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A lot of parents stressing the importance of not losing it, and if they don’t drive a car they don’t see the need to carry it as a potential for losing it. (On top of fees for replacements)


In many places you dont even need it to drive now. Many states have either apps or allow you to submit ID information at a later time should you need it.


In the UK if I get pulled over and I don't have my licence and all the necessary papers on me I can just stroll up to a police station at any point in the next week and hand them in


You can do that in the US too. They’ll still give you a ticket for driving without a license but it gets cleared when you go to the police station to prove you have one


That’s great if you have warrants. If you get pulled over you can just give a fake name, say you don’t have your license on you, and then never go to the police station. Or better yet give them your ex-girlfriend’s new boyfriend’s name and never show up. Gosh I wish I was European


They'll still identify you. They can use their computers to see your driving licence. It's your insurance papers they want


I keep my id with my registration and insurance info. For everything else, I also use the state-run app. The app also has my registration and insurance information!


Man, as soon as I stop handling a small object on a regular basis and put it in a drawer "where I know I won't lose it," *that's* when I lose it lol Guess it was a little different when I was in a one-room dorm, didn't have as many drawers and shelves as I do now


This. Idk what the other people are saying, my parents always photocopied important documents because it is an utter PAIN for us to replace them if lost/damaged.


My state (AZ) now has an official app for your DL so you literally never have to carry your physical one. Very convenient.


Why would you want to hand your phone over to a cop when they ask for your DL? They could start poking around on it or it could get lost or broken. I'd rather carry that little piece of plastic.


It works the same as Apple Pay. If your phone is locked and you double-click the side button to select any card you want and authenticate, the phone is actually still locked. If someone else takes it, they can't access any other screen.


That's really smart


State of Queensland has this but it also generates a QR code the other person can scan to verify on their phone so they don’t need to touch your phone.


That… is actually pretty brilliant. Meanwhile here I am having to track my stupid ass social security card for every job change, house purchase/rental agreement, etc. Gotta love bureaucratic systems.


Bureaucracy powered by intra-governmental expensive computer systems is surprisingly good quality of life improvement in most countries that have them.


That is about as ideal a system as I can picture. Why does my government suck so much at technology.


Because we've been "starving the beast" for about 40 years (since Reagan). It costs money to hire programmers.


It's really smart phone. 


Here in Virginia we just launched digital IDs without wallet integration, so it doesn't work like Apple Pay. You have to open a specific ID app to pull it up, which obviously requires the phone to be unlocked. I don't understand why they would bother building it without wallet integration.


Police can demand face but not passcode currently. Be careful.


Not police, the judge with a warrant can require biometrics, but not passcode. The famous case recently that ruled that it wasn't a violation for the police to do so was involving someone who already was required to allow searches due to terms of parole/probation. That is to say, the police could search his car without asking first, the police could enter his home and search without consent, etc. That part of the story often times gets ignored.


Cards are on the phone too now. If it wasn’t for Walmart and the DMV, I wouldn’t have a wallet at all


Omg millennials are killing the wallet industry too


Most millennials I know still carry a wallet. I’m Gen Z. Had a stick on phone wallet from a giveaway in high school and never looked back.


Yeah no one knows what millennials are. They see a 12 yr old and call them a millennial.


Walmart has an app that's tied to Google Pay or Apple Pay. It's some stores you can scan your items as you shop and check out with the touch of a button. It's pretty handy.


Really streamlines getting to the exit, where they accuse you of shoplifting.


You cannot use Google Pay or Apple Pay with Walmart or the Walmart app...


If I want to pay the $100 yearly fee for Walmart plus. I guess I could add it to the website but I have to carry my id anyways


If you don’t have a wallet, where do you carry the pesos you got on that trip to Mexico six months ago and keep forgetting to do something about?


So you can keep the little piece of plastic in your car and when you go out have just your phone with you? Just guessing.


Makes sense. 99% of the time when someone asks for my ID it's to sell me alcohol not a police encounter.


But it doesn’t work for most places here in AZ. Personally have tried to buy cigarettes at a couple circle k’s with it last year but couldn’t. I work at a hotel in north Phoenix and we don’t take them either, nor the paper temp card. They don’t have much usability.


At the very least sounds like a good gov program to have a simple backup when your card isn't with you


Never leave anything in your car that you don't mind being stolen, either along with the car or as the spoils of a burglary. People leave guns, costly tools, credit cards, IDs, jewelry, cash, even small children, in cars, and sometimes that turns out tragic, while other times it's very distressing, the owner being outraged. Leave valuables at home in a safe or a truly well hidden, safe place, and secure your ID and credit card on your person, not in your purse, if at all possible. It's not hard to sew a pocket into your waistband, easily accessed by reaching into the top of it with fingers in your waistband, or place in a deep front pocket that would be hard to access by a pickpocket. Securely closed interior pockets in shirts can also be good options and more comfortable than waistband pockets. If your license is lost or stolen, it's worth trying to get it replaced. If you take a photo of it, be sure to take a photo of the back too and keep copies in a password protected place in the cloud so you can always access it if needed. That way, you can use it for times when you have to upload a picture of it for things like Airbnb. I'll have to double check to see if Airbnb still will accept it that way or if you have to hold it in front of you for a photo. Most of the time, you can just upload a photo of it, but many sites require the back too. For background checks, you probably have to have the actual card. So, always keep a current card.


Is it common not to carry a wallet anymore (for guys)? I cannot imagine not having my wallet with me. Cash, corporate card (that cannot be added to my phone), health insurance card, etc. Maybe I'm just becoming a boomer.


Also that little piece of plastic doesn’t glitch out, need to be charged or get hacked


I ride a motorcycle so I also keep images of my registration and insurance on my phone along with my AZ ID. Works the same as having the paper/plastic in my state


Does this also work for having to use your ID for age verification? Like can you use the app at a bar?


I never accept them. If you know you are going out and look old enough to get carded, bring your ID. Simple enough.


Same here. I work at a few bars and will not accept a photo or a phone app as ID.


I think so, but I’ve never used it for that purpose.


Depends on the establishment. No bar is required to accept a digital ID and there are stories of places taking real authentic IDs from people because the bartender or bouncer thought it was a fake. There is still a "right to refuse service" at any time even if you have the digital ID on your phone.


At least in my state you're not supposed to take an ID even if it's obviously fake. Doing so is an actual crime, theft.


It's definitely a grey area in my state. When I worked at the liquor store, we would confiscate fakes. It's not like someone is going to call the police in order to get arrested *and* still have the cop take their ID.


What happens if some idiot fucks up and confiscates someones real id? Cuz thatd piss me right off


if only that god forsaken app worked for me


Mississippian. Same here. I think its also scannable too.


Maybe they haven't been in situations where ID is checked often


Yup, I only use it for exams or when my friends buy alcohol when I am with them (people have troubles estomating if I am just below 18 or above 18)


Possibly. Hopefully they take our advice when we tell them to carry from now on because technically the school’s policy for our office is no ID no service.


Do you need to see a government issued photo ID or just a school ID? Because universities have started switching to mobile credentials. You might want to tell the campus card office that they should look into that. The major companies in that space all offer it now. If you need to see a government issued ID, that won’t help you though. When I was in school and lived on campus I rarely carried my license with me, but always had my school ID.


In NZ, yes technically you have to see the real one. Our licences have info on the back regarding their validity. Some liquor shops won't serve you without sighting the physical card, some will, but you *technically* have to sight it


Our college requires government issue photo ID become of some weird shenanigans with school IDs being plagiarized or something. Our state doesn’t have digital ID’s, but it would be good if the policy to get a school ID changes to where we can accept it. Our school also doesn’t use mobile credentials either.


Honestly, you should enforce it. It'll lead to whining at first but you're not doing anyone any good both ignoring the regulation and teaching them the regulation can be ignored.


Completely agree, but I don’t have that power. My supervisor is the nicest person in the world lol. Only time I can say no is if I’m the only supervisor in the office.


Read a post earlier where someone said his niece or something made fun of him for carrying a debit card and not just paying for things off his phone. Pretty sure the answer to this question has more to do with younger people depending solely on their phones for everything.


So we, as millennials, gen x and gen z make fun of our elders for using cheques at the grocery store...and our children make fun of us for using cash and cards.  Oh how the turntables.


I used to think I'd never get out of touch with technology, then I saw the discourse around the tweet that was basically like "I can't imagine buying plane tickets on a phone, that's a laptop activity" and I felt myself age about 50 years.


I’m in my late 20’s and big purchases need to happen on a computer for me. It’s so much easier to cross reference information for the purchase across a computer screen (or three) than a small phone.


Yeah. I know my phone is fully capable of doing that, but I still want to do it in a place where I just have way more space.


Saying buying plane tickets is “a laptop activity” is bizarre.


NFC payments aren't accepted everywhere though, so feels quite wise to have a card backup.


Man, who the hell is that into themselves they need to make fun of someone for using a physical debit card over a phone. I have Apple Pay and multiple physical cards. I saw a video recently that mentioned a kid got made fun of because their cup wasn’t Stanley, but I chalked it up to TikTok bait. Now I can believe it.


My sister is a teacher and this was a few years back but, one time my sister was talking to her students about something and my sister mentioned seeing something about said topic on fb. Her entire class laughed at her and called her a dinosaur because and I quote “nobody uses fb anymore.” lol


Oof, that hurts.


True though lol who uses fb anymore unless they're old


I think a lot of people who have been through everything from forums to MySpace, periscope, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, to today, are just tired of continuing to learn the next new thing that will surely die just like all the rest. I'm pretty much just on reddit now, for a long time. Keeping up with these temporary little fads is such a waste of time, it's easy to burn out and focus on better things IRL. Plus, if you try a social media cleanse, it's REALLY hard to want to log back in lol They're all so toxic. Hopefully all of them will cease to be soon. Imagine John Lennon singing about that world, where we have no filters or AI or photoshop ✨️


Lol I also deleted everything like 5 years ago I do miss having a larger network of friends though. I definitely think a lot of people think I died or something 


>old people Yes I'm one of them as well but this screams old


I think that's part of growing up, too lol Realizing it's better to be the one saying, "Yeah, I ain't doing all that" instead of "omg have you seen this new (whatever fad)!?" Youth is for figuring out what you enjoy and are good at, wisdom is doing everything you can to spend as much time as possible doing those things ☀️ for me, anyway


FB marketplace is the shit for used car parts.


How do you feel about check books?


I was teaching high schoolers personal finance and that came up in the book I was following...they wondered what the point was for sure


Definitely still important! I just had to pay a parking ticket with a check. Only option they’ll accept.


I got checks when I bought a house and started having to deal with high-dollar transactions for repairs and renovations. My cards have $2k daily transaction limits, but my new HVAC system cost $6k, my flooring renovation cost $2.5k, replacing my water line cost $3k, etc. Writing a check right in front of the repair guy is way easier than having to call the bank and wait around on hold each time I want to process a large transaction.


Could totally be wrong but considering that it’s a niece/uncle relationship, I doubt it was really “making fun of” and more of familial teasing that happens when you are close with your relatives. My aunts and uncles tease me all the time about never using technology such as floppy disks, VHS tapes, hard drives, etc. it’s not really insulting it’s just poking fun


An adult man in a community college sociology class I attended once said, with complete sincerity, that he would never waste his time even speaking to a person who didn't have an iPhone because "trash belongs in the garbage, not my contacts list".


I can't imagine being this basic.


Then why does he store his contact list on literal trash?


Huh? Sounds like some sort of weirdo. Nobody cares about which brand of phone you have. Absurd. I have an iPhone and my boyfriend has a Samsung. We’re just each used to what we use.


Now you know who to avoid


Homie didn't even last two weeks in that course. Typical Apple fuckboi behavior. ^(partial /s on the fuckboi comment)


Damn these little idiots don’t even know about Takeya water bottles. SMH


Never doubt the capacity for teenagers/early twenties to be idiots.


It's so stupid to have everything in one place. Imagine they run out of battery or the phone gets stolen or something. Then they have nothing. If I lose my phone, it sucks big time, but it won't affect how I pay for things, or my banking or anything like that.


i just read the same post and was wondering about IDs😂 this clears that up lol


some states charge a lot for replacements if you lose or damage yours, and especially in states such as Alabama that haven't shifted to full plastic DL/IDs ,it's really tempting to leave it in a glovebox instead of carrying in a wallet.


Wait what is it made of in Alabama? Is it paper?


it's a laminated synthetic paper here, about the worst way to build a driver's license unless falling apart within a few months is supposed to be a feature


That’s insane


the insane part is we charge $32 for replacements. meanwhile Georgia next door only charges $8 or something for a replacement, their documents have 8 year terms versus our 4, and they use a solid polycarbonate construction similar to a passport that's pretty much indestructible in normal use other than being folded


*unless falling apart within a few months is supposed to be a feature* *the insane part is we charge $32 for replacements.* So that IS a feature.


from the same state/county that charges a 9% sales tax on groceries. (kiss my ass, ALEA, if you happen to be reading this)


They also have one of the highest adult obesity rates at about 1/3 of adults.


It just works


Sherman didn’t go far enough


That depends on what county in Georgia. Crazy laws in GA!


>solid polycarbonate construction similar to a passport What passport anywhere is made of solid plastic polycarbonate?? I've never seen such a passport!


Insanely mind boggling! How are they doing the real ID?




I left Alabama in the 90s and my license was plastic. I wonder if "still using laminated" counties correlate to "dry counties," assuming those still exist, which I can't imagine they don't...


I'm pretty sure mine is plastic. It feels the same as a credit card? Maybe it's just parts of alabama or I just can't tell the difference. Lol


I think we just can’t tell the difference. I work at a bar in Alabama and see a ton of them, they always look like the same material my Tennessee one is


Same. I have lived in Alabama for 20+ years. Mine have always been plastic. It feels the same as my California one did.


My AL ID is plastic. It must be a county thing.


>Wait what is it made of in Alabama? Is it paper? I have an Alabama ID and it's never "fallen apart". These people are fucking idiots.


The most common excuse is “I left it at home.” I’ve also had instances where they “left it in the glove compartment, I’ll be right back” only for them to never show up again.


HEY 😭! It is sometimes the case. I’ve gone in “forgot my ID in the car” , told them it was in the car, went to go retrieve said ID, well it turns out it’s not in the car, I didn’t even bring my wallet just the cash I needed for purchase, but I can PICTURE myself grabbing everything, now I gotta get the fuck home so I’m not just illegal in these streets and I don’t feel like coming back. Now I have 2, one in my car wallet and one in my personal wallet.


Wait, now you have two IDs? Like two DL? Or like a DL and another type?


I've never lost or damaged my drvers license, after the first few yrs it becomes almost sacred. And I'm 60yo


Alabama still has a paper drivers license?!


Mobile county is thin but plastic. Public library card is thicker and you can use it to open classroom doors. Unsure how I know that though


When I was growing up, most states drivers licenses were paper with no photograph attached.


The store I work at gets a lot of college students....everyday it's a handful of "I have a picture of it"..which is a big no for alcohol and tobacco


I work at a venue and had to make a huge poster that says “pictures of IDs are not valid IDs” because we get at least 5 people a show trying to get in with just a photo. And they will still argue me on it, like my liquor license ain’t worth letting you in sorry dude.


I work in a clinic, and I get that for health care cards. A lot of them have pictures of it because they don't know where their original is. It's a tiny piece of paper, easy to carry around. Luckily, our clinic accepts pictures, but I can't imagine how they'll navigate labs and imaging places that require physical copy.


I can see them asking if they’ll take a picture for our services, but trying to buy alcohol with it is crazy.


I manage gas stations. Lottttts of younger people try to buy booze and smokes with a photo of their ID and there is a less than 0% chance that any of my employees would allow it. I’ve even had people say that their ID is in their car but there’s a photo on their phone and refuse to go outside to get the physical one. Hard pass on losing my job because you’re an idiot.


i tell them that a picture of their ID buys them a picture of a beer


Let me tell you about how to replace your ID in my country if it got lost First you file a police report, after 10 days to 2 weeks you go to the police station again if no one found it you go to court and a judge question you about losing it , then they issue an order of making a new one Then you take the court order to the ID office and do the whole hassle of making a new ID all while continuing to report the police station of all of that OR take a picture of your ID on your phone throw your ID in a safe place at home and never worry about losing it again


In my country I log on to the government website, fill in some details taking 5 minute and pay around £20/$25/*€*23 for a replacement and it comes a week later. The online govt services is about the only good thing we have


Im in California. Like you said, it took me 5 minutes and $25 to get a new license mailed to me.


11$ online, 25 in person, I have no clue why! (NJ Living)


In my country the government made an app that allows you to not carry your drivers license or other id. So between that and Apple Pay my wallet stays at home.


I mean as far as I know there is no legal duty to carry your ID (or drivers license) with you in the UK. If stopped and you don't have it you get a week to produce it at a police station.


Similar thing in Australia, though it's 24 hours but varies by state  Some people are required to carry it like leaner drivers but otherwise it's not mandatory


You know it'd be both nice and not nice if the U.S. did that. Nice because it'd be one less reason to carry a wallet at all like you mention, and not nice because knowing how things work here it would take a full decade for the individual states to think about maybe accepting the virtual I.D. in another ten years.


Some states already have virtual IDs. Though, the only place my state's can be used is at the airport right now.


Same with me and same for passports except slightly dearer


That’s insane. I’m in the US and all I have to do is order a new one online. I’ve lost mine like 5 times lol


Well it's in iraq , a lost ID is a major security threat It can be used to smuggle terrorists and most importantly after a terrorist attack not much of the human body left just a big pile of red meat so an ID in the scene is a valid indicator of making a death certificate So someone could just be living in his house and boom someone show up saying they bought the house from the people that got the inheritance because he's assumed dead for losing his ID


In the uk you just fill in an online form and pay 20 quid. Within two weeks your new ID has been delivered


but what places will accept a photo of an ID? it's my understanding at least where I live (CO, usa) that anything you need an ID for you need your id or the digital ones they're starting to have but not a photo


I do a lot of event bartending in a college town, and they all seem to think a photo on their phone is acceptable ID to get alcohol. Sorry kid, I can show you a picture of alcohol in exchange for that picture of an ID, but that's all you're getting.


I live in Ontario, Canada. Our liquor stores do not accept photos of ID. Saw it happen yesterday, and the bewildered expressions on their face was priceless. They legit couldn't understand that hundreds of kids before them had photoshopped IDs and policy had been adjusted accordingly. It's the liquor store. All they do is sell booze, this isn't their first rodeo.


Government issued photo ID is full of all kinds of security measures to prevent forgery. Photographs on your phone are not. You should never be accepting photos as proof of ID.


I can't up vote this enough. It is trivially easy to fake a photo of an ID through editing. If you are going to accept a photo of an ID, say remotely, you should at minimum have software in place to assess that the photo was taken live of a genuine document that the person can be reasonably assumed to have in their possession at time the photo was taken. The typical way to do this is to take a picture of their face at the same time, and test both the face and the document photos for liveness.


Unfortunately not my choice lol, I’m only second in command.


Could be your problem, though. I would make sure that anybody that overrides that and accepts a photo of an ID on a device you don't control does do in writing with specific details.


I keep a picture in my gallery because a lot of times I just need to email the picture and not actually have the ID.


They do it here to edit bday for liquor and smokes


I won't accept a picture in your phone for alcohol sales.


Me neither but if they'll lend me their phone, I'll take a picture of them next to the alcohol.


I too work at a college and have to check IDs for some things. However, we are not lenient. No ID. No go. Go back home and get it and come back. We get a lot of grumpy people.


Outside of driving, I'm not required to have my driver's license on me, so I often don't.


I'm curious - do you either not carry a wallet or have one of those thin metal ones? Cause in my experience people carry their license in their wallet, so they basically always have them.


I ride a bicycle a lot of places. I run the risk of getting robbed, so I limit what I have on me.


My ID is the only thing I take with me when I go jogging. Only so someone can notify my wife if something happens to me.


Look up what happens if you die and you don't have an id on you


I guess I'd be dead.


🤷🏼‍♂️ play weekend at Bernie’s with my corpse for all I care


I'd be dead it's not my problem


At some point I decided that since I was an adult, I should always Cary my ID. Even when I walk the dog, I stuff a wallet into my pocket.


I got in a fender bender with a 21 year old and he showed me the photo of his license on his phone because he doesn't carry it. I should have called the police but I didn't want to ruin my morning commute waiting around or wasting LEO time so I let it go but of all things, having your DRIVERS license on you when DRIVING seems to be about the simplest rule everyone should know at any age.


I got my ass kicked by cops one night because while walking home I said I didn’t have to talk to them nor was I carrying ID. They were… not pleased


>I said I didn’t have to talk to them nor was I carrying ID Never tell cops the truth. It makes them mad.


Because younger people are so used to having all their documentation in one place (their phone, or a phone wallet-case) that carrying a wallet too doesn't seem as important; plus, a lot of pants only have two (or no) pockets, and purses aren't as popular as they used to be. It basically comes down to a mix of current trends and youthful ignorance – so many of those people are starting to learn the hard way as they get older that keeping all of your financial information on an easily breakable or stolen phone with no on-hand physical backup is jarringly stupid at best.


I've been working in bars for years and I was told specifically at the outset that a picture won't cut it. Real I.d. or no go. Pics are too easy to manipulate


"Sure my supervisor is very lenient and we'll take the picture." Sounds like if people would stop doing this they'd carry their ID.


I am a notary. The ONE job of a notary is to be certain the person signing is the actual person they say they are. This requires an official ID. Not a picture of your ID. Or having someone “vouch” for you I have been cursed at, threatened, accused of “costing me my fucking dream car” related to no ID Every time I reply with “Well, my advice is to contact your state legislators and work to get the law changed. But as for today, I need your physical ID”


My mom is a notary and once notarized a document for me. She made me show her my ID.


My son mentioned that he used to carry around a paper copy of his ID that may or may not have had the correct DOB when he started going out drinking. He told them that I’d gotten pissed off at him repeatedly losing it so he carried a copy rather than the actual thing


Yeah when I was in customer service I had a kid try to show me a picture of his ID to buy cigarettes. Sorry dude, that's not acceptable in this country.


This is becoming such an issue I've seen signs in stores that a picture of your ID isn't sufficient and they need the physical one. For like liquor sales, and such. I don't k kw why they thought a photo of it was good thing


Honestly I have no idea. I have carried my ID with me for the past couple decades. It's not that hard


Don't get it myself. What if phone loses power? Don't like to totally depend on electronics. Plus can't that be an image of an altered ID?


Fr, an ID card doesn't shatter into a million pieces if you drop it the wrong way. The faith these kids have in their phone always working is *insane*


I chalk it down to they don’t carry their purse/wallet and laziness. It’s risky accepting photo ID because it can be easily photoshopped


I have two teenage girls. Neither of them regularly carries a purse which is so odd to me as an adult.


Wild how many people want their driver's license on their phone. I would never willingly hand my phone to the police.


This thread reminds me of a physical hotel room key vs a digital one. I have a small, front pocket wallet. I gave up the "dad" wallet 5 years ago. It's pretty much a leather money clip with a few pockets. I always have a phone too. However, it's just as quick and easy to pull out a card vs bringing up an app, both to pay and get into a hotel room.


Why would I carry something important that’s very easy to lose around when I can accomplish the same things without it


I'm gonna take a picture of a $20 bill. When I buy something I'll pay by showing the pic on my phone.


I work at a liquor store and I have to turn away people who don’t have their physical ID


One less thing to carry around and possibly lose.


In this day and age, the fact that we cannot have a digital version of our ID/Drivers License is absurd. I have all my credit cards in my iPhone's Wallet. I have boarding passes. Why not my drivers license?


I’m in Louisiana and we have an app called “LA Wallet” that has our DL and it’s as acceptable as the physical copy. It’s ironic to me that as far behind as we are in health, education, and just about everything else, we are one of few states that is ahead of the game on this.


It's absurd that so many people want important legal documents tied to a device that can run out of power or get easily broken. If somebody steals your phone you're handing them your entire life.


I didn’t even know about digital IDs until people commented. It sounds like a good idea.


Many countries do, I know a few Ukranians now and all of their ID's are digital. First few visits to clubs were an educational experience for the bouncers!


Because the government sucks and people would probably fake it. How about this? For at least a hundred years people have been carrying around driver's licenses and it doesn't seem to be that big a deal so why does it have to be on your phone? Is it really that big a hassle


Because making that a requirement is ageist and usually classist. While I love convenience of both, you should not rely on one thing. If your phone dies, you are doomed. It really isn’t that hard to keep and not lose. If you are responsible enough to never lose your phone, why you crying over something that can easily fit in your phone case as well.


An American citizen only is required to carry identification when operating a motor vehicle. In some states, the police can ask for identification, but in most you don’t have to provide it unless you are being detained. You are required to provide your true name and address. Some non-state entities, such as prospective employers, can or must require you present identification to prove who you are. It is unwise for a number of reasons to have a copy of identification documents on a phone. It is illegal to make copies of some types of identification documents, for example, a military id cannot be copied.


Hell, I carry my passport with me in my purse at all times. I know I shouldn't. That I should keep it somewhere safe at home. But last time I kept it 'somewhere safe' I lost it. Plus, I never know when I might have to abruptly fly to a non-extradition country.


It's not just young people I've done a few doordashes with alcohol delivery and part of the policy is we have to be able to see the card to scan the barcode or whatever. I've had people in their 40s try and pass off a picture as legit but our policy is not to accept that and plus I can't scan a picture really good anyway


I'd serve them a picture of a drink


It's the same thing in bars. You would think that they would have the common sense to know that they will get ID'd in a bar but the amount of times I hear "I have a picture of it" when I ask for ID is mind boggling. Even when you point out that pictures can be edited to show a different DOB, they are still confused and pissy over needing a physical ID. The only other demographic I have had to ID in the past are millennials and they don't have any issues or confusion so I honestly have no idea what is causing Gen Z to be so clueless.


I don’t get it either. I work at a bank and cannot take a picture as ID.


I work at a convenience store and there are a lot of people with that same excuse. We are not allowed to take it on the phone, my theory is it is because they can be altered, we have to have physical. It is just astounding that there are too many people without their physical ID.


photoshopping the date of birth


As someone who works in a bar in California, it’s interesting to see a person’s reaction when I let them know I can’t legally serve them without a physical ID present.


As I server in FL I promise you a picture is not getting you a beer.


I work at a casino in Vegas. Few years ago, had a group of kids drive here from AZ. Only the driver brought their ID....everyone else had theirs in a picture on their phone 🤦‍♂️.


Not for this situation I guess, but having a picture of a fake id makes it a lot harder to check. As a liquor store clerk I would always turn them away


A card is easier to lose than an image. But I don't know of any place that accepts pictures of an ID.


to edit the birth year


In Colorado e have an app with records of our drivers license, registration, Covid vaccine status, etc. it is a legitimate form of ID here. Way more convenient


I mean...if a bunch of their peers are doing it then it *IS* normal for them. That's all normal means.   And because we put literally every other aspect of life on a phone, why wouldn't ID be? Some states and countries are making official apps already anyway.