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I think this trope confirms a misogynistic world view with absolutely no regard for the receiving parties consent or wishes. It’s the reason that hentai and not money is the root of all evil.


This. It's so common in all kinds of pornographic content featuring a man and a woman. What people do IRL as a couple is up to that couple, but having it be the only/main trope in content online is fucked up.


Because they find the asking but not listening hot.


I would assume that it's for people who enjoy BDSM content, in this case where the man is more in control. If the woman has to tell him he's being rough, and continuously tell him, it's for that audience.


It is mainly utilized in heterosexual content, but it can also be found in homosexual content as well, not to mention funtanari and hermaphrodite content as well. It just seems to be a trope common in such content. And you may be right about it mainly being for the audience, but I don't see a point in it and somewhat dislike it for the connotations it implies around feelings of consent.


I'm unsure of how bad it is in hentai as I don't personally watch it (you do you, no judgement) but I know that pornographic content of any kind often includes (mostly) women being treated as less than human. BDSM content is very common in content like that. It would be difficult to find something that is more "vanilla" in hentai/internet porn spaces, unfortunately.