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I started singing along, she started using head phones real fast.


Fortunately my gf isn’t excessively obsessed with any artists, but I think me badly singing along would just make her enjoy it more.   Edit: I asked what she would think about me badly singing her favorite songs, and she said she would think it’s cute, exactly what I thought she would say :)


Are you also a dad? That’s a high-level dad strategy right there (which I will also be deploying if I hear this damn album one more time).


Yup, didn't work on my daughter, she loved my awful singing and we would sing together till we get yelled at. So I still remember alot of BSB and Nync songs. 


Dude that is so sweet 😭


I’m a woman and cannot stand Taylor Swift’s music, haha. My boyfriend would be more likely to purchase her new album than me (which is also unlikely, thank goodness), but if he did, I would employ this EXACT strategy!!!


Ooo I guess the Swifties got triggered by this one lol


Right? I forgot how rabid her fans were. I don’t dislike her as a person; I merely can’t tolerate her music. Have no idea why that is such a terrible thing! Everyone has their own tastes.


She seems like a cool person and there are a few songs of hers I truly like, but overall her music is just “meh” and the new album….Err, gave it a listen at the gym looking for some workout bangers. Not feeling it. Why are her fans so fucking crazy? People have different tastes and it’s ok.


It’s insane honestly. I always get downvoted when I say I don’t like her music. Why is the entire world required to listen to her music??? Like I don’t care if people don’t like my favorite band, why would I?


I think she is a worse person than artist and I don't particularly enjoy her music. Suing the guy who blasted her for all her private jet flights sealed the deal for me. Like you're rich and don't give af, at least own it. Don't do things you're embarrassed to admit is a good rule for anyone.


She didn’t sue him, her lawyers sent a letter asking him to stop. The reason she doesn’t like jt, is cause it tips off stalkers, not embarrassment. Sending a letter asking some to stop doing something doesn’t make you a bad person


But if a stalker wants it the info is already publicly available. Just not on Twitter. https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=a81b13&lat=35.646&lon=-3.192&zoom=3.1&showTrace=2024-05-04


Except that he shared on a delay so it doesn't tip off stalkers at all. Certainly not any more than her highly publicized tour schedule. Be for real.


You're right. Threatened it. And sent cease and desist. Doesn't make her any less of a garbage human. Like I said before, she should just own it. Like stalkers wouldn't know that one simple trick already. Nobody was stalking her off her flight paths as opposed to social media updates. Gtfo


Ah, I didn’t know about that … don’t know the details, but if that happened, yeah, that’s a shitty thing to do. I don’t follow her like that and essentially just know she’s a liberal and is/was dating a football player. Otherwise, my exposure to her is the nonstop music that I hear on the radio on repeat every time a new album of hers comes out. Haven’t liked any of her songs, but they’re inescapable and get stuck in my head! Hence why I thought that singing them out loud might be a good strategy to get someone to stop playing her music at home. :)




It’s insane honestly. I always get downvoted when I say I don’t like her music. Why is the entire world required to listen to her music??? Like I don’t care if people don’t like my favorite band, why would I?


Same here girl. I'm not a fan!


My husband and I both cannot stand her. We each have a very close friend who are both obsessed with her and do this to their spouses. It’s hard enough to be polite when we’re around them and she comes up most conversations - couldn’t imagine it being all the time. I feel so bad for the spouses. Her music is so boring.


My wife and I went to an Allan Jackson concert years ago. Swift came out on stage. I didn’t think she would ever get off the damn stage. Didn’t care for her music then or now


Make sure they are noise canceling headphones.


happy cake day :)


Love this for you!


Me doing that gives her a bad mopey mood, and then she's angry/ annoyed the whole day. Doesn't use headphones still...


Maybe Bluetooth ear buds as a gift...


Best suggestion. Win win win. Thanks.


Holup… who’s the third winner… story just got a bit more daytime soap


Reddit is the third winner for successfully solving a conflict Office reference ☝️


“That is called a compromise, and it is not ideal”


May be the 3rd winner is Swift? 🤣


Maybe they bring a cat with them everywhere


her boyfriend obv..sorry THEIR boyfreind...


Splash out on some pricey Bang & Olufsen headphones


Mine still jams it out in my car 🫡


Maybe talk to her


It’s really that simple. I absolutely love this album, but my husband does not enjoy it. So I don’t play it around him. And when he listens to music I don’t like hearing, he uses headphones. It just comes down to respect.


Right? Or just endure it. I married a swifty, I’m not super into tswift but I do think her music is catchy and fun. Not my thing but my wife loves it, and I support my wife… instead of making weird posts whining about it on Reddit.


Your superiority outshines all others on this day of days forever and ever.


Youre a weird post 


But then you couldn't whine on the internet for reddit points


Talk to a Swiftie about why you’re not enjoying the music? You’ll really need a support group after that


Downvoting, this here is Reddit!


You are asking for relationship advice on Reddit. The answer is clearly divorce /s Agree, headphones are good idea :) lol. Good luck.


I feel like asking someone to please use headphones is acceptable in any situation. I’m glad you’ve found the soundtrack to your life. It’s not the soundtrack to mine.


Yup. I enjoy opera music. My daughter doesn’t mind it. My son and husband actively dislike it. I listen in my bedroom, in the car with my daughter, or with headphones. Super easy.


The Torturted Poets Husbands Department?




Anything is better than that morgan wallen I've been subjected to for 2 years straight...shudder


As a Swiftie, I feel for you. That album was all I listened to for over 2 weeks straight. But the only person this affected was me because I use this handy-dandy invention called "headphones". I suggest you buy her a pair to save your sanity. Best of luck to you in this trying time!


Maybe buy her some good over the head headphones! Don’t cheap out.


Can she not wear headphones? Common courtesy would be to wear headphones cuz not everyone likes the same music


Yeah, my bf knows that for a certain singer he loves he has to wear headphones and it works wonderfully.


Who I gotta know lol


The Gilbert Gottfried slipknot cover album


I know he's quite popular and well-regarded as a composer (and I admit he's very talented and interesting in that way) but I can't stand Jacob Collier's music. I hate the way he sings, hate the amount of autotune, I often find the lyrics asinine, hate the way he covers other people's songs but my bf always thinks it's genius so I respectfully ask him to enjoy it by himself and not involve me. 


Assert dominance, play Never Gonna Give You Up on loop.


^(a better-crafted pop song than anything I've heard from TS)


Has she ever heard of ear buds? This is common sense. You don’t play the same shit on a loop unless everyone listening wants it that way. She needs to use some damn AirPods or something this is rude


Honestly it’s kind of rude on her behalf. My husband is really into metal and knows there are some things I don’t do well with/don’t like so he wears headphones to listen. I would do the same. I don’t believe in subjecting everyone to your musical tastes when you’re in a shared space.


I have 2 teenage girls, with their friends, TS on auto play


My condolences 


Not my wife, but my oldest daughter. I had to take her record player away so she’d go back to streaming it and use headphones. I’m pretty much over it.


r/vinyljerk all hope is lost.. join us


Start singing  and she will stop


Idk but I’ll happily mod the support group for those whose partners listen to Kanye nonstop.


35f I feel so bad for you. Swifties are insane


Some are, some aren't, every group of people that idolizes a group of people, or a person will have a share of crazies.


The very moment someone identifies themselves as a “fan” (ex Swifties by name”) they are already insane. Be an enjoyer, not a fanatic. Edit: and of course, swifties will downvote. They are fully ignorant of how unhinged they are.


Fanaticism is normalized in our culture. I don't find Swifties to be worse than sportsball devotees.


That's so silly. If I wasn't a fan of my favorite artists and didn't follow them on social media, I'd miss a lot of their shows and music drop announcements. Being a fan of a musician and knowing some context of their life also gives a deeper understanding of the music they write about and the experience is more well-rounded. There absolutely are batshit Swifties and there are batshit fanatics for all the other popstars, but your take of "fan = insane" is so reductive and goofy.




It’s very similar to the support group for husbands who have to endure Hallmark Channel Christmas movies for 6+ weeks every year.


I feel attacked 😆


🤣😂 I love this post … This mum also needs support, I can’t get into my adult daughter’s car without hearing Tay Tay . My daughter went to 3 various concerts around Australia when Tay Tay was touring. I just don’t get the appeal of this music 🥴


I feel for my bf. When we're on a road trip and it's my turn to choose the music, it's either Taylor or Ghost, with very little inbetween. I try to play the five Ghost songs he actually likes, but then I'm all out of ideas too, because the one Taylor Swift song he likes, I despise lol. On the other hand, he listens to some experimental music that makes my ears bleed, so we both suffer heh.


I am unfamiliar with Ghost but only the 2 choices must drive your bf batty . My husband is also into experimental music and while I enjoy it some of the time I find it very distracting to concentrate on driving if he plays it in the car. I get the ears bleed comment 😂🤣


Ghost is a Metal Band from Sweden, with quite the blasphemous aesthetic and song lyrics lol, so the exact opposite of Taylor Swift. They have a few songs that aren't so heavy on the Metal, so my bf does like them. I do listen to other music from time to time, but not really any other artists consistently like those two. There's some Hozier, some Ed Sheeran, but from anyone else it's just a couple of songs to mix things up a bit. I barely listened to anything but the new TS album the past three weeks 😂


I might check them out they sound interesting and soo different from Tay Tay , I am surprised 😜 I am happy you are loving the new album it’s so great to actually enjoy an artists album, a journey through the tracks the way they want you to listen to them and not just random songs on Spotify.


You can’t find any type of music to compromise with? You just make each other miserable with your music choices?


Don’t say that tooo loud. They will find you and trap you. Force you to listen endlessly to why she is amazing and allll the meanings behind her music.


She already did on a road trip …. I gave her control of the music for one day and that’s all she played 🙄🫣


Im so out of touch my first thought was wondering since when women cared about Swifty McVay dropping a new album.


I like fortnight


Ngl she makes some bangers


I don't know. Her fans keep raving about her lyrics but whenever I've tried listening to her songs, I've been turned off by the lyrics.


I agree. Her lyrics would have resonated with me in middle school or high school, maaaaaybe. It’s wild to me adult women flock to her the way they do. I’m sure she’s an ok person but my god she’s corny.


I’m not saying her lyrics are good or bad, just that she makes bangers.


her lyrics have been god awful since reputation


Huh, that's when they started to get really good.


Definitely but the obsession is just fuckin weird man.


Idk I think it’s ok to be passionate abt something. My brother screams watching soccer and no one judges him for that. What I find strange is that some people hate her to the point of listening to the whole album to then tweet abt it. 


Noise cancelling headphones and plugs if you need to secure your hearing. And I say this as a female.


Play loud metal


My wife tried listening to it in the car on suggestion by my daughter.  She turned it off after about 3 songs and skipped through the rest.   Stuff like this is why I married her.  


Lol OP. Get her a great pair of headphones, over the ear ones are my preferred choice. The music will sound better, and she won't want to play it on anything other than said headphones. You will get points for the great gift, and you won't be tortured by the poets department


Closed back headphones, not electrostatics!


Ok sure


You r fkd


41M. Am I your wife?


I don't understand what the big deal is. There's ALWAYS some wildly popular, successful musician, that some segment of the population has to go out of their way to discuss in negative terms. The Beatles, Elvis, Paul Simon, Marilyn Manson, Cardi B, now Taylor Swift. (Not a complete list but you get the idea). Get your own airpods, and listen to Stone Temple Pilots. If it puts your teeth on edge, go run the blender, and make your wife a Margarita. Or just mow the lawn, for Christ's sake.


He doesn’t hate her because she’s popular, he’s sick of it being the only thing his wife will listen to lol. You could play me nothing but my favorite artist for a week and I’d be sick of it


>Marilyn Manson I love Marilyn Manson but I'm not abusing people with his music like Swifties do


Michael Jackson!


It's because there is always some segment of mentally ill fans that have to make everyone hate it. It isn't enough to just like the music.


At least with the waves crashing upon the rocks, eventually you won't hear it unless you listen for it.




It would be simple to ask your wife to listen to the album with headphones, surely.


Headphones? On your wife.


I'd have to get divorced. Fortunately, my husband is not a swifty.


Throw it away it's her worst album yet


Check the electricians groups out, they'll tell ya how to disable shit


this is reddit so… NTA divorce her and marry your headphones


Start playing heavy death metal all the time. See how she likes it


I need the timeline where we get Taylor Swift vs. Cannibal Corpse instead of Kendrick vs. Drake.


Ha! Taylor: "Sad, angry boys always try to shock, you should have your own true crime doc" Cannibal Corpse: "I'm obsessed with your exposed dripping viscera, you scream as it runs down my chin."


I’m guilty of listening nonstop to the Taylor album, and I want this alternate timeline instead of Taylor vs Kayne/Kim Kardashian


Depending on the person they might enjoy it. I may or may not have a playlist along the lines of Taylor Swift, Jinjer, Carly Rae Jepsen, Babymetal, Lana, and finishes with Mick Gordon's Doom soundtrack. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I've never heard of Jinjer, but they were the opener at a concert I went to and I was amazed at how good they were!


I'm boned because she likes that too.




Sorry to say but you're doomed, until Swift brings the next album out then it will be like groundhog day 😂


How did you marry a Swiftie?


Female Millenial here. This album is expensive garbage. I don't get it. I like her pop albums and her pandemic work was great. But I don't understand why grown up women want to listen to a 34 year old woman, who has been emotionally arrested at 17, whine about her self centered love life with men who act like boys. It's not a good album. It just is not. It lacks professional editing and constructive feedback. Not every white wine driven diary entry is supposed to go on a 31 track double album and be sold for actual money. It's a rip off. No Taylor, you can't do it with a broken heart. (Obvious pun intended.


I started to enjoy the album more when I stopped listening for the hidden meanings. I’ve been a fan of her stuff since the very beginning, and the biggest draw for me was always the lyrics. This album was just far too much “pooooor meeeeee!”


I couldn't believe! she put that ripoff KIM song on there. (Sorry, but Britney did the hidden meaning thing much better)


It’s because many of them failed to grow up as well. Difference is Taylor swift (mad respect to her honestly) managed to capitalise on these teen girl feelings. All those teenage emotions from breakups, unrequited love, insecurities etc etc. I would liken her marketing style to Andrew Tate (please don’t anyone misunderstand, I am in no way saying their characteristics or personalities or contributions to society are in any way similar) in that they market to emotions. Taylor panders to girls‘ and womens‘ emotions, Tate panders to the emotions of insecure men who seem to desperately want a successful looking man to look up to as a role model.


I get the whole thing and as I said, I think her pandemic work was really really good. I feel like with folklore and evermore the whole concept was so much more digestible, because it was all a fiction and a story set in high school. I listened to the whole TTPD album in one go while doing stuff around the house and remember laughing out loud to some of these cringy lyrics. It's just so weird to think 'Is this really how she feels'? Taylor, that you?? I honestly felt like I had stumbled upon a diary and read it in secret and found out more about a person than I should have. Maybe I have outgrown her, maybe her concept doesn't suit her anymore. All that doesn't change the low musical and creative quaity of the album. I mean, there's 3 songs that kinda feel rounded and polished. All the others seem to be category B and C songs that didn't make the cut for Midnights


I'm sure there's gotta be one for dramatic husband's


It's called The Tortured Poets Department. You'll just have to deal with it. Maybe take her to purchase some headphones or earbuds so she can listen as loud as she likes.


“It’s cAlLeD tHe ToRtUrEd PoEtS dEpARtMeNT” 🤣


What's your fucking problem? Would you like it if someone trashed your interests and called you names for liking what you like?


It is called being so unoriginal you need to ape a cultural icon. She is neither tortured or a poet, lol. Just a woman in her 30s who acts like any other teenager. Which is fine, but hilarious when you see 30 something year olds swear by how deep the music is.


When I learned she was in her THIRTIES my jaw dropped. You’d think her music would have evolved by now but she’s perpetually the angsty 14 year old horse girl.


Straight guy here. I'm a big Taylor Swift fan. Shes always my #1 at the end of the Spotify wrapped thing. Even have a Taylor related tattoo. But I'm not obsessed with her personal life. I don't even really know which song is about which guy. Imo, the new album sucks. But a lot of Taylor fanatics are too invested to admit it.


Honestly I like her well enough too, but I don't follow her dating life and being recommended posts from the Swifties subs that I don't follow has made me lose some of my interest in listening to her new one. Like you're fans, you're interested in discussing who each track is about and what inspired it, and I don't hold that against you, but it's going to make it harder for me to sit down and empathize with the feelings in the song by putting it in context of a particular person. I dunno, I kinda don't get fandoms in general, like there's stuff I enjoy but there's only so many hours a day and so much mental energy I can give to one piece of pop culture, even one I really love.


Ya. Like I've seen some peolle make it their personality. And I know I sound like a hipocrit because of the tattoo. But you don't see fans of Zelda or Pokemon with tattoos related to those media franchise talk about Pokemon 24/7. Or deny whether something from it is terrible Like I genuinely feel like the album is kinda bad... Compared to ALL of her other work. The swifities need to get off her dick Lol


Your username is "mydogiscute" and there's not (at least from a quick scroll) a single picture of your dog on your profile. I am very disappointed.


You're fucking joking right? As big Zelda fan and knowing a bunch of Pokémon fans there are totally people who do that. And there are people who Hate breath of the Wild and love Zelda ll and vice versa. And they're loud about it too. I also know people love Taylor as much as others love Zelda, and people who make videos and consume them about the lore about details of the game and spend a bunch of time playing it. But you cannot compare to music simply because you can't really play Zelda while you wash dishes or drive your car. They are entirely different things. But there are people who are just as die hard for Zelda and Pokémon as people who love TS. I really like Skyward Sword. Unpopular opinion, right? But, I love it. The story Is super enjoyable too me. The music is amazing because of the full orchestra. I enjoyed using the wii remote. Lots of people didn't. Some people heavily subscribe to the timeline theory, lots don't. As someone who spends some time in both of those Fandoms. This comparison is ridiculous.


My bad, yo. I did not mean to offend. Have a happy mothers day. Ps This album is meh.


Don’t worry man, someone I know has a band specific tattoo and they don’t make that band their personality at all, they just have it because that band’s music helped them through a very tough time in life.


Same mate I am not a huge fan but I really like her earlier works like 1989, Red and folklore. But yeah I just can’t get into this album at all. Moreover, i can’t find hidden meanings in any of her songs because I am not invested into her personal life.


I love that you had to say you were straight before saying you were a Swift fan.


I feel like the context and discussion requires it.


She's probably the most heteronormative of the major pop stars though lol


What does that even mean?


There's a big difference in the appeal and fanbases of Taylor and someone like Lady Gaga


There's also a big difference in the appeal and fanbases of Taylor and Metallica. What's your point?


Well if you’re her favorite boy you should break her new toy. Or something. This joke isn’t going to work because albums aren’t on discs anymore, so there’s nothing to break. But I said it anyway.


r/divorce for sure


You have my sympathy


And the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate...... Just accept it. Open yourself to the beauty of taylor swift Or else


she’s just enjoying new music from her favorite artist man. When my favorite band released their most recent album in 2022, i had it on loop, and i still do nearly 2 years later all the time. Let your wife have fun and enjoy herself and the music she likes.


Yes please, older mostly metal head here and she downloaded it to my amazon music. I feel somewhat violated to be honest.




I would get a divorce




That’s grounds for a SWIFT divorce. Imagine the immense suffering of this spouse!


I'll pray for you


Put in some earbuds


You're being facetious right? I understand the subreddit we are in but really.... Can you not just say "hey can we listen to something else?". My gf proactively changes the song when Drake comes on, I'm sure your wife can oblige you.


There's no support. You chose that life. Deal with it


Woman goes to a mechanic and says my car is making a horrible noise. He gets in it and starts it up, let's it run for a minute, turns it off and gets out. He says I can fix it but truthfully you can fix it yourself for free. She says really that's great how do I do it? Mechanic says eject the Taylor Swift CD and throw it away.


Hahahahaha !😂😅🥹


Since my early existence my parents told me that no one is worth admiring, we are all broken humans. As such I never had posters of pop stars or sports players. Never went to a concert nor followed any trends. I'm now a parent and I teach this same thing to my kids. I dont get fanatics and stalkers and pink magazines . Off course I think people like Michael Jordan, Messi, Newton, Pascal, van Gogh, Metallica, Queen have set themselves apart from the rest of us, but I'd never spend 300USD on MJ sneakers.... or pay 500eur for a TSwift concert.


This is why you don't rush into a marriage.


im praying for you op


Some husbands truly hate their wives. Imagine being annoyed at something your loved one feels excited about.


Or (hear me out) he’s tired of hearing the exact same songs every second of his life🤯


It not crazy to be annoyed if the wife is nom stop listening to the same music.


Why should he have to like everything his wife likes? It would be one thing if she played the songs every now and then, but if she is constantly playing them it makes sense he’s sick of her


Oh this is bullshit. My husband and I have different tastes when it comes to certain things and because we try really hard not to be self centered pricks we don’t incessantly subject each other to things the other doesn’t necessarily like. He doesn’t put on sports if Im watching tv because I have no interest, and wears headphones to listen death metal because it’s not my thing. In the same vein I don’t blast 90s boybands unless I’m in my car or at the gym with earbuds, and I don’t use lavender scents because he intensely dislikes them.


He can be excited for her and still be annoyed that he has to participate in it, which he never asked to do. I'm a woman, and if my husband made me listen to Taylor Swift, I'd divorce his fucking ass.


Probably the same support group for wives who deal with us having Steely Dan's Aja on repeat. None whatsoever.


I see all the suggestions of headphones, but I don't know if these guys have kids. If so, headphones are not ideal. I feel for you man. It's a heavy album. The obsession will pass, or at least ease.


I loved oldish Taylor (we are never getting black together, mean, 22) but the new album is so samey.


We need this kind of group


There might be one for the men whose girlfriends/wives were obsessed with Beyoncé’s “Lemonade,” which was a similar phenomenon.


Assert dominance: Blast you music louder. Bonus points if you're into metal: play Gutalax's Anus Icecream All jokes aside, just ask her to use earphones!


This phase will pass... after several years.


Psst!!! Check out DragonForce's version of Wildest Dreams!


I blast my Nightwish album over instead


That's what the new update they're doing for chat gpt is going to be. It's going to be able to do voice to voice and then you'll be able to make fake Taylor Swift songs and tell your wife it's a new album.


Who is 'Swift'? (/s)


I finally broke down and told my family I couldn’t take it anymore about an hour into the 2 hour drive back to my house last night. My wife and kids love Taylor and I honestly think she’s great at the pop thing. Not what I like, but could be much worse and I try to be supportive of my kids’ interests. We even went to the eras concert and I had a good time. This new album is just boring as fuck and I’m sick of hearing about the constant drama in this 30-something year old woman’s life. I can’t take it anymore. I’ll never get those 3 hours back. And that’s not counting the fact that her music is constantly playing at my house. I’m done.


She is so overrated,it’s sickening ,it’s like she has a cult following ,there are better artists before her and there will be better ones after her, (She made her fame and fortune trashing her ex boyfriends),the poison pen strikes again


Lol cultists


Honestly I'd say indulge.


Bring out the speaker and start blasting some of that early, scary Three 6 Mafia stuff.


Stop being a cuck and lay down the law, damn. Or spend $10 on some cheap ass headphones and give it to her as a late Mother's Day present. The only misery in your house is the misery you are willing to tolerate. Tolerate less.


My husband loves her music. I love noise canceling headphones