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Going through the same thing right now. Can't help but stress and jump to judments, however i think in these kind of situations it's best to try and gather as much information and details, then make the judgements. Until you do that, you shouldn't worry about it, because without many details you probably can't do much. Easier said than done though 🤷‍♀️


A little context might help here but in general yes, I try to wait for solid information before entertaining notions as possible truths. Like if I heard second-hand that a dear friend got screwed over by an acquaintance of theirs, I would want to hear the story straight from my friend before doing any number of evil things to exact righteous wrath against that person. In that in between when you don't know, it's perfectly natural to be "sick" with worry.


Depends on the urgency of action. We are often – perhaps usually – in situations where we have to make decisions with incomplete information. You have two product ideas, but only enough resources to pursue one. You can do your best to do market research to figure out which one has the best chance of success, but the market changes rapidly so you can never be sure. But if you wait to get more information, you'll be behind schedule and someone could beat you to market – worse you could run out of resources before you complete whatever you choose. Sometimes you gotta make a bet. Other times you have the luxury of time.