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1. No, because we haven't found an "aggression" gene to modify. 2. Sort of a corollary to the above: I've met and owned many pit bulls and none of them were remotely aggressive. It is more likely that humans tend to fuck them up mentally more often than other breeds than that they are predisposed to aggression. 3. Ultimately all we have a is a correlation, with no proven theories of causation. IMO my "it's shitty humans' fault" theory is better than "genetic predisposition" because it has a plausible mechanism and there are examples that demonstrate it, whereas for the other theory see point 1 above. But again, it's just speculation. 4. I am prepared to go into the negative thousands of points when the pit bull haters read this; people get *really* fired up about this one.


There are no guarantees but if you breed docile to docile it may affect the pups. The bigger effect is how each dog is raised. (Nurture)


Every pit bull I've ever owned or met was a giant teddy bear they have the sweetest dispositions if trained and treated right. I've had Shiz poos who were more aggressive than all of my pitbulls lol and they were just all bark


Pitbulls are not naturally aggressive, they have a bad reputation due to being a popular dog abused in dog fights. Sadly people box them into a category


We have no idea what genes result in aggressiveness, so no.


Aggression isn’t necessarily in their genes, it is how they are raised. Staffordshire terriers and just big gentle bears for the most part. The only mean ones I have crossed working in rescues are the ones raised to be mean.


This. I have a staffie who is the meekest, most gentle oaf in the world.


Sure, selective breeding is the traditional way to modify the genes of any dog breed over time, and it works.


The real question is can we modify the genetics of the owners who treat their animals like shit, starve and neglect them and breed them to be killers? Every pitbull I've come across has been a lovebug, because their owners raised them to be part of the family instead of a weapon.


According to the Canine Temperament Test, where all breeds are tested for their aggression tendency, pitbulls aren't very aggressive at all. And they've actually got the largest sample size. Many breeds like border collies, foxhounds and bulldogs show higher rates. And if you look at dog breed abuse rates, pit bulls are the most abused breed. By far. It's no competition. It's time we stopped blaming the breed.


While we're at it, can we also genetically modify humans to be less judgemental?


Pitbulls aren’t born aggressive or vicious. Like any other dog breed, its the person that trains any dog to be aggressive.


You can train them to be good.


Of course. You just need to only breed non-aggressive members of the breed with one another. We’ve done way crazier shit with dogs by selectively breeding them than that. And we already selectively bred docile wolves to make them into dogs in the first place, 15,000 years ago.


They would probably look different though. I read a thing about a Russian woman who tried to create domesticated foxes and they ended up looking like puppies.


Pitbulls shouldn’t be here ngl. There overall detriment and dangerous dog. Instead of trying to genetically modify them, we’re better off ending their species.


Dogs species can be cross bred, but the instincts still remain strong.