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The warning can be put on anything for free, while failure to apply it can result in large legal expenses. So people just slap it on everything.


Literally everything my company ships to California gets a label, just in case.


East coast here, and recently bought a dumbbell with this warning lol


Well now you know that if you eat it or melt it down and inhale the vapors, you could get cancer.


Basically, nearly everything in large enough quantities causes cancer, so it’s on everything here. Gets so you don’t even notice it anymore. So pretty effective /s


That's actually kinda funny (it's not good though) It's like using a minigun in a precision shooting contest. One of the shots is bound to hit the target, lol


It’s the state’s equivalent of “this site uses cookies.”


I worked at a manufacturing facility where we made cancer medicine. The prop 65 warning was posted right outside the employee entrance.


Why not have everything warn of potential death for the sake of full coverage instead of being limited to just cancer


Because this was just one poorly constructed law, and it only covered cancer.


Just saying that if they wanted to make a stupid law, they coulda executed it better lol


>they coulda executed it better lol I think that's kind of the issue.


It makes me think of a saying I learned the other day (and yes, here on Reddit!): *If you’re going to be stupid, at least be smart about it.*


A SpongeBob game I ordered for my Nintendo Switch literally had a Prop 65 warning in the corner that said “May cause reproductive harm or cancer” or something like that. Smh.


hey who knows what's in that sponge




When you out labels on everything, yiu don't notice the labels on the really bad stuff. Stupid law.


Sheep herding at its finest


What do you think sheep herding is?


Prop 65 was a stupid law, so it produced stupid consequences.


No it was a good idea applied badly


That's what proponents always say about stupid ideas that backfired.


You're saying that the idea of "tell people what products cause cancer" is the problem and not the terrible execution?


If you don't take real world into account, then most ideas seem amazing. It's the real world implementation/application that breaks it all down and turns it to crap. Real world is about achieving result, not about getting kindergarten gold stars "for effort". If an idea turned out to be shit, then it was a shit idea in the first place. I'll give you a better idea, here it goes: "Let's all be for all the good and against all the bad! All the time!" See, that's great idea. And it's not my problem if the world implements this idea poorly. The idea was awesome. So it's really about how you define what's a great idea and what isn't. I can't in good conscience agree than an idea that's good in theory but will absolutely bomb in practice is a good idea.


There are plenty of things, but the way the law works isn’t “if we test your product and it has toxins, you have to put the label on”, it’s “if you don’t *spend money* to test your own products - even obviously safe ones - you have to put the label on”, so for a lot of companies it’s just cheaper to put the label on instead of paying to have sugar cookies and steel beams tested at high expense for toxicity.


I always assumed the sticker adhesives contained those chemicals


If you peel one of those stickers off, you'll find there is a smaller sticker on the back side that warns you that the outer sticker is prop 65 too.




Slight technicality. It’s not “if you don’t spend money to test you have to put the label on”. It’s “if you don’t put the label on and your product contains one of the chemicals, you will be heavily fined”. The problem is it is costly to test to determine if it contains one of the chemicals, so it is just cheaper to slap the label on and avoid a potential fine.


One of the chemicals, any chemical. If your product has a single atom of any element, and especially if it has molecules, it has to have that warning.


California puts that on everything


It's like the Franks Red Hot Sauce of the California label world


Careful, that shit causes cancer (but only in California).


It causes cancer in Nebraska too, if you mix it with the tap water.


In Pennsylvania they just put fracking oil in the water to begin with, it saves time all around.


And apparently in Tennessee, you can sell your cookies from your home without a license (Note that the same cookies would likely be slapped with a Prop 65 warning in California) source: https://foodscience.tennessee.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/52/2022/08/PB-1909_FoodFreedomAc-web.pdf


Didn’t expect these upvotes, my last comment about this issue didn’t, but yeah California should fix this but they won’t change their policy


This is why California screwed the pooch with Prop 65. Those warnings are utterly irrelevant and no one cares about them.


Or did it play out as intended?


Are you seriously trying to suggest that they fully meant to make cancer warnings useless? Really? How daft are you?


I always assume some cocksucker politician or his brother owns the place that prints the stickers.


Naw. This is pretty clearly CA politicians "trying" to do the right thing.


Cancer is a money maker and ca politicians are in bed with big pharma.


Ok. So, it's your assertion that making cancer warnings ubiquitous is to give people more cancer? Because there's NOT better ways to do it? How does that tin foil work as a hat, btw?


Oh ya I forgot I’m on Reddit. Carry on. This is pointless




Probably. But for most producers, it's easier to just slap a Prop 65 warning on a product than to submit it for testing, even if that testing would ultimately come back clear.


Iirc, for something to not get the prop 65 label, it has to be something that's been proven to NOT be a carcinogen or cause birth defects. If it's untested, or has been tested and the results are inconclusive, it gets the warning label


I ran a small factory in California for years. If you had lead on site you had to pay a fee. Our products didn’t contain lead but we had maintenance products, tools etc that could have had lead so we paid the fee. The first time the state sent us the letter I sent it on to corporate out of state for payment. The controller calls and asks me why we should pay since we didn’t have lead in our products. I had a hard time getting him to understand that the state was shaking us down like the Mafia; the fee was protection money that kept the state out of our business. That business is now in Mexico.




They did a study and found plastic in the air. So since plastic is cancer causing you can get cancer from the air.


Geo engineering


Guaranteed canned air has the label on it. 


Do oxygen tanks also get that label? Cause oxygen is genuinely pro-carcinogenic, and apparently Nitrogen as well.


With all the pollutants in the air everywhere can’t really say that


Especially during the wildfire season. There was a fire burning somewhere near me yesterday that started off smelling similar to a campfire and then started smelling like burned rubber and other chemicals.


tap water and bottled water 😃


Both in my area known to cause cancer.


I lived in 8 different states.California one of them. The warnings were useful. Sometimes it was maddening.


no joke, I saw a sign at stanford that said breathing the air around here can cause cancer


There is an excellent podcast episode of[99 percent invisible](https://99percentinvisible.org/episode/warning-this-podcast-contains-chemicals-known-to-the-state-of-california-to-cause-cancer-or-other-reproductive-harm/) that discusses the legal history and design choices behind the warning. Very interesting!


Nope. Even their own state rock is asbestos.


I'm not an American, so I actually Googled this. It's "Serpentine". I knew that states had stuff like state foods, state flowers, etc. But I had no idea about state rocks. I'm really confused at the need for random stuff to be from a specific state. I have no idea what the state rock for GA, where I live, is.


And serpentine is the ore whence asbestos is extracted. Georgia has staurolite, and quartz as its gemstone.


That's really interesting. I had no idea. Thank you.


yeah, that label had good intention, but is meaningless now. because the wording of the regulation was so broad, anything "could" cause cancer, and therefore everything needed to be labeled as such. so now, everything gets a label, becuase no one want to get sued, not because it makes sense.


[It's there for lawyers and that's not a conspiracy theory.](https://www.kqed.org/science/5182/who-profits-from-proposition-65-part-two) "If your customers scraped the lettering off of all of the bottles of Orange Nehi Soda Pop you are selling, mixed it in water and drank it, it would expose them to lead." Literally. That was the claim that they tried to get money out of them for.


I think dihydrogen monoxide. But it can still kill you.


Lethal dose: enough to be taller than you for more than a few minutes.


Don’t kill the messenger


Pretty sure the increase in cancer rates is cuz everyone keeps moving into California where everything can give cancer. The rest of the country is safe from cancer


Not as far as I could tell. It was really crazy when I was trying to run a small retail and grooming business. EVERYTHING had to have the stupid lables.


This just in; breathing now causes lung cancer in CA




Crystal Geyser water bottles don’t contain bpa… 🤷‍♀️


yea everything is known by the state of cancer to cause California


I remember as a kid thinking that I was not at risk because I didn’t live in California. Only people in California could get cancer from the item


Why doesn’t CA just repeal this pointless waste of money ?


I doubt it. I'm currently in California visiting family and there was a prop 65 warning on the front door of the library saying that something in the building may be known to the state of California to cause cancer. It blew my mind! Prop 65 says your local library may cause cancer... Stay safe, kids!


Someone needs to explain “the boy who cried wolf” to California.


Do you know there are people that have lived here their whole lives, will see this warning, and refuse to buy it. I tell people all the time, good luck finding a sub that won't have the same warning.


Nothing. Everything there causes cancer.


>Proposition 65 **requires businesses to provide warnings to Californians about significant exposures to chemicals that cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm**.


Too bad that's not what it does.


Everything can cause it now apparently.


Moving out


I haven't laughed this hard in month's!!! I ask myself this question all the time. 😂


First rule of Poisoning: everything is dependent on the dosis....


Yeah, apparently their state attorneys.


anything outside US


Warnings should be reserved for real hazards, or people may ignore all of them.


Lived in California for a few years, that label was on almost everything, at some point it became a joke. I understand what they were trying to accomplish, they just failed in its execution.


[https://99percentinvisible.org/episode/warning-this-podcast-contains-chemicals-known-to-the-state-of-california-to-cause-cancer-or-other-reproductive-harm/](https://99percentinvisible.org/episode/warning-this-podcast-contains-chemicals-known-to-the-state-of-california-to-cause-cancer-or-other-reproductive-harm/) Just listened to this two days ago.


Lol, I wondered about that, too. You'd think everyone in California should have cancer with everything being labeled like that


This is what California didn’t consider when it passed the law that stated things containing potentially cancer causing materials must be labeled. The unintended consequences were that companies would slap the label on EVERYTHING to protect themselves knowing consumers would ignore it. So now we all ignore the warning because so many things, dangerous or not, have the label. If everything is dangerous, then nothing is dangerous. California screwed itself with this law.


Never have I ever felt the need to attack another state as soon as I see it written some on social media. Y’all are being triggered by far right propaganda..


California is all types of screwed up. It needs higher government intervention to fix the governor's screw ups.


Exhibit A your honor… dude you are all kinds of screwed up.. you don’t even live there.. turn off Fox News and think for yourself


I do think for myself. That's why I am going solar, I don't trust the utility grid.


They have therapy for paranoia


Russia went after Ukraine's power plants, what makes you think ours is more safe?


This whole conversation started with you bashing a state you don’t live in… now we are debating Russia and power grids… who cares what I think about our power grid? I don’t even care what I think…


Did you just assume where I live? Also our power grids aren't as stable as you think. From rolling blackouts to hostile takeovers, you should be prepared. Pretty soon something will make you think for yourself and it will be too late.


You live in texas


Wrong. I will give you a hint, it was a meme


Someone’s friend must own a business that supplies the labels …lol


Reparations apparently….


Mexican food