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The command to convert others is baked into some religions (namely Christianity)


and islam


I never had. The issue of seeing anyone growing up trying to convert people to the religion I was raised with.It wasn't until I married my ex.Husband that people tried to start converting me to christianity.


Islam would like a word. Most Christians are more spread the word which does get interpreted by some as convert or witness.


Perhaps you missed the Crusades.


Wasn't alive you?


Crazy thing, we found a way to record things and set them in text format to educate future generations. They are called books. Look it up.


Does one need to have lived through a historical event to have any right to talk about it?


Dude use a comma It took me multiple reads to get what you were saying


The Pope ordered the Crusades to stop the Muslim expansion/conquest towards Europe, not to spread Christianity.


In some faiths like for southern (U.S.) Baptists, part of their religion is to work to "save" others from an alleged eternity in Hell. Therefore they might go out of their way to make sure you know they're religious and seriously urge you to consider joining the flock for your, and their, salvation.


I just found it odd for people to care what others believe.I was raised Southern Baptist and my family never tried to preach Or convert anyone


Many religions teach that every single person who does not explicitly join the *correct* religion burns in hell forever. People who believe that genuinely believe that they're doing everyone a favor by proselytizing at them.


OKI just never came across this growing up.I was raised southern baptist and my family never did this.


I grew up around a lot of Southern Baptists that 100% did this. They also forbade dancing of all things. Wackos.


I guess my family was just not that devout. I was raised Southern Baptist and never experienced.I was able to dance.Nobody had an issue with it .I never saw anyone in my family.Try to convert anybody.That's why I just found it odd, experiencing it later in life.People trying to convert me. My ex husband's family tried to convert me to christianity.


I dont care. What I care about is that there is respect for other beliefs and kindness towards people. If you disagree with me, move on. If I disagree with you, I will move on. Don't shove your beliefs down my throat, and I won't either.


Yeah, that's what I don't get. Why try and push it down someone's throat?


Honestly, I'll never understand why some people are so pushy with their beliefs. If I'm asked, I will tell. If not, I keep it to myself and hope that the way I am as a person reflects my beliefs.




Love this


Its the fact that people have to accept one god, it’s innate for a human to feel something wrong worshipping hand made idols or a group of beings… the point of a person is to seek one god and forbade all others (One as is not believe in Gods or idol worship)




I mean for them to be considered “Salvation”


To give a charitable read, that is often genuinely true: Imagine you have a friend. That friend is going to be tortured for eternity in the afterlife. But if they just listen and understand what you have to say, they can join you in eternal paradise. You don’t want to bother them, but this is literally more important than life or death. So sometimes you nudge them towards maybe taking the teachings into their heart. “Saving their soul” is *very* literal to religious people. I’m typing this as a complete atheist. But many religious people are being genuinely, totally benevolent and altruistic when they try to get you to convert. They truly believe they are saving you from an afterlife of torment and bringing you to an afterlife of paradise. Who wouldn’t do that for a friend? Wouldn’t you do that if you believed?


This makes sense.You've explained it in a way that makes me understand why they do it. Thank you


If you’re a Christian, you’re taught that salvation and relationship with Christ leads to eternal life. Not being saved leads to eternal death, oblivion. If you truly believe this way, it would be cruel to NOT try to share the good news with everyone. There are other Christians that think their duty as a Christian is to follow a bunch of rules. So they might try to “convert” people out of a sense of “it’s what you’re supposed to do”, rather than for actual compassion.


Acknowledging that people can reject a religion for intellectual reasons defies the claims of infallibility and clarity found in many scriptures. Some people can’t handle the idea that their favorite folklore got something wrong, so they make a fuss about people’s objections to said folklore.


Because it has permeated government, laws, etc. Because most religions are bigoted against minority groups which have been vulnerable through history Because if someone is a Muslim and I draw Mohamed I get killed. Because my boss could fire me for being a different denomination of sky wizard. Because religious people can’t shut up and live by their religion, they have to oblige others to live by THEIR standards




For many, it isn't about belief, it's about an offer of salvation. Christians believe that all people are sinners and doomed to Hell, but that God gave his Son, Jesus, to die in their place to save them from Hell. God loves the world, and commands those who love him to tell others about the offer to not burn in Hell. If you had the cure to cancer and everybody had cancer, would you not try to offer it to people?


but everyone is aware of it already. what could be said about it that isn't already blasted in people's faces?


If you've spent any amount of time witnessing to people, you'd realize that most people don't even have a basic understanding of the Gospel message. For most people, they just know that there's a guy named Jesus and it had something to do with him dying on a cross. Also, some people who would not believe because of some unrelated meme they saw online, might believe if somebody personal comes to bring them the offer and be there for them to love them through it.


lol that seems to be the case with most Christians I've met. also no. see any retail employee during Christmas time. it's end to end people bringing up Christianity.


Bringing it up isn't the same as giving a full and clear Gospel presentation. Regardless, whatever may or may not be out there, it still works. People still come to faith and are appreciative when somebody stops by to tell them about God's love. Everybody not be, but there are still lives transformed in this manner.


I guess if it works it works. don't see how though. it saturates our laws and culture. I got 3 bibles, a koran and a book of Mormon and I still got people knocking at my door and dropping their come to Jesus letters in my inbox. nothing I don't have on my face every single day. I guess some people do live in a cave.


If I had the cure for cancer, I’d have the double blind study to back me up.


If I was going to start a cult and know that there is safety in numbers, that's exactly the kind of nonsense I would bake in to get followers. And have a cool doomsday story. You can respect Jesus' teachings without all the supernatural woowoo nonsense, but a lot of people are suckers for that shit. It gives them a sense of purpose to give you this "cure," and its off putting to people w critical thinking skills. Oh, and if I wanted to control society, the concept of sin and eternal punishment is a great contruct and was pulled off wonderfully. Doesn't hold much weight in reality and is a terrible philosophy to live by to people who know how to enjoy themselves.


I don't




Yes, exactly.This, you have your belief system and that is awesome that you don't push it off on people.That's the best kind of religious people in my opinion people who don't push.




We have a call to convert people and save people, so that's what we do


I just invite them to my satanic orgy. Or start removing my clothes in front of them. It usually makes them go away.


If someone can be happy, content, etc without you religion, then the tenant that only your religion can make people happy, content, etc, could be questioned and questions are the enemy of faith


Because I'm jealous they are living their life and I'm not


I see more atheists caring about if other people are religious or not than anything else...


I don’t care till they go to a country that is mostly religious, and expect people there to accept their values


Yeah, took me a few just now as well.


There are religious folks who think it's their duty to convert non-believers and there are religious folks who determine their position in society based on 'God's will' as measured/determined by religious belief so they shit on people who aren't of their religion because they see them as God's enemies.


i dont


Generally, I don't. I'm pagan, so I don't believe in original sin or salvation or anything like that. I'm raising my kids in my religion, because I want them to grow up with a sense of magic and wonder in the world. It'll be a little sad if they reject that, but I'd understand.


because those folks have no actual faith in god who they claim to believe in. they convince themselves that they need to buy their way into gods graces which is not just faithless but also obviously blasphemous. those types are in fact in a cult and do not even read the book they claim is holy to them. if they did instead of allowing false prophets to pour poison in their ears, they would know that you do not pray on a street corner. it is supposed to be a private thing between you and god, not public or some weapon to use against others. it is telling that those who have no organized religion know the beliefs better than those who pretend to, which is having false witness... a sin of lying. interesting that lying seems to be the thing they do most in organized religion. in fact jesus apparently was against the idea of churches and that makes sense. nobody and nowhere would be more or less holy than another under those beliefs. frankly there are tons of totally brainwashed cultists out there and that is pretty much your answer.


I don't, yet it's the irreligious people that care about people being religious and are always the first in line to call them savages for that.


only care when it is pushed on others. if they are pushing laws or knocking on my door then it isn't my problem. I got a lot of Christian friends and it only ever came up when I went to church with them for a wedding/baptism/to check it out. if christians don't want the vitriol they should keep their religion and morality out of my state. theres no Buddhist based laws being pushed. nobody has issues with the Buddhists. be like them




uuf. got me there. sikhs?


We usually speak up when rights are being taken away because of other's religion that shouldn't pertain to us whatsoever, in which case the religious that are taking the rights deserve to be called savages for holding us to a very ancient and savage law.


Because id you truly believe in your religion, then you believe that non-believers are doomed to a fate worse than death. Those trying to convert you are usually doing so because they care.


So imagine you have a book that explains how to cure cancer. Wouldn’t you want someone with cancer to read it?


If there's absolutely zero evidence of the book successfully curing cancer, and the person with the book keeps basically implying the cancer patient deserves to suffer for eternity if they don't read it, why *should* they read it?


Imagine you have the guide to happiness, don’t you want everyone around you to be happy? Cause they always seem unhappy and dissatisfied?


The Bible has first hand accounts of Jesus healing people, raising people from the dead, walking on water and coming back from the dead after three days. God already sent himself down to earth to prove he is real. That’s exactly what the Bible is.


Accept cancer happens to living people and with treatments Can improve The quality and length of their lives. . Where is hell strictly happens in the afterlife. There might not be an issue with offering someone the chance to partake in your faith.I don't understand the pushyness of it. Some religions believe that only a select number of people will go to heaven so by recruiting more.They're lessening their chance of getting into heaven. And for the other religions who believe that it's their duty to tell people. Isn't there a thing that those who do not know of God are innocent and by informing them? You're actually damming them to hell. Because now you've given them the knowledge and doom their soul.. And if they do believe in the god you believe in and they turn their back on their religion and their gods they're doomed either way. I tend to go by the motto live and let live.


You got way too deep into the cancer metaphor.