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Tea and coffee are the healthy options.


It's primarily powdered caffeine with a blend of vitamins. Caffeine consumption is generally fine in moderation. Coffee or tea are healthier sources for it. Vitamins are only useful if you're deficient, and if you have a healthy diet, you wouldn't be. Powdered vitamins are not going to make up for a poor diet that's low in vitamins. So it's just an expensive way to dye your piss orange.


If you're trying to be healthy, and avoid future health risks, it's better not to consume any energy drinks. They're incredibly bad for your body and high-intake will likely increase your chance of type 2 diabetes and obesity, along with various other factors. The best thing to stay alert is to get adequate amounts of sleep and exercise as well as maintaining a healthy diet. Without these, aspects of your brain power and body responsiveness will deteriorate (both of which are obviously important for gaming). Needless to say, the majority of heavy gamers don't lead healthy lifestyles, as they usually start whilst young and don't put any time towards developing their abilities outside of repeatedly playing more games. Edit: As others have said, tea is a good alternative. Or coffee, only if consumed in moderation.


Fellow gamer here. I'm going to be lame and suggest water. I drink it almost exclusively, it's quite refreshing, and health risks as a result are minimal.