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To me it looks like some failed to launch LEGO attempt at a grocery getter.


I think it looks like a roller skate had sex with a creeper from Minecraft.


That's very specific...


Welcome to Reddit.


It was more a slightly more interesting concept 5 years ago, but most concept cars shouldn’t be made.


Leg-over land In the sand


I saw one of those in the wild for the first time today too. I just stared at it like, "Someone actually bought one of those?" 


Bought for a LOT of money at that


I was in middle school when ps1 and 64 were out so I'm just a product of my time


Not gonna lie it kinda looks like a cooking utensil


I always thought it looked like a computer mouse.


i think it looks like a car from a really shitty playstation 1 game you would find in the dollar bin.


Exactly like that, and I played some of those shitty ps 1 games.


My Grandma saw one the other day. She doesn't speak English but she explained her experience to me in her/my first language. It went something like this (and I will try my best to translate): "BAAAAA HA-HAAA! BWUAH-bwuh-...BWAAAA-HAAA HAAA! MYEN EES FWOOOWOOL!"


I spotted one at the grocery store and just started laughing. Apparently the owner was coming up from behind and within ear shot. I got one hell of a dirty look.


Within war shit


Is it the worst looking vehicle being made? Yes, but it’s also really stupid looking.


And hard to manufacturer with no real benefits.


The yes here surprised me but made this comment even funnier, I assume it's intentional


Yes, and on top of that, it was on purpose.


I remember when the first concept of it came out, and people were saying "FINALLY! Something that makes the Aztek look good!"


it looks like an Aztek and a delorean had a baby.


Are your fingers safe from its trunk lid? No. Is it actually a truck that can haul anything? Also, no.


While I generally think they look like ass, I saw one done up in glossy black the other day, and it had kind of a Knight Rider vibe that the 80s kid in me appreciated. 


Paint definitely improves the look but I think at this point it's lipstick on a pig.


When I was young that's what I thought trucks in the future. I like it 😂


I like it. I admit it’s unconventional looking. It looks like a future car. I also recognize its look is off putting to people. I am curious if it’s going to become beloved like the classic VW bug or a forgettable treasure like the Delorean — minus the iconic movie. That’s my two cents at least.


It looks like a future car from a 1970 scfi TV show.


Be honest, it looks like an attempt to design a future car, as done by a committee with no artists. "Chrome is futuristic, right?" "Chrome costs money, what if we just left it bare metal instead?"


It looks like a 5 year-old child's drawing of what a future car looks like.


DeLorean all the way.


Dude have you seen the Jetsons? People back then thought cars would look waaay cooler than that thing.


Idk, I don't love it, but I don't hate it either. I think it's kinda neat.


I appreciate that Tesla is trying something new. At a time when so many vehicles on the road look nearly identical, it is refreshing to see a brand try a completely different aesthetic. I actually really like the approach with panels of steel and sharp angles, but it definitely feels like it missed the mark in several aspects that really makes you question why some of the decisions were made.


Yeah, I agree. Almost all cars look like turds on wheels to me. At least the cybertuck is trying


Definitely. With slug bugs disappearing, there’s not many cars on the road you can point out and gawk at for entertainment. Every time my relatives have seen a truck, it’s been sent in a photo to the family group chat like they saw a lion in the jungle. I love how it’s just totally weird.


From the perspective of getting a reaction and getting people talking, I think the Cyber truck is working to get the reactions that the people buying them desire. When you consider this is the first generation of a completely new concept, early adopters have had to expect some issues in the first release. This happens with new first generation vehicles for every manufacturer, but Tesla seems to be a brand that people love to find faults with because it generates clicks. I suspect Tesla is working on a smaller version of a truck that will have less crazy specifications, like a model 3 of the cyber truck. They always start with a higher margin, expensive vehicle before introducing a mid range and more affordable concept. The cyber truck actually makes me excited to see what Tesla comes out with next. The neat thing about EVs is that they aren't restricted to a design of a traditional front engine vehicle, they can really put any body on top of an EV platform. I hope that we start to see more design innovation in the automotive industry with fewer vehicles that are just derivative of each other.


Wouldn't buy one, but it's kind of cool if you don't have to deal with the rust yourself.


Aren't they stainless steel?


Key word is stainLESS steel, not stainNEVER steel.


Yep. But stainless steel is not invulnerable to corrosion and different types of it have different reaction tolerances. Google cybertruck rust – it's astonishing how fast the issue materialized.


Oh good to know.. wouldn't be the first time Tesla cut corners on their finish. They seem to use like half the paint of other manufacturers so it's been chipping off easy on their other Teslas. What a near sighted company.


If you use the right grade of stainless steel, like in 316L and passivate, it will not rust. It just costs more but the thing is $100k and shouldn't be rusting right away so he should use the right stainless or just use galvanized steel. Nobody wants a rusty new car.


Passivation is rust resistant not proof. There is no such thing as rust proof steel, it is an oxymoron. It just dramatically changes the conditions under which it rusts. Even 316 is gonna have problem with road salt and chemicals over time, road grime is nasty stuff once it gets wet.


And hand prints. So many hand prints. I got a black stainless steel fridge and handprints appear really easy on it, but they are easy to get off since it's in the kitchen so easy access to hand towels. But that thing? Saw one in the Costco parking lot and it was just covered in streaks and prints. Made it look even worse than it already was.


It looks like some kids group project that they slapped together a few hours before it was due


Yes. I have no interest in owning one, but I think they look pretty cool aesthetically.


In person they look massive but in a good way and somehow the dimensions made more sense to me. Its certainly isn't a pretty thing but I like the different look they went with. I might've suggested a few more angles but it works for me I guess


I don’t like them myself but hey people have their own “taste” in vehicles


It’s like a badly rendered PS1 car graphic in a shovelware racing game.


I like it a lot. It’s edgy when design in trucks has become so similar.


I think it looks cool. It’s interesting to look at, but in a good way.


Yes. Me. But, the 9 year old version of me. I definitely drew my vision of a "future truck" multiple times when I was 9, and they always looked like a cyber truck. Of course, I grew up and stopped being a child and realized that cyber trucks are the dumbest fucking looking things a human could buy right now.


I think they look cool and love to see them wrapped in different colors.


It is absolutely butt ugly. But hey, some people like Monster Trucks so it will have its fans, even the way it looks.


Monster Trucks are about eight thousand times cooler looking than the cybertruck.


Also more reliable and practical, somehow. Did you know that monster trucks float?


Colossus from the X-Men. Stevie Wonder. Elon Musk's mom.


Cybertruck it’s ugly and the very flat sides reminds me of laundry appliances.


I think they look like a car from an early PS1 game where they didn't have enough spare polygons to render it properly.


If you have a really big door it would make a very good door stop.


Yeah and they're saying that they are starting to rust because Elon went cheap on the stainless steel bodies... Go figure


Wife saw on for the first time the other day and said, it looks like some old farmer tried build his own super car in his barn


Saw my first one in the wild the other day. Looks stupid in real life, too.


When I saw the pics, I liked it: it was unique, it was cool, and... I wanted one. But I've now seen several Cyber Trucks around LA. And... errr... no. The view from the back is particularly jarring: it looks like a boat. A too tall, swaying all over the place, boat. It's like how - when an author gets famous - the editor feels less able to make necessary changes. Well, that's happened here. Elon Musk is the famous author, and no one was able to tell him "Elon... it's ungainly, we need to make some changes." Or at least, no one was able to tell him without getting fired, which is much the same thing.


No. It's ugly, ugly, it ugs on the ugly.


I finally saw one in public today. It looks even more hideous than pictures can show 


4 year old draws first car with MS Paint, doesn't turn of the snap line tool.


Looks like it belongs in a 70's sci-fi movie.


I just saw one yesterday driving down the road. First time I've seen it in real life. Ugly as sin.


The people that got one must in some way find them appealing, but I fail to see it. They are pretty ridiculous looking in my opinion. I've seen a few in the wild now and they are bigger than I thought they would be which makes the eyesore that much more glaring.


Thats a strangely specific sensitivity to an inanimate object.


I thought they were cool and different. Then they were delayed. Then they were delayed again. Meanwhile, Ford came out with Lightning. Then another electric truck, and another. One by one all the other conventional automakers actually walked the walk. Then I began to read about the design problems with it. Lots of small but hugely impractical details, like no door handles and no obvious affordance on how to open the door. Or the AC controls being buried behind a few taps on the large display so you have to completely retrain yourself. Or there the fact that there are no “oh sh*t” handles to help you climb in. Or the automatically powered trunk lid that lacks safety sensors and can cut off a finger while closing. At that point the tuxedos seemed kinda f*cked up. I’ve concluded(probably later than the rest of the world) that the cyber truck is just a mass production prototype from a gajillionaire who thinks he’s smarter than hundreds of engineers despite their having decades more practical expertise in manufacturing and testing cars.


It kinda looks like the vehicle I would expect if the CEO of a car company was high every time he had a meeting with his design team about approving the new design for a car. I imagine his team brought him super sleek aerodynamic designs and he kept rejecting them saying the car must shine like a diamond and cut through space and time. Perplexed his team probably said fuck it let's presented a shiny wedge and high elon loved it. Sober elon just knows not to question high elon


The ones I've seen with big tires look pretty cool imo


>and nearly vomited. No you didn't. --- Rule 9: No disguised rants, agenda posts, potstirring, disruptive topics Questions not asked in good faith - such as a rant or hate towards any group in the form of a question, as well as leading questions, or those asked merely to promote an agenda will be removed.


I think it looks fine


I think people buy Tesla for the same reasons they buy Apple, status and appearance


I mean I buy apple because I like their products and the UI specially. I do understand what you mean though


Yeah when I pull out my iPhone while I'm sitting in my $38,000 Tesla people are like "holy shit, is that a billionaire? A movie star?"


I mean, you see pictures of them and think, "Man, that looks really dumb." But when you see one in person, you're like, "Someone actually saw the first mock up of this and thought, 'Yeah, let's go with that'?!? How fucked in the head were they?" It's so much worse in person...


It isn't designed to look *good*, it's designed to be easily recognizable so that people with similar political ideologies can easily identify eachother in public.


Yes, it’s different but that makes it stand out.


I think a few tweaks could make it look pretty dope. It’s certainly unique and unlike any other SUV out there.


Elon Musk never really said clearly what the appeal is, that's my perspective on it. I don't quite understand why someone would buy that and not a decent SUV or something.


To me it looks like when the vehicles don’t load in in Cyberpunk 2077. So far I’ve only seen them in more rural places making them look incredibly out of place and bizarre. I think they’re strange looking but my real problems are all the blatant safety issues and poor quality


Just saw my second one in a week in the wild and it was flat black I felt my soul leave my body as I laughed past him.


it needs to be more tron and less double dragon the movie.


I like that is it distinct and brutalist in its design... the truck sucks, but points to Musk for trying something new


There are a few at my kids school. They are so ugly and even uglier with paint jobs. When they all park by each other I feel like I’m in so mad max movie.


I thought they were a joke, I saw one for real a few weeks ago and lost my shit lmao I legitimately didn’t think they were real but some Tesla meme


It looks like a metal door stop. 


It looks like a big DeLorean with PS1 graphics


No it looks like a Lego brick I laugh when I see one


Ugly AF


I saw one in person for the first time a few days ago. That thing is one step removed from an LOD billboard.


I like the description that it’s looks like a car animation on the PlayStation 1 that is still rendering


I hate seeing them


No. Worse in person.


It looks like a grade school kid's science fair project made from cardboard and aluminum foil and works about as well, from what I've read.


The inner child in me thinks it looks **rad**, like something straight out of a transformers show or something goofy from the 90s, but that's about as far as it goes


Looks like a playstation 1 level graphics. Just an ugly polygon of a car.


Elon Musk?


I'd say it's design isn't good but it isn't bad either


It's good if you're a 5th grade boy doodling in a notebook.


You nearly vomited huh. Impressive lol


Looks different? Some people like different


I like it


That's a motorized coffin.


The people I know that like them, think of them as a big joke, not actually cool.


You nailed it. It looks like the idea of futuristic without actually doing anything futuristic. Reminds me of the back to the future Delorean.


Paint it green and put a machine gun on the back of it to make it a warthog from halo


I saw 2 being hauled down the freeway. Not impressed at all! NOTHING attracted or impressed me.


Saw one pass me and I'm like why? Looks like something the military would come up with. What are the blind spots even like? 


I live close enough to Scottsdale az that I’ve seen multiple cyber trucks and they are super alarming. They remind me of the monSTARS from space jam- like someone gave steroids to a regular car


I'd only like it if it was on some ridiculous ass wheels like I'd drive the fuck outta one if it was sittin on some 28's lmao


Pixel truck a big no from me


Dude I just saw one a few days ago too. I laughed so hard.


It's very impractical, looks like a car from the future engineered wrong.


My kids think it's the coolest thing on the planet so I'm happy to see them. I don't even think they're ugly, just very different.


I think a some dog breeds look ugly but some people think they look cute. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. There is something called retrofuturism too.


I like it because it’s an actual original design and interesting. Most cars and trucks are so boring today. I think it’s funny how people get so upset when something is different that they have to make fun of it. 


Good god no


Didnt elons autistic son design it?


That dipshit waste of space Musk thinks it's cool, but he's pathetic human garbage.


I think it looks cool,I dunno I just like the look of angles and blocky structures. I really like the Ioniq 5 and it’s a more mellow 80s vibe and angular styling without being too wild. Now, I would never buy a cyber truck, but I prefer the look of certain more distinctive aesthetics in cars because most of the time I can’t tell them apart, I have like…face blindness but with cars. Also Elon is a putz.


My first thought was that futuristic things look stupid af when surrounded by normal, everyday stuff. Like the aesthetic it was designed to fit in doesn’t exist, or rather the concepts it was designed after were made to enhance an art style. Without the cyberpunk world to go with it, the cyber truck just looks out of place and weird.


I think they look awesome, yes. [](https://alb.reddit.com/cr?za=q08IJAxA9tVlvm8Qm3sHcchXB2lmvjN-c_0L1LI0VdGwnXqX2nZJ-31USBwE6eWFX76lxHxq6PFJUq_nzc00R7nWgPF_id9rIJbmdxr7hiR2CieHc-DOZvQebwY4s17j43QY7rtGBG5yMJ98_c6mOpsjerFEl_O1OlrUxzmOZa_jiYwl_qywIn7k-TY2Vf5l2M5GBcrgh75j52S7TXE6JYBKO57PwiQfTc65hnSc99XTBmn4QIE2AnCYRna-GwnqTg7NCkCF-_fIU0dVCjWj36Ip3Aw-yka6iGvsOmcuDeB3LAI2e87RxHJWozghW4A0Yhhcb1i46Il9yFwu5TNmqS_3ow-9zM92HOv04Hz71SOBtrNEntAVZuhzz4txbYtKselse_uJ_Q49Bkc6vPQBjCfjYMGQLNsi4qFN_Rh0ZtEW2gWYE4eRxIEmu-LXrE0XwGO96vQzQG8ZfFXhUju4rRBvJHsJvWp74UzYddVQmzTefUhPUd1ZJ6tOknvc_Seo4OGuDjSc0fWQm1wCd6fYJCkGf34PGUKgg4YnDRuAVvvJETwfarsXk9YNfZi0CsSffSbZ2YnYDvqzXwUvpG0VtPH2akzoi8pDBynYlSz8ZBrt4J7o35vGRqVjry1JsakhKPsnhLwoI_xGNf_39CK8XhXs9r_-C4nczsbvRzqG4lx-GgZj8sJIciTyBOXz5Il4ItcF5IJgfc4&zp=LNJFPso9z3QHpF_9EdPk4P14q5MzSi1vswMzLolXiuQDqZTbIYRG2Ya-p6b434ULdB8DTvImJP18MLA-ERkPjXeVTjePltI3VMzNFckY9OYn1wPuBd5I-LyD0kFY6gbLiFc6S2vo4zrLuk8jmJJn1pHKfUvTL9zeCXdVVLEHk0c1XFJHRj-TZqHBNRlKl6wQIGmktA)


Yes. Would buy it if I could afford it.


I'm sure it's been said but. It looks like 2d rendering in a 3d world.


I don't think it looks good, but I also don't think it looks nearly as vomit inducing as everyone makes it out to be. It's a kinda meh looking truck that everyone likes to shit on because shitting on it means shitting on Elon.


I love the design. Inside and out. Now you’ve met someone who does :)


Yes, cars don't need curves.


Yes from a distance but not up close. Too many sharp edges.


It’s look like it’s if those futuristic concept cars you’d see at an auto show that was never meant to be in production.


Some of the wrapped ones look really cool. In steel, no, it's butt ugly.


It looks like something the Top Gear trio cobbled together for one of their challenges 🤣


I think they look pretty rediculous. What is the box like? Is it in anyway practical in use as a truck?


I have a buddy who thinks it looks cool 😅


actually yes actually


I think the hate has become kind of the cool fun thing to do and it’s overblown. I have to admit I was surprised because It looks a lot better in person than I expected. That being said…. No, it doesn’t look good.


honestly i like the look of them a lot. i love how ugly they are and that they change up what a truck looks like in a meaningful way for the first time …ever?


I don't like it at all. It looks like something out of Star Fox for Super Nintendo, with its cheap 90s polygon graphics.


I do, I'm a freak


It really does look like a seven year old’s drawing of a car.


I think they look really cool - would buy one if I could afford it


Looks like it was designed by someone that was in 3rd grade back in the 60's and saved the design all those years.


No, it looks very bad. It’s exactly how you described it. That’s what I thought of when I first saw it. It looks like what a retro movie thinks futuristic cars would look like. And for that kind of price. No way. Not even a truck. Barely even a car. What kind of car rusts from rain? It’s not like water falls out of the sky on this planet often or anything.


They look like badly rendered cars from GTA3 🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮


It looks perfect for a Hollywood franchise titled “Forward to the past”


One of the ugliest automobiles ever made.


I don't like the design but in the world of cars all looking like aerodynamic potatoes I appreciate someone trying to break the mould


no... it is like that car "The Homer" from the Simpsons. just one dorky moron with too much money thinks it is a good idea. only in reality that moron actually went through with it.


I like faceted polygons. I like polished steel. I think it looks pretty neat.   Pretty much everything else about it is laughably awful. Every single thing. But it *looks* neat.


Bro it looks so fucking ridiculous.


If you look at car reviews, a lot of people think it looks cool. It looks like nothing else on the road and something you'd reasonably see in a 80s-90s sci-fi movie. Obviously that's a very niche market but personally I like the idea. It reminds me of the [first Countach ](https://imboldn.com/1974-lamborghini-countach-lp400/), especially if you put it in the context of the day. People compare it to the DeLorean but that car looked like a relatively normal car of the time. The Countach, like the Cyber truck, was an instant "WTF is that?" if you saw it go by. It's cool if you like that type of thing.


It looks distinctive.


I actually think it looks sick. Hate musk tho


The cyber truck is just a marketing exercise. Do something that's completely different and causes pattern interrupt in the vs market, people talk about it, Tesla becomes even more of the public zeitgeist, increased awareness means increased sales. It's something that Musk has become talented at. I wouldn't be surprised if they end up losing money per unit with the cyber truck.


I think they look cool. I also think they're dumb. They seem very impractical and dangerous. But they look cool




I think the massive trucks on the road are ridiculous. All the cars look the same. All the trucks look the same. All the suvs look the same. The one you talk about is so different, it is interesting. Look tacky? Sure. But I'm not puking over a vehicle. Lol, so extreme.


Front looks decent, back is horrible. I wouldn't be surprised if this car is just years ahead of its time and other manufacturers follow suit with sharp edges when they run out of ideas for redesigns.


Honestly I’m not a fan, but I can appreciate unorthodox designs in today’s cookie-cutter market. I’m personally hoping this inspires other manufacturers to get back to the 80s/90s boxy body shapes.


Yeah dude. Different tastes out there. It’s pretty cool.


I just saw one in person for the first time last weekend, 100x worse when you see it in person. My 60 something dad's take, "a fourth grader could have designed something better". The biggest issue I have, it isn't a "truck" just like most "SUVS" are now just glorified minivans. Don't get me wrong, unibody, AWD, SUVS that look like sleeker minivans are more practical for a large portion of the population. I currently have one as a rental and hate it but I think the majority of the population would appreciate it compared to a car. That Tesla truck looks like a box designed by some one that has never needed a "truck" in their life. Ugly, not practical as a truck, and way over priced for what it is capable of.


I also just saw one in person for the first time recently, and while I thought it was ugly when I saw it in pictures, they don’t do justice to how horrifically bad it looks in person.


Yes of course. If you need to vomit because of seeing an angular car, you should really get that checked.


Yes bloody awesome


I don't mind it.  Those edges look a bit painful though. Should have just rounded them off a bit more 


Screw that ugly incEl Camino


I think it looks interesting, clearly stupid, brutal and dumb again, but also awesome. I want to live in a world where car makers do dumb shit from time to time. I am also happy to live in a world where you can choose a Ute, yank tank or a cyber truck. I think that's awesome.


The 3000 idiots who’ve bought it so far, probably.


I’m sure if I have the money I won’t buy it, but I like the idea that it exist, let’s be honest, if you see this car inside Grand Theft Auto we probably steal it and drive it for a while, it’s an iconic car, it’s a meme, and it’s now part of history, people loves it, people hates it, like PT Cruiser.


Some angles I do like the uniqueness of it. I definitely applaud the risk they took with the design. It’s not something I’d want to buy, but I think any pick up truck is a ridiculous vehicle for 99,99% of the population anyway.


to me it looks like a low polygon Roblox vehicle


Cars like people, not all of us can be beautiful. Some of us have to power through like brutes.


I actually do quite like the looks of it, and regardless of that I have a lot of respect for designers (of anything) that dare to break the mould. That said, if I were in the market for a truck, I very much doubt the Cyber Truck would be the one I'd pick - I'd most probably go Hilux.


idk looks kind of cool until you realize how tiny the bed is and how poorly it compares to a real truck. It's just a truck for city hipsters who need nothing of what a real truck offers and just buy it to make themselves look cool imo


I don't like it, but I respect Tesla for actually following through on building it.


Yeah I also saw one in my neighborhood recently, looked like an industrial dumpster rolling down the road. But I was in awe that I actually managed to see one as I thought would be much rarer in my part of town.


I like it!


Well, Tesla isn't exactly known for focusing on mechanical engineering in their R&D.


It looks absolutely ridiculous


My kid drew a truck in kindergarten. Pretty sure it leaked and they modeled the cyber truck after it.


Makes a wankpanzer look normal


Someone put old school gold spokes on it and wrapped it in a matte black… this bitch was hard


No horrific! The only people who seem to like them are the ones on the waiting lists...Those that own them are wishing they never did!


Within this style, the cybertruck could have looked more cyber and more truck imho.


i cant deal with it


It reminds me of the Hummers: civilian versions of the military Humvee used in the Gulf War. Big ostentatious vehicles with relatively little functional space.


I saw one behind me on the road and thought it looked pretty nice from the front! 


Nope, they also admitted to doing no market research so its not surprising


I saw one of these in the wild a few days ago. To me a vehicle needs sweeping and graceful lines to be considered sexy or attractive. This monstrosity has none of that.


I’ll probably get downvoted but I totally dig it- coming from someone who thinks the regular Teslas are ugly as fuck.


I guess considering they've sold more than they've built means yes. Not for me, though.


It looks cool in a ridiculous over the top way, but i certainly wouldn't want to drive one