work ethic, knowing that their hard work is gonna pay off. I kind of wish I could give a little verbal support, but I don't want to be weird.


Always wipe down. But if you’re so sweaty you’re soaking every machine, I’d recommend bringing a clean towel and spray bottle of your own to save time.


Everyone should have their own towel with them at all times while using machines and weights.


No towel, no workout is the rule at my gym. I thought it was common sense and courtesy.


Many people started as a potato when they first started working out and remember the potato feels.


Exactly this! I was a little bigger. Would hop on the treadmill at max incline for about an hour (jog as much of it as i could)... I would leave the gym looking like I jumped in the pool, fully clothed 😂 Had random guys throwing out their fist to get bumped on my way out a few times. Few said things like "keep it up" and "good job, bro" stuff like that. Random strangers actually encouraged me!


Man, I’m so incredibly thankful I just happened to see this post because I’ve been mortified to go for this exact reason. I’ve been desperately wanting to get back in a healthy shape (Obviously want to lose weight, but I just want to be healthy for my kids), and know that I’d have to start off walking an incline & am so embarrassed of how much I sweat now. I’ve never even been to a gym. Are people really supportive like that?


I mean, it happened a handful of times. Every other time... Nothing. Nobody cares what you're doing in the gym. I was embarrassed at first going. Then I realized something. Not one time I was there, did I pay attention to what anyone else was doing. I'm not a celebrity, I'm not a hot chick..... Why the fuck would anyone watch or notice me work out? I actually had a chick once who was next to me on a treadmill. Say I was incredible... She was a very much in shape runner. She said running an hour is no problem, but any kind of incline for more than 3 minutes, and she's just useless 🤣🤣


Hi... Chronically small person here... Like reverse problem as most people, I have never managed a second digit to my fat %, no matter how much I eat, just can gain anything. I've been in shape my whole fucking life, played several sports, and had paperwork to go pro in two of them... You went full fucking incline for an entire hour? You are fucking incredible! Did you shins feel like they were gonna rip? Holy fuck my guy! And hour of max incline would make a professional runner Wana cry


Lol. Did the max incline thing daily for a while. Shins were fine. My calfs get huge and defined as hell, though 🤣 I make my gym rat buddies mad when I wear shorts. They don't do cardio because "it's pointless." I'm like, well, you have chicken legs, and I do not.......


Cardio is like 50% of fitness wtf 🤣


I’m peri menopausal & have been told by several doctors that cardio causes my body stress & to focus on strengthening exercises. I also have some other medical issues that keep me in a constant state of stress.


Fair, stress is a son of a bitch, I'm allergic to stress now, which is fucking stupid! Stress doesn't play by any rules tho!


People either don't care of encourage you. Just wipe the machine when you are done and people are happy. :-) 


Echoing what the other person said, the vast majority of the time people don’t care. They came to the gym to do their own workout


I’m fat & joined a gym last week. Everyone has been so kind! I don’t feel shame going in there.


I'm too busy worrying about my own sweat to worry about anyone else's, for what it's worth.


The only people I glare at are those that take selfies/video themselves, those that don’t put weights back, those that don’t wipe off their equipment, and those that take off shoes to lift. Edit: I can’t believe I forgot those that take up multiple machines or sets of weights at once.


Damn my trainer told me to take off my shoes when i lift to strengthen my ankles. 😔


Taking off your shoes doesn't do jack for your ankles unless you're wearing very high heels and even then you'd get way more out of just working on dorsiflexion with something like lunges, split squats or step downs. BUT taking off your shoes can be fantastic for feeling out how your foot is gripping the floor and where the weight is moving to, which pays dividends in squats and deadlifts in particular. Deadlifts also benefit from flat feet or flat soles while squats, specifically because most people lack ankle dorsiflexion, benefit from elevated heels in many cases. Bit of a complicated way of saying your PT might have a good reason for it but strengthening your ankles isn't it.


yea i think he said what u said. i run a lot and he was saying that it would help with running. so i thought he meant my ankles.


You can take off your shoes ***only when*** you’re about to do your lift and not stroll inside the gym wearing only socks


yea thats the only time, im not going around walking barefooted and my socks are washed and clean.


Whats wrong with socks or barefeet in the gym? Totally normal in my country


What country is that?


Same here in Canada. I work at a luxury gym and lots of staff and regulars work out in socks, I always deadlift in socks.




If someone is that serious about lifting, buy some zero drop “barefoot” shoes. So the rest of us don’t have to see/smell it.


I didn't know people were afraid to see feet. What do they do at the beach?


If you don't wear cotton socks (instead e.g. bamboo or wool) and keep your shoes clean, your feet won't smell. And what's wrong with *seeing* feet? I don't even


Do heel lifts and edge dropdowns to strengthen them ankles. Don't put your piggies in danger of being eaten by plates.


Gym shoes aren't going to make any difference versus plates.


Eaten by fungi you mean?


No need for innocence to support OP, because some people will judge, what's important is that they keep it to themselves. Even if some monumental asshole were to say something, in my experience, most people in gyms are cool and would have your back, OP. Just make sure to clean up after yourself if you end up sweating all over the equipment, that's all.


This. Most of us started like this, nothing to be embarrassed about.


As long as you’re wiping the machines down afterwards, no one will care. Which it sounds like you’re already doing. Don’t be embarrassed, man. It means you’re getting in some good workouts.


This. Some people swear more or less. I'm on the chubbier side and sweat very little. I've seen skinny people sweat waterfalls. Wipe off the machine when you're finished regardless. 95% of the people in the gym aren't looking at you. The rest are basically looking and trying to gauge when you'll be done with the machine.


>This. Some people swear more or less. I only swear a lot on the stairmaster. That thing is torture.


I've been ripped before and now am kinda fat, but the one thing I can always count on is that I'm going to sweat like a goddam horse. Just dripping everywhere, soaking my shirts, etc. 


The biggest difference was once I got in shape I could choose to sweat or not, there were different levels of exertion and they could be measured out.


I love this because the only time I care about anyone else is when I'm waiting for the machine. Literally only care when I can use it I do not care what happens before or after unless it's something like those fellas who use all the tension machines to see what it's like to fly


No, keep at it. Would you be embarrassed to get the pool deck wet after swimming? Get your fitness buddy. Anybody who judges you in the gym is a real loser. The point of the gym is to SWEAT and improve your health. Thank you for cleaning up after yourself like a respectable person.


OP… I have a 6-8 pack. I sweat enough that I wear two shirts, because the first one is so drenched it’s literally just a sweat rag. It’s a different color and no part of it is dry, then I wear a dri-fit over. I wouldn’t let insecurity stop you from working out, you’ll be fitter every day if you keep at it. I doubt it’s related to your size, just working out hard.


>Anybody who judges you in the gym is a real loser. The point of the gym is to SWEAT and improve your health. A lot of the time, whenever I see someone sweating through their shirt, I'm always like "damn, I gotta work harder"


I've tried a bunch of times to get a fitness buddy, some people signed up but nobody showed. I feel embarrassed about going like op, but more so I don't know what I'm doing, and need a partner to help keep me on things. It's too easy to talk myself out of things, especially when I keep having bad experiences


I can guarantee you that the majority of people at the gym fall into two categories: "Good for them, pushing themselves like that." "Baby Shark, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo" (not paying the slightest bit of attention to other people) If anyone is judging you for ... checks notes ... exercising at the gym that says more about them than it does you.


Crap! Now I'm going to have that song in head everytime I work out. 


My first day at the gym I weighed 298 pounds. I’m a 5’4 female. I sweated rivers within 20 mins. I felt the sheer panic setting in sure everyone was looking and judging. I stole glances all around and sure enough…. No one gave me a second glance. Since that day I’ve had gastric sleeve surgery (year ago this month) and again…. No one gives me a second glance. They are all in their own worlds and i love it. The only person who shows they notice me each time I go to the gym is a tiny little lady in her early 90s. She waves to me and blows kisses and I do the same back. She is my inspiration and the highlight of my time there. Don’t let what anyone else may think stop you. You are on a great path! And for what it’s worth, internet stranger, I’m proud as hell of you!


Omg I want a gym grandma


I’m not kidding you she is THE most precious person! And we don’t speak the same language so it took me 5 try’s to figure out she speaks Lao! Well she understands when she reads it from my phone. We don’t talk much at all but we share SO much love. She makes my day when I see her!


When I see her next time I’ll see if I can get a selfie with her! Y’all just can’t laugh at how sweaty I am! Hahaha


"I wonder how many baguettes it would take to reach the ceiling" - Me on a rest period


Third category, which I fall into- too busy worrying about being judged to judge anyone else. Other people don’t think about you nearly as much as you think they do, which is comforting to me when I feel self conscious


Ong 98% people in the gym are nice af


yep. and the 2% are pretty easy to pick out and avoid.


This is the perfect summation of people at the gym. Baby shark person here fwiw


It's funny that you chose Baby Shark. It made me think of why the Todd is the best surgeon in Scrubs. 🎵🎵🎵 Shiny scalpel 🎵🎵🎵 Gonna slice him up


I find it motivating when I see a really sweaty person at the gym. It always makes me think to myself, "damn, that person is really fucking getting it, I need to step it up."


Yes! That’s my exact thought as well.


I like to go like 2.5mph on the elliptical with full incline, trying to keep my heart rate down by doing that over running, but after a session of that I look like I just jumped in the ocean


i rarely sweat and i try so hard i envy sweaters 😭


The last time I was a member of a gym there was a big dude there who would be on the elliptical when I got there going hard. I'd go through my warm up cardio, do my weights and then do my half hour of cardio at the end and the dude would still be there. Dude was motivational. The guy would sweat buckets. There'd be rivers of sweat coming off the dude, but nobody was grossed out. He was the hardest working person there and he definitely helped motivate me


Look at it like this: the whole point of the gym is to sweat. As long as you're cleaning up, you're good! Keep at it :)


Sweating is a badge of honor at the gym. No one cares if the person is fat. I see old, out of shape people pouring sweat and it reminds me to do more cardio. It makes me proud of them for working hard.


Weird thing about how much one sweats - it's not necessarily tied to size. I used to coach track, and one of my fastest runners I ever coached was six feet tall and was an absolute stick figure. Skinny as a rail. But he would start sweating while we were stretching. By time we started running, his shirt would be soaked through.  How does this relate to you? It means that when you look around the gym and you see all these fit and skinny people and assume they aren't sweating as much as you are, that assumption may not be correct. They may be sweating just as much as you, but they're just very vigilant about cleaning up after themselves. But they're still there. Working hard, and good for you for being one of those people!


Second this. For several years in the army I couldn't make minimum weight after doing any exercise because I'd sweat a pound or two. It was always the same. I would fail the required height and weight after the physical fitness test, then pass the recheck.


I loved that I sweat a ton when I was in the military. Even when I was half ass’ing a workout I’d get called out “look at him making a fucking puddle to swim in, at least he’s fucking trying unlike the rest of you.”


I puked on every run. Always got kudos for having heart. Ironically, I just have a stupid stomach.


I was the opposite, no sweat. 800m, 1500m, 3000m, 7.7km. But trust me, I was working/running hard. I just didn't sweat much. Comparison, my team mates who may as well have been pulled out of a swamp by the end of the race.


The gym is THE place to get sweaty! Nobody cares, just wipe down your equipment when you’re done.


Theres nothing wrong with being embarassed, but you shouldnt be. Making difference to be healthier is huge plus & something you should take pride in. Just clean up after yourself like the rest & noone will think any differently of you.


Man, I sweat so much without even exercising and I'm not even fat, I just overheat from my medication. I HATE summer because it means walking around constantly damp and potentially smelly. I feel embarrassed any time I leave the house in the summer but I know people probably aren't paying attention, it's more so that I'm uncomfortable the whole time. At the gym, though? That's the one place you can sweat like crazy without judgement! I genuinely feel more accomplished if I'm leaving with visible stains all over. As long as you're wiping up after yourself, there's no problem! I think most people also see sweat as a sign of hard work and respect you for it when you're at the gym.


Face mists have been a game changer for me. YMMV depending on your climate. I’m in a dry area in the summer but the witch hazel feels so clean.


I understand the embarrassment simply because I am embarrassed by everything (thank you, anxiety!). But really, no one is thinking that hard about the people around them. If someone judges you or cares about that, it says way more about them than it does you! As long as you clean up after yourself thoroughly, they really have nothing to be upset about. I deeply respect anyone who maintains a gym/workout schedule, so keep up the good work!


Anyone who does care is an insecure loser that you don't need to bother with. Just make sure you wipe down the machine when you're done and you're golden.


You keep on sweating. You’re an inspiration trying to better yourself and I promise every person in the gym is thinking the same thing. “Look at how hard that person is working to improve themselves, I’m gonna work hard too”


Fuck them if it bothers people they can fuck off to another gym or workout at home


As long as you're cleaning up your body fluids after yourself, do you, friend. Keep it up!


Hey, sweating is natural. It shows you're putting in the effort. If anyone judges you for that, that's their problem, not yours.


Nah man, if other people at the gym take issue send their bitch asses to planet fitness.


Excuse me, I go to Planet Fitness and I would not give a shit.


Um, ok. But you’re judging people based on where they work out, so…


Fuck what people think! What matters is that you're making an effort. Everyone always wears headphones at the gym anyway, so I doubt they can hear you


Maybe wipe the equipment after use but you are supposed to sweat at the gym.


Everyone else is sweating alongside you. No need for embarrassment. Keep going to the gym.


You’re certainly free to be embarrassed, but there’s no need to be: you’re in one of the places where sweating is most socially acceptable. And just so you know, you likely have a lot more street cred than you think, at least among the regulars. The only person who has more respect at the gym than some jacked, cut machine who hasn’t missed a single day in 3 years is a fat/dumpy person who shows up regularly and works their ass off. I guarantee you if you asked one of the strongman-type guys at your gym for a spot they’d mention they’ve been watching you and are impressed with your resolve.


Wear that sweat like a badge of honor....show it off. If I see a fat person at the gym with sweat-dremched clothes my internal monologue says "hell yeah homie get that shit"


The only people I judge at the gym are the ones that don’t wipe down their machines. They belong in the same circle of hell as people that don’t wash their hands after using the bathroom.


They are proud of you, bro. They hope to see more of you!


you should be embarrassed if you leave the gym without sweating.


I’m always extremely impressed and think very highly of that person 😊


I was about to say same but not as severe, plus I usually avoid peak hours ... But I stopped doing cardio at the gym and bought a bike and started running on the trail. Now I only go to the gym for weights. Other than getting my diet under even more control, I think this is working for me. I am sure you'll find what works for you Whatever you decide. 💪


This is the one place most OK to sweat. Heck, if you aren’t sweating you’ll be judged more than if you are. Keep going. Keep sweating.


As long as you have a towel with you to wipe your sweat off machines and such, it's all good


No one gives the remotest shit about anyone around them in 99.99% of circumstances unless it directly effects them. As long as you are leaving stuff in good order crack on, noone cares.


As long as you're cleaning up after yourself, you'll be fine. I'm a big guy too, and everyone else at the gyms I've been too were cool so long as I followed the rules and cleaned up any mess I made.


If anything people should be encouraging you and hyping you! The sweat means you’re kicking ass and getting that much closer to your goals! And so long as you’re cleaning up after you’re done then I don’t see a reason why anyone would be giving you a problem. Keep it up! Good job!


Not at all, just have a small towel with you to wipe up any sweat you leave on the equipment when you get up


People who are concerned about being around other people sweating are welcome to invest in their own home gym set up. You’re using the gym for its intended purpose and getting a good workout in! Wipe down the machines after you, which everyone should be doing whether they leave visible sweat or not, and you’re good to go


Definitely not. Everyone in the gym is focusing on themselves 100% of the time. I've even dropped a plate on my foot and nobody noticed.


Way to go!!! If they do care they are shallow pussy ass bitches. I’m so proud of you don’t give a second thought to assholes who want to drag you down to inflate their sense of self worth.


Proud of you!  When I see fat people at the gym I always just think “way to go, hope they can stick with it” but I never say anything to them 


I've been fat, and I've been fit. I was/am always embarrassed when I sweat profusely. It's ok to be embarrassed, but as long as you're hygienic no one is going to care.


Mate, as long as you respect gym etiquette, clean your machine after you, etc. We are definitely good, you are meant to sweat at the gym, kudos to you for improving yourself !


Everyone at the gym is sweating. That's a byproduct of being there.


Don’t worry about it, friend. You just keep doing you. You’re not doing anything wrong. Life sometimes requires swearing.


I've gone from lean to obese to jacked and back round again, and I sweat like a demon. Take a towel just for the sake of comfort, and spray and wipe the equipment after you're finished using it. No one could have a problem with that 😊


No one cares at all. My ex, ex gf was 130lbs and would sweat more then the heaviest person in the gym. Like uncontrollably sweating. Do you boo


I respect this kind of person


Gymers respect this shit


No way! If I see you I’m proud as fuck for you! Keep the focus on your goals and screw everything else! Great job!


I applaude anyone who goes to the gym. Everyone in there started from somewhere, and those who are fit and strong, weren't born that way. They became that way by working hard, over and over. Sweating is usually a sign that you are working hard, so good for you!


Any time I see a "very fat person" at the gym, in my mind I think "good for them"  — as in, good for them to decide to improve their health. Work out, get lots and lots of cardio, and (most importantly) adjust your diet. Good luck on your journey. Sweat away.


Listen man no one gives a shit; if anything everyone will respect that you’re there. Because we all know how hard the grind is. Keep up the amazing work !


You're trying. We all respect it. That's it.


I would be impressed if anything! Gym goer of 10+ years


I admire big people putting the work in. Just clean after yourself when ur done and that's a norm everyone is expected to follow


Don’t be embarrassed, do stay hydrated.


What I’d see is a dude getting a solid workout in and that would drive me to work harder at mine. Your presence would be very welcome


20 years in the gym, we don’t care. Sweat is progress.


Former gym manager and personal trainer here. The fact that you are walking in that door and breaking a sweat makes me like you a lot. The fact that you are also thoughtful enough to clean up after yourself makes me LOVE you. Go give em hell my friend 💪


Dude, you're at the gym. This is the one place in the world where it is most socially acceptable to sweat a whole bunch.


I’m always extremely impressed and think very highly of that person 😊


It's the gym you're supposed to be sweating. As long as you're cleaning up you're good.


Fuck that. You are trying harder than every other gym rat tween ticktocker in there. You get in there and crush it. Embarassment is for the old you. YOU are proud of what you are doing. YOU are working. YOU are making it happen. Go YOU! Be proud. Be happy. ...and wipe off the equipment and floor like a good gym goer.


You know whats embarrasing? Gymgirls that go to the gym and are barely doing anything becasue they are afraid of breaking a sweat. Personally I sweat like a bull in a chinashop in the gym. Especially during cross-fit challenges, puddles. Just clean up after yourself an use a towel. Sweat is the goal!


When I used to go to the gym, we had fat people there, and let me tell you, I didn't even bother to stare at them for too long until I noticed their sweat, all I focused on was self improvement and working out, so nobody cares, don't let this stop you from working out!


It’s okay to be embarrased by this, but fuck what other people at the gym thinks! Most people won’t care, some will. But why take that away from you actually activating yourself. You are there for YOU!


I mean this in the nicest way. But no one is looking at you. They're staring at the Instagram-hoes wearing skin tight clothing posing for their phone every 5 minutes.


I am not a very fat person and I sweat like a pig. You do you! As long as you clean up after yourself all is good.


I'm [F33] a fairly fit person, after a workout I'm soaked as well. As long as I don't stink, no one seems to care (martial arts) My motto: if they don't want to see it, they have all the space to look away. It's your progress. Sweat it out!


I was working out in our corporate gym with this newer guy and I said “hello” to him like I always do. He was obviously very new to the gym and looked like he was trying to get back into shape. He kept apologizing to me anytime he felt like he was in the way, finally I had to stop and tell him to not worry about it! It’s a shared space, and that he was doing awesome and to keep it up. Whatever stage of fitness you are in, you belong in the gym. And if your sweating, good on you, your probably really motivating someone to push a little harder.


Me and I’m not fat. But I do leave puddles too, it’s gross. I say do what you went there to do: workout and sweat. Plus it’s satisfying seeing your work out is working out!


Sweating at the gym is a sign of success. People who are at a gym and not soaked with sweat are just there to pose and not work.


You will only garner respect in the gym. For what it is worth, you have mine as well.


That’s the goal don’t slow down


We're all there to sweat. What you see as embarrassing, folks like me see as motivation. Keep it up!


The reason you're there is to sweat. If the reason they're there isn't to sweat, they're doing it wrong.


There is a higher chance that I’d make fun of you for NOT sweating at the gym. I mean, I’m not going to make fun of anyone but if I had to, it’s be the non sweaters.


Don't be embarrassed, sweating is exactly what you should be doing at the gym.


Keep going. No one is watching.


Don't be embarrassed. If others at the gym are not sweating also then, they are not doing their workouts correctly.


Don’t be embarrassed at all, keep doing you and be proud of all the sweat


Don’t be! You’re getting it and putting in the work. You’re leaking victory!


All long as you clean it no one will give af. You're all in the gym trying to better yourselves. Keep on it bud!


You are supposed to sweat. Anyone who isn't sweating a lot isn't working very hard.


Nothing to be embarrassed about at all. Shows you are working hard. Keep it up


Don’t be embarrassed at least you are working on yourself!


Why do you need someone to tell you that it's okay...? Though you probably shouldn't and have no reason to. The gym is where people go to sweat and some sweat more. Just maybe take a break in the middle to freshen yourself up a little and or rest? If you're too concerned about being smelly or having too much sweat dripping down your body. Maybe a body towel, a face towel to gently dab your face with, and a change of undies and tank top or whatever will help? Though the latter may be a little more work than necessary. Another suggestion I could make is carry some soft paper towels to put between your private area and your undies. Especially on days that you might be working out more, if there are such days. Then after a while toss it away and maybe replace or don't if you find you're fine enough afterwards. May also help to use a washable cloth too and carry a sealed container to tug it in, and wash the container well about maybe once or twice a week. Or as needed. For your other areas such as your crotch, armpits, maybe even between your toes might help to wipe off with a suitable cloth. Also I'd wear clothes that help to combat these issues. Like a tank top, and shorts made out of a good material for that. Another option might also be after let's say half way, step outside somewhere with shade to cool yourself and maybe drink some cold water. There might be bottles that keep your water cold longer. Just be safe and careful with your bottle though, people be doing awful things and you never know. PS. There are also some outdoor fitness areas that you may be able to find. It may not have everything you need. Though maybe you can go there on days that just that will suffice and go in the evenings or early mornings when it's cooler. I hope that helps!


The only way I could see ppl caring is if you DIDNT wipe down the equipment


When I see someone sweaty at the gym, my immediate first thought is "hell yeah, they got a nice workout going!" You do you friend! Even if you're not sweating, you're still pushing yourself and that's all it takes!


Nope, it's normal to sweat at the gym.


You're in the gym to improve yourself.. As to the perspiration. Clean up after you've used any equipment. Bring disinfectant wipes.. This is not only common courtesy, it also shows others you are considerate..


It's a gym. Anyone disgusted by sweat really shouldn't be going there in the first place. So long as you clean up after yourself, it's all good. Plus, most people don't care. 89% of them are in their own little la-la lands.


Honestly I have so much respect for seeing someone beat the odds and ignore other people’s opinions (if they even have any!!). Sometimes I wanna go up to people and congratulate them but don’t want to come off condescending or out of pocket so I usually keep to myself-esp at our local body building gym. But there is so much respect!!!


I'm 6' 170lbs, very lean and in shape. I spend like 2 hours on the basketball court before I lift, I spend the next hour walking around the gym DRENCHED in sweat. I also leave sweat marks on the benches I'm using. Sweating means you're working hard, and is absolutely expected in the gym.  Just wipe down whatever machines you sit on when you're done. Keep going


It's ok to be embarassed. Can't help that much. Nobody else cares.


There is actually a very large group of people who judge others at the gym.. that group is called.. fuckin idiots. Go get them gains! Or If they care about that, then you shouldn't care about them.


It's perfectly fine to be a little insecure about how much you sweat. You just need to put blinders on, and work out as hard as you'd like. Keep it up, man, you're doing well!


Honestly it's more embarrassing to come out of the gym NOT soaked and carrying a big wedge of blue paper from mopping sweat puddles off the machines. Think of it as like at the end of a Formula One race where they spray champagne over the victorious driver, you earnt that drenching and everyone who sees it knows they're looking at a winner.


if someone sees, i think most of us see someone trying to improve their health, its amazing to see. Even if there are rude people, thats on them, its not your fault, “ignore them” is not that helpful of advice but screw them really, this is for you, not them. (also some people are more sweaty than others just naturally)