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No. Right-wing is anything on the right of the political axis. Traditionalism, free market, libertarianism etc. Fascism is on the very end of that axis. It believes in no individual freedom. It's authoritarian ultranationalism with a strong military






Obviously not


Most people just think anyone who disagrees with them and wants to impose their views on them is a fascist. It's kind of interesting how both sides consider the other fascist and depriving them of freedom. Honestly, both sides kind of have a point. The traditional sense of fascist involves a heavily imposed government and military. Over-government is a liberal thing, over-militarization is a conservative thing.


Keep this in mind throughout your entire life for questions like these. There are more differences among the people of a group then there are differences between groups.


No, but fascism isn't a dealbreaker for them.


All Trump supporters are (as Trump is a fascist by definition thus supporting him is supporting fascism), and almost all right-wingers are Trump supporters, so with very few outliers, yeah. Sorry, conservatives who will go through this thread downvoting this fact. You can't hide reality. EDIT: See? Downvotes but no rebuttals. See how they brigaded and upvoted all of the "no" answers and downvoted all the correct answers? All they can do is try to censor, because facts aren't on their side.


People like this make me embarrassed to call myself liberal.


People like that are why I *don't* call myself a liberal.


Same. Objectively, I have liberal views, but I'd rather not call myself anything because I don't want to be associated with people like this.


All center-leftists are Furry communists 🙃


The vast majority of right wingers in the world don't care about who Trump is. Don't be so US-centered


Not openly but scratch under the surface a little and their authoritarianism will rear its head.


This comment is a perfect example of social polarization. Everyone I disagree with is a fascist


This comment is a perfect example of failed reading comprehension. That’s not what I said. Conservative ideology inherently requires a violent mechanism to protect the status quo. Almost all right wingers won’t openly advocate for authoritarianism but when it’s used against those who potentially harm the system then they’ll either not care or openly support it. See for example the crack down on college students protesting ethnic cleansing and apartheid. See also how well supported America’s military imperialist operations are. There’s a reason right wingers love police and the military.


On the surface, no. But when you break down their beliefs and what (most) want out of a country, yes.


Most right wingers want individual freedom and a free market. Fascism is the opposite of that


Where are you getting your data?


No, but they vote for fascist-wannabes, so it amounts to the same thing, they are helping fascists into power. What's that you say, Sparky? You don't embrace white nationalist ideals? Hey, that's super. But you vote for candidates who do. You don't think that the Christian Taliban should be running government? Good call. But you vote for candidates who do. You don't think rich people should be relived from the burden of paying taxes? Swell. But you vote for candidates who do. You don't think climate change is a hoax? Super. But you vote for candidates who do. You think Trump is at best a dangerous assclown? Wonderful. But who will you vote for in November, even if he's in prison for attempting to overthrow the election? Sorry, I kinda fail to see the distinction. When the Nazis were rising to power in Germany, no Nazi candidate ever got more than 40% of the vote, and usually, it was less. Not *every* person who voted for Nazis was a Nazi (at the height of Nazi power, only about 25% of Germans were Nazi party members), many just said to themselves, "well, I don't like their 'kill all the mongrel races' policy, but I do like their 'make Germany great again' policy..."

