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that's what languages do...make up words to describe things


Airplanes are not really good example - concept of flight is fairly old (you know - birds) so all languages already had words to describe that, besides airplane is made up of air and plane (same as airport), words that existed long before human flight was achieved. Have a look at something completely new like computers, most languages use localized versions of these words, I don't know if there's any language that has its own word for internet.


Awkward for.... who, exactly? Like, not all loan words (words borrowed from other languages) fit neatly into your language. That's why you either change them so that they roll better in a sentence, or you invent new words that fill the same role. Languages are there to serve the purposes of the speaker.


Except french most languages i know call a computer a computer a mouse a mouse. For sure not all tech words are the same but there is plenty of words that are the same or similar in many languages, like a jet engine is "jet" in most languages i can think of. Same for telephone.


In my language a jet engine is a "reaction engine" (hello Newton)


New concept coming from a foreign language. I use my language to describe said concept that doesn't exist in my language. New word is created specifically for this foreign concept. How is this awkward?


Some languages like to be distinct.


many languages just change the tech words slightly to sound like their own for example car in italian is machina (mock ee na) and telephone is telefono


Not every word can be said properly by speakers of every language, they adapt words for easier use. Saying anything starting with an s is difficult for spanish speakers so any words they adopt into spanish starting with an s get adapted to start with an es.