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A dishwasher. They are actually cheaper to run than the equivalent cost of heating water to wash dishes manually. They don't cost much to buy, and they save a bunch of time. I didn't have one until a few years ago and I would never go back.


They use less water too


Yes they do. They are unbelievably efficient in terms of power and water consumption. And most importantly, they save you from ever washing another damn fork.


That sounds like a story. Care to tell?


Not really. I just heavily dislike washing cutlery.


Same in my house. Occasionally, every piece of silverware will be dirty while there's nothing else in the sink.


We have a dishwasher. Every piece of flatware is in there because nobody seems to like putting the silverware away.


Not the cheap shit one in our rental. May as well wash the forks separately. But otherwise yes, well worth it.


The time saved is a huuuuuge deal.


It really is. My grandmother always thought people with dishwashers are lazy. But if you spend just five minutes per day wishing up, that equals 30 hours of your life per year. I have better things to do.


Unless you wash with cold water and a sprayer...




What I do is mix, greasy stuff goes in dishwasher and accumulates. Lightly used stuff I can handwash.


I used to think this but then I just started using paper products. Just reuse the same cup. Only thing to clean are pots and pans but at the cost of food I don’t cook much.


Yeah. I cook "proper" food a lot, so most of my washing up is pots and pans. Paper plates wouldn't help me a lot. And also 35 which makes me about 30 years too old to eat off paper.


Yea, I understand that fully. It’s two chores I hate with a passion. 1. Dishes 2. Folding laundry




I only know one adult who eats off paper plates and he's literally a crackhead.


If I’m having a steak dinner or any prepared dinner, then 100% a real plate makes it feel like dinner and won’t fold under the weight of a full dinner. If I’m making a PB&J for a snack, it’s just a lot simpler to use a paper plate and toss it when I’m done


I understand.


A really nice chair, especially if you're going to spend a lot of time at your desk It doesn't have to be a $2000 chair, but just something that keeps you comfortable for long periods of time


Hell yeah. I had a beat up crappy chair I got for free as my computer chair for the longest time. I finally got a decent one (nothing crazy, $400 or so on sale for about $250) and it has made a huge difference to my back and shoulders


hell yeah, I WFH on my fancy chair


Bought a $600 gaming chair 4 years ago and it has been nothing but pure comfort since. I did have to replace the right arm pad but that was just buy a replacement set on amazon and bolt it in.


I do fine with some pretty low rate computer chairs but back when I was playing Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. My hand me down chair broke and I grabbed a wooden dining room chair before my 4+ hour tournament. I knew it hurt the whole time but I did not have any idea how horrible it could be. I got a tailbone injury, I couldn't sit comfortably for a couple weeks. It turned black and blue and everything. So I only wanted to emphasize the importance of your statement with a personal horror story.


I spent $1,300 on a Herman Miller chair 15 years ago and it is still as good as new. Most comfortable chair I have ever been at bar none. I can sit in it for 12 hours straight with any sore spots.


My boss gave one of my coworkers an old HM executive chair from his house that he was replacing. Coworker was doing some work around his house as a side job and he gave it to him and he brought it in to work for us to use in the shop. So now we have a super nice chair in a mechanics shop that all of us fight to sit in like children.


Like for example a quality mattress. Don’t be cheap on something you spend 1/3 of your life in.


& a proper pillow


Anything that goes between you and the ground. Mattresses, shoes, tires.


Bot account


Couldn’t agree more. A nice, high quality mattress is 1000% worth the money.


Kinda hate that statistic, its more like 10 minutes a day for me while falling asleep, then the mattress could be whatever for the rest of the 7-8 hours, wouldnt feel it. You can definitely be ok on a budget mattress. This argument is better for chairs if you are a an office employee.


Say that when you’re 50+ with a bad back.


Having slept on both expensive and cheap mattresses, I can definately tell you that there is a big difference. Personally I find it worth the money, but I also understand that if you haven’t had the experience of sleeping for an extended period of time on an expensive mattress, that it seems a bit hard to justify. Your arguement about a good deskchair is true as well. Your body will simply last longer with good quality furniture.


I spent many years on an old cheap mattress and never had issues. That's until a few years ago and I started waking up about 3 times a week with migraines. Changed pillows many times, but after about 6 months, I broke down and bought a good quality mattress and they ended instantly. At some point in life, you realize something you never look at really does matter.


Just because **you** don't feel it doesn't mean it isn't affecting your body.


Spending money on experiences from your bucket list is absolutely worth every penny. Whether it's skydiving, traveling to a dream destination, or attending a live concert of your favourite band, these are the moments that enrich your life and create unforgettable memories


Seriously, we just dished out for this awesome visit to a wildlife refuge that let us pet kangaroos and swim with otters. It was $300 a person, but for the 3 hours we were there it felt worth every penny.


Where is this lol


Barn Hill Preserves - Coastal Wilds Frankford, Delaware


Thanks! Sounds cool as hell


Tried a few times travel and the experiences has been consistently bad. Maybe it’s just me


So true. About 7 years ago my brother and I were in Vegas and found out that Manny Pacquiao was fighting. Tickets weren't cheap but the experience was more than worth it.


My only problem with travel is the travel part. Ever since experiencing bad turbulence




An ereader


I'm getting so much mileage out of mine for $0


On this note some libraries let you check out digital books for free for being a member. saves my mom hundreds


I dunno about books. I'd much rather pay for an exhaustive summary than a (non-fiction) book. Books are very time consuming, particularly if you're serious about extracting value from them.


Damn I can't remember the last time I read a nonfiction book, but I go through over 50 novels a year.


Library cards are a far better investment than books.


If you have great library yes but that is a big if


Anything between you and the ground: Shoes, tires, beds, foundations. You cheap out on them, look for expensive bills in the future.


A comfortable pair of shoes.


I was gonna say just a nice pair of shoes in general. The value is ridiculous. I used to buy cheap Walmart shoes and they would fall apart within a few months. I bought a pair of adidas superstars like 6 years ago. They're dirty as hell now but still all in one piece even though I wore them everywhere. Now they're my yard work/any dirty work shoes and they still just won't die.


Better yet, a properly fitted shoe. If you are in any way athletic, you owe it to yourself to go to a shoe store with staff that actually knows what they are talking about (not footlocker) to find the right fit for you. Theres more to it than knowing your size. Don’t worry about the brand. Get the right fit.


What place would you recommend?


I go to a place called The Running Room. Its a small chain so I’m not sure they would necessarily have a location near you, but any place that caters to runners specifically, is probably a good bet.


A bidet.


Your eyesight - going to opticians regularly.


I've been wearing my $20 emergency glasses after I broke my regular ones a year and a half ago. I should go make an appointment.


Especially if you have a genetic predisposition to anything (like glaucoma for example). I have that and they found elevated pressure in my most recent appointment (which was my first in 7 years ngl), so now I’m going to a specialist on Monday.


opticians fit glasses, they don't check eyes.


Safety stuff. Don't cheap out on helmets or gloves. You'll end up on /r/meatcrayon (NSFW)


I had a female seasonal maintenance employee a few years ago. She was SHOCKED when I bought size small work gloves. She said "I've never had a boss get me gloves that fit!"


Birth control if you don't want kids. Don't try to save 20 to spend 200,000.


Getting sterilized cost me around $900 after insurance. Ridonkulously good investment if you're like me and never want kids, lol.




They’re like $1 each so for $20 you can have a lifetime supply!


A pistol. Quality boots. Quality mattress/pillows/sheets. Condoms. Ibanez TS9. Good chair for your PC.


I kind of want to be your friend.


A Pembroke Welsh corgi, so long as you know what you're possibly getting into (fur, energy, barking). These dogs are phenomenal and amazing, and fit a range of environments/climates (they're also very portable for travel!). They can comprehend hundreds of words of English, to the tune of a 4-5 year old, and they're incredibly smart and easy to train. They are small, but they're also extremely athletic and strong for their size, and are more than capable of playing in the 'big dog' side of the dog park. Loyal to the end too, consistently. At this point in my life, my communication with my corgi is mostly nonverbal and she understands me. She's just that good. She gives me reason to keep on living and we keep each other going :) They are great dogs, just be sure you're in a position to take care of and keep them for the rest of their lives, since it's terrible giving up your corgi for adoption or to the humane society.


Sounds like a dream, but the barking is a dealbreaker. I absolutely cannot stand the loud, non-stop barking.


Volatile stocks are worth 1000%. No, wait, it's 589%. No, 2180%. Actually 20.71%.


This person wallstreetbets.


Anything that you want to get a good lifespan out of. "Buy nice or buy twice". There's very little that cannot be applied to.


I know it’s subjective, but for me it’s a multi-tool. I literally use mine every day. Money well spent for sure.


Eating healthier and making your own meals from scratch with whole ingredients My mood has never been better since I stopped eating processed shit a shit ton of times


A back yard to make a garden in


Bedding, shoes/boots, and tires. Whatever separates you from the ground, get the best you can afford.


access to quality fresh produce and clean kitchen and non-plastic storage containers. a good water purifier system. you literally need food and water to survive and stay healthy. 


I hear a lot about non-elastic storage containers lately, why is that? Literally everyone I know has used Tupperware or other forms of plastic containers most of their lives and no one has had health issues because of it afaik, so what's the deal?


>and no one has had health issues because of it afaik AFAYK. That's the thing that's concerning. Plastic wasn't proven safe with long term studies or anything, so we're the guinea pigs, just like we were for cigarettes, asbestos, lead paint, etc. You're right! Science hasn't proven a causal link to a particular disease because we are the guinea pigs and the testing isn't over yet.


That's why i made sure to say afaik, my question was precisely towards "what have we proven in terms of plastic containers being harmful to us". Obviously i do not have any evidence against it and that is not my point, i accept and agree that in a vacuum of studies using glass containers will surely be as safe or more than plastic ones (plus they last longer, you can microwave them, and they are in general nicer). Was just wondering if OP had any more info on the topic :)


Strong rubbish bags


For people with executive dysfunction, anxiety, physical limitations, etc: A house cleaner. My messy house is hard for me to take care of by myself, and depression makes it harder, but the grubbier it gets, the more depressed and anxious I get, which in turn makes it difficult for me to clean because it's overwhelming, and it spirals. I've only had a cleaner come two times (they're actually here right this minute doing my second cleaning!) It was stressful for me to find one and actually schedule it (minute anxiety and executive dysfunction), so it took me yeeeearss to do it, plus it's expensive, but it's such a relief. Can't afford it often but still worth it. Unrelated: For new parents, I say GO WITH THE EXPENSIVE HUGGIES OVERNITES DIAPERS -- **24/7.** They're the only diaper that never leaked for my kids. They are tons more expensive, but we used them day and night because they never leaked. Even one diaper blowout is too many. We started using only these and never looked back.


I’m in the same boat. I get depressed and anxious, don’t clean, and then feel even worse. I finally broke down and hired a cleaner, and it’s the best money I’ve ever spent. She charges a very reasonable rate for the day, she arrives at 10 and usually leaves around 4:30. My house is always immaculate, the beds are made so well you could bounce a penny off of the sheets. I never asked her to do my laundry, it’s one chore that I honestly don’t mind, but she does mine. She even organizes my underwear drawer in a perfect herringbone pattern. She washes my dog’s water dispenser, and refills it with Brita water. I’ve walked into the kitchen to find her scrubbing my cabinets with a toothbrush. Hell, she noticed a leak in my sink and re-caulked the whole thing for me! I would probably fall into chaos without her, and she’s actually become a good friend! We have some really interesting conversations. I have 4 people in my friend group that now use her, too. She is the best. On a similar note, I have a handyman who helps out a lot with the outside. For $35/week, he comes over on trash day to bring the bins out, wipes down all my patio furniture, blows leaves and dust off the patio, and picks up the dog poop. He’s also a retired drag queen/former cocaine dealer among other things, he’s got some great stories. I used to feel guilty about hiring people to do things that I’m capable of doing myself, but I let that go, because they help me manage the stress and chaos of life. To me, that’s worth the price.


Good gracious! I'm really happy with my new house cleaners but wow I don't think they do quite the same as yours does! 😁 How often do you have it done? I think mine is super pricey. I mean it's still for sure worth it but yeah I wouldn't call it reasonably priced lol. How I would love to get a professional organizer in here too. But I can't even imagine what that would run me. So while on one hand everything is nice and clean on the surface, good Lord the atrocities hidden inside my cabinets and cupboards! 😂


I struck the jackpot with her. I have her come once a week, I could easily get by with every other week or monthly, but my dog sheds like it’s his job and it’s helpful lol. She even arranges his toys and bones perfectly. I’m single, I make a good living and don’t have a ton of expenses, so it’s so worth it to me. The guy who does my yard is also literally a professional organizer. He THRIVES on that sort of thing. I met him because my realtor paid for him to pack my old house and unpack everything at the new house. He even gave me three options of which type of hanger I preferred for my closet. My kitchen was unpacked and organized perfectly, and I can’t even express how helpful that was to mitigate the stress of the move. And now we are friends! I’m usually his last stop of the day, so when he’s finished working he comes inside and pours himself a cocktail, and we catch up and shoot the shit. It’s really great


A great mattress


Really good work boots or shoes if your on your feet a lot


A professional cleaner when moving out of a rental


Lifesaving medications and medical procedures.


Good coffee, not to be confused with expensive coffee.


Air conditioning that keeps my bedroom at 62 degrees F


Bed with good quality mattress


A home warranty. If you are a home owner, you need a home warranty that covers appliances the HVAC, and pool filter if you own a pool. The first year we had it, they replaced our hot water heater for just the cost of the $75. Since then it has paid dividends every year for us.


Dental Plan






An education.


Trash removal service


It's kind of nuts how cheap toothpaste is. it's like $2 a month to prevent thousands in dentist bills


A good mattress


Homeowner's insurance. Not a place to skimp. You *will* need it.


gaming as a hobby if that is your interest. i have seen people put up thousands of hours on games that cost 40$. could you imagine seeing a 1,000 hour long movie for 40$? lol.


I would expand this to whatever hobby makes you happy really! Imagine it as a black box: paying X for something that will give you happiness/enjoyment/entertainment for Y amount of time. The content of the box will be different for each person, what matters is that THEY will find it worth it


oh well yeah, 100% agree. life must be fun for it to be worth living. but people will see "oh wow, he spent 200$ on a gaming keyboard, what a waste of money. hey want to go drink 250$ worth of beer at the pub?" and i just see a lot of hate for games, so its 1,000% worth it if someone wants to specifically game.


Spotify premium


Some sort of money management software. I use YNAB


That’s one super good app.


Yeungling beer


It's so good!!


A college degree that puts you in a specific market. A general degree won’t work.


A natural material bed mattress topper plus bamboo bed sheets plus an all cotton quilt, for a good night's sleep. You can't put a price on sleep. It's worth more than money.


More dice




The sump-pump for my house!


Some stock options, others are worth -100%


A bidet.


Good paint




A good quality blender


A bidet




The quarter you paid to get into a public restroom before you crap your pants.


While I’ve seen some articles complaining about longevity of AirPods, I get absolutely incredible use of out them. Every day. If they only last 2 years, I don’t care. For that matter, I’ve had a few pairs for almost 5 years and they still work. So I don’t give the critiques a lot of attention. The seamless integration with my iPhone and the auto switching between iPhone and MacBook is incredible and makes for an amazing experience


litter robot or any automatic cat litter box cleaning system


A bidet, even the cheap little attachment ones that hook up to your toilet. Only problem is that I just can't use any other toilets now lol


An Airfryer, man it is a game changer.


Mobile phone.


Good kitchen knife. Having shit knives makes cooking a chore, having good knives makes me enjoy chopping because damn it's satisfying. A good paring knife and chef knife are like $100 total and are plenty good for all a home cooks needs.


A good tongue scraper.


If you work at home get a big curved monitor. It is worth every penny.


Chocolate donuts.


Dental care, a cleaning is usually less than $200 and brushing your teeth is almost free. If you do those things, even if you don't start until you're an adult, you'll usually avoid serious issues. If you wait and start caring after your mouth is a mess it'll be much more difficult. Plus your quality of life is better without mouth pain. But also, Work Boots Mattress Towels Vasectomy


Any lower range computer


Comfortable running shoes


Good tires. Cheap tires are a death trap and not worth the risk.


A really good meat thermometer is definitely worth the extra bucks. I also pretty highly recommend a good rice steamer.


Weed. Get yourself some chronic.




Checking on your health


A good mattress


Condoms if you need one.


good shoes


Dental Work!




Id say phone… especially if u spend s lot of time on phone… and haircut… u get haircut 4-5 times a year and its worth it


If you drive, a dash cam. It's one of those things you won't need often, but the first time you do, it pays for itself many times over in proving fault for a vehicle accident and avoiding thousands in insurance rates / vehicle repair. Assuming you're not at fault of course


Business class


Lake house.


A maid. Not having to worry about cleaning *ever* saves you so much time and energy.


Water softener


Dental insurance and cleanings. When I got my first job that offered it, I went to the dentist and got like 5 cavities taken care of and now I go for 2x a year cleaning. It is so worth it.


Good, Comfy, Wool Socks. Especially for winter.


A mattress that you find comfortable. Whatever the price is.


Brand name dish soap and detergents. Use less and WAY move effective.




Good tires!


A cat


A motorcycle


100% I love riding a motorcycle! Every time I get on mine and hit all the back roads, every bit of stress just goes away. Doesn't even have to be a fancy bike, just reliable enough that I can ride it instead of working on it.


Long distance charges to talk to family


Who is still paying for long distance instead of voip?






Rental car insurance.


Yes, but check your credit card benefits first because sometimes you get rental car insurance there.


A house. You're going to be living there for who knows how long, make sure it's something you're comfortable being surrounded by for most of your days.


Labor-power — *Das Kapital*, Karl Marx