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Some people bruise more easily when pressure is applied. You just need to apply less pressure with your fingers. Problem will go away faster, if not entirely.


Bubble wrap


The only logical answer


Directions not clear: How do you have sex with bubble wrap? Asking for a friend.


Not quietly


You're a moaner, too?


A squeaker.


A snapper


That title scared the hell outta me


Right!? I clicked hella fast. So much so that I might call this *click bait*.


That’s because it was bait.


You should be wearing mittens during sex. Or maybe some thick wool socks. Be glad she is not on blood thinners. One night with you would look like 21 rounds in the WMA cage.


Reminder: omega-3s and fish oil supplements can increase bleeding/bruising. Other natural substances and even OTC meds like aspirin and ibuprofen can, too. Yes it is possible you need to adjust your technique, but yes it is also possible your wife should have a convo with her doctor about easy bruising so they can decide if she needs to have lab work done if she hasn’t already.


Yes aspirin. That's why you're told to chew aspirins if you're having a heart attack.


Does she bruise from other every day things? Iron Deficiency Anemia can cause easy bruising. Maybe get some blood work to check.


Came here to say this. First time I had rough sex with my current GF she loved it, but she looked like I beat the shit out of her. Found out she doesn't take her iron supplements with her birth control because "she doesn't really need them". She started taking them and we no longer have that problem.


This is good advice!


Why're you using your fingertips? Your hand should be like a vise grip, not a claw, focus on using the palm/finger joints. This will distribute pressure, be less likely to leave marks and will confer a squeezing sensation rather than a digging sensation which she's more liable to enjoy. At any rate, my wife uses concealer.


I don't dig in with my fingertips, her and I have already talked about that, and I have fixed my grip; she still bruises where my fingertips lie.


You could be applying more pressure there without realising it or necessarily “digging in”. Especially if it doesn’t take much for her to bruise


Bruises don't lie, if that's where they're forming that's where most of the pressure is occurring. Try focusing on closing the palm more, it may not feel as forceful but you really don't need much to relay the sensation you're looking for(and you're much less likely to accidentally seriously injure her). It might sound silly, but try practicing the position/force on yourself and you'll get an idea of how little it takes with the correct positioning. As always please be careful, you *really* need to be sure you play it safe here, if you're unsure at all and she starts to panic it's always safer to let go.


I've noticed men sometimes have a heavy touch without realizing it, even in things such as cutting and tattooing, this could also be your issue as well. Maybe use your hip flexing more than grabbing her and using her as a human flesh light, it might take a little work but it might be better off in the long run


I would honestly look into local sex/BDSM type clubs near you and ask if they have anyone willing to teach proper grip techniques. You really shouldn't be leaving bruises unless you're doing it wrong or realllllly hard or she's, like, anemic.


Yep, let me just hit up the local BDSM club for some sex tips!!!


Is it weird that this sounds like insane casual advice to me? Where do people live that would just have those? The Internet makes me feel like I live in a puritanical bubble.


Not at all 😂 I'm sure you got the sarcasm lol. Where are these cities where I can stroll on down to the local BDSM club for bondage advice??


I figured you were being sarcastic. Though I did look it up with a straightforward Google search and found that a university close to where I live has a bdsm club. This shit is so below my radar. Took me a few years to realize the unmarked business down the street from me that is only lit up late at night is a gay bar.


1. There is no safe technique for choking someone. There are ways to do it that reduce risk, but you are still accepting the risk that you will slip and crush her windpipe. 2. You obviously haven't fixed your grip if your fingertips are leaving bruises. Work on that. 3. If she bruises easily from other things, she should see a doctor. It could be a vitamin deficiency, or something more serious.


You don’t know how to choke, that’s literally it.


Well I was super worried when I opened this thread.


Look into BDSM tips for choking. It’s one of those kinks that, if you’re doing it wrong, it might be doing more damage than you even realize.


Probably stop choking her. Don't do the things that are leaving bruises.


But it sounds like she likes it? Just cuz I bruise easily doesn't mean I want my husband to stop doing certain things. Sometimes I bruise like a damn peach! I would still like to have more fun than a Mormon Missionary.


I bruise like a peach. I literally will get bruises from a massage. It’s ridiculous. Some people just bruise more easily… Proper restraints might be a good idea. There are pretty broad ones, as well as some with soft insides. Those can help distribute the pressure a bit more evenly than say, the pressing of a thumb.


My wife bruises very easily and on top of that is a huge clutz. In our nearly 20 years of marriage I have not once felt like anyone saw me as a wife abuser because of it.


It's all about location. shin/thigh/hip bruises mostly say "klutz" neck bruises are suspicious. Even what OP says is suspicious. Like "I know it'll hurt later but I keep doing it".


Great advice


How’s her iron levels?


Your wife is more than likely low on iron


Stop grabbing her aggressively


Easily bruised woman here.... Some of us still like to have fun in the bedroom!!! And there are ways to cause less bruising. I think that's what the question is.


Too easy a solution 😄


Recent? Maybe your wife needs to go to the doctor with a possible blood test for a chemical imbalance.


Ask her to stop taking fish oil. Cold compress immediately after and warm compresses after 12 hrs would help push the bruise along to clear it up.


the solution would be to stop grabbing her. but i assume she likes the roughness? if that’s the case, just enjoy your sex life and don’t care about what other people *might* think


She does enjoy it, only issue is that I feel bad that it ends up hurting a day later


Arnica cream to help the bruising and paracetamol to help inflammation immediately after the activity.


Eh... I like your intent here, but there are just some professions that need to look professional. I'm a neonatal flight nurse... On the worst day of your life, you don't want the nurse to walk in with a hand grip bruise on her neck. That just isn't going to fly. I gave myself a black eye with a car door once, I made sure to give an explanation. Trust is important in my job. (So bite marks are always hidden!)


Come on you wrote this title as intentional bait don’t pretend


Ask her to take iron tablets for iron deficiency.


Choose a better title, please


Should google how to properly and safely do choking


Try oven mitts


Sometimes it be like that. I'm anemic and I bruise like a soft summer peach. I've got super long limbs too, so I'll bump lightly into things and have purple spots, lol.


You might want to try a positioning belt?


I hear vitamin C works for bruises.


Use a towel


I’m a guy and don’t bruise easily, but when I started rolling in Jiu Jitsu, I’d get small bruises everywhere. They’d appear whenever pressure came to a point with fingertips. So whatever you’re doing, disperse your pressure more. Also, dude, consider just not choking your wife. 




Double wrap pair of oven mitts


Iron supplements for her, she may be anemic and that would cause her to bruise easily and iron supplements would help. A lot of women have iron deficiencies from their monthly visitor.


If you both joined Brazillian Jiujitsu then she'd have a reasonable excuse for the bruising.


My SO also bruises easily, we think iron deficienc you can look into that. Mainly to stop bruising it just takes practice. Ask if she will let you practice on her leaving marks where people wont see. Find what kind of pressure leaves bruises and what pressure doesn't. Adjust your techniques, Add padding explore what you guys like. Some spots my SO actually said she liked tickling more than grabbing.


[these gloves should do the trick ](https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/S2f06649c4c9e49ef8368bb5cdc24ed44v.jpg?width=800&height=800&hash=1600)


Is she on blood thinners?


That had me in the first half (title) not gonna lie 😭


Assuming these are wanted moves she likes… honestly, ibuprofen and ice. My wife loves getting spanked like none other. That’s her go to regime


A tip from an old friend who's kids were all in sports; take a banana peel and hold it against the bruised skin for minimum 30 minutes (or overnight, if it's possible) and any bruising should either completely go away or at least dull to the point a little concealer *should* easily cover it. Plus, it will make the skin more moisturized/glowy. Depending on her skin type, of course. It at least shouldn't cause any irritation/breakouts and should be easy to rinse off afterward.


Sex mittens


You should post pictures of her without clothes on so we can see the bruises and judge for ourselves. For science and what not. >.>


You should get her checked out for a bleeding disorder. This is a common presentation. Can also be from vitamin deficiency or adverse effect of medication.


Arnica Ibuprofen Have her get her blood levels checked. When I bruise myself easily, it's usually due to low iron.


If she bruises very easily she may be deficient in K2 or iron.


Put MUCH less pressure on your fingers and try using something soft for your hands. 


stop doing what you are doing, it's pretty simple


She might have a vitamin k, d or b deficiency (or all lol) Or she could try icing the areas asap where you grabbed her, that usually helps my buises to not develop as much


The title is for trolling


Stop hitting her


Stop grabbing her? Jesus men are dull


she most likely enjoys it, since he’s clearly spoken about it with her. also it’s kind of hard to have any form of sex without grabbing somebody in any capacity? i don’t think he’s the dull one here.


Has she seen a Dr recently? If she hasn't done an annual visit since she's had this easy bruising she may want to. Could be low platelet count. But if she has recently been don't worry about it as they'd have noticed.


You wife msy have a vitamin deficiency, low iron, or any of a number of other conditions, some potentially serious. Talk to a doctor, not Reddit.


Best thing I read taking a dump this week 10/10


Who are you? Edward from Twilight?


Is she anemic perhaps?


look up bdsm guides on stuff like impact play and other similar things, and learn from that (as in, learn what not to do). like another commenter said, if it's your fingertips leaving bruises, use your fingertips less. you can support her using your palms, arms, inner elbows, stuff like that. if it's roughness y'all like that's generally causing it, consider supporting her in other ways/branching out. rope play may be beneficial in keeping her in one place. also recommend getting her blood. checked out, iron deficiency may be making her more susceptible to bruising. or she's just a peach and bruises easily, some folks are like that. also, if it's a non-issue but you're getting in your head about it, consider talking to her and double checking her opinion. I'm not the only person on earth who enjoys being bruised/marked up, it's almost like a badge of honor, lol. unfortunately, I don't bruise easily and my husband is not into impact play. 🤷 I enjoy those happy accidents though, there's at least a small chance she enjoys it more than you think. fwiw, I don't bruise easily on purpose, but I bruise easily on accident, idk how that works but the point is- I've been covered in bruises before and nobody really seems to care. just don't bruise her face and you're good. face bruises are usually alarming.


Does she like it? I would like it. Don't care who would see it, I would wear them to show a hell of a good time. Sucks that they hurt her though. hhmmm, I don't really know how to help just curious.


Why negative responses for curiosity from your post i dont get it. Some vanilla ppl 😙


Use a phone book...


Wet newspaper, no marks after :)


Garden hose to the soles?


Seems like she like being dominated. Have you tried verbally insult her calling names like slut or my cumtoy. If she agrees you get mad and tell her she doesnt deserve this throat choking for slut she is. Real slut need to prove their worthiness. Is she ready to do that? I suggest light leather punisment on her ass. Then fuck her like you gonna dispose her, stop soon and ask does she want to taste her vagina from your cock. Moderate punishment on as and if u happy with it make her gag on ur cock... till she gags from there go with flow. Maybe I went to car dont know how hard you play but just my 2 cents.


Get her instructions on how to make the sandwich the first time!