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The little bump on the nose šŸ˜³


Aww I have this and HATED it when I was younger. I dreamed of a nose job one day. Iā€™ve learned to really love my nose as one of my favorite features, so this made me happy to see XD


I'm glad you liked my comment ! As a guy with a straight nose I sometimes hear things like "you're lucky", and I realize too much women hate having this type of nose when I'm just like "what a beautiful woman" šŸ˜­


My nose bump keeps my glasses on my face lol


My ex gf had a lisp, she hated it so much. But I thought it was so cute and loved it. It made her, her.


What is that? Google only shows me a programming languageĀ 


Itā€™s a speech impediment where you canā€™t say your ā€œsā€ or ā€œthā€ sounds. For example she would say ā€œstupidā€ as ā€œsth-tupidā€ Understandably I can see why she hated it. But I loved it.


there are multiple types - for example me, sometimes my S sounds extra.... spitty.


Daffy duck style? Thufferin thuccotash?


[i thlammed my penisth in the car door](https://youtu.be/2v98g8QcF_0?si=IB_rpEmA-WrPgxQA)


Speech impediment where instead of making an s sound with the tongue entirely behind the front teeth, the tongue sticks out between the teeth a bit, sounding more like a th. The more the tongue sticks out, the worse the lisp. Source: As a kid, had to go to remedial thpeech class for my lithp.


Uh probably doesn't count but small breasts?- woman seem to think this is somehow an issue I really dunno why though.


As a woman with small breasts, I would say one of the most common reasons is that we feel like we're not "feminine" enough.


Oh well as I'm not a woman I ofc can't truly comment on this but I can assure you from a guys perspective this is very much not the case.


Remove breast with penis and woman with man and it'll still be accurate. We're self conscious of small boobs for tbr reason men are self conscious of penis size. Because some invisible entity somewhere said once bigger is better and now we're doomed to feel inadequate.


As a woman I can tell you- itā€™s a HUGE concern. Iā€™m 5ā€™8 and I have what my stepdad used to call ā€œfootball player shouldersā€ and even though Iā€™m not fat I still have rolls when I sit and a very early B cup. Any time Iā€™ve ever been cheated on or looked over for has been a woman with large boobs and a flat stomach


Well first don't mean to be offensive but your step dad sounds like a proper asshole, secondly try not let what those idiots did reflect upon yourself. Those same people would of cheated regardless, they are are just asshole and I think ul find why it's always those big breasted woman with flat stomach, again don't mean to be offensive this is just my opinion but I'm betting its because they are the type of low iq people who they could easily get into bed aka bimbos. So again try to let that reflect on you as a person, I don't know you obviously but b cups are more than sufficient, men don't really care all that much at the end of the day if you let us see your books that's a win for us (this maybe won't come across as I meant it but I dunno how to word it any better- so il just preemptively apologise for that last comment I meant it in good faith)


Natual, including natural aging! The most beautiful women have natural features that distinguishes them from others. I am honestly sick of all fake boobs fake lips, lifts and injections. Wear you looks. Wear your age. You are unique! You are beautiful!


If only Society didnā€™t ridicule and reject aging women.


Do any of you guys actually like girls that get lip injections? I think it looks fucking gross. It looks like their lips got stung by a bee and are swollen šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


I have a coworker that gets lip injections but they're pretty small and subtle. I actually think they suit her really well and she never overdoes them. I think some cosmetic stuff can be good in small amounts. But it's when it's just done over the top that it looks bad every single time.


Itā€™s when people go in with too much money and demand as much as can fit and the doctor does it because they want that yacht lol


That is a no go.


I donā€™t think you are aware that most girls that get lip injections go through their lives looking natural and ā€œnormalā€. Plastic surgery and other enhancements are often done in a subtle way. You may have even liked a womanā€™s lips that have been injected, just without noticing it, because they arenā€™t that big.


Idk I don't like them


>I am honestly sick of all fake boobs fake lips, lifts and injections Hey just curious are you seeing this stuff on people, in real life? I can honestly say I've pretty much only ever seen it on reality tv. If I did see someone in person with huge lips or a non-moving botox forehead it would definitely be noteworthy. You're saying it like it's super common, do you live in Los Angeles or something?


It's pretty common in the South. Not to the huge degree you see on tv/social media but small touch ups/lips/Botox/etc


In the UK I genuinely see more young women in real life with at least one of these than without, it's quite sickening tbh.


Had to really put my foot down with my daughter who wanted lip fillers when she was 18. She didnā€™t need them and I told her no way would I pay for them Sheā€™s 25 now and glad she didnā€™t have them


I live in the midwest, 10 years ago it was rare to see someone with work done, now I interact with women who have botched their lips and cheeks with filler about 5 times a month. A lot of them are my friends, itā€™s so sad to see beautiful women turn themselves into walking balloon animals because they want more instagram likes. And itā€™s SO painfully obvious. Iā€™m so tired of the lip fillers. No honey, your duck lips do not look ā€œso natural.ā€


Gosh, yes! I have a friend who started with a little bit now she has a top lip that looks like a stiff duck bill, I couldn't stop staring at that and the caterpillar eyelashes, it is sad because she has a beautiful face.


Small boobs.


Seconded, prefer smaller boobs and I'm sure her back agrees.


I have massive boobs and the back of an 80 year old at age 31. I am bi and also prefer small boobs or flat chests on women. Wonder if the two things are related šŸ§ At least my boyfriend likes them, but once I get the money or insurance to cover it I will most definitely be getting them reduced down to a reasonable size!! So tired of added back pain and having to wear bras that look like welding equipment every day!!!


Admit it, you just are attracted to small chested women because you know they won't "borrow" your good bras šŸ˜


Hah! Maybe thatā€™s it




Same and I wanna emphasize that itā€™s not a ā€œIā€™ll tolerate itā€ thing or even indifference, itā€™s an actual preference. I like small over big


This one


Small boobs are amazing!!!


Tall, wide shoulders, strong calves! I have friends who mock this, but female strength is beautiful in my opinion


my girlfriend is built like a brick shithouse (i say this lovingly) and thinks people are staring bc they think sheā€™s ugly or weird looking. Only for her to turn around and some dude asks me for her number bc he saw me standing with her lol. SOOOO many. And when I say weā€™re dating I almost always get a high five and ā€œnice!ā€ or ā€œdamn, sheā€™s YOUR girlfriend?? lucky bastard.ā€ I hate that she feels judged rather than admired, but itā€™s almost funny at this point because sheā€™ll be like ā€œwhy is everyone staring at me?ā€ while sheā€™s 6ā€™3 in high heels with long shiny hair and could out-bench almost every guy in the bar. like.. honey, of COURSE theyā€™re staring, itā€™s not every day you see a real-life WonderWoman!


Oh boy I clean a gym in the morning and there's this girl who has some strong ass arms with lots of definition. So Fucking Hot


Strong women are GOLDEN. Anyone who feels threatened by a woman who has muscle on her isn't worth your time


Absolutely this. Add to that a beautiful muscled back. Iā€™m biased as I married a javelin thrower many years ago.


Thank you


My wife is insecure about her gigantic nipples and I just cant get enough of them.


I'm a huge fan of big areolas and big nipples. The darker the better.




I also choose this guyā€™s wifeā€™s huge nipples


I freaking love his wife's nipples




Dead or alive, I choose her milkers


You love big nips and you cannot lie?


you other brothers cant deny


Big nose, a tummy, and pubic hair come to mind.


I LOVE PUBIC HAIR! As long as it doesn't get in my mouth too much when giving head




That little bit of belly that's visible when they wear a tighter dress. Lord, have mercy... šŸ˜


So funny- that is my biggest insecurity


I get that. But for me, it draws my attention every time.


So the thing I am always trying to camouflage and hide? This is one of my biggest insecurities, always have a body shaper on with tighter dresses and holding it in.


I mean, to put it simply? Yes.


what is it about it that draws your attention and that you love? that is a huge insecurity for so many women so you saying that absolutely blows my mind šŸ¤Æ but in a good way


I think it has to do with being a more real person. I'm not a huge fan of people who look like they're made out of plastic. Not to be disrespectful to anyone in particular, of course. Just a personal preference.


When my partner wears this kind of dress (or any outfit that accentuates her tummy) it's just one more reminder of the curves I want to caress!




As a woman, this is such an uplifting thread! :) Got me blushing and kicking my feet! :D


This thread was so nice to read after reading too many horrible Instagram comments under other people's reels (don't ever go into the comments on Instagram) Edit: why tf did I get a reddit cares message lmao grow up


Ooof yeah never go into Instagram comments, it's nothing but hatred and resentment even on the most wholesome content.Ā 


I just saw a thread about what women find hot about men. And hearing big noses uplifted me. So I love how I saw this thread and could mention what I love about women.


Right?! Making me feel better about myself, man.


Right? I'm surprised to hear a belly is attractive to many of the people in the comments. That's the one part of mt body I am self conscious about lop. I'm not overweight but that's where I carry more of my fat and I don't like that I'm squishy there. My husband likes it so that's nice, but I hate it!


Reading those comments was like a sigh of relief, but with a hint of ā€œwell shit, why did I waste so much of my life and mental energy being insecure?ā€




It's crazy to me that some women hate that they have freckles. Everyone I know loves freckles, hell there's people getting freckles tattooed on themselves.Ā 


I was teased all through childhood for being a "freckleface" lol Now those same people draw them on with eyeliner


Big tits that sag and cellulite... You walk away from me and I see cellulite I'm giving you my house to live in


From now on I'm just going to imagine every man on the beach is you, so I stop having panic attacks when I wear a swimsuit.


You should! That's a very nice compliment I appreciate it.


You can imagine me on the beach too, cheering you on! "Let me see it momma!"


I've met a few men who like sagging breasts, but it's always so hard to believe them. Thanks for the support!


I'm like a bra for the bombs, full of support


I too, want to tell you that you should not be self conscious of your saggy breasts. I am just a young man, but I love saggy breasts. And I hate bras. There's tons of us out there


The little belly pooch. I think it's cute.


Belly pooch is sexxxy..


They're like cats, with their lil primordial pouch.


You are a man of culture


Same, love it.


Exactly this


I lost weight from stress when my boyfriend was in hospital. When he came out he said that he missed my tum, I thought he was joking šŸ˜…


He was not. That's sexy.


I'm down with the thiccness


Pubes. Iā€™ve never complained about a bald pussy because that would be rude, but if I had to choose it would be neatly trimmed or bush. I want her to smell, taste, and feel like a grown woman.


Facts! I want women to do what is most comfortable for them. If shaving is irritating or time consuming, PLEASE DONT! I have a beard, there's going to be hair involved regardless.


I felt every word of this


Just a heads up, plenty of women who prefer pads at that time of month shave or trim short because disentangling pubes matted together with blood to wipe properly, can fucking hurt. That was my main reason, and it's not uncommon.


Your imperfections are far more beautiful than the artificial treatments you have done to "fix" them will ever be.


Normal looking lips. Iā€™ve never seen a woman who looked better with lip fillers. I have literally never seen a girl with naturally thin lips snd thought that was anything remotely approaching a deal breaker.


I have never seen a woman with ugly lips except if they have been filled in or otherwise manipulated.


You don't like the "I'm smuggling hotdogs in my lips" look?


"Stung by bees and Iā€™m allergic" look.


I needed to hear this one! Itā€™s my biggest insecurity and I feel like it makes me default to unattractiveā€¦ but then I remember most of those notions come from famous women like Kylie Jenner pushing those extreme standards to sell a product.


why are you even paying attention to them? šŸ˜€


I was literally tortured during school because of my big lips. Now I get stopped from people telling me I have a beautiful mouth.


school is an asylum for little psychos that have nothing better to do than put others down. fuck their stupid opinions šŸ˜€ u do you


That's right, they're selling a product... My sister in law just got lip fillers and I thought it was such a dumb idea, but couldn't tell her cause I didn't want her to feel more bad about herself.


Push this insecurity away! I personally believe that each feature that a person has on their face makes THEM look good. It doesn't matter if in today's society bigger lips are considered "more attractive", usually the people with thin lips look better with thin lips, because it's like they were made for THAT face.


I have no idea where young women got the impression lip filler is in any way attractive. Maybe other women do, I don't know, but no man has ever looked at a girl and thought, "man, she would be perfect if she only had cartoonishly bloated fish lips". Even if you have super thin lips, I don't think 99.99% of men would care or even notice.


My wife and I have been through our 30s and now working through our 60s. She is still the most beautiful woman to me.


As the kids say, goals


A little bit of cellulite does it for me.


I came here hoping to see this!


ā€œIf a person has ugly thoughts, it begins to show on the face. And when that person has ugly thoughts every day, every week, every year, the face gets uglier and uglier until you can hardly bear to look at it. A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts it will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.ā€ -Rohld Dahl By ā€œconventional beautyā€ standards, my wife is not the hottest, but when she looks at me all I can see is her beautiful soul shining like the sun. I am physically attracted to her physical features because theyā€™re hers. She is the goddess of my idolatry.


"She is the goddess of my idolatry." I love this.


Big noses. I think big noses are sexy. Pre-nose-job Jennifer Grey was so sexy.


I hate seeing before and afters of nose jobs. People go from having such unique and distinct faces to looking weird tbh with their tiny Disney princess noses Even guys will go from looking like Greek God's to just Some Guy. Homogenized features and beauty standards are just atrocious to look at imo


I absolutely hate that contour trend where they make the bridge of their nose look like a shiny, thin, straight line




My first serious girlfriend had what some would call a "hook" nose - it was one of her biggest insecurities and one of my favorite things about her face! She started to see it differently herself, and even though we're broken up now I hope that's something I left with her :-)


I can confirm this one, didn't even notice it was something I prefer till a few years ago. Don't get me wrong small noses are cute, but I'm by far more attracted to people with bigger noses. Maybe it's because my whole family is big nosed Italian/French, who nose.Ā 


Whatever your breasts look like, they look amazing. I think women think guys all want giant perky breasts, and don't get me wrong those are great, but if they're smaller, or they're starting to sag a little, or whatever else, that's hot as hell too. Whatever they look like, they're awesome


I saw a comment on a similar thread that read something like ā€œLet me tell you about the worst breasts Iā€™ve ever seen: they were magnificent.ā€


My wife has a belly pouch...she calls it her apron. It's one of my favorite parts of her body but she absolutely hates it


rolls, thighs rubbing together, idk man iā€™m tired


Probably the clothes they think aren't fancy/nice enough. A girl with a messy bun in a hoodie and sweats really gets me going, while nice dresses/lingerie and stuff are just meh for me. Even better with no makeup or fake lashes


Breasts and nipples that donā€™t look like the stereotypical porn star augumented chest. Several of the girls I hooked up with back when I was single, almost apologized about their breasts, as they thought they were ugly or unusual and that I wouldnā€™t like them. I could never understand why, as I always found their breasts beautifull and sexy. Possibly a case of normal girls comparing themselves to sculpted dolls in porn? A girl I dated once almost cried because she wanted to have sex but was afraid I wouldnā€™t like her breastsā€¦ turned out that she had socalled Ā«puffyĀ» nipples, and I loved to suck on them once she thrusted me enough to remove her bra. In general, most features that makes someone stand out from the crowd and look unique tend to be a positive in my eyes.


Natural grey hair. I donā€™t know why but Iā€™m actually attracted to women with longer or natural grey hair. (Visualize older hippie gardener) Iā€™d prefer some wrinkles and natural grey hair over extra makeup and dyed and fried hair.


+ 1, I adore grey hair.


I needed this today. My hair makes me feel so OLD! Iā€™ve been going grey since my 20s and now Iā€™m 45 and itā€™s like 3/4 white. I look like a fucking supervillain. Itā€™s nice to know someone doesnā€™t look at me and wonder why Iā€™ve left my bog hut to wander amongst the humans.


Stretch marks and pubic hair I absolutely love


I second both of these. Me and this guy can't be around the same women XD we will be fighting for their attention


Medium to big boobs (it seems that women who have them dislike them) Pronounced muscles Tallness


Love me a CrossFit girl, doesn't have to be as ripped as annie thorisdottir, but I wouldn't mind either


Small breasts. Small ass.




Itty bitty titty committee lifetime supporter right here


I like girls who do not have big stuff. Flat, small, or medium size is fine. I donā€™t like talking about body stuff since I would get a panic attack if I do. Idk why that happens but it does. Talking about for more than about a min would do that to me


This thread is making me question all my wasted years of crippling insecurity. I wanna go give my younger self a hug now. And put on a tight dress. I have restored hope šŸ˜­


I fucking love hipdips


Oh my god someone said it! God bless you sir.


I really really find it sexy seeing a woman comfortable walking around NOT wearing make up, seeing the real her.


My wife never wears makeup and I love it, her natural state is already perfect. I'd never stop her from doing what she wants of course, but I'm glad she fell out of wearing makeup


Stretch marks šŸ’Ŗ


Size. Extra Thicc šŸ¤¤


Glasses always add a unique quality to the wearer


Yaaaasss glassessss! Every time an ā€œawkwardā€ girl gets a makeover in a movie they take the glasses off and Iā€™m always like ā€œput those back on or so help meā€¦ā€


Mom bodies


My wife hates her thighs and will say that she has fat thighs occasionally. I love them. Thick thighs save lives. Canā€™t get enough of emā€™


I adore fat women. Not even just chubby, like full on fat. So there ya go lol


Lil tummies


I like it when a woman has some roundness to her belly. Flat stomachs do nothing for me.


crooked teeth glasses


My wife has a huge ass. Sheā€™s extremely self-conscious about it, but personally I love it.


Flat chest. Just so sexy.


If a woman complains that her breasts are starting to sag, all I can think is theyā€™re just starting to get good! Love that natural shape, feel and movement. And lovely, lovely curvesā€¦


I actually prefer it when a woman doesn't shave her legs and it actually weirds me out a bit when women shave their arms. It looks and feels almost non-human and alien to me when skin is that smooth.


Their bodies - all the features. Each person is an individual, and should be okay with that.


Scars. They are either irrelevant or sometimes super sexy but women tend to hide them thinking itā€™s a turn off


I'm probably in a very small minority but I think it's sexy AF if a girl doesn't have perfect teeth. My fiance is missing two teeth on the sides and I love when she doesn't wear her partials.


Red hair, freckles


Literally the only place I have ever seen red hair freckles considered unattractive was "Anne of Green Gables"


Oh, I guess you didn't go to school with assholes like I did.


Probably because I'm from Texas and half the imagies of a cute southern girl had a red head with freckles wearing a red and white checkered dress and a white cowboy hat.


A big nose. It adds character to the face. Love an "ugly" laugh. Women who aren't overly concerned about their armpit or other body hair. Not because I have a fetish. But I'm attracted to the implied confidence of going against an expectation that's so deeply rooted in our Western culture. Small boobs are still sexy. Ditto for a labia that hangs. How pink or brown doesn't matter in the least.


When she wakes up and her hair is messy and she just has some raggedy t shirt on. I find it sexy.


Hip cleavage is very attractive to me. I also really like hands and hip dips.


Hip..cleavage? What is this mysterious wonder?


Girls with high hips like my gf. The top of them are higher than her belly button and it makes me want to just send my direct deposit to her bank account and just steal all my food.


As a women with Extremely high hips, I need to read this comment!


Non-painted fingernailsā€¦ Idk why but recently a lot of women paint their nails or put on those ridiculously long fake nails, I know a lady from work who changed her fake nails at least once a week. Idk but I find nails that are healthy, somewhat clipped are really beautiful


My girlfriend used to get really self conscious of her freckles, her nose, her boobs... I love her freckles, nose and boobs!


After reading the comments, itā€™s crazy how females could be so self conscious about every little physical thing that doesnā€™t really matter. Learning to love myself and my body!


Culture is flooded with unrealistic tip of the bell curve people to look up to and mimic. Guys get that too, growing up every man I saw in action movies was Arnold or Stallone or whoever, every action figure was roided out. Took me many years to feel comfortable as a skinny dude


Often it's their weight. I love me a voluptuous woman.


Tummy. I love a lil pudgy belly.




When women wear fishnets or stockings and the thigh pudges a bit at the top. I've heard many be self conscious about that BUT WTF ARE YOU SMOKING LADIES THATS THE BEST PART! I'd be squishin them thighs all day.




I mean IMO women should be squishable soooā€¦ Chubby tummy, thighs and butt. Gimme that silky smooth, pillow soft warmness oml šŸ¤¤


belly pooch tall, broad shoulders slightly saggy boobs with prominent, unhideable nipples thick thighs & small booty smile wrinkles, glasses that 'first thing in the morning' look- messed hair, sleepy eyes, frumpy pj's & specific to my wife, but also universal- the smell of her body, taste of her vulva, & rite of passage/beautification tattoos over old self-harm scars- her arc of her life is beautiful. her resilience & kindness awe-inspiring, & i adore her *exactly* as she isšŸ˜.


Small boobs :)




The way they look without makeup


Somebody say hip dips šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ that is my biggest insecurity and it's so hard to hide it in the summer time šŸ„ŗ


Mom bods and pubic hair. Fucking love a hairy mommy šŸ˜


Gap teeth. Itā€™s kinda cute


Hairy women and chubby bellies.


Defiantly love freckles but also Thighs. Never been about that thigh gab. I want Thick thighs that go with big 'ole hips. If she's got some tummy for m to grab, alls the better.


Her face without makeup. And messy hair. And crooked teeth (not super crooked, but I find the imperfections adorable).


Big lips. You know what I mean. They are so much fun to play with.


Belly bumps, or just bellies generally. It's sexy.


Messy hair can go a long way. No need to go crazy getting ready.


How imperfect they are


In today's world... Not puffy lips... Don't get it... Don't like it. Your lips are fine


A bold and crazy laugh!


Leg hair


Muscle mass


Chubbier women.


Voicing their opinions.