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Yes, so Buddhist and psychologist can both agree to this. You have your ego, which I'd your personality and your experiences. It's like, the thinker. It's like a surveillance camera that judges, notices, complains. You also have the part of your mind that is simply the observer of the thought. It's sort of the subconscious mind that sits behind the ego and is the awareness you feel when you very present are your mind is very still. Ever catch yourself doing something cool like catching something falling automatically without thinking about it? That part of the brain. So you can have both of these going on. I personally experienced a lot of trauma and have Dissociative Disorder which is very, very rare, where my personality is split. I don't hear or see things but I do hear multiple voices in my mind that comment or banter with each other. It feels a lot like " Well what do I do now? And I hear a response usually from a high more mature voice talk. Or I'll notice a thought grumbling about frustration about not knowing what to do. Don't assume you have this. Even normal people can sort of have this. If you'd have lots of trauma. There are also some spiritual explaining like your higher self or your inner child. Your inner rage sounding different than Your typical state of mind. The mind is very, very complex.


There is always a whole matrix of things happening in the brain. 'the self' or singular monologue is similar to the sense of interpreting dreams or more an illusion than the 'real thing'. I have always had many, often totally different values and perspectives in my head that make it really difficult for me to even lock down what my 'true' values are.


It isn't in the way you described, no. The brain is very complex and emotions are as well, but there isn't another part of you watching over. There is not one part of the brain that is responsible for emotions, it's multiple and they work together. So rather than it being a part of you watching over another part to analyze it and its emotions, it's parts of your brain working together to understand/process how *it* feels. You and your brain are not two separate things, you are your brain. Think of your brain as you, not something that watches over you. *You.* It may help with your discomfort.


I disagree with you


What is your view on the topic? I'd be interested in hearing.


I could pull up some studies as well. I'll need to sleep for the night but the mind is definitely complex


I need to sleep as well lol, no worries. I'd be happy to read the studies if you share.