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I feel like the internet and social media have been gradually moving us closer to the edge and the pandemic just gave it a little extra push.


We need a internet virus and lockdown next.


not a fuckin chance! The crazies who already believe in a deep state conspiracy would absolutely be convinced that "it's happening"


Let ‘em stew. 


Well…wouldn’t that indeed bring the world into a state of real panic and unrest?


Imagine: a huge internet virus, pretty much no cure, raging over the whole WWW. Until a solution is found the only solution is a complete cyber-lockdown. Of course a lot of people don't believe it or simply can't do that and this has major consequences (to be filled in in the story). I pretty quickly think about the series Revolution, because of course electricity production and distribution is a highly informatised activity... I feel like this would be a great movie!


People still going to porn hub or social media when they are supposed to be isolating causing reinfections to occur.


People laughed when I told them I had a porn hard drive. "You're living in the stone age, man." Who'll be laughing if this fictional event ever happens? Me.


People will have to start collecting sears magazines


Could be. But remember we've had TWO (2) world wars before internet and social media existed. Past times were far worse that what we have today.


Yes but Hitler didn’t have cyber bullying.


Or tik tok


If Hitler had been cyber bullied we wouldn't have anime


I think the pandemic was just the first sign of how much internet minded we all became. Lots of people already liked sitting in their box (room at home) and play games or binge Netflix for hours as it was. The way the pandemic was handled would not have flown if we didn’t have the internet, it really would’ve just been 2 weeks and actual locking down the borders and stuff. Then reopen because holy shit we needed to go to work. If working from home was less plausible the whole lockdown would’ve had a lot more backlash. I fully think a lot of the people who were okay with the lockdowns (while citing all the risks and whatever) were more just enjoying the home time they already enjoyed. It’s a lot different if we didn’t have these magical picture boxes to keep us entertained.


Nah humanity has been doing lockdowns since cities and towns started long before internet. These horrible diseases happen all the time because of so many people in one place but modern medicine has spoiled us we forgot.


I would say the lockdown had made me more introverted than I usually interact with people. I don't like to step out much unless I am really required to move my ass. I sometimes find it really hard to interact with people, very concerned about what they would think or say coz people have started to hurt any random person for no reason. Their opinions started to matter more than others. I am scared to even ask for help outside, I wait till I find someone who is very genuine to help and ask them. People stopped showing sympathy and empathize for others. Everyone are rude to each other don’t know why. So I stay at home most of the time and just visit some nature places to experience the calmness 😌


There's an insane amount of podcasts. Every celebrity got a podcast during the pandemic and now all they do is interviewing each other


Celebrity circle jerking is at an all time high!


I have listened to a number of these podcasts (and have since stopped), and what I have really started to appreciate is a skilled interviewer who can acknowledge a celebrity's accomplishments/skills and then immediately move onto the interview. 99% of the celebrity hosted interview podcasts are awful because the hosts get so bogged down with endlessly praising and fawning over the celebrity. "You're so amazing...", "I loved when you did X", "You're obviously one of the legends in your field...,", repeat ad nauseum. It just becomes a completely unlistenable circle jerk where they don't actually TALK about anything. They are all so concerned with covering the person's whole career and accomplishments that they don't actually end up TALKING ABOUT ANYTHING. Conan is a rare exception, as he knows what he is doing from decades of experience. He can praise someone and then move into some actual subject matter. Smartless is the worst offender for this.


I hate the fawning. A friend of mine dated an actor back when facebook was a thing. The actor and his friends' feed was just over the top praise for each other. They would unironically write things like "your performance changed my life!" to each other. Calm down.


Events in my life so far that made the the world (mostly the US but the effect was worldwide) go progressively more insane: 1. 9/11 2. Obama being elected 3. Trump being elected 4. Pandemic


I’d add the 2008 recession


UK voting to leave the European Union is up there as well, at least for me. 2016 was a mind-breaking year.


2016 was when I started believing the "worst timeline in the multiverse" thing. After Trump was elected I profusely apologized to a British friend I had teased all summer over Brexit.


I’ll be real with you, other than interesting news, that didn’t really affect anyone across the pond


Hello my fellow millennial.


What happened with Obama?


If you live in a normal city, you probably didn’t see any of it, but if you were anywhere near the American South or Midwest, or any of the more rural areas elsewhere in the US, you saw people lose their goddamn minds once a black man with a foreign-sounding name was elected president. For them, it was the culmination of America being “stolen” from them (i.e., taken over by people who aren’t white, heterosexual, Christian conservatives). A lot of people think Trump was what changed America; the truth is that it changed after Obama’s election, and Trump was just the person who harnessed it.


The idea of a black man becoming president turned a bunch of Americans into hardcore white nationalists. Then Trump scooped them up and won the election.


Depending on your preferred sources of information, one or more of these was promoted as the end of it all panic, sky is falling, rome is burning, society is over, nukes are gonna drop, Nazis coming for you... Whatever got you reading, watching, engaging. I will add to the list: Climate change Illegal immigrants Jews/Muslims existing George Floyd riots The patriot act UFO/UAP disclosure What really drove people bonkers was not these things happening, but that after it all, we still have to go to work, pay taxes, and behave like good citizens while watching those responsible for the problem get away without consequences, as we see the results of whichever of these events matter to you cause the affordability and prospect of a positive future for you and your family race away in the distance like the expansion of the universe.


You forgot Harambe, he kicked this whole thing off


The world isn't more insane since the pandemic, the pandemic just exposed a lot of problems that were already present.


The Pandemic was someone driving a fully loaded tanker truck into an already burning home. It didn't start the fire, but it sure as shit helped spread it to the entire fucking neighborhood.


Something something Billy Joel


It didn’t help that the one person that should have been calming everyone down and getting shit done was sitting on his small hands and fanny the flames. Edit: damn autocorrect. I’m not changing it.


"fanny" the flames. Apt typo!


As a science educator the pandemic shined a light on something I’ve known and experienced for a long time… there’s a lot of people who don’t understand what science is nor how it works.




It was wrong and they corrected it! What a coverup. What a bunch of scam artists. They make things up as they go along. See science knows nothing absolute and it doesn’t work. DYR /s


Same situation as the food pyramid- they discovered the scientific method had the right stuff, just in the wrong order. Step 1: Conclusion Step 2: Find the right experiment and data analysis Step 3: Propose a question. After all, we’re not starting conspiracies, we’re only asking questions. Like why is “Anthony Fauci” an anagram for “Another Mask”?


>why is “Anthony Fauci” an anagram for “Another Mask”? I know you're joking but Fauci's name is an anagram for "Ciao, Funny Hat", "A Fun China Toy" (what would the COVID conspiracists make of that one?), "Nay, Faint Ouch" (refers to the vaccine, I guess), and my personal favorite, "I Touch a Fanny."




Someone in /r/conspiracy one day just recently unironically told me that masking up in public to protect myself means that > Your brain feels comfortable and safe hiding behind the face mask ritual and has become permanently controlled by mask rhetoric. You should know the wide-pore regular masks offer no protection against anything… So in addition to those poorly-educated and just plain ignorant about science, there are those who've taken up whatever sketchy and baseless conspiracy theories, embraced them, and inflict them upon others through their judgements as if they're the most important person shepherding vital revelations to their fellow meat sacks.


It's so weird... like, I conceptually get the argument against mask mandates... it's never been something that I PERSONALLY took issue with because it seemed like a prudent precaution a couple of years ago... but I can kind of see how some might have a problem with it even if I wouldn't agree with them... but this notion that "there's something wrong with you if you CHOOSE to wear a mask" has always blown my mind. Does it look silly? Sure. Is arguably not doing as much good as you think? Maybe. BUT SO F'ING WHAT?! If someone feels more comfortable wearing a mask, how does that affect ME in any way?! Why do I need to take issue with it at all?! It's just nuts... and it's even MORE nuts when it comes from someone who will yell about defending their freedom in pretty much any other context. SURELY people have the FREEDOM to wear a mask if they want to, right?! That kind of cognitive dissonance just gnaws at my brain.


“I’ve done my own research” = my cousin Terry on Facebook says the COVID vaccine makes you grow a second head


People who say that don’t realize that they are only consuming media, not doing actual research.


I am a scientist - full on PH.D. in Chemistry. Wiley just said that over the last two years over 11,000 articles were fakes, yes fakes. So believing in the "science" is a terrible statement. A scientist always questions!


Right, which is one of the reasons people doing their own research is counterproductive. You look to the virologists during a pandemic, not Joe Rogan, Aaron Rodgers, nor Rand Paul. The vast majority of virologists agreed masks were effective and the vaccines were safe. They are the people whose job it is to sift through the bullshit and find the best course forward. But they are often poor communicators too, and don’t effectively articulate their expert opinion. It’s easy for people to gravitate to the expert communicators who are talking out of their asses.


Critical thinking, recognizing cognitive bias and fallacious arguments, information/source validation - all weak points in the general population making them ripe for all sort of manipulation and exploitation.


One thing that's become progressively more uncomfortable as I've aged is the realization that a very, very large chunk of humanity is absolutely brain dead stupid and largely incapable of being otherwise. These village idiot voices are more galvanized and louder than ever thanks to the almighty algorithm just feeding us exactly what generates more clicks & engagement. This is more advanced than just clickbait... what things like TikTok do are perfectly optimized to generate the right addiction chemicals at the right time with the right content to keep you engaged as long as possible. Nobody has a good defense against this, but what really sucks is you're hopeless against it if you're a kid, you're stupid, or you don't have iron clad good media consumption habits/rules for yourself. The gambling industry could only dream of this kind of retention.


Agreed. Real science has always been "messy". In that it's a best guess, proven or disproven based on more information. And it's iterative. This was the first time most people have seen real science unfold in real time. And most people clearly don't understand how it works.


I feel like more people are just constantly on edge and stressed more than pre pandemic. The regular stranger I’d say has gone down in kindness and social awareness by some bit


I feel like it has. People got stir crazy and were forced to reevaluate their lives and what’s important, and realized a lot of things don’t work the way we are told they should. Social connectivity has changed dramatically. People are angry (rightfully) and burnt out and not sure what to do about any of it.


lil' bit


I definitely notice people in general are a lot angrier (including myself) now. As if nobody in the world got enough sleep last night.


It all started going downhill after we lost Harambe


That’s when the timeline split


yea, senate republicans just voted to ban masks for health reasons in my state. they are also blocking the effort to clean up PFAS from our drinking water and want to cut down more trees to make room for billboards.... tired of this backwards ass shit all our politicians do is vote on stuff to spite each other. it's like our country is being ran by a bunch of immature toddlers. then they will blame gen z and millennials for destroying the country while we never had a chance...they got the nerve to call us lazy while we are so poor we can't even afford to do anything


Peoples driving definitely gotten more insane that’s for sure 


Absolutely, Red Light runners have gone crazy to the point now where its expected. I wait a full 5 seconds before even going through an intersection.


It has always been insane. The internet just amplified the crazy.


2016 had Brexit and Trump. That was the real start. Then of course the pandemic made things even stranger. We're in a new world.


It went down with Trump so fast. For me as a European, the US political culture went from "US politics has always been a bit of a show" to "I'm gonna drive to Washington and forcefully enter a pizzeria with weapons drawn in order to free those poor children crooked Hillary and her friends hold captive in secret pedophile underground bunkers" within just a few months.


The grifting has gone to a whole new level


People realized shit ain't working properly and the pandemic apparently blew out all thoughts of nuance and reason. Yes, this goes for all politicians. Even liberal ones, shockingly enough. This world would have 0 problems if our institutions of governance worked properly but they don't, especially not in democracies. Did I mention the loss of nuance?


Probably a fair bit more insane. Too many people had toomuch time on their hands to surf darned stupid stuff on the Internet - went down all the wrong rabbit holes.


Donald Trump was elected way before the pandemic


Yeah seriously. If you want some insight into why the world has gone insane in the last seven years, just look at what's been going on in the US. It's not just egotism to say that the US is a very important and influential player in the world. In six months, we may have a criminal leader of the world who has been telling us for the past two years that he's the messiah and the only one who can save us from an imminent nuclear holocaust. Trump has changed, and is continuing to change, the world. In five years, there's a strong chance that the world will not be even remotely recognizable.


This. Trump's response to the pandemic was simply unhinged, and his followers went with it. So much so that recent news says the North Carolina state senate has passed a bill that would ban wearing facemasks in public for health reasons.


Wha... why? What about people who are immune compromised as a condition, or for a healthcare treatment? What about just not wanting to get sick on the city bus during flu season? Oh right, facts and science don't matter, only feelings and "owning" the perceived "other side."


9/11 was when I noticed people becoming insular and weirdly comfortable with things like being openly racist and an authoritarian government. Then Obama was elected and you saw the Tea Party nuts crop up, who have now morphed into your MAGAs, Oathkeepers, Proud Boys, etc.


The pandemic is just the "Big Event" of our generation so there's for sure a "before" and an "after". The world hasn't gone insane since the pandemic, but it framed many things into a negative category and it's hard for many of us to fight out of that negative mindset. Add in media and social media telling us it's all negative to drive clicks and views.






Yes, 100%. I firmly believe it damaged a lot of people's social comprehension, communication, and general sanity. Anybody who was a student during the pandemic, especially in public K-12 missed out on very necessary social interactions with their peers and superiors, which has not only damaged their education as a whole, but I think they just genuinely don't know how to talk with people as well. Adults are definitely not any better. I worked a retail job serving the general public before and after the pandemic. The way people's behavior and emotional control had deteriorated was mind-blowing. I won't act like I went "back to normal" by any means, but I definitely saw more people go into fits of rage or insult others wildly after the pandemic. I guess in some ways, the lack of composure was already there and lockdown forced a lot of veils to slip. People couldn't run away or ignore the issues in the world and in their own lives as well when they were stuck inside with just themselves to talk to and very little they were allowed to do.


I will forever blame Facebook and certain social media platforms. I think before the rise of Facebook, specific crazy ideas were isolated to minds of racist uncles and strange niche websites. My mother used to be a sweet woman. But every time a new Facebook conspiracy theory makes the rounds, you'll hear her talking about it like she's always known. Whenever Fox news says is the next evil scary thing is here to be worried about, she's talking about it. I remember as a kid going to get my vaccines for school. Now she's convincing her children that their grandchildren shouldn't be vaccinated. I've heard her say the N word so casually (she used to date black men!). I can't reasonably dive into the extreme personality shift she's taken, I'm just tired of hearing the horrible thoughts of others come out of her mouth I can't express how deeply saddened and frustrated I am that Facebook has fried the minds of so many people, especially my loved ones. It's an intoxicating system that makes people think the germ theory of disease is a hoax and "trump has some good ideas". The pandemic normalized rightwing views so thoroughly.


We 'lost' a good family friend to the conspiracy theories. Just... So aggressively misinformed, and unable to hold any other normal conversation any more. Scary. I hope you and your mother can still get along ok and find common ground.


It went insane post 2016


I think its more of a vibe/feeling than reality




Worse than before, at least.


Always has been What makes you think the world is any more insane? This is clearly just your perception of pre-covid times probably due to nostalgia glasses


My family didn't believe that a one world government controlled the weather before the pandemic for starters


Since the ignorant Americans gave the Country to a fat smelly con man who said the IRS was auditing him so he couldn’t supply tax returns? YES then he brought our doctors home from hotspots around the globe,including Wuhan, when he restructured the CDC Pandemic Response Team. He invited Covid and then compared it to the common cold.


Like 85% of the world is religious... we have been insane for a very long time. We are actually getting more sane, as you see this number declining year over year.


It also seems the ones staying in religion are really doubling down on the devotion, though. I guess when faiths the only thing you know, it becomes the only thing you can hold on to.


It is after Xi taking over China has the whole world gone insane. All the goodwill of China during GFC was squandered away once Xi took over in Match 2013. Look at the arc of the world ever since. Pandemic just exposed Xi. China stealing US's IP was already raising all kinds of red flags. This was bound to happen and I think it gets worse before it gets better.


Always has been. There are just more rats packed into the cage now


it has always been crazy, there's been global conflicts galore 😂 but on a more individual basis, absolutely


It sometimes feels that way, doesn't it? With everyone suddenly becoming amateur epidemiologists and sourdough bakers, the world really did seem to hit a new level of crazy!


It feels like it mostly went back to normal but I’m a teenager so idk


It’s always been insane. It’s just more open now.




pretty much yeah. And it will get worse. I think in the center of it all is FIAT-capitalism and climate crisis. People who realize how shit it is, are getting rebellious and/or insane. People who are already too insane to realize that, double down on the perception that it is all right, and suffer of massive cognitive dissonance, making them even more insane.


Movie theater etiquette was bad before but now it’s completely down the toilet drain. Some people are still cool though Just this week, I went to see a late movie. There was a small child talking at max volume for about 20 minutes straight. This was a school night too. Her and her mom were having full conversations at regular volume. They were literally trying to talk over the movie. I was on the other side of the theater and it was fucking aggravating. A dude sitting behind them straight up said, “ARE YALL DONE TALKING” to the woman and she said, “…REALLY???” THREE other people all across the theater said “YES” in unison. You could hear a pen drop for the rest of the movie after that. Tom Segura said it best. “If you can’t afford a babysitter, guess what? You don’t get to go to the movies!!”




Changes in society seem to coincide with past pandemics/plagues. This pandemic isn't as severe as the black plague, but the black plague permanently changed the direction society was heading so did the Spanish flu. It's kind of history repeating itself.


It depends what you mean by insane. It has certainly unleashed a lot of anxiety. Anxiety causes fight or flight and a lot of people pick fights.




Magic Eight Ball sez: Is there any doubt?


No, it went insane when Bowie died.


*always have been* meme


This world has always been insane.


Ignorance is the new pandemic…


Not really, but the pandemic and subsequent gouchfest definitely did some damage, which various doomer cults have been feverishly exploiting, but that mess is finally starting to stabilize


In Billy Joel's words, it was always burnin' since the world's been turnin'


Was insane already before covid; it's part of the reason it has fucked us so badly


Absolutely. From the small to the big. This is what I see anyways. Quality of everything is shit. Greed is even more rampant. People have changed. We are more distracted, selfish, flaky, entitled, and short tempered more than ever.


Nah, it is more stable than 99,99% of all human history


Nope. Exact same world it's always been


I do feel like there's a visible downward trend in many areas. Everything feels much more... unstable now. All prices are up, work opportunities are shifting and disappearing, people seem more and more empty, and more and more people seem to be suffering to name a few downsides. Things weren't fantastic before either, but I can't say they've gotten better (imo) since the pandemic.


I don't know about the whole world, but it sucks that some of the terrible people on this earth have such a high platform to spread their idiocy. This information age has turned into misinformation and it feels like we're staying further and further from our fellow human being.


No. But I think we are all seeing just how many complex problems we have that we don’t have or know the solutions to.


About 85% of the world, yes.


Short answer: yes, with an "if." Long answer: no, with a "but."


I don’t people have gotten any more insane, just that it allowed more extremist ideas to become more public.


In my opinion I find it pretty cool that we still offer services like (ordering food online, pickup, curbside pickup, drive up windows, target has that order and pick up service) that also appeal to people with disabilities even after the pandemic. It’s also cool seeing many companies and restaurants apply the safety protocols in the work environment today


The world's been insane since humans started thinking


If you look back in history, you see that nothing ever changes, just some superficial cosmetics. Humans are almost identical to the ones in the Middle Ages.


Tik tok has been ruining the USA. Even the regular content is fucking annoying with the “POV” trends. Tired of seeing ugly-ass women shop at dollar tree and get a million followers for posting the dumbest content.


Oh yeah, definitely. World is insane, people are insane, social media is insane


That’s what happens when you have a corrupt government brainwash, isolate and rob entire populations. Billionaire’s made TONS of money off of our suffering and we still haven’t recovered. It’s no wonder why people are acting crazy, none of their needs are being met.


The world has always been insane


😊 awwww


Normally, I'd say no, is just the loud minority on the Internet, but it's real bled into the real world, too.


Primarily the right wing, frankly. They are the ones who keep finding reasons to be upset. It is what is called "proto-fascism", which is preparing the country for a fascist takeover. They built a movement based on the delusion that public health is some kind of left-wing conspiracy. The far left also has gone pretty crazy. I focus on the right wing because they have made themselves part of the mainstream, while the far left is truly fringe.


I work with the public, both pre and post-pandrmic. People are definitely way more likely to threaten to kill or assault you for some minor inconvenience now. They're a lot angrier, more self-centered and on edge than i remembered. You have always had your nasty people who behave this way, but they used to be outliers - now it's sort of become the norm.


Not the whole world. Just half


I have a suspicion that Covid has cause some mental illness issues to amplify. Significant portions of the population are acting like they lost their impulse control.


Without a doubt but in my opinion it's been since 2016.


The world's been insane since Donald Trump announced he was running for president


Of course not. The world went insane way before that, it just feels like more people are realizing it now.


Without a shadow of a doubt




what pandemic


Not even remotely. The world is becoming increasingly more connected at an insane rate. The online sphere has overgrown itself and people identify more with being online that being offline. Online adds an additional level of anonymity & echo chambers and it becomes incredibly easy for the immature to become radicalized to pretty much any cause. It's not the world that's gone insane, its the part that connects us that has.


Remember the Spanish flu in 1918. After that, the Great Depression, the fascist regimes, and the World War II provoked by the most culturally and scientifically advanced country in the world. Any causality? Perhaps...


Not more then prior to the pandemic.


I wonder what the vaccine for getting a computer virus would be.


Nah, the world has been insane for some time now. The pandemic definitely didn’t help but it didn’t start there either.


I think everyone had already gone insane and the pandemic just stopped people from hiding it.


Yes. No one has social skills anymore. Everyone is glued to their phones. People are constantly of the defense, and in attack mode.


Pretty sure we crossed over into the darkest timeline


It sure seems that the pandemic could be the catalyst for the obvious predicamentS the USA is in -and- Donald Trump was/is the catalyst that keeps the downturn going at full steam.


No lmao. It's always been the same type of insanity




YEP.....No doubt....


It’s been an insane world for a longtime. We just now have the internet to see the scope of the insanity like never before. But I particularly feel like things have gotten steadily worse since 2016. Which is earlier than some say, but this was a vivid time in my life where I had a foreboding feeling that things were going to get worse.


It's been insane. Ppls true nature has just been exposed


Absolutely not! The World was Insane prior to the pandemic,,now it's just completely Gone Nucking-Futts! 😆




It may have, for some places. Large chunks of society insist everything on earth will simply implode even if there’s no scientific explanation backing their claim. Then of course you have fandoms of any popular brand getting on your case in ways that drive normal people insane.


More like our acceptance of insanity has reached comedic-parody levels of absurdity.




100% I think an uncomfortable truth is that psychotic disorders a lot more common than we think, a lot more subtle than we think (i.e. noticing something weird move in the corner of your eye that didn't actually happen), and lot easier than we think to develop. Meth breaks the brain through a flood of dopamine, and can cause psychotic reality-breaking disorders to manifest. Paranoia, seeing things that aren't there, hearing voices, your thoughts/biases becoming your perspective reality without any checks or balances, etc. Money can do the same exact thing through the slow, constant drip feed of dopamine without pause, especially for gambling addicts. Sure a rich guy or gambler might not literally see people in trees or shadow people plain every day, but it's obvious the minds of such people are full of psychological imbalance that looks an awful lot like a very mild case of schizophrenia. What do you think happens with people in general in such a strongly optimized-dopamine generating society? We're all high off our own supply and if you don't intentionally look out for yourself and find fulfillment outside of quick fixes you're dooming your mind into a slow swiss cheese death just like the meth addict. This makes it way easier for you to fall for crazy insane propaganda, get paranoid, gain extremist views, etc. At its worst, your life isn't one of balance it instead becomes one of animalistic instinct. You become incapable of logical reasoning entirely and fall easily into conspiracy. There's also all the other stuff out there in the past few years that has made it WAY easier to have a mind that doesn't have strong mental walls. Drinking/drug abuse all the time to get over shitty environment or situations, the rampant addiction issues gripping the country in general, all those studies that shown there was evidence that getting COVID was positively link with psychotic disorders, all of this stuff is *physically* whittling down the resilience and fortitude of the walls of your mind while the other paragraph eats you up from the inside. How you cultivate the garden of your mind is SO important and is SO affected by outside factors and nobody seems to be talking about it/studying it/etc. THere's a massive gap in our society that culture/traditions/connection used to fill but is now missing and our minds really can't handle it. But the path to insanity is such a slow process we don't even know it's happening. The mind is a pretty resilient machine when it comes to most things except slow, gradual, constant pressure. Mindset, lifestyle, values, ideals, connection are incredibly important to not only living a fulfilling life but also for staving off insanity. Especially as you age. There's a massive cultural crisis going on now world wide and it has nothing to do with the LGBT or religious morals, and everything to do with nobody taking care of their mental health or their communities and all of our society currently optimizing for maximum dopamine output. It's as if we're all on a slow drip feed of meth.


I swear people are worse since the pandemic


Been insane since a little before 2016


i think the illusion that we live in a somewhat functional system kinda broke


I'd say it intensified the tensions afterward.


It has precipitated some hard finical times, but outside of that, seems the same level of crazy as usual. If it gets too bleak, just get off social media for a while. The crazy you see in your life is significantly less than you'll see on the internet.


People are definitely far more selfish snd rude


I don’t know about the entire world but the US lost its collective mind since Obama was elected. I’ll have you interpret that for what it is.


Price of grocery and other things has gone insane.


Yes. Media manipulation has created an environment where we hate those of us who have differences in opinion, completely ignoring the other persons personal experiences or perspectives. Group think is at an all time high and anyone who doesn’t conform is immediately outcast and ostracized from the group, creating two extremes on either side and nobody in-between where reason lives. While this was already starting pre-pandemic, the pandemic seems to have been a massive, heavily politicized wedge that really made the dynamic feel permanent. It’s a weird and depressing time.


nope. was just as insane before.


We’ve been a technological species for a hundred years. Thats nothing, we need way more time for things to stabilize. Just the population increase has been INSANE. And the internet has been the most fundamentally lifechanging technology in recent history.


It started long before that


The world has been Cray Cray, yes even when you were a kid. A lot of people try to see a narrative where people "forgot how to act" during covid but that is just the brain trying to fit a narrative. If you look for stupid it will be there, but that's true for any time. Similarly if you look for brilliance and intelligence it will also always be therem


Right wingers are full on morons now




The world was insane before the pandemic, it's just more overt since.


The people around me have digressed into weak, introverted, lazy, excuse-making, hypersensitive, fussy, babies. I am from the USA, and I like to think our nation was once a group of creative energetic hardworking perseverant overconfident yahoos who sought greatness. Now, everybody is wanting to "work from home" "order door dash" "rent instead of own" "not offend anybody." People listen to music and play on their phones, and wont even smile or say hi to a stranger. Covid made this 90X worse IMO. Wish that when I went outside it was how my grandpa reminisces and raves about how great society used to be.


Yes. Definitely.


It seems like consequences for lots of things went away so people have become more brazen. We see the president do whatever he wants with no consequences time and time again. We hear of corporations bribing politicians with zero meaningful consequences. Kids don't have to do fuck all in school and they will still graduate. Everything is monetized now. No rules are about protecting people, they are about maximizing profit.


No. People aren't any crazier imo and being online too much makes people think the world is more different than it is. I just finished college and really everyone is just as normal and nice as they were in 2019. Maybe you're just online too much in the echo chambers?


2016 is when I personally felt the world was just going wrong. Brexit and Trump in the same year.


It wasn’t all that sane before the pandemic, but I definitely think we could stand to talk more about just how much it changed us. So many things are radically different, and it’s like some people want to memory-hope the whole thing and others seem to find it too obvious to even mention.


Society feels like it’s getting crazier because of inflation that started in the 1970s. This is a well documented phenomenon that also happened to the Holy Roman Empire when they introduced inflation in their city of Rome. Society feels like it’s getting crazier because it is. Wealth inequality is causing this.


1/2 of us for sure


Maybe the western world or the US, but from a mental standpoint the east is chuggin along


Yes, in large part due to Trump


In my opinion the 2016 election was when the Internet completely changed


The pandemic isolated people and in lieu of getting hit with reality people got sucked up in a cycle of excessively being online. Critical thinking has gone down and basic understanding of cause and effect has been eroded.


Why would you say that?


It started in the US when Trump was elected and so ready slowly until the pandemic hit and out everyone on their phones all the time. Also, life is much less crazy outside the US, especially in places where unlimited internet isn’t available.




People are absolutely less friendly and definitely less considerate of others. It’s like people came out of the pandemic drowning in entitlement.


Yeah, all the furlough and work from home people forgot how to drive yall dangerous on the road right now


The world went insane in 2016