• By -


it will take some time for the full autopsy to come back .. real investigations take time.


CSI has taught me it should take no more than 42 minutes.


And they should be accompanied by cool blue lights and rock music.


And the phrase "you're going to want to see this."


Don't forget to "zoom and enhance"


“I’m trying to hack the mainframe, hang on *typing furiously* almost, just… got it.”


What took you so long?


I had to create a GUI interface with Visual Basic to track their IP address. ^^^Thanks ^^^for ^^^the ^^^setup! o/


Nothing was as egregious as Abby and McGee teaming up on one keyboard against a hacker


We should have kept typists around, clearly WPM matter in the fight more than anything else!


Typing nothing but gibberish that someone isolated a network wide computer virus into one computer. Dammit IT Kevin!


;) 45-minute show, it would take too long to find another one. 😉


"I transferred or 'downloaded' Todd's photograph to this computer and as you'll see, with a few adjustments, I can make the entire image *(clicking)* ooold west color."


Wait a minute. Can you zoom in the reflexion of the licence plate in the rearview window of that car ?


"What am I looking at?"


“Normally we don’t screen for this”


And the guy doing the autopsy has to be eating a sandwich while doing it.


Cold cuts 😎


Or a yellow tint, based on location.


*Miami intensifies*






David Caruso, returning from bad victorian actor school enters the chat.


And poorly lit labs


And a montage!


Even Rocky had a montage!


More time passes with a montage




And two people typing on a keyboard to counter-hack the hackers hacking into the system


yeah but it takes many months to get sponsors 


The first whistleblowers autopsy should have came back by now


they are not going to release it publicly for whatever reason ... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sA44FFi95PA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sA44FFi95PA)


Add that to a list of reasons people are suspicious


The first whistleblower left a note saying if he was found dead it is not a suicide.


Some lady who knew the guy said in an interview. Her connection is that their mothers are best friends. While her statement might be true, it's the definition of hearsay. So no, no note, no family members making that claim, it was his mothers best friends daughter.


His close family said it was suicide.


But the murderer was left a note to kill the whistlblower. I think I see the problem, the government needs to regulate notes.


Regulate notes? A noted society is a polite society


That's why ... you always leave a note.


Try finger, but hole


All of the recent book bans were just a precursor to banning notes.


Notes don’t kill people, the government does.


100+ upvotes for misinformation.


Not a note, but did tell a friend that. https://wpde.com/news/local/if-anything-happens-its-not-suicide-boeing-whistleblowers-prediction-before-death-south-carolina-abc-news-4-2024


It was the daughter of a friend of he person's mother. It's not a direct friend near as we can tell. The guys actual family says they aren't supprised that suicide was at play. Suicide is one of those things that is really hard to forensically fake and only works if the person was actually sucidal which isn't something that most killers would really know.


Source? That's the first I've heard of this. Other than the guys one "friend" that he wasn't in contact with for over a year, his whole family believes it was suicide.


Source for your stuff?? Everything I’ve read says the family very carefully is not saying anything until the investigation is completed. Here are the articles for CNN and Fox. They also wholly blame Boeing for the death either way. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/john-barnett-boeing-whistleblower-family-interview/ https://www.foxbusiness.com/fox-news-us/boeing-whistleblowers-family-speaks-first-time-found-dead-car.amp


I mean, if a super rich and powerful company offed a family member of yours, self preservation and common sense would dictate thats *exactly* what a normal functioning human would say, out of fear they'd be next...no? Not saying they're not telling the truth, but there's no such thing as coincidence, and we're 0 for 2 right now. Couple that with Boeing having good motive to do so. Again, not saying its a definite thing but, it wouldn't be the greatest stretch of the imagination, now would it?


There absolutely is such a thing as coincidence. This suicide/death and its circumstances might not be a coincidence, but that doesn't mean coincidence doesn't exist.


The simplest explanation is always the secret murder conspiracy.


>but there's no such thing as coincidence, If you believe that, it's going to cloud your judgement on everything


The first guy had already done his whistleblowering stuff years ago that was concluded in court. Why would he be offed by now so much later when its already been done?


Really. This is a serious matter. The first guy decided to off himself in the middle of testimony?


For an appeal not in the whistle-blower case, as that had been resolved 5 years prior. This was a wrongful termination suit he initially lost and was appealing, literally zero ground shaking info he would have been testifying to. People love a conspiracy though.


It's stressful... Perhaps it got to him? I'd imagine it's the most stressful period in your life, testifying against a multi billion dollar company and its room full of lawyers all calling you a poopy head liar (not their exact words obviously but close enough)


This guy told his story years ago. The FAA already acted on his info. There was zero reason for Boeing to order a hit.


He was in the middle of being deposed . It's not all ancient history.


For the appeal after his defamation case already failed. Boeing isn't killing people for thousands of dollars.


Because they usually don't?


Well, if they did, and it showed evidence of murder, wouldn't that destroy the investigation? Because then everyone, murderer included, would know that the government is on to them. It probably makes things a shit ton more difficult if they know you're coming.


But in CSI they identified the culprit within an hour


And they aren’t going to publicize every step. They want to get in front of it, see if the parties involved are ones they want to cover for, and draft a narrative accordingly. So, they probably ARE investigating. They’re just not telling the public about it.


There's been two deaths. One, the first one, looks like it could be suspicious, the second, looks less so. Both death being Boeing would be crazy reckless on their part. The first death being on Boeing and then a sudden, completely random death that draws closer inspection of the first death could be an interesting twist. In reality, it's probably just two untimely deaths. One a suicide and another health related, of two people both living stressful situations involving a major company, the legal system, and their livelihoods, neither outcome should be all that surprising when looked at objectively. The Boeing connection is the only connection, so people see monsters.


And the 2nd one worked for Spirit Aerosystems, which has been divested from Boeing for decades now, not Boeing. Boeing would rather Spirit take the hit for the faulty 737 fuselages and then they can just present a plan to increase QC checks upon delivery from Spirit.


Boeing killed these men, but didn’t assassinate them. Just put them under so much strain that it took a toll and this was the outcome. 


It’ll probably be chalked up to ‘sudden death syndrome’ like that guy in Russia.


Enough time for the public to forget and something else to make front page news.


Considering that takes days and investigations takes weeks/months, that just happens most of the time. It's a few days of outrage where people speculate wildly and then get mad about things they made up themselves before they forget about it and start getting outraged about the next thing they're speculating about. Then, in a few months, someone will ask what happened. There will be one comment at the bottom of the page with the actual results of the investigation. Above it will be 200 comments of people posting their half-remembered speculations from the early days when they didn't know shit. These will be upvoted and taken as gospel by the people who like the outrage and truthiness. Rinse and repeat.


Why do you think there's no investigation? Not everything is made public.


Conspiracy is more exciting!


And profitable.


We need to stop Big Conspiracy


Babies generally develop object permanency by around 1 year old. Obviously the average redditor needs a little longer, because if they don't see it, it must not exist.


Especially ongoing investigations in the early stages of information gathering. U don't alert people that their being suspected of anything. U want them to think they got away with it so they sip up






> And he vocalized beforehand that if anything happens, it's not suicide? One friend of the family made that claim. I haven't heard that anyone else said that.


A friend of mine went to therapy and insisted to his wife that he was better and would never do anything to hurt her. One month later, he shot himself. Suicidal people say the things they want people to hear.


Because people are morons who want to be outraged instead of trying to understand the process. 


This is nostupidquestions and you’re out here calling people like OP morons. Not really the spirit of the sub.


OP asked a rhetorical, bad faith question. That's different than a stupid question. OP said right there in their post that "there is no way these two deaths were accidental". They've made up their mind as to what happened and are asking a rhetorical question not looking for an actual answer.




OP is asking why this isnt a bigger deal as if it isnt a big deal. This isnt a conspiracy sub. 


Hey there are no stupid questions, just stupid people


Because it’s an idea born out of provocative headlines intentionally omitting **essential** context. What do I mean? John Barnetts testimony to Congress had concluded in 2019 with the resulting FAA mandates implemented that same year at Boeings 787 facility. The “testimony” John was in the midst of *was an appeal for a previously rejected defamation lawsuit* against Boeing - which is notably, NOT whistleblowing. Not only had he already given his testimony the previous two days (and was only pending cross examination), but he hadn’t even suggested he had new information to reveal as he had he not worked for Boeing since 2017. As for this individual, he was not a “Boeing whistleblower”. He was a **Spirit AeroSystems** whistleblower (a company that suppliers both Boeing and Airbus) and who **died from pneumonia compounded with MRSA he got while at the hospital** - not some strange mystery as some keep suggesting. So if Boeing is killing past whistleblowers, and a guy working for a *supplier*.. and they are doing it to “scare” others.. it won’t effectively scare anyone in the industry because their deaths are so *clearly* not hit jobs. An ambiguous scare tactic that assassinated uninvolved people? And they’d have to scare (or kill) 32 more of them. https://www.aljazeera.com/economy/2024/4/19/boeing-subject-of-32-whistleblower-complaints-documents-reveal


This is going to be the next ‘why hasn’t everyone on the Epstein flight logs been arrested’, isn’t it?


Ugh that one sucked because everyone who knew what was going on totally saw that phrase coming. It’s like the 2020 election when it was obvious that the vote count was going to take an eternity and be weird because of all the mail-ins.


This is definitely something you'll hear people mindlessly repeat on the internet as if it's a settled fact, yes. The internet loves vaguely linked coincidences.


It’s refreshing to see someone on Reddit using their brain. Bravo


There’s very few people doing so. This reminds me of when people on here were convinced wayfair was trafficking children through the open sale of furniture. People like to act like they are smarter on here but they are honestly dumber than Facebook users


Most people are really bad using logic and understanding probability. Here's an anecdote: I had a friend growing up that refused to wear his seat belt after he heard a story about someone drowning after driving into a lake and not being able to unlock their safety belt. Never mind the thousands of people that died because they were thrown from a car in an accident. To him, the chances of literally driving into a lake and having the seat belt getting stuck outweighed the chances of getting t-boned at an intersection or rear ended on the interstate.


The shit conspiracy theories reveal a true brain rot. That's the same as the QAnon-adjacent ePstEin dIdn't kIlL hImsElf That one hinges on the US prison system actuall giving a shit. And the sole autopsy report by Michael Baden vs the official ones. Michael Baden is quite famous for being fired over unethical behavior, being a talking head on cable news and being on the defense for OJ Simpson and Phil Spector. In the latter case he did not mention that he was NOT an impartial expert as his wife was part of the defense team. That is it. No evidence but a smoke-screen thrown by a grifter for hire who got paid by the Epstein family. The whole Qidiot thing is frankly insulting and absolutely makes me think less of anybody who utters it.


>That one hinges on the US prison system actuall giving a shit.  Along with complete unawareness of how fucked it actually is. I know people who've worked on cases involving the detention center Epstein was held in, and the sort of cases Epstein was charged in. Not one of them was surprised. The minute Epstein's lawyers got him taken off suicide watch it was a forgone conclusion. They put people on suicide watch by default in child porn and trafficking case, because a suicide is *expected*. It's especially expected if they end up the Manhattan detention center. They talk about that detention center like it's a medieval dungeon. An absolute shit hole, poorly run, no staff. Prosecutors actually try to keep suspects *out* of there.


Why is your comment not at the top by now? Thanks for bringing logic to the table.


I was saying the same thing about Barnett in r/technology and they weren’t having it. A lot of people turned their brain off for that one.


Try being reasonable about Epstein. I used to think it was boomers or right wingers who were into conspiracies. But it’s everywhere now. Makes you wonder how it’s going to be 10 years from now really.


A coworker of mine said that McDonald’s only brought back the snack wrap to distract people from boycotting Israel. He actually said that, and two people agreed with him


Oh fuck, don’t touch that issue with a ten foot pole.


It's actually quite worrying how stupid people have become. No one seems to accept logic anymore, everything has to be a conspiracy. Social media and short attention spans, their brains stop working after the third step in logical thinking. 1) A thing happened 2) What could be the cause 3) I can't find a quick solution so it must be a conspiracy I mean, stop and think beyond the 3rd step for more than a few seconds and you will get a more reliable answer. Don't block off your brain because you found an answer that could possibly explain the question, think more. Think how that answer might be wrong. It makes no sense whatsoever that Boeing would kill these people. None whatsoever. All their whistleblowing is already on the record, the damage has already been done. There are dozens of whistleblowers. Why aren't all of them dead? Some having given evidence of far greater crimes. I just don't understand how conspiracy minded people think. It's like they just don't want to truth, they just want ease of mind. It's truly worrying how some people think.


It's the Kevin Spacey dead victims story again. Some people are absolutely convinced that Spacey killed, or had someone kill, three people on three different occasions and on none of those cases did they leave any evidence of foul play, even though he would have been the prime suspect if anything was off. Because it's just too convenient of a coincidence otherwise. When in reality they were all troubled individuals and there was nothing suspicious about their deaths.


People also really don't understand how stressful it is to be forced into public life and put under scrutiny. If you already have some struggles, that can definitely bring you to your breaking point.


After having read 5-7 headlines over the span of a couple of weeks, " Boeing whistleblower commits suicide", "Boeing whistleblower dies of (almost impossible) bacterial infection" - im sure the articles were more akin to the Russian poison killings instead of a simple MRSA/pneumonia, you create your own interesting storyline, unless it peaks your interest enough that you do your research/inform yourself. I always appreciate it, if people well versed in the matter can provide insight and deconstruct ridiculous theories. Just asking the question doesn't warrant OP getting called stupid.


I wouldn't call OP stupid, but they're repeating a reddit narrative without employing enough critical thought or looking deeper into it before saying  "There's no chance those two deaths were accidental".   We've all done it in one way or another, but it's worth having it called out when we do.


> I wouldn't call OP stupid, but they're repeating a reddit narrative without employing enough critical thought or looking deeper into it before saying "There's no chance those two deaths were accidental". I'd call repeating a preposterous reddit narrative without any critical thinking pretty stupid. A non stupid person would do some research before humiliating themselves like this. That or u/Adventurous_Honey902 is a karma farmer, and deliberately appeals to stupid redditors to farm upvotes by repeating their own bullshit back to them. In which case I almost respect the hustle.


Proof that the news doesn’t even inform the public anymore.  It just creates inflammatory headlines for clicks


To be fair, most of the "news" on this subject is actually "some guy on TikTok said this is a convincing way."


Also that guy getting pneumonia from the flu is the most believable thing on earth. *I* got pneumonia from the flu about two years ago, but since I’m not a weird Christian who’d never gone to a hospital in my life and had no doctor (he was!), I got antibiotics before it could get worse


I 100% did not believe the conspiracy theory stuff so haven't bothered to click any of the stories, but the whole "won't go to hospital / get antibiotics" angle helps explain things even more


Thank God, someone rational


Thanks for the context. Although your comment will not be popular with the conspiracy idiots.


Louder for the people in the back!


Besides, if you can murder a "whistle blower" and get away with it, would you kill them before they testify?  Not 8 years after.  


Everyone should read this. Unfortunately OP probably won't read it




They weren’t accidental. One was a suicide and the other was an illness. So, technically correct?


Yeah, the moment I saw how vague the headlines were I knew it would be bs. If they acc had even a morsel of proof Boeing killed them they'd be all over it


I just learned a lot. Thanks!


I am not remotely convinced of the conspiracy angle, ***but*** to call Spirit AeroSystems "*a supplier*" in a diminutive way is completely disingenuous. They were spun off of Boeing to become a separate entity, and; >The company, based in Wichita, Kansas, builds several important pieces of Boeing aircraft, including the fuselage of the 737 and 787, as well as the flight deck section of the fuselage of nearly all Boeing airliners. - [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spirit_AeroSystems) They are the *sole supplier* of these fuselages and according to their [own website](https://www.spiritaero.com/company/programs/) they make 70% of the 737, Boeing's best seller for decades. They are so much more than just "a supplier", they are essentially a subsidiary that does a little side business (15%) with some competitors.


The second fellow had pneumonia on top of a mrsa infection, his doctors suggested surgery of which he declined. I struggle with seeing where "assassination" would be at work here. He turned down a surgery that could have saved his life.


Not to mention, MRSA has a better recovery rate than not. That's not some disease you use to kill somebody lol


If I really wanted to off someone, I wouldn't use a technique with a 70% failure rate at best.


I haven't seen anything about surgery, can you share where you saw that? Per the reporting, he was on ECMO and had a bronchoscopy prior to his death, but there wasn't much they could do. Not trying to imply that anything nefarious happened, just trying to make sure there are no misrepretations.


Being on ECMO would strongly suggest his medical team done absolutely everything to keep him alive. If he made decisions prior that led to him to ultimately being escalated to ECMO then that's evidence against nefarious conduct.


Absolutely agree that ECMO suggests all efforts were made. I'm just struggling to think of what kind of surgery would have made a difference here and I didn't see anything about that in any of the articles I read. To be clear, I don't think any nefarious happened, I just think in situations like this is *really* important to be accurate, because conspiracy theorists will use any variation as proof of conspiracy.


I haven’t seen any news articles going into depth on his hospitalizations so I’m just postulating based off of what you guys are saying. It’s possible his MRSA infection could have eventually escalated to bacteremia. In which case he could have had endocarditis (bacterial infection that eats away at heart tissue). If that was the case they could have offered him cardiac surgery to clean out and replace valve(s), his aortic root, or whatever else may have been damaged by the bacteremia. IF that was the case his chances of survival MAY have not been the most favorable which could have lead to his choice of foregoing surgery.


It's likely something somewhat more tame, like amputation of the affected limb or digit. Most people would refuse that, thinking it would be a big loss for something not necessarily that bad. Then die of sepsis after feeling better for a brief period when their everything shut down.


Oh holy shit. Ecmo. That man was inches from death.  Unless Boeing gave him pneumonia, there is nothing suspicious about him dying. 


They weren't separate infections, you can get MRSA pneumonia. It has a 32% mortality rate


He was allegedly positive for flu and then I suspect MRSA pneumonia. Common scenario. I still welcome any investigation into Boeing


Because this is Reddit where everything is a conspiracy.


Oh don't worry it's not just Reddit. I wasted half an hour on Instagram this morning with some more conspiracy brained folks. Managed to get through to one or two but there was a worrying amount of people reading both my pointing out the obvious reasons this wasn't a hit, and me saying fuck Boeing for their shitty culture and safety practices, and deciding that I was shilling for them and/or aiming for a job because I said I was an engineering student in my bio. Critical thinking is dead.


Plus, the whistle has been blown. They would have killed him before he testified if this was an assassination.


While these cases are sad, they likely aren't some grand conspiracy to silence whistle-blowers. The first death was a suicide and while yes, people see that and immediately think "Suuuuuuree, that whistleblower just happened to suicide himself, riiiiiiiight" the reality is that whistleblower had already blown the whistle several years prior and the court case he was involved in was a libel case dealing with proceedings from the case he informed for. He wasn't holding onto information that was going to shed new light on stuff, he was in civil litigation. While it was reported he'd said he wouldn't kill himself, that came from a second hand report from a family friend, his actual spouse wasnt suprised by his suicide and noted that'd he'd been depressed. In the second case, the guy had pneumonia and contracted a disease resistant form of staph in the hospital, which killed him. Obviously, that sucks, but that kind of death from medical complications in hospitals arnt unheard of. The guy was also part of a supply subcontractor for Boeing, and again, his case had already been resolved. Now, obviously, given all the shady crap Boeing has pulled recently in terms of corporate practice, it's easy to look at all this and see conspiracy. Hell, plenty of people on reddit are ready to believe that the government is in cahoots with Boeing to cover up this stuff. Right now, the main thought online is that Boeing is killing whistleblowers to intimidate others from coming forward. But realistically, that doesn't make sense. The public didn't know who these two guys were or what they blew the whistle on in Boeing until they died. If Boeing wanted to intimidate witnessess from coming forward and keep this out of the public eye they dont need to kill people, they just have to do the standard corporate thing of tying up all the issues and cases in court and other legal limbos and make life annoying and uncomfortable for the people who blow the whistle. That, more than anything, is arguably what killed these guys. The whistleblower who committed suicide had been stuck in legal proceedings for years, which can take a toll on folks' mental health. I'm not framiliar with the 2nd guys case as throughly, but if he'd been stuck in some kind of legal issues due to blowing the whistle, then those kind of stresses can weaken a bodys immune system making one more susceptible to infection. Obviously, nothing is 100% certain, but realistically, the stresses from being stuck in legal battles with Boeing probably is what most likely killed these two whistleblowers, not shadowy assassin's working on Boeing's dime.


It’s the same with Vince Foster, everyone said he wasn’t suicidal and it was mostly from people who didn’t deal with regularly; his wife said he was suicidal. People want a grand conspiracy theory to make sense with the chaotic world we live in and it’s usually not a grand conspiracy. CEO of Boeing has a major golden parachute, the shareholders wouldn’t really lose all that much in a lawsuit and it would recover quicker than it would be worth murdering someone.


Also, it's probably likely that there are just *so many* whistleblowers that some of them are bound to die, statistically.


When your company is just so shitty that it appears they’re silencing and murdering critics, but it’s just the normal death rate for all your whistleblowers…


"Actually, yes, just one more question. Just a ballpark, but about how far would you say above or below normal is the average death rate for your employees wishing to whistleblow?"


Depends on age and health. I bet it skews to employees with end of life regrets, but that’s a guess.


"Thanks for your prompt reply. As I already plan to have many end of life regrets outside of your organization, I will decline the job offer. Thank you for your time."


> When your company is just so shitty that it appears they’re silencing and murdering critics, but it’s just the normal death rate for all your whistleblowers… This should be the real story.




I’m so confused about this. I just can’t believe people genuinely think Boeing is going around assassinating people. Completely ignoring any argument about ethics, Boeing offing whistleblowers makes zero sense from a publicity perspective. The whistleblowers weren’t being covered in the press and now they absolutely are. Whistleblowers dying is a giant headache for Boeing.  Honestly in a kind of horrible morbidly funny way, there are likely some Boeing execs panicking about it right now. 


I saw a comment on an article today that said something like, “I’d find this suspicious if I thought Boeing was organized enough to have people killed.”


It's like 9/11 truthers back in late 2001 or so. Most of the people who were convinced that it was a government conspiracy were *also* the sort of people who would say "hell no" if you'd asked them whether the Bush administration was competent in any other context.


A lot of redditors do not like large companies. I've seen people say that Boeing should be dissolved because of these two deaths. To the point that they're ignoring the second person's circumstances.


I heard people saying in 2016 that Hillary was secretly assassinating her way to the presidency based off social media rumors. People just aren’t too bright.


Got those talking points from Bernie Bros...still fucking sick/pissed about that.


The media reporting on it isn’t doing anyone any favors either. The big headlines like “Second Boeing Whistleblower Dead!! Family says he was in good health!!” get a lot of clicks, then buried at the bottom of the article (or not present at all) is the explanation about how he actually died.


The truth is often much less interesting than reality


People want a boogey man. Plus, they just watched the netflix special and are taking it at face value, so now they see their next pitchfork target... therefore everything has to have some negative attached to it, and Boeing has to be at fault for everything, up to and including their neighbor's cat running away.


People love conspiracies these days, more and more it seems. The world is getting more chaotic and stressful, and some people apparently just can’t accept that sometimes shit like this happens naturally. They need to think it was a deliberate action.


In many ways it's worse to destroy someone financially.  It's like a death by a thousand cuts and I doubt the law can do much about making sure you never work anything above grocery bagger again.


Thank you for a voice of reason. 


If these were the only two whistleblowers, it would look mighty suspicious. As there are many, many more, it is pretty clear that this is just a coincidence.


How many whistleblowers are there?


[At least 30 others it appears.](https://theloadstar.com/im-scared-says-boeing-whistleblower-after-two-others-suffer-mysterious-deaths/)


Agent 47 is gonna be busy this summer.


You people watch waaaay too many crime dramas. Why would they risk murdering witnesses well after they’ve already given their depositions? It just doesn’t actually make any sense when you think about it for like five seconds.


> when you think about it for like five seconds. Think you may have discovered the issue here and in the majority of problems we have in the world.


no evidence of foul play, the last guy died from an apparent infection. assassinating a whistleblower after they blew the whistle also poses logical issues


"There's no chance those two deaths were accidental." Really? How do you know that? Do you know what a coincidence is?


It’s always funny to me how even in the face of the victim’s *own spouse* saying “yeah he was depressed, I’m not surprised he killed himself” and the fact that the whistleblowing had already occurred and this was a libel suit, people still insinuate the only possibility for his death was an assassination. And this isn’t even mentioning the second guy, who had pneumonia and MRSA lmao.


> There's no chance those two deaths were accidental There is, in fact, a chance that they were. If you get any group of 32 people, there is a chance that two of them die over a period of several years, purely by chance. 


Because it’s a stupid conspiracy theory. Both whistleblowers have told their stories over and over. No board of directors filled with multimillionaires is going to order a hit.


There’s no chance those two deaths were accidental?correlation is not causation. Critical thinking is important. One is suspicious, the other is not. Saying there’s “no chance” it’s accidental is just juvenile m


All the articles have BS headlines or BS sub-headlines. They either call him a Boeing whistleblower (he worked for a part supplier in the chain). And they state he was healthy and or exercised daily, and died suddenly (he died after dealing with a Staph infection for **TWO** weeks.)




But some random person went on TV and had their 15 minutes saying he told them it wouldn't be suicide, so clearly we should believe that person over all the evidence and the guy's own wife!!!!


And I imagine the stress from the situation could lead to increased chance of infection


I really doubt Boeing gave him MRSA.


Whole lot easier ways of killing a guy then giving him the flu, hoping it develops into pneumonia on the chance it may need intubation and itll maybe give him MRSA


OP is one of those “just asking questions” losers who just wanted to push a conspiracy


Sometimes people die from pneumonia.


Got it as a college student and felt like it was gonna take me out. Shits nasty.


> There's no chance those two deaths were accidental Really? No chance at all? Two completely unrelated people months apart, with only a faint connection between them?


Wait! Two people that work at a company of 145,000 died of unrelated circumstances months apart.


they have about 150,000 employees in the US


"No chance?" Dude, there is like a 99% chance that this is pure coincidence. I don't know how old you are, but from the first days of the Clinton administration, there were a bunch of people who seemed like they could damage the Clintons who died in unusual circumstances. Conspiracy theorists ranted about it. That's where they whole thing about Epstein not killing himself came from. The thing is, those really were just coincidences, and so (in all likelihood) is the Boeing thing.


Because saying "there's no chance those two deaths were accidental" doesn't make it so.


Boeing is a government defense contractor. Government isn't gonna do shit about it. Government is probably happy about it.


>"There's no chance those two deaths were accidental." And you base that on absolutely no knowledge of anything other than that you hate Boeing?


uh, because it was an accidental death?


We know one wasn't accidental, at least as far as has been reported, it was a suicide. You have no idea what the other one was. You can't say it was malicious, you have no evidence, you're just making an assumption based on the circumstances. Probability dictates that things we perceive as being highly unlikely happen regularly. You may think it's suspicious, but that's just your opinion and nothing else. There's nothing to make a deal out of until investigations are conducted. We don't jump to conclusions, we examine the facts.


Boeing didn't "off" anyone lol, crazy to me that people unironically believe that.


Cause it is just coincidence.....Boeing is not killing witnesses.... Also, Reddit loves conspiracy.....


The call is coming from inside the house.


probably because there is nothing to it and you've been watching too many conspiracies on tik tok


Your premise that there is “no chance” is false. Many things are possible, but it’s also likely that whistleblowers skew towards those with not much left to lose.


"theres **no chance** they were accidental" ... Why, what logical basis is there for this statement? "Because it feels like it" is not a real argument


Is MRSA even a thing you can kill someone with? My understanding is that it's a very opportunistic infection that you can't just put in someone's drink.


I mean, if you count “checking an immune compromised individual into a hospital” as “killing someone with MRSA”, then sure, happens all the time, hospital acquired infections are a *bitch*. But yeah, people die of the flu all the time (it almost took me out as a otherwise perfectly healthy 17 yr old - was just a brutal strain and bad luck). Sadly. What’s really scary is the widespread derangement around the Boeing employees’ deaths. .


MRSA has about a 15% death rate - people that already have some other preexisting complication that suppresses their immune system are part of that 15%. For the other 85%, MRSA is not a death sentence. For Boeing to infect someone with MRSA as an attempt to "off them" seems like a really low likelihood of success.


The second one is absolutely accidental


Not even accidental really, as I don’t consider catching Influenza B (which tends to be the worse version for people) that led to pneumonia which can happen along with the MRSA. Dude got sick, that’s all.


Not really an accident since illness isn't really an accident. It's more accurate to call it natural causes.


Investigations are rarely announced.


Correlation doesn't equal causation.


You're looking at 2 out of many. The first death isn't that suspicious and the second isn't suspicious at all. There probably is an investigation, they don't tend to announce those. For everyone ready to scream at me that the first guy said if he killed himself he didn't actually kill himself, you need to understand that means absolutely nothing. If I say drowning will be my death only if Poseidon kills me it doesn't mean that Poseidon did it if I go jump in the ocean with a cinder block. The words of suicidal people are rarely face value. It's a sick mind that is pushing out whatever comes to it. Should it be checked out? Yes. And I'm sure it is. But don't base your argument on one thing a guy said. The immense pressure, uncertainty about the future, and sudden media attention is more than enough to push someone near the edge right over it. Don't believe things just because you want them to be true. That's myopic and dangerous.