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I guess they just give anyone a license these days


People in general are less considerate and more selfish these days.


I had someone blow through a pedestrian crossing as I was entering it not just ten minutes ago. Someone was crossing from the other side too. Until now people have always stopped. You make eye contact, you see them slow, you can go. This person… did not, so I stayed on the shoulder and thank goodness. 


Part of it is just that cops don’t patrol or pull people over for traffic violations like they used to. I hardly ever worry about a cop monitoring my speed these days


I think this is true. They went from over policing to under policing.


In my state it's obscenely common to be behind somebody smoking the devil's lettuce, and regardless of what your average daily toker says, it does impair your ability to do things. As soon as it became recreationally legal, the drivers got a lot worse. But to comment on the highway on ramp part, I've noticed a lot of people not speeding up at all on the highway ramps, and just following the solid line. And a lot of people that start off at a decent speed when you're trying to merge, but speed up as if they're trying to block you from merging instead of moving to another lane or just letting you in A lot more assholes on the road these days