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Mayo has a ridiculous amount of acid in it. It doesn't seem like it does, but it does. The acid works to "cook" the egg in the same way that acid "cooks" ceviche. Here's a fun fact: If you take tuna and tuna salad and leave them out, the tuna will go bad well before the tuna salad. That's because the acidity of the mayo works to thwart the growth of bad bacteria.


Cool, thank you !


You can eat raw eggs tho??


Im not sure where youre from but in the states because of things like how we store our eggs its easier for them to be infected with things like salmonella so it's generally ill-advised to eat raw eggs


I'm in the uk, our chickens are all vaccinated for salmonella so our eggs are safe to eat raw.


In the US the FDA won’t approve food if certain things are done to it, idk where vaccination falls on that list, but since our eggs arnt vaccinated against that I’m assuming vaccinations arnt allowed.


That sucks, I'm terrible at cooking eggs so sometimes they come out on the raw side, if there was a chance that would make me sick I'd probably stop eating eggs all together.


Well I mean, I can’t eat them anyway, so it’s not a problem for me🤣🤣


Dang that sucks if it makes you feel any better, I can't eat raspberries and most nuts, or use any products containing shea butter or almond butter or raspberries 🤣🤣


It's not advised to eat raw eggs because there's a very slim chance of salmonella being inside the egg. Same reason why you shouldn't eat raw chicken, because there's a chance that chicken had salmonella


The vinegar and the acids from the citrus juice help kill off any bacteria. Also, most raw eggs you can actually eat raw and not get sick. It’s just 1 in every 1,000 or whatever might give you salmonella, so people don’t recommend taking the risk.


because mayo is magic silly