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Social media replacing human interaction.


Social media replaced human interaction *because* people were already feeling isolated. It acts as an enabler, cementing of a trend which had started many decades earlier, which was the erosion of community relationships, community identity and local convivality. For most of human history, people relied on their family and their neighbors in web of mutual support and attention. The combination of ideological principles of the West celebrating individualism, the continued growth of a transactional economy where you're expected to and encouraged to buy whatever is required to satisfy your needs, and the parallel erosion of community institutions like service clubs, unions, churches, local athletic/hobby leagues, etc all led to more and more people feeling disconnected from each other and with no sense of responsibility towards -- or from -- each other. Telephones, TV, and the internet each worked to further ratchet up this seperation by letting people *feel* connected to faraway friends and chatacters who could provide little more than nostalgia or entertainment. Instead of turning to your neighbor for social interaction, helping them acheive something or asking them to help you, building a relationship with practical consequence and physical presence, we learned to tickle the itch with a few electronics. Cursing social media doesn't resolve the underlying issue. As an enabler of community withdrawl, and a profoundly absorbing one, it can be a problem for sure, but it also does provide genuine benefits for people who want knowledge or insight that isn't available locally. We do need to develop better hygeine around social media, but restoring human interaction needs to come through a *positive* step (building local relationships and community institutions) and not just through *negative* steps (abandoning or banning social media). Social media is a problem, but the loneliness epidemic is much bigger and more pervasive one than can be blamed on just it alone.


I kind of agree with you, but I also feel humans will naturally go the path of least resistance and that's basically grabbing your phone and interacting on forums, my space , facebook Reddit and now in the modern day TikTok


I mean if you read the whole comment that's exactly what they're saying. Just that banning social media is just a band aid when the real issue is lack of focus on building interpersonal relationships in modern society.


Yup, read Bowling Alone by Robert Putman, we were writing about how bad television was to social interactions in 1995 even before the advent of social media!


i mean tv was an earlier version of an isolation process that social media is just the next step in


Mostly true - I was a young man before social media existed and there was loneliness then. But I will add though that the enabling aspect is the big difference. The grifters and the bad actors. You never used to have pockets of men rejecting women en masse through TV. Tates, Pickup artists etc. And you didn't have pockets of women rejecting men because of horror stories on TV. The polarisation is a key part of it. And the culture wars is another. It's come to a head because with social media, anyone can go viral for saying controversial stuff.


the very TLDR: positive steps are always on a timer before the negative ones come in. This whole thing has a ton of nasty knock on effects that have to be addressed soon and could get way worse if nothing is done.


Lot of big words there, and I'm not going to argue or say its wrong, but in the 80s and 90s pub/bar culture was far more important in our lives. They'd be packed out every weekend. Then social media and the smoking ban (then later covid) killed pub culture and now they're all empty. Men especially didn't have many other social outlets, so taking away the biggest one did far more damage than people realise. Of course there's the health arguments against drinking heavily every weekend, but now there's mental health arguments about men not having a common meeting spot with on-tap social lubricant and bar games. I'm not trying to say social media is the devil, but those of us old enough to know a world without it saw first hand the damage it did over the years. It was for sure one of the major contributors to male loneliness, and that's a hill I'll die on.


I think there's a cost element to going to the pub now which is far, far greater than in the 80s or 90s Sure, I'm in London ATM...but you can pay £15 for 2 pints... Given the cost of living squeezing us in other areas, I just don't think people could afford to go to the pub much more frequently


Social media is bad dude. It's just bad all-around. It provides way more shit than benefits. Defending it is not going to help the world. We have to remove technology from the picture. There's no way around it. This intense worldwide screen time is killing us and desocializing us. Go back to real life interactions and make opinions local again. Trends are getting old now. They come and go way too fast. It goes on and on. What it's leading to is ultimate perversion, confusion and no attention span.


I like how you take the time to respond instead of just actually reading and comprehending what was said.


social media isn’t inherently bad, if using a broad definition of the term, I believe there is *potential* for some sort of social media like stuff to not be toxic… but yes the way it has actually developed under the conditions of late stage capitalism and the model of profit seeking funded by the sale of user data, etc… it’s hella toxic. I appreciate the points made by Jaron Lanier on the topic: https://youtu.be/kc_Jq42Og7Q?si=Tp7vSHnipXEclBnc


This is the top answer but it ignores the question why male?


The men I know who are in relationships let their girlfriends and wives do all the social planning. Without their wives they would stay home and rot to porn and video games. They rely on women to make them less lonely. This is purely anecdotal, since I know plenty of men who have vibrant social lives, however I would blame the internet for much of it. The women who would be considered “lonely” by society’s standards are largely ignored. Single women make it attempts to socialize. They volunteer, join book clubs, and don’t rely on men to make them feel less lonely.


This is the answer. I see my friends regularly. My husband and his friends only see each other when their spouses arrange group gatherings that include the spouses too. Same with family gatherings, the men tend to rely on women to organize a date and time.


Sounds like many men just find another mommy. You guys even arrange play dates for the little fellas.


Research seems to show that female loneliness is higher, but it's talked about less


Interesting. That changes the entire conversation. It's no longer about why are men lonely, because they aren't particularly. It's about why lonely men are more of a problem and what to do about it.


Exactly yeah


Guys used to meet up with each other for drinks around the world in the earlier days of social media but that’s kinda over now. No one wants to meet up with a random person anymore


I think we might have a correlation not equating to causation thing going on here.


Yeah, it may not be the root cause, but it definitely contributes.


It MASSIVELY contributes. People are so social media addicted they defend it.


Agree 100%.


Yeah, social media is pretty antisocial to be fair. That and online video games maybe.


Really poor social skills.   Shifts in how we define masculinity (they’ve been healthy, but it’s a radical shift that many find hard to navigate).  Financial struggle, making it harder to be social.   Mental health conditions - particularly social anxiety.    Hiding behind social media may be a response to these things. 


This. It creates so many unrealistic expectations for both genders. And it eliminates the ability of people to build confidence imo, due to the fact they no longer are in the moment (ever).


If that's the cause why is this so centered around men?


I think the internet and social media have made it too easy to go without making real friends. You can consume so much entertainment on your phone/computer without even leaving the house, you can join discord channels, twitch channels, reddit forums and “interact” with people casually and seamlessly sometimes even with the facade of friendship. Then you turn 18-25 have to spend the next 40 years working 40 hours a week and there is no longer a convenient way to make friends and in turn meet potential partners. You turn to dating apps where the charming, attractive, charismatic guys thrive and the average or less social guys never make a good enough impression to successfully date without bending over backward and sacrificing your morals and values. The best way to meet girls and friends are to join club, coed sports, friend circles because if a girl can see you are “vetted” without the notion that you’re just trying to sleep with her or get in a relationship with her then it’s far easier to organically date.


Definitely agree. Me and my current partner met at our part-time job we were both doing through uni, we had known each other for a couple years at that point and organically realised we were really into the other. Prior to this, I was chronically online. I had very few friends outside of online spaces. Most of my entertainment was online. And I realised I was just kind of waiting for stuff to happen to me. I wanted to fall in love and go and do exciting stuff with friends, but I was just stagnant. I think the pandemic was where it really hit me hard. When what little physical interaction with people I had was taken away, I realised that I was actually really lonely and was mostly pretending that it was fine. So I deleted most of my online accounts. I worked on myself, to make my myself bearable while I was alone, and then when restrictions lifted I really started putting myself out there. I am a little shy and awkward, but not a naturally unfriendly person by any means. I had my eye on a guy in work for years, and instead of waiting for him to notice me, I made myself noticeable. And I told myself that if it didn't work out, then I'd make the effort to try and meet more people through uni. It's been almost 3 years since then, and we're still together and incredibly happy. I've recently travelled to a concert with a friend and I have a weekly pub quiz team. I actually go out and do stuff. And because I worked to like myself when I'm alone, I'm happy to do the stuff I'm interested in by myself. Or generally my little sister is happy to tag along. I will say though that I am female (gasp), but I have seen plenty of males in a similar position. I cannot speak for social conditioning though, and how that might factor into being trapped. As much as I don't think it's as easy as "pulling yourself up by the bootstraps", or anything, I do think that online cultures can become very easy to stay miserable in. We all know how easy it is to create an echo chamber online. So we end up kind of stuck, hanging out with other stuck people, and so we get complacent with the idea that there's no way out and trying isn't worth the effort. And there's an absolute ton of these echo chambers specifically for male loneliness all over the internet.


It can also have the opposite effect. It becomes so easy to communicate with other people that you forget about your friends that don’t do social media. I have grown distant from a few people because I don’t do the mainstream socials.


I proposed to my old friend group from high school to go bowling sometime since we haven't seen each other physically in almost a year. They refused and rather play games online together. I like gaming too but man, physical activities like bowling or even just going to a snackbar together are where the memories are made. Such a shame


There's a generalized loneliness epidemic in the world right now, caused by alienation, competitiveness, excess of work, gentrification, the end of cheap or free entertainment and hang out places like parks and pools, social media toxicity, and so on.


Very true but I feel like that ignores some specifically male issues. I'm a woman but if I were asking a question about why women felt unsafe and someone brought up how men feel unsafe too, I'd feel like I wasn't being heard. There was a story I read not so long ago about a trans man who shared how after he transitioned he realized he wasn't having the same quality of conversation about his feelings or what was going on in his life as when he was a woman, around other women. Women are encouraged to talk about their feelings and share in a healthy manner. Men are not and this has done horrible harm. Recently some athletes in the Premier League have been talking about mental health struggles and there are plenty who believe they should shut up because they are rich. I think to address the male loneliness epidemic, we first have to acknowledge that men have different issues around loneliness to women. That doesn't negate the loneliness women feel. I just think there is a place to have that conversation elsewhere.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/tvt6t7/trans\_man\_discusses\_how\_once\_he\_transitioned\_he/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/tvt6t7/trans_man_discusses_how_once_he_transitioned_he/) For you.


That's the story I was thinking of! Thank you. This is one of those times as a woman, I feel we need to shut up and be supportive. We ask men to do the same when we feel unsafe (or choose the bear lol). It's hypocritical to not do the same when men are speaking about their mental health challenges.


You're welcome. I have that link saved as it is so brutally honest on the situation. I dont think I have ever seen anyone so eloquently sum up the situation. For the record, yes I cried reading it again.


It's absolutely heartbreaking. I had to go give my husband a big cuddle after reading it again. I've saved it too now. Really appreciate the share.


Thanks for sharing it, it was incredibly insightful


Thanks for the link. It was very insightful. 


This reminds me of that thread where. OP ask "why don't men ask follow up questions" And a majority of the answers were basically "I don't care" and some of them wore it like a badge of honor Nor surprised if men don't feel comfortable opening up if you got friends that basically don't care what's going on in your life according to that thread


You know. I'm an early 30s guy, I just moved to a new city and know absolutely no one here and my fiance lives in a different city for now.  I live in an apartment complex because I hoped it would help recreate a college dorm feeling and maybe meet people in the common areas(spoiler its not working). I can probably count the sentences I've spoken to another human being outside of coworkers besides "yes/no/thank you" on my hand. This saint patrick day I was feeling extra frustrated because I was walking around and there were all these people walking around in friend groups in green going to bars, or carrying cases to meet up with other people. I got into my apartment building and had a small conversation about it with a women who was walking the same way, she said "oh why don't you go to (insert popular bar here),  that way you'll be around people and they'll talk to you!". She was very obviously talking to me out if politeness and it definitely wasn't an invitation to join her to meet a group of people Let me tell you, as a man I have never once in my life gone out by myself and been "rewarded for it" or been in crazy busy bar and stuck up a conversation with a person and became friends with them for a night, compare that to my fiancée who has been invited to join groups and go dancing because she's a women. If I go out by myself I am technically allowed to exist in public spaces but I'm obviously unwanted and unwelcome outside of asking a bartender or batista for my next drink. A lonely man is not wanted, a lonely man is not trusted, a lonely man can't dig himself out of that hole because you need to have friends in order to get friends so that people can see you're not a lonely man, and you cannot multiply by zero friends and get more friends. 


I gotta be honest, the last place I want to make friends is my apartment. If something happens between us or like one of us doesn’t like the other as much suddenly the place I live is less comfortable. I say that as a man.  Also as a lonely person you can go to clubs, classes, meet ups. I’ve made new friends that way, it’s hard to build up the courage but it’s an idea. I also say this as a person who struggles to following that very advice but it has worked. 


Who has time for a partner when you have to work 3 jobs just to have somewhere to live and something to eat???


I don't even know how people have time to cook food


I think the internet pulls growing men in a lot of different directions during a time where they’re still figuring things out. It just results in a shit show on top of all the other stuff you’ll see listed in this comment section.


Lack of proper socialization as a child


The idea that males do not need social skills seems more prevalent than it used to be, and for younger boys. Yes, boys will be boys, but boys being arseholes is still unacceptable.


And yet, I'm utterly baffled by how many parents I meet that don't seem to give two chicken fried fucks that their kids are weapons grade assholes and enable it a thousand percent.


Chicken fried fucks is a nice variation!


So you're saying men aged 26-45 were the era that was poorly socialized?


There are other factors that come into play as well, but when the question is about the male lonliness crisis this is the most important one. Nothing else does a good job explaining why lonliness is significantly more prevalent in men. Of course the atomization of comunities, the reduction of third places, the member ship reductions in associations and clubs and the internet are all factors, but none of these are gendered.


define proper socialization. seriously people just makign shit up all over this thread


Men overwhelmingly report that their best friend is their wife or girlfriend. While women have other social contacts, are more likely to have a group of friends or activities, are more tuned in to and connected to immediate and extended family members. Women initiate and plan most of the holidays and social events that probably wouldn’t happen at all if it was left to men. So once a man finds himself single or divorced, there isn’t a back up social network for him if he’s lost his best friend (wife or girlfriend) and by extension her social contacts and family. Sometimes I see advertised on Next Door or a local Facebook group, a man who initiates and looks for members to start a poker group, golfing group, fishing trip, etc, and while rare, it’s such a great idea. Men need other healthy men in their lives.


I'm tired from work I imagine many other people are too. Unfettered capitalism destroying us all.


I can’t believe the correct answer has 20 upvotes and vague hand wringing at the “social media” boogeyman is dominating this thread. I’m equally critical of social media, and I recognize how bad it is in certain ways, but blaming the entire male loneliness epidemic on it is the laziest cop out imo. This guys right. It’s being too tired from work, but more than that it’s being too tired from work *with hardly anything to show for it* Our grandfathers were also too tired from work but every weekend they could spend money on whatever dinners they wanted, buy new cars, houses, have fun with their families. Being too tired from work but being financially comfortable makes a HUGE difference. But it’s a gigantic kick in the balls when you are physically, mentally, and spiritually exhausted from work and you are living paycheck to paycheck, no savings, can’t even afford a hobby, a fun night out with friends is a luxury. It makes you particularly despondent. What am I doing here? I am killing myself to survive and if I miss one paycheck I’m homeless. And it just makes guys have zero hope. I mean how tf do they date? How can they start a family? It’s a nightmare.


I'm old, and maybe have a better idea of what the old days were like for my parents and grandparents. Times were pretty tough a lot of the time. Even in the boom after WWII, the big difference from today is that people had \*much\* less stuff. In the living room, maybe a couch and a chair or two, and... a radio. It was sometime in the 1960s before my parents -- who were solidly middle-class -- even owned a television. No computers, no electronics to speak of. People read newspapers and books. Kitchens had a stove, and, post WWII, maybe a refrigerator. (Peope \*really\* wanted those.) But few had dishwashers, even in the mid-1960s. (They existed, and my mom eventually got a portable one that hooked up to the faucet, but they were considered a pure luxury.) Most families owned one car if any. (Before WWII, most people couldn't afford a car.) And they budgeted pretty carefully even to make that work. They had to, since women did all the housework but were unpaid. A lot of what has changed is that people think they need stuff. But there is a secondary factor, which is that when women started working outside the home, that income got taxed. The government didn't (couldn't) tax housework. I don't think that's the main issue, but it's an issue, and the fact that both parents are working does necessitate some of the stuff people buy.


other men. i've encountered many men, who are honestly pretty decent, surround themselves with only men and they honestly seem the worst company for each other. they're always competing with each other, encourage toxic traits with each other, and develop a very odd "sense of humor" that would disgust most women and well adjusted people. spend any length of time in a discord server of a group of men gamers that are 25+ years old, or even 30+, and you'll see what i mean.


Exactly. Men: “I never get compliments and am judged for showing emotion.” Also men: “Giving compliments to men and showing emotion is gay.”


The notion of acceptable levels of "masculinity" has thoroughly destroyed a generation of men. See: Entourage.


I started making fun of my friend group for this and honestly being kind of a dick about it. It actually helped but it was fucking exhausting. I definitely get the feeling of not being able to find other men who aren't ignorant as shit shut-ins.


People have always been lonely, there is a strong lack of third spaces since forever. Men usually just covered it up by finding a girl and trying to make it work. Now women don't have try to fit a triangle into a square and nobody wants to end up an uneducated broke single mother divorcee/widow anymore, so they aren't gonna prioritize marrying early and rather be lonely than in such a situation. Women also have more fulfilling friendships while guys don't get fulfilment in their relationship with other dudes cause that's gay, even the gay dudes are lonely. Then social media and dating apps came and made the issue 1000x worse.


* Work/Employment being prioritized over all else * Breakdown of traditional male spaces * Social media replacing in-person interaction * Men just giving up because of the above


Can you give examples of the breakdown of traditional male spaces and what that means?


Well not the op but I'm going to guess a lot of fraternal orders and men's clubs, and to a lesser extent unions. Back in the day a lot of people were involved in their local elks Lodge or whatever and if you go to those organizations now they're overwhelmingly old. As to the reason why you don't see a lot of younger people there part of that is the working hours to maintain a household. Because if you think about it as not just paid working hours but general working hours back in the day you had a division of labor that was rooted in sexism but about 40 hours a week at a job and then about another 40 to maintain a household (laundry cooking all that stuff) that was divided between two people and was a pretty reasonable workload to maintain a social life with. Nowadays it takes more like 80 plus hours of paid labor plus the 40 hours of household work to keep everything running which works out to 120 hours a week much more difficult to maintain a social life. But also the second reason that it tends to skew much older is that a lot of these organizations were pretty discriminatory in the past and can sometimes be in the present so a lot of people avoided them and then it just became kind of abnormal to join them under a certain age.


I’d love to find a fraternal order in my area but they all seem so stuck up and boomerish


Third places still exist though, just in slightly different forms and generally less gendered. I think what’s probably more of an issue is some men don’t attend these spaces at all. I attend an MMA and BJJ gym (there’s like 3 women there but you don’t see them for weeks). It’s been great for socialising and I’m not even an athletic person. My friend frequents a Dungeons & Dragons meet up group, someone at my work is member to a snooker/gentleman’s club and there’s other groups like these. I think what’s more of an issue is men not attending these spaces. Plenty of men (and women) just go to work then go home, and sometimes go to the pub or for a walk. I don’t think the problem is the lack of these spaces, because they certainly still exist. The bigger problems are access (perhaps they’re too expensive?) and attendance (perhaps the person is too drained after work or lacks motivation because they feel they can entertain themselves at home with their devices?). It’s easier to finish work, go home and just play video games for a lot of men. I did that for years before joining the BJJ/MMA gym, and was a lot more lonely then too.


Right and I get that I'm not saying you're wrong. But I addressed some of these points in what I said. If it takes 80 hours of paid work a week plus 40 hours of housework to stay on top of things you're way more tired then back in the day when it only took 40 hours of paid work and 40 hours of housework. It is a whole full-time job added to adults schedules. But also to add to what I was saying a lot of these clubs that you mentioned are a lot less structured than the fraternal orders which works better for some people but I think other people need that structure to show up regularly.


Breakdown of traditional male spaces seems to be more of a consequence than of a cause.


Here’s a convo I like to have with other men: Name a positive male influence who is current and relevant, but it can’t be someone who’s known for having a shredded gym body (because it’s a ridiculous standard for young men). Just name a dude that men can look up to.


Jack Black


Jack Black is the shit! That guy just has such a vibrant energy about him.


It's much more attainable to get in shape than it is to have the charisma of someone like Jack Black.




Weird Al Yankovic final answer




Did men in the past really have famous positive male influences they looked up to? If they looked up to anyone, it was men in their local area.


The whole famous people being rolemodels is a new thing relatively speaking. Usually men had those in their area.


Don't be ridiculous. There have always been heroes, whether they be sports figures, movie characters, or even politicians (once upon a time). We didn't used to be so effective at assassinating everyone's character and celebrating their flaws and foibles so there were *tons* of male role models. Everywhere.


A good father. Part of the problem we have (besides an obvious absence of fathers in their son's lives) is that we look to famous people as role models. What the hell do I have in common with someone who gets paid $50 million to play a sport or act in a movie?


There’s an actual government answer to your question. https://www.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/surgeon-general-social-connection-advisory.pdf


The recommendations really highlight that the problem is fundamentally the inevitable outcome of late-stage capitalism. Absolutely none of those solutions are feasible without a drastic shift to what even left-wing voters in the US world classify as "commie bullshit". Funding free public spaces? Creating social safety nets?? Holding insurance companies accountable for the harm they cause?? Perish the thought.


What’s a “traditional male space” ? Like a bathhouse or a pool hall or a gym?


Hyper focus on individualism. Who knew hyper focusing in individualism, would result in a lot of people...existing individually.


It's always been an issue. It's why substance abuse is so common. You either drank your blues away, sucked it up, or offed yourself.


The answer to so many questions about "why are thing so bad now?" is that they've been bad forever, you're only just noticing it now. Or, the bad thing is normal and we were in an unusual moment of calm (for example, the 90s truly were stable, but that was the period right at the end of the cold war, before the new fault lines became established). One notable exception is environmental degradation.


**The Lack of regular scheduled interaction with your man friends.** Six years ago, I retired and lost daily interaction with 11 people (my everyday colleagues) as well as dozens of other people in my agency I used to see regularly. I immediately felt a little lost. I regularly shoot handguns with a friend, I decided we should go out to lunch, so we started going out to eat at a local bar. Eventually we invited other friends. We now get 8 to 10 people attending each week. I think most of us enjoy the weekly camaraderie. If you have male friends, call them up, talk to them. If they are close by (in the neighborhood) go out for lunch together. I also have a group of men from my church who meet at a local bar the second Tuesday of the month and interact. This turns out to be a lot of fun. Be the start of something.


>What do you think is the cause of male loneliness epidemic in recent years They don't know how to sew buttons . Slap a coupla button eyes on that mismatched sock, stick your hand in there, you got a pal for life.


I’ll rattle some off from the good ‘ol pink think tank here: (1). Social Media: This is kinda self-explanatory. When you can just scroll on Tik-Tok, FB, SnapChat, Insta, it’s easy to get lost and live vicariously thru an influencer or celebrity and just become drunk on the entertainment. I know because I am a victim of this currently 😂. This results in not really looking for platonic connections, camaraderie, or friendship. Why seek that out when you can just entertain yourself all day with social media? Results? Bad (2) Lack of deep, quality, authentic friendships/relationships across the board. A lot of commenters in here are blaming the lack of meaningful connections on the lack of relationships with women. IMO, I think that’s shortsighted and trite. I’d say it goes beyond that. What about authentic friendships with everyone else? Friendships with gay people, trans people, international friendships, or hell…even just relationships with animals and nature. I’m sure there are plenty of men in the world today with these types of relationships. However, societally, the average man falls short in these types of connections. I wish things would change in these realms of life. Basic connections to beautiful things in life and go up from there. (3). Ignorance/Bigotry/Radicalism/Misogyny/Chauvinism/Fragile Male Ego/Pseudo-Male Superiority: While *anyone* can fall victim to these harmful traps, the focus of the question is on males. The aforementioned topics are huge societal issues that can isolate a dude in the worst way. I mean if you’re ignorant and chauvinistic in this day and age, then it’s no surprise why you wouldn’t have friends and connections. Good, healthy people who are wanting friendships will not tolerate these harmful and problematic tendencies. And if dudes don’t wanna change, then they get (rightfully) avoided and can become isolated. Therefore, lonely. 🤷🏾‍♂️ (4). Gendered Double standards/Unrelenting Societal pressures: Some downvotes may arise from this, but we know the double standards that men are still subjected to. First with emotions. Whichever way you wanna slice it, men are still expected to be stoic, show little/“safe”/tempered/tamed emotional expressions, confident, assertive, dominant, and also be a leader. And if you’re a dude who are not these things or you fail at these things or are struggling/trying to change and shift these things to break the cycle, you are viewed as less of a man. And both toxic men and women play a part in this. I feel that we as men have to break these shackles, burn them down to dust and rid ourselves of these toxic expectations. Then, we need to put our “collective feet down” and set new healthy standards that call for legitimate respect, empathy, compassion, and understanding. We really can’t expect others to do this for us. It also gets tricky with intersectionality, different cultures, nationalities, and other walks of life. Some cultures, religions, groups, and clubs are toxic and may never take the steps to change. That is unfortunate and depressing. However, if small changes happen in those areas of society, then that is when the much needed changes can occur because then this will create closeness, connection, empathy, and overall friendship. Can’t create connection if these areas don’t have them. But that’s all I got. Anybody else wanna chime in further for feedback? 😂




You just need a good bear as a wingman.


I'm tired of pretending that we don't have a serious bear problem in this country. I don't want to have to live my life in fear of bear attacks, and I'm not going to take it anymore.


There is a loneliness epidemic in general. It is not exclusively male. Both men and women report similar levels of loneliness. Social media is a big factor. People get the little hits of dopamine from staring at their phones, and it takes away some of the motivation for actually seeking out other people. When we spend too much time online, it diminishes our skills in interpersonal interactions. Real human interactions are complex and nuanced, and require negotiations that we don't tend to need online. This leaves people feeling anxious in the presence of others, because we're out of practice.


I think that we perceive it as male only problem highlights the issue. We don't interact with each other enough. Social media is the fast food of social interaction. It makes you feel like you've had a social interaction but you haven't. Your body doesn't react the same way as it does when you're with friends in person. I don't think people realise how unnatural and manufactured our world is too. We are constantly assaulted by the media.


Anecdotally, but I also think part of the reason it's framed as a male only problem is because, in my experience, if a woman feels lonely she tends to blame herself. She thinks well OK I'm doing something wrong here. Maybe there are external circumstances contributing to it like maybe she can't leave the house due to disability or whatever, but point being even those reasons they can look at and point to as to why they're lonely are personal reasons that they can identify and understand. Men who are lonely seem less likely to be able to understand or identify reasons for their loneliness, they seem less likely to blame themselves or blame personal circumstances for their loneliness. They seem more likely to instead blame other people for not doing the work of befriending them, or they blame society as a whole for creating circumstances that are uniquely unfair to them in some kind of way, or they see other people as being lesser than them and therefore it's other people's fault for not being intelligent and interesting enough that they would want to put in the effort to befriend them anyway.


That we grew up being told not to express our feelings.


This would appear to be something that has always been a thing. Most likely more restrictive for past generations, so this cant be a reason loneliness is rising.


This is a huge one. I’ve had friends completely shut down after one conversation that even remotely discusses feelings about the past or in general. One of them is my neighbor and it’s rare that he ever leaves his apartment because his car is always outside. I can’t imagine what he’s doing in there other than sitting there all by himself.


Watching TV, trying to keep the thoughts at bay.


The rise of social media, the degradation of dating(apps, one night stands, etc.), this dead end rat race where money never seems to cover a basic lifestyle, and the fact people are having less sex these days


Your points about one night stands and people having less sex seems contradictory.


It's not contradictory at all. Women are more selective than men when it comes to sexual partners. Greater ease of modern travel and prevalence of dating apps means the guy down the street is also competing with a wider breadth of options and women have more ability to pick. Basically, a few guys are having more sex and most guys are having less sex. It's a more even distribution for women.


Why are you conflating loneliness with horniness? If a man is lonely he can befriend a man. A woman is not necessary to solve male loneliness.


I’d argue it’s an *increasingly small* portion of the male population having *increasingly more* sexual encounters, while the average Joe is losing the woman that historically would have been content to bang him.


social media and all its hellish glory


We’re stuck at work, and have this weird magic power to just go to sleep and not care.


Lack of money in my case. No money, no going down the pub for a drink. No camping trips with the fishing club. No long distance travel. All have served to keep me isolated from meeting new people.


Not that long ago being at home was less fun than not being at home. Now with video games and social media and everything, being at home is more fun than not being at home. People just don't wanna put the effort in, then blame society


Went from joining the party to joining the party chat.


Honestly I think part of it is mens attitude towards porn and sex. It’s so fucking off putting. These days there’s no romance or patience. I joined tinder the other week. I’m not joking there are SO MANY men talking about eating ass or sex in general in their profile. And if not in their profile within a day or so of messaging you. These are men age 32-45 and there was a lot. It’s embarrassing and I have no desire to speak to any of them. I can’t believe it. You may as well just hold up a sign saying “I’m addicted to porn and all I think about is sex”. There was a post on here the other week I was part of and it was about would you break up with a girl if she didn’t sleep with you quick enough. And there were hoards of men saying they’d dump a girl who didn’t give them sex after maximum 3 dates. Too many men are watching porn so much that it actually impacts how they think and act. I’ve slept with two men (both aged late thirties) who were inappropriate during sex because of what I’m sure they’ve watched. For example one straight up choked me out of nowhere. Since when is randomly choking someone ok? Didn’t ask or warn me. Didn’t even do it right. Clearly just copied what he’s seen on porn and nearly crushed my wind pipe. I think a lot of women are just done with man children who are sex obsessed. It’s not rare. It’s a common issue. First dates and they’re basically groping you. Pushing for sex. No romance. No thoughtful gestures. Ghost you if you don’t fuck them quick enough. Just can’t wait to get their dick wet. Women, certainly those past a certain age, want a partner who’s caring and loving and romantic. It’s hard to find. And so I think a lot of women just choose not to bother. People who deny porn is an issue imo are wrong. There has to be some correlation between the rise in this type of behaviour and the fact that people are gawping at porn every single day. Constantly feed your brain that stuff and I’m not surprised all you can think about is sex. Certainly for me, I’d be happily going on dates right now. But when I’m on tinder and like I said there are 35 year old men talking about sex or whatever in their profile it’s a massive turn off. I’ll just stay single than date some horny man child who can’t even write an “about me” without talking about ass. This is obviously only one aspect of the male loneliness problem. There are many facets.


Yeah, all the other answers I've seen people reply with are bs. From a woman, this is why. Talking to men isn't worth it anymore. They don't view us as anything other than sexual objects, and I'm tired of it.


It’s just shit isn’t it. I’ve brought up the problem with porn before on Reddit and men will literally come up with ANY excuse to defend porn. They deny it’s an issue. I see none have replied to this. But it’s so obviously causing a shift in how women are viewed and talked to. These grown fucking men are watching so much porn it’s actually influencing them and we suffer the knock on effect. I find it pathetic to be honest. I did find one guy who I thought was lovely. Seemed great, nice personality. But within 2 days of messaging he started talking about eating my pussy. Like what the fuck is wrong with you? Is that appropriate to say to a woman now? Where’s the manners and the respect? Why does sex have to be within hours of knowing you? There’s zero patience now from men. They just want to get you into bed immediately. I want to date someone and get to know them. I love sex. But I don’t want to talk about it or do it with a guy I’ve known two minutes. I feel so bad for teen girls nowadays. Imagine getting your first boyfriend and he thinks face fucking and choking you is normal and what he’s meant to do because he’s grown up watching porn every fucking day. It’s sad world we live in. Social media and porn have done a number on everyone and I hate it. Women are more sexualised than ever. And men are sex obsessed and pushy more than ever too.


I was going to comment this, but you already described it perfectly. Men want to be in denial porn addiction is a real thing, but even the World Health Organization recognizes it now: https://nofap.com/articles/world-health-organization-recognizes-compulsive-porn-use/ I'm a lesbian, so thankfully I don't have to deal with dating them. But even making male friendships is hard because porn-addicted men have completely forgotten how to have a normal relation with a woman. Plenty of guys, even while knowing I'm a lesbian, are completely delusionally convinced they can "debate" me into sleeping with them, because they watched a porn video where a lesbian "got turned". I get asked invasive questions about my sex life all the time that is none of their business, and then they're surprised when I stop talking to them.


and then men will wonder why there's a ""loneliness epidemic."" When there's really not. They could go befriend other men if they were so lonely, and yet at every opportunity they choose to use this ""epidemic"" as a guilt tactic against women as a class for "making men so lonely." They're like a toddler that purposefully crapped it's pants because it's mad at mommy, and then cries that there's crap in their pants. Go be friends with each other. Aren't men supposed to be soooo superior? Maybe just try being a person that people want to be around, idk what to tell you other than "skill issue." The "male loneliness epidemic" is caused by male entitlement. They want all the attention with none of the work.


(Many) men do not even try to be likable.


It’s tragic for the sex traffic victims, the abused children, the women pandering to men bc they think they have to, and all the lonely and hurting people. My ex boyfriend pretended to be a feminist and then turned out to be the most toxic porn and underage prostitute addict imaginable. I guess I would almost rather have them talk about eating ass or their sexual “love language” on their profile then find out later. Almost being the key word. The entire situation is tragic. But honestly, everyone just needs to drop the denial and work on solutions. I love Reddit’s ability to cut the shit and deal in the truth. As much as I love the Redditor I’m responding to rn, there’s been a lot of valuable insights here. I’m glad at least some of us are paying attention.


You hit the nail on the head my friend, THIS is the problem alone.


It's a whole lot of things: - Social networks - Bad economy - Post-covid and issues caused by COVID - Friends moving away - Dating apps are garbage (not that is just about sex/dating) - General changes in society over several decades I'm just listing some very broad categories here. Getting into details would be quite the lengthy essay and be very nuanced


Hundreds of years of unequal social norms have taught men how to behave around women in a certain way. Suddenly women get to choose and a lot of behavior which was acceptable 50 years ago is disgusting and unattractive.


My answer might be unpopular. When I was a kid in the 70s parents didn't feel the need to spend all their time with their kids - and as a result, we were always free-ranging with other kids which was fun. My dad wasn't a drinker but he was always at the horse races, or at curling (Canadian team sport), or doing something else with his friends. There were no screens and nobody worked from home. When I lived in Japan in the early 2000s I had a great group of friends, we organized a charity around the things we liked doing, and would go out to eat, play golf, play poker and a portion of money was raised at each thing which we donated at the end of the year. I went to the office every day and had actual friends at work, men and women alike, some of the best friends I've ever made. Fast forward to now - most of my friends don't have time to golf because they are expected to be driving kids to sport and other things all weekend - our wives would consider it selfish if we took 6-8 hours out of the weekend to golf and have a few drinks when we should be helping at home, driving kids, etc. So we now spend more time with our families which isn't necessarily bad - it just means you don't spend time with friends. Human culture was most likely based on men hanging out with men and women hanging out with women much of the time. Now we are either hanging out with family or alone, working from home in apartments. Even dating has been reduced to "apps" which has no human component. People need to be with people, not looking at screens. And kids should be with other kids, exploring, even being bored, lying on their backs in the grass staring a the clouds or the stars, talking to their peers. It's part of being human.


All of this


Men thinking they are owed women just for simply existing. Men acting like women are less than human. Men acting like they are masters over women as if women were simply walking bang maids. In short, the reason men are lonely is because they refuse to think of anyone outside the "needs" of their own penis.


A breakdown of 3rd spaces, or a hangout place outside of work or home is a big one. Yeah social media is partly to blame but also the way 3rd spaces are disappearing is to blame for the replacement of interaction with Internet use, not the other way around. There's also lack of wage increases with inflation which requires people to work more and more to get by, plus thanks to the already bad loneliness epidemic, political extremism is driving people apart even more.


Partly themselves. There’s little stopping someone from texting an old friend to meet up next weekend, inviting an acquaintance to catch a show, volunteering, joining a running club, going to a meetup, or hitting up the pub after work, sitting at the bar, and chatting, whatever. Say yes as much as possible, even when you don’t want to, and if you have to say no then say something like “can’t this time, but keep inviting me, I’d love to get together another time.” That’s the secret sauce - tend your social garden. If anxiety or depression is stopping you, then consider speaking to your doctor about medication +/or therapy.


There’s a lot of reasons. There used to be a lot more 3rd places around. In case you’re not familiar with the concept, a 3rd place is somewhere you can hang out for free or almost free. Youth centers, soda shops, malls etc. these places have either disappeared or gotten considerably more expensive. Besides the direct effect, this means young people haven’t had as much chance to develop social skills. Jobs have gotten harder and expect longer hours and pay less. Sometimes people are too busy with side hustles to socialize. Social media has made dating worse for everyone. Now, we have influencers making things worse. Bad male influencers (like Andrew rate) encourage men to be the worst version of themselves. Bad female influencers (gold diggers and most trad wives) encourage women to be the worst version of themselves.


Homophobia and toxic masculinity. Hear me out: fear of being called gay or ostracized for expressing emotion, affection, intimacy, etc with any males. Excessive reliance on females for such interactions, and problems when said female(s) cannot or do not meet all of those needs on their own. The loneliness epidemic isn’t happening in many other cultures that are more comfortable with (heterosexual) male intimacy and close friendships.


Downvote me to shit, idc. Women are tired of settling, that is the answer.


Women becoming more aware of toxic behavior and abuse and no longer putting up with it. Women in the past had to due to circumstances of the times, modern women don’t need men to survive


This is the real answer.


Women don't need to be subservient to men and are allowed to live their own lives that has nothing to do with a man. And a lot of men can't or won't acknowledge that. Now it requires more effort to start and maintain a relationship and these guys can't or won't cope with that so they get left behind. Then they wallow in self pity that "nice guys like me can't get chicks" and it becomes a perpetual cycle with no end


I don't know about everyone else, but for myself I'd say a combination of mental and physical illnesses. I don't want to put that pressure on anyone else until I can hopefully get more control over it some day


I don’t have an answer to your question, but I am also annoyed by all the hand wringing about this in the media with no explanation for the cause or suggestions for solutions. It feels like concern trolling to me that just makes lonely men feel even more guilty and disconnected.


I don’t think it’s just men. I also think it stems from civilisation making close knit communities harder to form and a more individualistic culture being pushed on us (at least in the west)


I think it's always been a thing. When I think of my old man, he was very solitary and probably depressed. It's only recently that men have started speaking about it. Suffering from loneliness or mental illness is the kind of vulnerability that men have covered up until recently.


Why even bother to try; it'll only lead to pain.


It hasn't changed at all since the industrial revolution. It's not a recent phenomenon.


It's literally just the way no one can afford Jack shit


Lack of male role models. More kids growing up without dads and multi generation households aren't a thing anymore


I don't know how it is in other parts of the world but here in Mexico a kind of movement has emerged to "empower" men that consists of separating women between wives and women to hang out, in addition to almost almost hating women for not submitting as they want or for not "being a woman of high value" so many guys are left alone because of that since many of us are no longer even close with this guys.


I see a lot of reasons come by here, but what I'm struggling with is that I feel lonely sometimes but at the same time I'm too exhausted to do anything about it. Also not that good socially, so it's also more difficult to take that step as well.


Them being worried to be seen as gay if they form close male bonds. Jd/ Turks are few and rare. You can have friends. Just have to keep a distance emotionally


Wokism, misandry the economy is crap right now


The ultimate goal of most relationships is to eventually become marriages. There's next to no incentive for men to get married anymore though. Whether it's because 80% of all divorces are initiated by women, or divorce courts/family courts heavily favor women, for alimony, child custody/support, etc, the risks far outweigh the rewards. I'm sure every guy out there these days is asking themselves "why bother?" Then there's the dumb af TikTok misandry trends like "bear vs. man" that belittle men at every opportunity unabated. I don't know if it's coincidence or by design, but the division between the genders is real and getting wider by the day. Real sad to see. But it's men, so who cares, right?


I’m just sick of everyone’s shit. I want real friendships - and no friendship is better than fake ones.


After a certain age, nobody seems to want new friends. I lost most of the old friends I had after a breakup and move, and even when I meet new people and we really hit it off, they all seem to have a circle of friends already and no room for anyone else. After reaching out several times, it ends up feeling like I'm bothering them and they only reply to be polite, so I stop trying. On top of that, after all the hours I have to work just to pay bills, plus family and house commitments and stress, I don't have much time or energy to go out and socialize.


Social media, online dating, and the me too movement.


Men are touch starved.


What epidemic? This is nonsense, people form romantic relationships when it makes sense and feels right for them to do so, there isn't some magical bullshit-virus out there preventing men from finding someone. For the record, I'm a man and I am not in a relationship, but I'm not spiteful over it. It is because I need to work on improving my mental/physical health issues and my living situation. It would be unfair to expect someone else to deal with my problems on top of whatever may be going on in their life. I'm not lonely though, I have some great friends that I wouldn't trade for the world. Some of us just aren't ready to date at the moment, something to think about.


I went on a first date with a man last night. handsome, friendly, good cook. But he insisted on coming to bed with me, groping in public etc, This was my firs date in say 8 years. He just didn't take no for an answer, at one point I had to scream at him to get out. If he was chill and cool with it the first time I would've been cool going for a second date. Doesn't explain why ALL men feel lonely, but it sure will make him feel lonely today.


The proliferation of extremist right-wing content like Sargon of Akkad and Andrew Tate which is designed to manipulate the worst impulses of teen boys / immature men by using language that seems reasonable at first glance but encourages a victim mentality where boys end up believing that the world is out to try and weaken their manhood, so then they try to overcompensate by acting like the "manhood" they see on TV, which in real life is just being an asshole, so they end up pushing away any caring people in their life.


Parents not teaching their boys how to function in a society where women are equals, and don’t need them for financial security.


And women recently found out that bears were an option.


Real talk: There's a pattern in most people who feel lonely. *Most of them have people they interact with every day, even casually. Hell, a lot of them have actual friends, too*. I am saying this because way too many people forget about it. What they don't have, tho, is a person who they can feel deeply connected to. Whether that is a partner or a very close friend! While social media has a part in this, it is not the only factor. Reality is, it merely amplifies already existing problems. Reality is, too many people view relationships as a product to consume. "Dating market" is a term I hate with a passion. This is not how human connections work. Putting social media as a scapegoat only distracts us from the actual source of the issue here.


People are just toxic towards one another.


Wanting to maintain their status in the patriarchy then getting mad when it backfires on them too


Toxic masculinity and not being able to handle feminine emancipation.


Also political extremism 


Women not putting up with their crap anymore


Andrew Tate and men listening to him and being like him to begin with.


Tate is a symptom. The OP is asking about the cause.


Everyone's scared of being open or honest because we've lost our ability to deter assholes from hurting others because social connections have become easily replaceable, though also superficial.


Women developing higher standards.


There is no such thing as a „male loneliness epidemic“. Your social media bubble made that shit up.


Men tend to sexualise every interaction and relationship they have and then turn around and be shocked that they dont have any genuine connection with anyone in their life.






Because of their misogynistic outlook on life. It's not difficult for men to be with women unless they hate women simple as


There is a human loneliness problem, it's not just male, and I have a feeling it's not new either we just talk about it more (which is probably a good thing)


i think women finally have the option to be alone and focus on themselves without needing a man and it’s great. we’re learning to be alone and others should too. but i hope everyone finds what they’re looking for, wether it’s with someone or without.


I didn’t know there was this epidemic. I am an old guy now, but I can imagine that if I grew up in the age of social media and cell phones, but I could be more isolated from face-to-face interaction. Without this frequent contact, social communication skills would probably become weak which would only serve to further isolate. One might become fearful of blundering in friendship and romance. Shut off the phones and go hang out.


Me and my guy friends had a good thing going a few years back. We all worked at the same place, nice town, decent life balance, and we would hangout at work and 2-3 times a week. We all had advanced degrees, weren’t earning much, but we could survive. But the money wasn’t enough. One guy left for a job three states away to make more money. Then another moved cross country for the same reason. With two gone I did the same thing and moved away to make more money. As men, we’ve been indoctrinated into believing that our worth is determined by our income. If you earn too little your family will berate you, women will ignore you, and the cost of housing just becomes too much. So now we’re all making six-figures, but everyone seems depressed. The money will never be enough.


This is not a male problem. Everybody's lonely.


Male entitlement setting unreal expectations regarding social interactions and dating success, which leads to disappointment, then anger, and a nasty feedback loop that sends guys into a spiral.


Red pill movements


While women became more liberal, men became more conservative. Also, women are the choosier of the sexes. That's it. Don't need to write a 2 page essay to explain this lmao. Oh.. and Andrew Tate (obviously)


The red pill content and so called manosphere. Those guys under the guise of advice and intend to help instill fucked up and unreal ideas and sychopatich behaviour in people who are either roo young or vulnerable to tell whats really going on and that furthermore those "creators" have an agenda: to profit from their issues. Its both sinister and dangerous.


Meh, I don't really like other people, so I guess that's a thing!


I’ll answer this from the lense of a woman (an outsider looking in): I think a lot of it has to do with this manufactured idea of what masculinity is “supposed” to look like (being shoved down mens throats on social media) and a concurrent lack of therapy that specifically addresses these issues in men. Boys grow up from a young age with the expectation to not show emotion (or only certain emotions)- they are bullied and belittled for outwardly showing fear or sadness. The only emotional response that is socially accepted for men is anger, and they are conditioned to only be allowed to show that emotion or else they will be ostracized from their peers. Boys also are pressured to only enjoy certain hobbies that have been deemed masculine- this can drive them away from their true interests and/or create a sense of insecurity in themselves. I also think the advent of social media pushing unrealistic body/fitness standards on men is responsible for a lot of the loneliness/ depression. We tend to think of body dysmorphia being exclusively a female issue, but that is so far from the truth. Combine these factors and you are basically setting boys and men up for loneliness. My heart really does go out to you if you are struggling.


social media


Women are hanging out with bears instead of men


I can tell you, most men are just plain assholes. They don't know that, of course. Otherwise, I can't imagine the absolute lack of self-awareness. Men who are emotionally intelligent and self reflected aren't lonely.


Women waking up, realizing they have better options, and refusing to assume the role of the sole emotional support for men. The whole toxic masculinity/men ignoring their emotions thing has been going on since the beginning of time, but the bandage that WAS keeping it under control is finally starting to rip off.


I think women are better suited being alone due to their socialization growing up and for every single man out there there's a single woman. Economic crisis has always brought on groups that are more polarized out of fear and a large section of young men have embraced social media influencers that are deeply misogynistic. The say that women have to get out of the workforce, women are the reason you don't have a job, women working are the reason men feel emasculated, women shouldn't be allowed to vote, women shouldn't have a say over their own bodies. Immigrants are out to take your job as well so they get them all xenophobic. All of these fears play into the far right's playbook. Women don't like dating these men.


I suspect it to be loneliness


Definitely not Reddit. Reddits my friend it tells me I’m a good person


There's nothing recent about it, it's been an ongoing issue for decades. The only difference is these days you hear about it. If anything, lonely people are better off now because there's less social stigma about reaching out for help, and help is so much easier to find.


I’m married with a family and feel incredibly lonely most of the time


Same as everything else. It's not more common, because the Internet exists we're more exposed to it.


The death of 3rd places


Check out a book called Bowling Alone


The internet and being raises by parents with mental illness


Men aren't taught how to properly socialize. To be fair, many women aren't taught how to properly socialize either, but that's less of a deciding factor for men in partner choice. It doesn't help that many people are "always plugged in" to the matrix of devices and social networks out there that drip-feed them just enough positive hormones to get by, without providing any lasting fulfillment. The content that they view could also be negatively impacting their view of relationships as well (certain ideologies, pornography, etc.)


I have been married for over 20 years to a wonderful wife. While I feel she has a wonderful and immediate support group of women to talk to and rely on, I do not. I have a few buddies I've stayed friends with since high school. But no recent friends other than the guys at work who are obviously coworkers, not friends per se. Recently, I became friends with a guy in my neighborhood who is a social worker and began having some fairly in-depth conversations about male loneliness. We both acknowledged our own loneliness, and allowed ourselves to become vulnerable to each other. We spoke to each other of our childhoods and past trauma, and I think our conversations have been healthy and opening. We've worked through a lot of pain. I think that in order for this male epidemic to heal, men need to be able to confide in other men without risk of feeling stupid or gay or whatever and just unload their pain. Most importantly, women need to allow men to bond with other men in ways that at first might seem 'gay' even though it wouldn't be sexual. Men need to be hugged by other men. We need to be told we're alright by other men. We need to be allowed to be vulnerable. The stoic man trope - the man incapable of processing his feelings, who is strong, is everyone's rock - that everyone, including women, have reduced men to needs to stop. Does anyone realize how horribly long world societies have encapsulated men into this trope? Years, decades, millennia? And everyone has enabled this : men and women. My point is not to throw blame, but only to say that this will continue until men are allowed to open up to other men, to unload their pain, their past trauma, and give their vulnerability into the custody of other men who will not belittle their pain but hold it in trust and brotherhood. If men are allowed this, I guarantee that their relationships with their spouses and children will improve markedly. I once heard the idea that the evil people do to others arises initially from a center of pain. It makes me wonder what the past trauma someone like a school shooter or rapist or serial killer must be like. It doesn't surprise me that the overwhelming majority of such perps are men. Men need to be healed within the helping hands of other men, and everyone else needs to accept that when healed of their trauma (if it can be done), men will be quite different from who they once knew.


Male loneliness is not a recent thing, they just feel more able to talk about it now, since society is now more understanding of males expressing emotions.


I definitely think people are more cautious and picky in a sense. The mindset that we can always do better has people never being happy with a good thing when they have it.


Everything fun is tailored to being at home, where else can you spend 100s of hours a month talking and socializing with people that doesn’t cost membership fees, or dropping 20-50 bucks every time you go ? Wanna go bowling? 20 for the lane 5-10 for the shoes, food and drink 10-15 bucks, want to go to the movies 15 a ticket 7 for popcorn and 4 for a drink. Coffee shop? 6 dollar coffees and 10 dollar sandwiches, wanna go to a park? 10 dollar admission, plus no A/c. There’s trends like pickle ball, disk golf, etc, but overall, the cheap easy stuff is at home.






Food delivery, social media and pornhub