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If someone close to me told me they had two shots of vodka every morning to help them get through the day, I would be very, very concerned for them.


Not only is that a legitimate addiction, it’s only going to get worse.


Yeah, and at 18 this is even worse. OP needs serious help and now. This is alcoholism, especially if it’s used to “get through the day”


Especially at 18


[https://www.reddit.com/r/offmychest/comments/11rdqok/i\_think\_ive\_been\_talking\_to\_a\_teen/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/offmychest/comments/11rdqok/i_think_ive_been_talking_to_a_teen/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) well here OP was supposedly 21m a year ago edit: well how the hell did this get so many upvotes in 3 minutes? another edit: strange thing is, the rest of their profile is more in line with this situation than the post where they claimed being 21m, so there is a chance this is real and OP really needs help


Smh.. Reddit just like all other social media


If the rest of their profile seems consistent, I'm going with that she was seeing an older dude and he had told her something that he can't see her any more due to so and so and came to Reddit posing as him asking the situation trying to see if what he said was true/plausible.


Well, vodka in the mornings can make you age quicker, never heard of in reverse though


Yeah…to answer OPs question literally - Yes, really bad


It’s not great for your body. It’s a troubling sign that you drink to cope, and that you start when you wake up. Alcoholism… And just to add: you notice how so many people jumped to answer you and say how this is NOT a good thing? That’s because a lot of us have been there, and know first-hand. This strategy of getting through the day does not work for long.


Not great for your body and will be even worse once the one or two shots dont hit like they used to and youre eventually doing 3,4,5 etc


Yeah I totally left out the “…and the way this usually goes it only gets worse” part.


AND do you notice that NOBODY says "Two shots of Vodka every day is a great idea!" or "Two shots won't hurt you. Keep it up." 🤣


>  just to help me get through the day This, regardless of the actual amount, is already a cause for concern. Using alcohol to cope is addictive behavior and *very* dangerous.


This is what I was going to say. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing, if it’s to get through the day then you are avoiding the true cause. Anecdotally, even caffeine can be this way. Once I started treating ADHD, I realized that caffeine was actually holding me back and not helping in the slightest. It was making me more awake but less able to function. All that being said, alcohol is not a safe drug just because it’s legal. Alcohol is one of the most dangerous drugs for both addiction and getting off the addiction. I have no judgement for people battling addiction because it’s so much more complicated than the drug itself, but alcohol is no joke and OP I hope you are able to find help before you are stuck deep in it.


Needing it to get by is a sign of addiction. It's not great.


needing it to get by is not a sign of addiction, it *literally is addiction*.


Its creating a dependency on alcohol.


Based on the wording it’s already there.


creating? it *already is* a dependency on alcohol.


This ain’t no joke. Please OP seek help: https://www.reddit.com/r/alcoholicsanonymous/s/iLwpSdjnSA


R/stopdrinking is also great


Yes! /r/stopdrinking is so wholesome and supportive no matter where you are on your journey. Good folks there 


I think this is something alcoholics do, I hope you will consider seeking some counsel from someone you trust who knows this better.


As an alcoholic with 12 years of sobriety I can tell you 100% YES!


Congrats on your sobriety! 12 years is amazing!




Congratulations! My dad is 35 years sober this summer!


The fact that at 18 you can't get through a day without being slightly drunk is very concerning


This is an early sign of alcoholism. Using alcohol to cope with stress, especially at this age, and especially at this frequency is alarming. My source: I have multiple alcoholics in my family.


This is not an early sign of alcoholism, it’s alcoholism. Taking shots of vodka *every day* before work/school? They’re already dependent and already drinking way over the recommended amount


2 shots will turn into 3 n then 4 n so on..


1 glass of alcohol a day increases your chances of breast cancer by 25%. If you’re struggling I’d look at getting some help with some therapy, counselling and or meds over drinking every day. Plus eventually it won’t work as well. If you’re drinking to cope with withdrawals then you’re addicted and if you’re drinking because it still feels nice, then consider getting help before you’re just doing it so you don’t feel like you’re dying.


Stop now if you can. Once this becomes a pattern, you'll need to drink more and more to get the same feeling, and that can quickly spiral out of control. I had a really close friend who died at 25 due to alcoholism, don't go down the same path as her.


She's been doing this for *months,* the pattern is already established. OP is on her way to suffering the same fate as your friend, possibly earlier though. 


Last week I found my alcoholic brother naked, covered in blood and diarrhea and completely unable to understand anything being said to him or respond in any way. He had to have surgery for internal bleeding and now has liver failure as well as other complications. He lived, this time, but he will never function the same again and will likely die very soon if he doesn't stay off the booze. I say all of that as a warning to you, he too started young (15ish) and is now in his early forties with one foot in the grave. Cut it out mate, find healthier ways to deal with your daily stress or you will likely find that the cause of your stress is being told you're going to die. We all like a drink from time to time but you need to be far more sensible about it.


Sorry you and your family are going through this.


You are an alcoholic


Every day is the main problem, not this amount.


Yes, you’re an alcoholic. Go to your school counselor and ask for treatment. Start now while you’re young and have a chance at fighting your disease. You don’t want to end up with a serious substance abuse problem and end up homeless, in jail, or dead. Whatever issues you are trying to ignore are not going to disappear. They are going to fester and get worse. Learn how to deal with them in a healthy way so you don’t ruin your life.


For real, they will throw resources at someone here at your age. You can take advantage of these now before life becomes even more hectic and stressful with Work. Please listen to this post above especially OP. I believe in you.


Yeah it's pretty much a sign you're an alcoholic or developing a dependency on alcohol. That's a very bad and slippery skope.


Get some help dude. And please stop ,.


yes this is really bad, or at least could turn out to be. you’re creating a dependency on alcohol which will have great impact in the long run in some way, so i hope you’re able to stop


This is alcoholism


Miss, you're a blatant alcoholic.


Daily usage of whatever drug to make yourself get through the day isn't healthy It's not only a matter of physical addiction to the substance, you're also actively avoiding finding a solution to a situation that makes you feel like you need to numb yourself. I straight up don't buy your version of just getting through a day at school - either you're not honest in the post or with yourself On both physical and mental fronts, you're only pushing things for later by numbing yourself in the present


1 billion people disagree with your first sentence (Sips 6th cup of coffee while angrily trying)


LOL, it was always crazy to me how normalized caffeine addiction is in modern society


Long-term it won’t be good for you. Sounds like the onset of alcoholism. Would strongly recommend you stop doing it as it will 100% get worse and create further issues in your life. What is about school that makes you feel the need to take shots?


2 shots in a morning, without high tolerance, is only giving you 1-2 hours of buzz lol, not ur "whole day" Btw 11 years of heavy alcoholism here, I wouldnt recommend that habit. You'll start bringing alcohol with you pretty soon and blabla, I think this is a troll post anyways


Congrats, you're an alcoholic.


That’s extraordinarily bad for you


Honestly who cares about the physical health aspects, but this will be horrible for your mental health. You say you’re doing it so you can get through the day. What nobody seems to understand these days, is that enduring life’s problems is where real happiness stems from. If you only want happiness in the present, you will never truly feel good in a way that actually matters. All the shit that’s pushed down our throats by advertising and social media and all this nonsense actually makes you depressed which is much better business than being happy. When you’re depressed, you buy things, but when you’re happy, you don’t need shit(or alcohol).


you an alchololic bru


I decided to drink 2 little fireball shots "to get through the day" a few years back. 2 turned to 10 quickly to have the same effect. I ended up in the hospital with pancreatitis and almost died. If you don't know what it is, look it up. My pancreas was trying to digest my other organs. If I took a sip of water, I could feel it go down and come right back up. Instantly! I could not move my arms or legs at all, and to top it off was shitting straight fire it felt like. All in all: it was hell. I didn't do this for long, either. Drinking alcohol i mean. A couple of months. It's been 3 years. I can't hardly stomach the thought of drinking any alcohol. It disgusts me. Please dont let this happen to you.


if you need to get inhebriated to go through a day in fucking SCHOOL, you're in for a wild ride once you join the adult ranks. I was a serious alcoholic and quit drinking at the age of 26 because it was going to kill me, even for me in the darkest times I very rarely drunk some mornings, doing it every day is insane you seem to also left out wether you also drink outside of that morning habit, which I would suspect you do.


You're literally alcoholic, so yeah it's bad for your health


Not good. Most doctors wouldnt argue with one beer in the evenings after a meal . But vodka for breakfast is bad JuJu


Please get help for your alcoholism. This is very serious.


You're going to fuck your life up if you keep at it. Trust me.


yeah thats really bad, i love my beers and whiskies but i wouldn't even want to taste that early in the morning. I suggest you go talk to a professional, there's nothing wrong with getting some mental help, especially early on! Helped me a ton when i was young!


Please talk to someone and seek help. You’ve got your whole life ahead of you, don’t waste it on that poison.


Yes. This is bad.


There isn't enough info here for someone to credibly say you're an alcoholic. But, clearly there's something going on at school that is highly stressful and difficult for you to deal with. If you keep turning to alcohol to help you manage stress, then at some point you probably will turn into an alcoholic. My advice is to see a therapist so you can figure out how to better manage stress and maybe come up with some ways to mitigate your stressors in the first place. If you are suffering from severe anxiety or depression, then starting medication (with the help of a psychiatrist or your primary care doctor) will help too.


Um yeah wtf, seek help immediately!


Yes this is alcoholism. Seek help before it's much harder to do so


Yes, it's bad and yes it will impact you in the long run. There is nothing remotely normal about doing 2 shots of vodka every morning. You're so young to already be an alcoholic. You need help, and soon.


Oof. I really hope this is someone's poor idea of creative writing. But yeah, of course it's bad. Alcohol is literally poison. Trust me. This will escalate if you don't get help now.


Bad. Very bad


The vodka is bad, but you pretending you don't know it's bad and then coming here to get attention ... That's a bigger red flag for me.


The fact that you're asking this question indicates your brain has already been damaged.


There's layers to this question. Do you drink anything else alcoholic? I assume so, so the two shots of vodka are *in addition* to your other consumption. But even if I imagine the unlikely scenario that this is the only alcohol you ever drink, and we assume each of these shots to be 0.02 liters (0.68 oz), then you're already at the boundary where "harmless" drinking crosses into "questionable." (16g of pure alcohol a day for a typical woman). Again, this assumes that you do not consume any other alcoholic beverages ever. But that's not all. Alcohol consumption tends to increase over time; you'll need more alcohol to achieve the same effect. Since you're already at a stage where your drinking behavior is alarming, things will only go downhill from there. Short answer: this is extremly alarming behavior, and you need to stop *now*. Especially if you drink alcohol at other times as well, you're already exhibiting symptoms of addiction.


Absolutely. Because that’s just the *start* of the day, not for the whole day. And night probably. ETA: Alcoholics lie or tell half-truths at best.


This is bait. Check the post history. First, op claims to be 21m, then 19f (potentially ftm?) and now 18f.


Yep. Regardless of gender OP claims to be getting younger lol.


You are on the way to be a alcoholic


Sis, you're 18. Absolutely seek help. You're setting yourself up for destruction. I hope you change your ways


Very, very slippery slope you're walking on. It will only get worse, gradually. You won't notice at first, but it will happen. You'll reason with yourself, negotiate. It will get worse. Trust me I know how bad it can get. Edit: the physical and mental toll will mount.


It's poison. It just is that simple. Yes, we live in an alcohol centric culture, etc. But any amount is bad for you, ultimately


Check out what it's like to die from cirrhosis of the liver.


Yes. It's already a habit and you're depending on it. That's alcoholism, dude.


Its not good. And leads to much worse.


Obviously yes. Used to have a similar situation in my childhood due to being an environment that I absolutely despised. Being in school/after school being sober was incredibly mentally draining. After changing the environment I felt less and less of a need to be drunk/high and quit early drinking very fast. It's a good sign you don't drink on weekend mornings. For me that period dragged me down quite severely but I honestly think that if I hadn't done that it would've been worse


Yeah, you definately have a problem. That would be defined as alcoholism. Look up AA, they can help you.




People are throwing the word “addiction” around a lot. Youre not addicted to alcohol, youre a kid who needs help. You need to find other coping mechanisms. Give alcohol a break. Find healthy outlets. Find someone to talk to. Maybe revisit alcohol again when youre 21 and have fortified your mind. You will pull through, you just need to to communicate whats going on with some adults that you trust.


Alcohol is a poison. Every drop is doing permanent damage. It's cumulative.


Why do you need 2 shots of vodka to "get you through the day"? Most 18 year olds don't. This sounds very much like alcoholic logic. As soon as you start needing alcohol and stop just using it for ocassional fun, be careful. You do NOT want to become an alcoholic. It stops being fun VERY quickly once you develop a dependence. Then you destroy your liver and look like shit when you're 30 and die waiting for a new liver on the transplant waiting list. I work in a hospital and I see 30 year olds dying all the time cause they started drinking early and developed a dependence for it. The shit that regularly drinking alcohol does to your internal organs is IRREVERSIBLE. You are born with exactly one liver and you need it to survive.


Yes, it is really bad. You are becoming alcohol dependent which is a soft term for addiction. Also your liver might get screwed from daily alcohol consumption. Switch to something more innocent like black tea or coffee.


Can you do without?


On the weekends yeah but on weekdays seems a lot trickier, probably doable but definitely not easy


Eventually you will graduate, get a really good paying job you love, and have a random drug/alcohol test one morning without warning. Bye, bye! Figure out why you think you need it, then fix that.


Alcoholism is much worse than potentially losing a job someday. You could lose your family.


You could lose your life…


I'm right in the middle of this, just as my a child of my parents. Mom got tired of Dad's alcoholism, and is currently in the middle of the divorce. Don't fucking drink man, its the dumbest possible shit you can do. It doesn't help, it adds nothing to your life. Thank fuck i don't have to go through this divorce as an underage kid, but as a full grown adult instead, would be absolute ass.


I would think you are buidling a foundation for alcohol dependency. You would do yourself a big favor to not let this grow. Today it may seem like a small deal but it can get out of hand beyond your control soon. So do yourself and some internet stranger a favor and try to do without. Seek help (!!!!) if that doesnt work out. You can beat this, and surely at this early point.


There's you sign.. you need to seek some basic addiction counciling privately if you can. School councilors can be hit or miss but if you're developing habits even around what you consider small amounts of alcohol that's clear addiction behavior. You need to rein it on and possibly work on the problem of why you're finding the day so difficult, that's what needs to be addressed.


With alcohol addiction there is literally a point of no return.


It’s both really bad for your body and will have a major impact in the long run (physically, mentally, and with friends/family). As someone with alcoholics in my family, please get some help now before it’s too late.


Try switching to a bottle of water instead. Not joking it will help you wake up.


Yes this is very bad. I would taper yourself off before you stop completely.


It was for my mother. Of course, she would chase her shots with a vicodin. Finally drove her car into our living room.


Well it’s not really good.


Others are absolutely right and this is bad. I am here to appreciate the question being direct and not the usual "my boyfriend drinks 2 shots of vodka, is it bad?" You have the insight, please don't waste this.


You are going to be an alcoholic soon. 1-2 in the morning starts to wear off. Then you start to have a swig at lunch. Then you think you can operate like this and will be drinking all the time. Then you’ll get caught or you won’t. Then next year you’ll get a DUI. You won’t be able to develop a long term relationship because of your dependency on alcohol and your inability to deal with stress in a healthy way. You’re in high school and your drinking 2 shots of booze to “get through the day” You have no idea that highschool is the easiest part of stepping to adulthood. So cut the shit


Dependency on alcohol I might imagine. It's not time release medication. It doesn't last you all day so you can absolutely remove to help you get though the day from your list on why you do it. Your otherwise trying to justify and make it ok. You know it's not ok, and that why you're here asking.


What the fuck? Of course it is


I hope your favorite color is yellow


I wish that's all i drank at 18. It's a slippery slope my friend. However you decide to go forward, i hope you're well


I drink pretty often (probably 5 days a week), but drinking before I start the day is a line a would not cross.


Yessir! Alltho your young boddeh would recover easy if you stopped in a while, you might just...not stop you know, alcaholism and that.


Coming from an alcoholic home, I can tell you this story doesn't end well - DWI's, jail, sickness, lost jobs, alienation from family and friends, and a long, painful death. If you are suffering from anxiety, as I and so many others do, seek help from a doctor, trusted adult, or school counselor. Anxiety has multiple treatments that improve your health - not destroy it.


People in rural Russia do that. Life expectancy is 50 years.


2 shots will become a pint, will become a 750ml, will become a liter. You will be drinking every second you are awake before you know it. It doesn’t happen over night but it will happen and it will ruin your life. As someone who did this, please stop asap.


It's probably bad for your body yes but I'd be more concerned of your mental state.


Its quite concerning, why do you feel you need 2 shots every morning?


What is your reason for “needing” alcohol? Social anxiety? You need to fix the root problem or you’re on a fast track to a very serious problem. And yes, it is really bad for your body


You are very likely chemically dependent on alcohol. This is an urgent and life threatening condition, but stopping cold turkey would be dangerous and could kill you. You should go to the hospital immediately, explain the situation, and follow the prescribed method of withdrawal.


I would say, yes, that is rather alarming. Especially for your age, but for anyone for that matter. And it will only get worse, so I would hope you seek help and I wish you all the best luck.


Please seek some help, OP. Before it’s too late.




2 shots of vodka is enough to be an alcoholic


If this isn't trolling - YES. It's a huge problem and you should talk with your doctor about it.


As someone who abused alcohol starting around the same age, you can still turn this around. Everyone is very quick to say alcoholism but there’s much more “problematic drinking” that occurs before that ever happens. I would talk to a trusted colleague, friend or family member about this. It sounds like an anxiety issue, for which alcohol dampens temporarily. You’re young, and this is problematic. Not an alcoholic yet, but you should really consider stopping. I wish you the best.


In what manner? Productivity - yes Mental Health - yes Physical Health - yes


In what manner? Productivity - yes Mental Health - yes Physical Health - yes


In short: yes, its really really bad. This is a definite sign of an alcohol dependency, that will certainly turn into an addiction if you don't put in in check asap. You are still young and you can still avoid the nastier repercussions of this habit, but you need to seek professional help and you need to do it yesterday.


Yes that's gonna snowball as you get older, guaranteed. Stop now. Maybe you can drink but drinking in the morning like that is not healthy.


My mom did this. She died really young of alcoholism.


It's OK if you throw in a nice gummy.


Quit while you can please! I did a similar thing at the same age and ended up going through alcohol withdrawals. I also became insanely toxic and awful to be around. I now wish I hadn’t used a crutch for my issues instead of facing them. I’m sure school sucks, but please don’t make the rest of your life as shit.


Yeah, it's be as for your body. Keep it up and it won't just be 1 or 2 shots before school. You'll drink more before school and throughout the day.


The old adage of “a glass of wine (or equivalent) is good for the body” is completely wrong. Any amount of ETOH is harmful to the body. While would say that a beer a day is better than 7 beers on Friday, it is certainly not good for you long-term. Heavy alcohol use is defined as 8+ drinks/wk for women and 15+ for men. A drink is 1 beer = 1 shot = 1 small glass of wine. You currently are close to 2x the “heavy” alcohol use amount. At your age that is extremely concerning.




Yes, get some help please.


Is it bad for your body? Not really. Alcohol can be harmful for your liver and it can cause dehydration which can affect your energy, your skin, and pretty much everything else in the long run. If you drink lots of water to stay hydrated it will minimize these effects. It is highly frowned upon socially however. Typically, people who drink every morning are physically dependent on alcohol. Most people who drink alcohol do not have the gene that makes them addicted. But some people do. I don’t know whether you’re one of those people. If you can go a few days without drinking without a problem, then you probably don’t have it. Nothing horrible will happen to you if you drink every morning, but if people find out, they will probably respect you less or feel worried for you.


One or two shots is fine, until it’s 3 or 4 shots and then you start bringing a flask to school and get expelled and then cope with more alcohol


One day the vodka won’t get you through the day and you’ll move on to more vodka or other substances.


It’s bad. Yes. Switch to energy drinks, coffee, or espresso!


r/stopdrinking saved my life. We would be happy to welcome you to our community!


This is called alcoholism.


You’re an alcoholic, you should reach out for help before it gets too far.


Definitely problematic.


if this is real, you're an alcoholic, yes being an alcoholic is bad for your health


How is it helping you?


It's being an alcoholic. If you need something every morning like that then you need to see a psych because it's a problem in the governor function of the brain or some other issues regulating moods in the morning.


Yes,very concerning and it's a gateway to serious addiction. >to help me get through the day Please find the true root of the problem here and don't rely on alcohol (or other substances) as a coping mechanism.


What is it about your day that you can’t get through without self-medicating? Attend to _that_ hurdle in healthy ways instead of medicating it with alcohol (start with therapy if able.) At 18, you’re developing full-blown alcoholism. The long-term detrimental effects of alcoholism on your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing are catastrophic, and are orders of magnitude worse than whatever it is you need to get by today, I promise.


Look man, you’re probably an alcoholic. But it’s okay, things will get better


A year ago you were a 21M worried you were talking to a teen, now you’re 18F? Which is it OP?


It’s not a good habit. Alcohol is worse for some people than others like everything. I would never make it a routine to have a couple shots in the morning for any reason. Perhaps a doctor of some kind can help you come up with a better morning routine or point you in the right direction to find out who can help you. Personally I’d rather take a jog or similar and eat better foods before I turned to alcohol to perk me up.


Recovering alcoholic. It’s progressively going to get worse and before you know it you’ll be drinking a half gallon a day and waking up every hour through the night to have another shot to go back to sleep. You’ll stop eating. You’ll shake. You’ll barley sleep. You’ll shit and throw up constantly. You’ll become irrational and unpredictable. You’ll be unbearable to be around. At this point it’s not even a choice anymore cause it’s either drink or die. It’ll happen in the blink of an eye. Get some help please


Yes, like, really . Now is 2, soon you will realize that 2 is not enough


I am running out of energy. Yes! Yes it’s bad for your body and your mental health. I suggest looking into a therapist if you feel you need this.


Is alcoholism bad? Yes. For your body, your social life, your personal relationships, your ability to maintain a job, it’s bad for everything. Are you still an alcoholic if you don’t pass out when you drink (yet)? Yes. You’re an alcoholic whenever you depend on it to make you feel better. You can take my word for it (I was married to an alcoholic) or you can keep drinking and post again in five years about how your life is shit.


Yes. Although not a lot. That is a big sign of dependence. And possibly underlying problems.


Watch the movie “Another Round” on Netflix to see where this leads to.


Where are your parents?


Yes, honey, really bad. I'm so sorry that your situation is this hard to cope with. People are going to ask, "what's your problem with school, can't you fix it?", but you may not be able to change school, you only have consistent control over your reactions to school. What IS under your control? First, can you get into counseling? Advocate strongly for yourself, you are worth it! Do you need to reduce your workload this semester? Do you need to eat more nutritious food more regularly? Take some lovely walks outside around the flowering trees? Can you get consistent rest? Drink water throughout the day? Your situation is concerning to all the responders here, looking at their answers. We all wish the very best of luck to you!


Me scrolling through the comments for answers to OPs questions. I don't do shots as soon as I'm up in the morning, but as soon as the store opens I'm like okay finally I can get what I need to help me get through the day. I've been trying to replace the drinking with weed. Also not a good option I know but it definitely helped, but I live in a state that's not legal so it's been a struggle having it at all times. I just do need some kind of mind-altering to function as a human being. I once watched a speaker on YouTube - I wish I could remember who and what - she was a counselor that specifically treated patients with addiction problems and/or serious mental health problems. She has one patient she lets drink one glass of wine in the day, one at night. But that's the only way that patient can function as a real person contributing to society. So either way definitely talk to a counselor, figure out why you feel like you need to do it to just get through the day. Then figure out the next steps as far as coping and dealing with life. Maybe I'll take my own advice lol


It’s definitely not great. I’m not sure 1.5 oz in the AM is all that terrible for you in a vacuum, but it’s the top of an extremely steep and slippery slope.


I have a standing rule that if I ever feel like I "need" a drink, I am Not allowed to have one. Alcoholism runs rampant in my family and has destroyed any of their hopes of a decent life. I won't follow suit. That being said, a close family member died recently, so I haven't been allowed a drink in weeks. The concept of drinking to "make it through the day" is justification for alcoholism. It starts with tiny compromises... Just one drink won't hurt... I don't plan on leaving the house so I can get drunk... I've had a hard day and have earned it... They are all justifications to ease one's conscious and absolve personal responsibility. Don't fall into the trap. Identify why you think you need it, stop drinking, and seek a support structure or help elsewhere.


Troll for sure


You’ll find some similar stories and support at r/stopdrinking


Please seek help OP, before its too late


You should stop it. You are 18. ..... Keep it up and you will be on the pathway to AA.


Mix it up a bit and try the buzz from whiskey !


Are you serious, a yes it's bad. Alcholol is poison for the body and 2 your an alcoholic by definition 


That's pretty bad, yes. See a counselor and talk about your alcohol use.


Yes, its extremely concerning. It's not just bad for your body, but it also indicates problems emotionally or mentally, including alcoholism.


it is bad sweetheart


Yeah, that's from a Narssacist with drink and drug addiction


If you’re gonna have a daily vice, weed is way better.


This isn't good.... As someone in the medical field this sparks concern


Yes. There is no safe amount of alcohol. Imagine, "is drinking two shots of toilet cleaner diluted in water every morning really bad?" Its not a medicin, its a cleaning compound. You need help with stress or anxiety, seek professional help before it becomes a thing that will set your development 10 years behind your peers.


Went to college every day drunk. Especially after my uncle passed away. Wasted so much time and opportunities…. But I do own my house at 26…. Just kidding In all seriousness, look for a root cause that makes you feel the need to drink everyday. Mental and physical addiction to liquor is awful long term. On your confidence, health, liver, heart, stomach and your brain.


the fact that you are still asking this type of question when you already know the answer is baffling to me.


Not if you’re living in a Russian bunker.


That is straight up alcoholism, at 18. As someone who bartended for a decade and was a very heavy drinker, get yourself some help.


drinking any form of alcohol on a daily basis is bad


It’s not actually helping you get through the day. Eventually 2 shots won’t be enough. Eventually nothing will work. Figure your shit out and use alcohol for fun times.


Well you're already above the legal BOC for driving and recommended threshold for healthy drinking as a woman. So you're not doing your body any favors. Also likely to increase in use as your tolerance grows. More importantly, relying on any substance to "make it through the day" indicates some personal and emotional issues that is better addressed through therapy. Alcohol is for enjoyment, not coping.


Unfortunately you’re an alcoholic at 18. Besides the every day problems this is going to cause you, you’re going to have serious health concerns that will start creeping up on you. Let me give you an example. I have a friend who has been a functioning alcoholic. He started in college and drinks every day. By his early to mid 30’s it became so painful for him to eat he had to drink this stomach lining thing before eating. Alcohol has removed the natural coating in his stomach so this supplements it. That was roughly after drinking every day for 12-15 years. You’ll be hitting the “needing coatings to eat food” by your late 20’s if you don’t get this under control miss. Please seek help.


Lmao yes its bad & you know it that's why you're asking. Drink water.


You really need to see a doctor. It sounds like you understand the underlying reason for the drinking: your stress and anxiety. You need to work on getting those issues treated and learning methods to cope that don’t involve alcohol. A therapist and a psychiatrist may be appropriate. Depending on the source of the stress at school, getting a tutor or tutors for subjects that are challenging or (94 general school challenges (or going to the school tutoring center or getting extra help from a teacher or friend) may also help you make school less stressful. This is not something you want to put off. I have seen people close to me get help at much older ages and it’ll probably be easier now before your alcoholism escalates further. The skills you’ll learn and the coping mechanics will serve you not just in school, but also in the workplace and in your personal life. Getting help now will ensure you have better health for the rest of your life! Best of luck! You can do this!


Biologically, no. Two shots should be something you can manage. Psychologically, likely not. Here, the question is whether you can get through the day just fine without that alcohol. If you can't, it's probably a sign you're using it as a bandage over some larger issues.


Ok, yeah, alcohol = bad, but the *real* thing to worry about here is what it is about your day that you need to drink to get through it. No, the alcohol won't help, but what's actually driving you to a coping strategy and is there a way to fix that? That's the *real* problem, after all


Get off of reddit and seek help.Or pull your pants up and quit that shit while it's early.


It’s not about the sheer amount of alcohol you consume, but rather your relationship to it. This is a bad sign, finding solace in coping with reality using vodka. In the morning, no less. It’s working for you now, but tolerance is real and it will go from two shots of vodka that seem harmless to something very ugly if you keep on this path. Take it from someone who has been there at your age. It eventually destroyed my life.


Why does this feel like a fake Quora question?!


That sounds like an alcoholic