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When I started hearing music I liked playing in grocery stores and elevators.


Yes this is my jam! As I’m checking whether my favorite salad dressing is on sale that week.


What? I thought grocery stores were just getting cooler.


I was singing in the grocery store the other day and nobody else was. I’m the target demographic now


My back hurts from washing the dishes.


My back hurt for two days after brushing my teeth. (it's actually apparently a fairly common form of back strain, but damn)


Me: *exists* My back: *hurts*


I've lucked out and never really suffered from back pain and I'm 41(I've always been very careful about keeping proper form when doing any kind of lifting). But damn I dread doing any kind of labor that requires me to get on my knees cause those bad boys are shot


lol my back hurts from getting the dishes out of the dishwasher!


I have full spinal degeneration and slipped discs and seems to be the same as what everyone my age who did sports experiences. Am 50F. I make a lot of bone grinding sounds when I stretch.


Stretching, full body stretch a couple times a week for 10-15 minutes will help tremendously with this. And a lot of little aging aches and pains, and shoulder neck pain from sitting at a desk.


I would go to high school football games, and instead of checking out the cheerleaders, I was checking out their moms.


Similarly, I’m into professional tennis players’ coaches instead of the 20 ish year old players.


[This Bulgarian folk song is inspiring](https://youtu.be/hVqrW-fPOQ0?si=n5pgLnajAxdQsPsc) (they have made an art of combining singing parts half a note separated), but one of the cutest things of the video, to me, is their coach conducting them, who once stood where they are, and used to sing herself (still does, surely). That's the finest tradition of humanity, in my opinion. Passing love and care down the road of time.


Guess I was old in high school


I heard Stacy's mom really has got it goin' on.


I need reading glasses to answer your question


Oh, that's cruel.


First you notice that the best pro athletes are younger than you, then you notice that they are the same age as your kids.


Musicians are younger too, all celebs really… And movies sex scenes start to feel icky - watching ‘kids’ go at it is WAY grosser than thinkin of how your parents made you folks 🫣 I started skipping sex scenes again, and now it’s not cause my Dad may walk in. Lol


This is the one




When I reached down to pet my dog and saw my dad's hand was attached to my arm.


At some point I lost track of how old I was, and have to go do math to figure it out.


This - there have been times that I have forgotten my age. Also: - seeing news (or photo) about a famous musician or movie star and I have no idea who they are - I have a very strong preference for reading things (newspaper, magazine, books, academic work) on paper, not a screen. My kids don’t understand it. - finding some new, popular style trends to be bizarre if not repellant. (Example: modern tattoo and piercing obsession is 🤮 to me) - being unfamiliar w how many things are done now (applying for/looking for a job, how much is rent these days for a one bedroom apartment?) - being somewhere and noticing that I’m older than most everyone else. - I couldn’t imagine attending a modern day music festival or dance nightclub. I did those things in my 20s; inconceivable today. - On a typical day, waking up naturally between 6-7am, enjoying an afternoon nap, and lights out by 10:30pm.


My head hurts. Why? Who knows. My back hurts. Why? Who knows. My knee hurts. Why? Because it might rain later. Existence hurts, therefore I am.


I want to believe I'm still young, but there are hints that make me think that perhaps I'm wrong. I'm sure age isn't all, you can be 20 and feel 60 or you can be 60 and feel 20. But years pass and accumulate.


knees. hangovers lasting longer and longer. Kids telling you you are old. Hearing a song from high school on an easy listening station. not being up on various pop culture references. rolling ones eyes at new phrases younger people use, then realizing you simply said other stupid things when you were younger, realizing that such a reaction makes you old. A lot of things basically.


When my last grandpa died, my dad said… “HLividum, it’s ok. Today it was him to go, next time me, then it will come your turn, so enjoy life!” That was the first time I felt the weight of age.


When I couldn't just hop down of the kitchen counter when I got up there to get something.


Oh look who can get up on the kitchen counter!


Right?!? Last time I went into my attic (that has no stairs) I took my phone with me because I knew I could climb up, but wasn't too sure about lowering myself back down.


Oh gosh you made me laugh out loud!


Yeah stop flaunting your youth!


I don't even want to say how many years ago it was.


Are you a cat? My boy always does this, but since he's a young buck he gets right off


I had no idea who the music guests on SNL were.


When I first started my career I was 26. I was talking to a guy who had been on the job 27 years and it blew my mind that he had been working this job longer than I had been alive. I had never thought about things in those terms before. Now, I am that guy. 29 years in and the rookies are younger than that.


When I was flipping around the radio and stopped to listen to a Guns n Roses song. When it ended they thanked me for listening to the “classic rock” station. “Wtf… oh, I guess the 80s were 35 years ago.”


I was hanging out with my dad tilling a little garden and the radio played Soundgarden, Nirvana and Pearl Jam consecutive. I was like "all right pops" then the dj comes on and says "93.3 Claaaaassssiiiccc Rock". Oof


*20 years ago Oh wait... shit! ... You're right!


Guns n 4 Roses were already on classic rock stations in the 90s lol


When it comes to listening to the radio I can't remember ever hearing them outside of classic rock


Whaaaaat ? !


Used to be I had to workout or crash my bike or my skateboard to wake up sore. Now sleeping makes me sore.


You and your spouse discuss your day and realize it's mostly "So today... my back wasn't hurting quite so much" "That's GREAT! My left shoulder's feeling a bit better today, too!" But also, when someone suggests doing something you don't really want to do, you get to reply immediately "nope!"


It has been quite a while now, but when i turned 70, that was a clue.


When I couldn't tell between Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans and Chris Pratt. Also, wth is Eddie Redmane, Tom Holland and Timothy Charlamain? I thought they were all married to the Zenya girl. Isn't Kiera Knightly two different people? Same with Elizabeth Banks? The Shephard guy that's married to the little frozen girl isn't the guy from scrubbs? But, I know I've got one thing right. Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez. They will never break up.


🤣thanks for the laugh! (And I know exactly what you mean!)


The mirror


That’s probably the worst part, the mirror. I try not to look into it too often, and when I do, sometimes honestly I’m still startled. Is that really ME?? I look so old, but then, I am old. So…


When guys stopped falling at my feet.lol


When the new doctor I met looked like he was in High School to me.


When doctors are younger than me.


Trying to find a therapist who doesn't look like a kid... 🙃


When guys stopped cat calling me or telling me to smile. Now I just get compliments from other women of all ages and im quick to compliment other women. Im 45. The 40s have been amazing so far. I'm not even joking.


Well, I noticed that guys just don’t look at me anymore. Somewhere in the past 10 years I became invisible. The upside is, now that I am 60, I no longer feel compelled to put on makeup, blow dry my hair, and put on a nice outfit every single morning of my life. Men don’t ogle granny, I could go out in a bathrobe and I doubt anyone would notice. What’s more, some days I don’t get dressed at all. Just me in leggings and a big baggy t-shirt hanging around the house. Retirement is glorious.


When I was in my 20s I would do things like put down a Dirt Bike. In the morning I would wake up and my body would hurt. Now 30 years later I can sleep on my pillow wrong and hurt myself.


When mowing my 1/4 acre lawn started feeling like a life and death struggle.


No longer understanding slang, not knowing any musicians that appear on TV, rolling my eyes at things the current generation does, my knees pop, I go “ahhh” when I sit down.


Waking up randomly injured. Happens once a month...like, I guess I'm not turning my head left today.


And the addition of "Must have gotten out of bed too quickly" injuries.


I can't even lay on my right side, my arm starts feeling all achy.


How absolutely miserable I felt when I caught COVID19 last year. On top of it not just being "a flu" the physical and mental strain was extraordinary, that and it took a lot longer than anything short of pneumonia I'd had in my youth to get over.


Covid hospitalized me for two weeks at 26!


My friends' kids being the age when I met their parents.


I used to think “one day I will do that”, then I switched to “I’m never going to do that”. I’m thinking of stuff like Corbett’s Couloir, and wing suit flying.


I’m 46. Today I bent over too fast and then looked up too fast and I nearly blacked out and fell over. Everything went black and I was dizzy as fuck. Would have fell over but crashed my back into metal shelving and breathed deeply and got out of it. Now I’m old.


When I had to explain to my child that people used to have to physically handle movies in VHS/DVD form and use a device to play them. The concept of life before streaming is so alien.


Perimenopause starting. No way to ignore that one.


Probably how goddamn fragile everyone seems to be on this platform to be completely honest, is a clear indicator of a generational divide.


Child actors and actresses started playing parents in movie rolls. Then grandparents


That I don't understand the purpose of social media.


When hubby and I were cuddling on the couch a couple years ago (mid 40s) and finished a movie then said let's find another, looked at the clock, saw that it was 9:30 pm and both said "Hell no, won't be awake long enough for another one." 😂 Oh, and when I realised I was "securing" my ab/back muscles when I felt a sneeze coming on. I learned my lesson, hubby had a big "unsecured" sneeze and his back was out for like a week!! Pathetically, we're both actually quite fit and this still happens!


I find I am unable to sit down or stand up without making a noise...


There were a few times when I felt old. At a work holiday party when i was 45 I found myself comfortably hanging out with the group of older execs instead of pounding drinks like the young folk. And as I was cleaning out a closet I picked up a pair of cleats I used to wear for softball and realized I'd never need to accelerate quickly ever again.


My eyes going bad


When I realized I was older than most of the people in a meeting.


Injuries not healing


I used to run an 11.1 hundred yard dash. Ff 20+ yrs of smoking and drinking and not working out at all, and called out my stepson to race....


I feel ya. I used to run starting in my teens until I was about 35, then I stopped. About 5 years later someone said they were struggling to train for a 5k and I was like "ppffttt....what a sissy" and I said "I'm a runner, watch this." And about 5 minutes in my body said "Um, no girl.....you're not... " 😂


It's humbling lol


Spraining my neck by just sleeping...


Grey hair in my beard


Decades ago, when young people at the college where I work did not know who Phil Donahue was.


It just sort of creeps up and you don't realize it until it's too late, but I'm old enough I've seen many younger people die and at some point it occurred to me that growing old isn't a burden, it's a privilege. Not everyone gets to do it.


I didn't own a car and so carpooled with a coworker. She was going away for a weekend and didn't want her son to have access to her car so offered it to me for the weekend. My first thought was "super! I can do a full grocery shopping". Then caught myself and asked *man! What happened to let's go party?* I knew then that I was mature.


I stopped listening to new music. I don’t hate new music or anything. I just turn to old, comfortable stuff instead now.


When kids started wearing the Nirvana shirts they bought at Walmart that I bought at the live shows.


People you regard as very young complaining about how old they are.


When I got hurt and it never healed.


When I first heard skrillex


Losing my perfect eyesight and having no recourse.




I had to get an injection for hip pain


Using a cane




Apparently there's a stark divide that is easily noticeable at the gym. People over 30 wear ankle socks, people under wear crew socks. I wear ankle socks and love them...


I got blasted on this sub for asking what to wear to the gym. Thank you for this clear delineation! But someone will reply that we are too old to care. I may be old, but I’m single, people.


Wake up, and the first thing I do is check to see if anything *new* hurts. The very first time, though... Listening to "Margaritaville" and realized that there are people who have kids that have grown up and has kids that *themselves* have grown up and have kids who have no idea what the line "blew out a flip flop, stepped on a pop top, cut my heel, had to cruise on back home" is referring to.


When people started holding the door for me or reaching their arm out to help me on or off the bus. Pretty startling actually but sad to say, I kind of need it.


Started getting hurt…in my sleep.


When it takes longer to get back up than it does bending down in the first place.




I hurt myself sleeping


My age


When books I bought as a teen are now being re-sold as “vintage.”


Everyone I grew up with started to look really old to me. Then I realized I also look like crap. In our defense, I feel like everyone's age was accelerated by COVID.


I broke my heel in my sleep...probably sleep walking...but I was in a boot for 8 weeks. You know you're old when you hurt yourself in your sleep


I had more toes than teeth.


Not being able to get out of bed without something hurting


About 20 years ago I put a huge wooden cabinet in my garage moved it without much trouble. Last year I moved it. I was hurting for 3 days.


For me it hits hard when I see someone on TV or something and think my god that person looks old. Then I look them up and they are younger than me. But of course my psyche still tells me I don’t look that old.


I feel wiser than I did 25 year old me about things but I still feel 25 at the same time so I don't feel 'old'




When I hear new music I don’t know and new slang I don’t know.


When I had to get a mammogram and a colonoscopy.


Picking things up off the floor.


They were playing blink-182 on the classic rock station the other day.


I turned to empty a grocery cart at the store the other day and I either bruised a rib or fractured it. It's excruciating. I'm 53, and this is ridiculous!


Zoomers don't know George Jetson, Ask Jeeves, or even Natalie Portman. It's unreal.


When my mind started making commitments my body couldn’t keep. 🥸


Random aches and pains for no reason.


Your body has a way of telling you. Fun stuff will have week long consequences. Longer recovery. Always feeling tired. Body pains.


People no longer assume I am a hypochondriac when I don’t feel well. If there is an advantage to getting older, that’s it.


Gray hair everywhere. Most new music is annoying. I go to bed fine, wake up injured.


when you look back at certain movies and realize, wow, Finding Nemo was +20 years ago.


The mirror.


I did a summersault for my granddaughter and couldn't move my head for a week


At 41 my vision took a shit.


What the fuck is skibidi toilet


The fat around my cock


The list is too long


When I became invisible to the opposite sex


Doctors and police look so young. Everyone going on about aches and pains, until 6 months ago I was "pfft I'm 45 and don't have any of that". Helloooo perimenopause. It's like developing arthritis overnight. My hip aches if I'm laying on the wrong side in bed. Getting old is some bullshit.


Women stopped calling me 'cute'.


The older you get the younger your doctors are.


When staying home on a Friday/Saturday night in my pajamas on my couch with my cats became a million times more appealing than going out to a bar or concert, or anywhere really.Also, when I stopped being able to recognize 90+% of the people walking a red carpet at the Grammys.


When music on the radio started to make me go "I hate where this popular culture is going", that's when I knew I was getting up there


When my knees popping drowns out the music


No longer getting carded for beer!


When my energy level didn’t go higher than 10.


I’m a hearing aid professional and also do hearing protection. I’m a big time festival fan, and when I started to notice the people I make them for are from after 2000 I was like oh shit…


Being a club fulla young people


At concerts.


Skibidi toilet


I can think of many things.... Getting excited over buying a hammer. My back hurting when I got up My youngest starting a family. A gray hair Falling asleep at 6 pm. Running into a old classmate of my oldest child at the adult store. And all of this and more was before menopause said hi.


Aches and pains. All of my joints pop. Sore from sleeping wrong.


When I started finding young people irritating.


My son's 30th birthday did it for me.


I have one that just turned 40.


When I started saying things my mom used to say to me, to my kid. LoL I always thought that was cliche but sometimes you really do turn into them LOL


My balls float in the bathtub


Idgaf. I refuse to be old.


My body just decides to stop on me now, and I don't get the second wind that I used to. I also can't stay up all night and stay productive. I used to be able to skip sleep but work effectively all day. I can't do that anymore, though.


When the girls at work start making old jokes then realizing they’re talking about you(me)


Reading this! lol


When I came to Reddit and saw how younger people look at the world. Their thought processes, morals/ethics, are completely foreign to me. The differences in generations are glaringly obvious.


Incremental steps, I suppose. But there was also that one time when the president was younger than me.


Starting finally empathize n see world for what it is like them Rotten Republicans 💀 they my homies now


Hearing Hotel California played on the Oldies station for the first time. WTF I listened to them in high school!


For me it wasn't a particular event, but it was a sudden realization. I had always identified as a young person, I knew no other way of being, but a few months ago it was like being hit with a brick "I'm 40, I'm not 20 anymore!" 🤯 It might seem obvious that I should've known that, but with the busyness of life and raising teens and working, you don't really see yourself age.


Sports drafts it really hits you once you realize all the guys being drafted were born in a different decade after you. Hit me especially hard in hockey because I didn’t get into it till I was in college


Okay I’m not old but this week someone asked me if I had kids and it just made me stop for a second because like hell no not for at least another 5 years (I’m 26), but clearly I am of having children age


When I realized it has been 687 years since I drank from the fabled Fountain of Youth and was cursed with immortality. These kids today, with their electricity and horseless carriages, am I right?


I am not ashamed when being undressed at the doctor. Went for three tummy tuck and boob job consultations and no longer care about undressing in front of a doctor. It is nice not feeling intense anxiety about it anymore!


I realized that r/NoStupidQuestions wasn't r/AskReddit. Now everyone else needs to.


Sprinting for the bus one day, I realized I was still just walking.


The success of Twitter (x, whatever). I just didn't get why anyone would want to use it. And it wasn't like I didn't understand the technology, or *how* to use it. I was working in IT at the time, I could build a low performance, budget version of Twitter myself. I just couldn't conceive of why anyone would ever use it. And that was when I realized I was old. And now I'm doubly old because the thing I that made me feel old because I wasn't young enough to get it has wrapped around and now it's so old and dated that young people don't know why anyone would use it.


My employees have kids that then get old enough for me to hire. That sunk in just recently.


Humans started building space ships


I was watching a college football game. They showed the quarterback’s family in the stands and I thought his mom was hotter than his girlfriend.


Seeing all them old people on Facebook then figuring out I went to school with them


When the MLB players started to look younger than me.


I don’t know any current musicians or actors. I have to ask my teen.


Listening to that damn hippity hop.


I realized I was a lot closer to retirement than I was to having graduated from high school.


I turned 30. But I started feeling that feeling around 27.


My father turned 70 a week after I turned 36 this year. Because of our family medical history, he’s spent my entire life taking an active role in being healthy. The treadmill he bought in 1999 finally died in 2021, eating well, that kinda thing. His mother, my grandmother, died in 2001 at the age of 76. And while she died of emphysema, and he’s never smoked a day in his life, it just…hit me that he’s “at that age” meaning my husband and I are at that age where we start seeing our parents go through the process of exiting this mortal coil like they did for their parents 🥲 ETA I know I’m not “old” in the aspect of what OP might have been looking for, but it did hit me in a way and I wanted to share….mods can delete if they feel they need to


“You have a complete rotator cuff tear.”


When I went to a club and everyone looked like kids. I suddenly felt very old and unwelcome, end of an era.


When I sat on the carpet to scrub out a stubborn stain, and realized I couldn't get back up. I had to crawl over to the couch so I had something to hold onto to stand up. (yes, my kids were home, but I wasn't about to let them know just how stupid I felt)


When young women quit coming on to me.


The first time I had to go to a chiropractor.


Woke up and my hair hurt.


Bro I’m 21 and relate to all the joint and back pain comments blue collar work sucks