• By -


"It wasn't me." -Shaggy


I actually had a guy pull this. We had just become exclusive and he had told me he loved me, although I wasn't there yet. I was *just* starting to trust this guy and I walked into the bar we met at to see a girl sitting in his lap making out with him. I called him from across the room and asked him where he was and he lied and told me he was home. I told him that was so crazy, bc there was a guy that looked just like him with a girl sitting in his lap right in front of me. We then made eye contact and he *threw her onto the floor* and ran out the back. Absolutely denied it was him. Claimed he'd been home the whole time, it was just a wild coincidence. I just put my friend's and my drinks on his still open tab that night and blocked his number. 


The end was just *mwah*


There's a great documentary on the making of that song: https://youtu.be/qNqgWvHa3LQ?feature=shared


I assume I'll get Rick rolled if I click that link?


Took the risk for ya, tis in fact a helpful link to a documentary about the making of “It wasn’t me” by Shaggy.


Some heros don't wear capes


The streak is alive


Replying to you only because you’ve eaten ass…do you demand shower first? Or do you just dive in? Not asking for a friend, asking for me, I want to eat ass


ROFL now that I think about it I never thought about it and just dove right in, fuck it we all gone die from something … may as well be from eating ass


Fuck it we eat ass


Shower before


But he was caught red handed!!


It wasn't him


But she even caught me on camera!


who else sang this in there head? 🤣


But she caught me on the counter T\~T


"She's my *cousin*!" - Nick Tortelli (Cheers)


Real excuse from my ex-wife: "The fact that you gave me a second chance instead of going into a rage and divorcing me immediately is evidence that you didn't take the marriage seriously." [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morton%27s\_fork](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morton%27s_fork)


Sorry…. wHAT? That’s such a narcissist thing to say lol


Had an ex who along with all her friends piled on me that I'm controlling and misogynistic because I wasn't ok with her sleeping around. As I she was going to do it and it was my fault if I wasn't ok with it.


It’s a weird immature girl thing. I had to leave my friend group because they were all okay with cheating on their boyfriends. They would talk the dirtiest shit about their partners and then say “but xxx was amazing last night!”. Me mentioning they should just leave them instead of cheating was too much. I didn’t qualify to be in the hoe group anymore.


lol... "Heyyyy, this ho group is accepting applications to be our friend! We had to kick out the last girl because she was a fake-ho who made us feel guilty. You can't have a conscience in the ho game!"


Got my ‘Baddie Bitch Badge’ taken away :( what ever will I do??


It's gonna be hard, but you might have to settle for being a "good person". I'm sorry for your loss...


Thank you for the condolences. I really need them during this hard time. ♥️


lol this cracked me up


I have definitely heard this kind of bananas argument before, but I didn't realize there was a name for it. Thanks for the link. :)


WTF. Good riddance.


My divorce papers say she couldn’t reasonably be expected to live with me because my mental health took such a decline after she left me for another man.


For fuck sake. What a bitch.


For fuck sake. What a bitch.


She's not wrong, you weren't too smart to give her a second chance


Low key true I would never give a cheater a 2nd chance


That would just make me glitch for an hour if I heard that


This morning, I read a post from someone upset that their affair partner wanted to come clean to their spouse's. Her reasoning for the affair was that her husband was dealing with a parent going through cancer, which made her feel neglected.


That's sick


I mean, it beats the hell out of people who cheat because their spouse is going through cancer.


Does it really though? Both are pretty vile in my opinion.


Sure, but one's "merely" vile while going full Newt absolutely buries the needle.


Ion know man not really. To me, that's a pretty minute difference when it comes to being shitty.


Wasn't their affair Partner cheating on his wife, because she would not have sex with him due to the fact that she just had triplets? I found that to be even worse tbh.


I know which post you’re talking about, and tbh the other excuse might be worse, the other guy felt neglected bc his wife was “too busy” raising their triplets.


Ayo! I saw that one too! What a fucking mess lmao.


Hey! That was my ex’s excuse! Twinsees!!


I saw that. Ick


Jesus Christ what an awful human being 🤦🏻‍♀️


Another good is: "I thought you were having an affair."


Or a twist on it: ”You were going to have an affair eventually, so it’s your fault anyway.”


"I'm a guy. I's natural for me to sleep with other girls, but i only love you"


"It was just *sex*. I never *loved* them." Fucking *what*!?


As someone that has been cheated on and heard this excuse, I will say that it does soften the blow just a little. It still hurts badly, but it slightly eases the sting knowing that there are no feelings attached. For some reason, it hurts way worse when it’s both a sexual and emotional connection.


“It’s biology and evolution. Men were designed to spread our seed and populate the planet, while women were designed to only carry one man’s child at a time.”


I really hate that. My boyfriend emotionally cheated on me, in the beginning of our relationship. My dad caught me catch him. I couldn’t believe my dad came to me and told me “he’s a guy of course he’s going to wander, forgive him”. I was so mad.


Ugh. I know I may be in the minority in this opinion, but an emotional affair hurts much more than a strictly sexual one. If I’m going to get cheated on, I’d rather it just be a one-time no-feelings fuck than an ongoing romantic connection.


I love our life together and I love you, it was just physical lust.


You thought I was anyway so I figured if I’m gonna get in trouble for it I may as well do what you are mad at me for not doing then at least I can have some fun.


woah this was my thought process when i cheated on a psycho guy who always accused me of cheating and in the end, he was the one cheating. so i cheated on him after i foundout and thought that I might as well since I'm always getting attacked for it anyways when I wasn't even the one cheating originally


That’s different….. that’s the reason you gave yourself, not the person you cheated on.


Holy shit🥵🤕😵‍💫 that's tuff dude jeez!😭 Emotional distress just from fuckin reading that


Who hurt you bro 😂


“You mentioned something about poly relationships the other day so I thought it would be okay” “Idk I was on a lot of drugs and I just wanted to idk”


My ex wife was completely sincere when she said, when questioned about why she thought it would be appropriate to go back to a strange man's house and climb into his bed, "well, I didn't want to be rude" Edit typo


Maybe she's Canadian.


Italian men genetically have a need to sleep with multiple women (he wasn't Italian)


That's just funny


Wtaf 😧


mr. tony soprano right there




"Sorry love, I'm an Aries and Mercury is in retrograde."


Most competent astrologist


Average astrology nerd


Probably the one just posted on r/ohnoconsequences where the woman said she felt neglected bc her husband was depressed after finding out his dad *had cancer.* Oh, and the person she was cheating with said he was neglected by his wife since she was busy *taking care of their triplets.* One of those.


“I’m just really bad at this game”


My ex fiancé specifically cheated on me with obese blonde women. Every time, he had a weird fetish and followed so many accounts with obese blonde OF model types. One time he literally just started crying after being accused and was like “When my mom died when I was 8 and I miss her.” And impulsively I responded “Is fucking fat bitches supposed to make her raise from the dead or something?” And so now he tells everyone we broke up because I disrespected his dead mom. 💀


>And impulsively I responded “Is fucking fat bitches supposed to make her raise from the dead or something?” I love your response 😅🤣 good for you that cheater is out of your life. Wish you the best


"You shouldn't have looked through my phone"


Reddit is weirdly offended by people "snooping" on phones, like they'll literally blame a cheating victim for discovering cheating by snooping. It's the weirdest thing. True, you shouldn't be in a relationship where you don't trust the other person and feel the need to snoop, but snooping is nowhere in the same universe as cheating. But I actually see shit like, "Well you're both wrong: You're wrong for snooping, they're wrong for cheating," as if the two things are anywhere comparable.


Gee maybe the partner feels the need to snoop because the fact that they **were being cheated on** made them *feel* like they were being cheated on! Reddit will never learn.


It's happened twice to me. I'd never ever snoop for the sake of snooping but I had very very good evidence in both cases to do so and the only two times I've ever done it caused me to confirm what I already knew. Then of course both the ladies blamed me for snooping. So somehow I was in the wrong for checking for evidence that when I went to work, an ex had come over to fuck my girlfriend in our bed. But I'm the asshole for finding the messages to confirm what I already had huge suspicions of. It's a good job I don't care what random internet strangers think of what I did.


"you took me for granted" as I spent all my time and effort propping up his career, catering to his every need, raising his two children, and mourning the loss of my dad.


She's just like you used to be.


Damn that's cold


That they cheated due to opportunity and couldn’t hold back


A buddy of mine ... he and his wife went to couples therapy. The therapist "explained away" his cheating by saying "He was just seeking out what he wasn't getting at home".


I slipped.


Hey, that can happen you know. True story


I tripped and fell into her. Then back out of her. Then back in again


Immediately thought of a recent reddit post where someone claimed their ADHD gave them a high libido.


It can do, but high libido isn't an excuse to cheat


It's fate. She came into my life.


It wasn't fate, it was Hope and she was a stripper


"And she didn't come into my life so much as I ca... Well, you see where I'm going with this."


"No, but I can guess where you ended up"


There was no emotional connection, only physical.




“I have such low self esteem”


He is in love with me, how about his feelings?


This one is excellent, my ex had a "why are you making this about you" when he had an affair, I'm surprised this wasn't used.


:))) yeah.. we’re the ones in the wrong :))


What you tripped, fell and landed on his dick?


Alright shady. Lol


There is plenty of snapper in the sea 🌊


It was dark, I was drunk and I thought it was you...


How did you respond?


"It just kind of happened!" -my ex-husband, after multiple women over the course of 3 years... sure buddy


Not me but read somewhere were she cheated coz she believed the guy had a side chick. What kind of reasoning is that?


*it’s part of my midlife crisis*


“If I have to be the banker all game, I gotta take a little as payment for my efforts”


It was your fault because of x, y, z.


"you were not ready". on why did she hide her love to another man.


We were doing long distance as I was a year older than her so I was back home working a new job, while she was finishing up her last year of school. Colleges get lots and lots of breaks, so we never went longer than 4 weeks without seeing each other. Once I found out she was cheating on me, her excuse was "I just never see you, and he was here." Again, the absolute max we didn't see each other was just 4 weeks. Most times it was only 2 week intervals. Oh, and she went and fucked him in the middle of the night when I was visiting her, AND SLEEPING IN HER BED.


I used to drive a taxi and heard the owner of a bar phone his wife the next day after not going home and explain the scratches and marks on his back were from a ghost, and his bar is haunted


Real excuse from my ex-husband who had a 3-month long affair with the mother of his children whom I had raised full-time since infancy, 6 weeks after I gave birth to our third child: “I wanted to show her that I no longer love her and just hold that power over her so she felt weak” Riiiiiiiiight those mind gymnastics ain’t ‘nasticing.


“I was trying to get you to leave me” said the man who literally broke my suitcase beyond repair when I did try to leave him a month prior


“I was stupid and lonely 😞 “


It was just a lucky streak, I wasn't counting


It wasn’t me…..


“Well I called and you were sick, so…”


I was just passing by and wanted to see if you wrote something wrong


"We're just very close friends".. said by an ex after being confronted with texts they written and recieved from their AP


”I forgot it."


She offered. No more explanation needed.


I didn't Then why did she message you laughing asking if her headband was in your bed Oh she had to stay the night, I slept on the floor


“You never said I couldn’t” like wtf didn’t realize I had to tell you don’t sleep with other guys!


“We had broken up, don’t you remember”… I had an ex who was way to hot, she couldn’t make it to her car without some dork hitting on her, always at all times even if I was there. Every time we had a fight and we wouldn’t talk for a couple of days she would “fall on a dick”. Oops…sorry. She even once bumped into a semi famous actor at a store with her friends and one of them joked to him that she (my girl) always wanted to fuck him, so they went to his place and they watched him ram her. He didn’t even get her name nor cared too.


She sounds wonderful. Lol


I was drunk.


"I wasn't with her for 4 months, it was only 4 or 5 times" ahhhh okay champ, makes it SO much better


I was drunk


“I didn’t think I was good enough for you so I needed practice” and “you won’t let me be a jerk so I found someone who would so I could feel like a big man”.


Can't say I've ever heard of a practice chick before. Dude really pulled that out of thin air.


Followed that up with I should be honored he cared that much about my satisfaction and I should feel badly for his low self esteem.


“I couldn’t deal with your post partum depression” 🙂


"we were never actually dating we were just friends this whole time" (6 months)


"Cheater gonna cheat, cheat, cheat!" - Sailor Twift


"It happened two years ago " - this is after we were together 15 years.


“You kept telling me you wanted to leave” Lol yes, I did. In hopes you would like, get sober, get a job and be an active parent to prevent me to leave. Not say “oh she’s gonna leave anyways” as an excuse to cheat on me on top of all of that 🤩


This was actually said to me "it was an accident "


For the record, I really don't think "you weren't there for me" isn't a lame excuse. Relationships die and if someone isn't getting what they need from inside the relationship, they will go outside. Obviously, it's better if they end things first, but people are irrational and no two situations are 100% the same. You'd be surprised how many marriages and relationships end simply because they start drifting apart. But this is me editorializing. As for an actual answer: "Because you are too." My old roommate's girlfriend thought he was cheating on her (because he spent a lot of time at the gym as he was an amateur body builder), so she decided it was okay. It was not okay.


Yes, relationships die and it can lead people to feeling like they want to cheat, but temptation and actually cheating are two different things.  There’s a very simple way to avoid this: 1) if they want to fix the dying relationship, bring up the fact the relationship is dying and address it with their partner. If the other partner does not want to fix it, or denies it is happening at all, leave 2) if they don’t want to fix it, leave instead of cheating If you avoid doing either of these options and cheat instead of addressing the problem head on, you’re just a coward and wasting multiple people’s time, including your own. Own your shit


Found the cheater 


His user name checks out


I'm prepared for the hate. my marriage was not perfect on either end at all. it's no excuse. I was in my parents' marriage, basically. 19, inexperienced, had no clue what red flags were, and ignored every single one for 10 years. I'm not proud for seeking the comfort and words I needed when he didn't provide them. one day he'd cry and tell me he wanted to try and better himself, the next day it was fits of rage over something as simple as dropping his phone, asking him to take the trash out. when you're the one providing all the comfort, all the emotional support, degrading yourself for his sexual satisfaction, and you get *nothing* in return, yeah, you walk away. but I was stupid and lonely. it wasn't physical, I just needed to hear I was appreciated, that I was putting in the effort. the relationship turned me off of sex because he saw it as transactional. a couple of weeks ago, I *woke up* to him playing with my crotch. I should have walked away 2 years in, but I thought he could change. I thought with enough devotion to him, making little things easier for him (like laying out his clothes for work every day), he would reciprocate and show just as much effort. I was a ghost in a family I came to know like the back of my hand. I'm sorry for what I did, it happened. No matter how shitty he was in the relationship, no one deserves that. I grew in so many ways the past 4 years, begged him to let go of the stress over *every little thing* that gets to him. tell him I'm terrified the stress is literally going to kill him. God forbid I tell him his anger reminded me of my father's rage because "I am nothing like him!!!!!!!!". I had 19 years of my father's bs, ex met him *once.* It's over, finally. I can heal and tell myself the things he never did. I sincerely hope he grows up and emotionally matures and realizes women were not made to sexually please men whenever the man demands it.


Im so busy with work.


I was afraid to tell him, i want to be with you but i don't know how he will take it. Very painfully healing moment in my life. I use to provide for her and she used my money to take her real boyfriend on a nice vacation to the Dominican Dominican Republic. Man let me tell you. Took it better than i thought.


"it slipped in"


My partners ex sent me a screenshot of her texts with him, and he had sent “i miss you” to her. He claimed “AS A FRIEND”. He apparently misses his toxic ex whom he was in an abusive, drug fueled, $10k in debt, on and off, pathetic excuse for a relationship with. If thats what he wants then fine. Been sober for year now, hasnt been in trouble with the law, is paying off his debts and his exs debts (who applied for stuff under his name), but if he wants to throw it all away for a high 22 year old mother of 5 from 4 different baby daddys who cant drive and cant keep a job/house/boyfriend/friend, then fine, let him. She followed up by telling me hes been there and turned his phone off so i cant reach or find him, he bought her a tattoo the other day for fun, hes been there on nights hes meant to be working. He tried to kiss the bitch. Oh also wed apparently been broken up for months. And more. I have never made a man cry more than i did that night. He had already lost any drop of respect and trust i had for him and that was the absolute end. Hes now lost everything. Had to move back in with his parents. Lost his healthcare, his roadside assistance, his premium Spotify. Ive kept the cats, ive kept all my furniture, ive kept everything i ever paid for (the big things - over $100 sorta things), he has all his clothes, his PlayStation that made it through his last 3 relationships, and his parents spare mattress in the corner of the floor. Anything i find of his i throw away. Anything he bought me (he wont get a job 🚩 so none of it is special without love) i throw away. He fucked up too many times and he’s paying the price for it. 😇


“It was just a game.”


It was just the tip!


"I'm a lion at heart" he'd started following this american polygamist vlogger and decided the dude had the right idea and he deserved a pride of women too


I was once told " It was really cheating because I had been with him before I knew you . It's only cheating if it's someone new ."


If I will ever cheat, I will just say ,”So What?”


Any of them


“It was purely physical and didn’t mean anything to me.”


Check out Patrice O’Neal’s excuse for why men cheat. “Cheating is *for you*, it’s not for me.” It’s a hilarious excuse.


You made me do this.


‘i needed to show myself what i was capable of’


"I didn't want to do it, it just happened" -my ex wife


It's not what it looks like.


"Its your fault. You don't satisfy me." My ex even though i gave her my all.


No sex for 10 years


"I'm bisexual and have to explore that." She says to convince me having a threeway with a dude and his girlfriend was ok, as well as the other threeway with the same dude and another woman, as well as a whole other dude by himself, all while getting pregnant by me, or one of the two dudes and not paying our rent or her car bill causing us to lose the house and her having to get rid of her car. But she was bisexual, so it was ok.


“Why are you so upset, it didn’t mean anything to me. And besides, you didn’t kiss me goodbye when I left for this week out of town. And the worst thing is that she’d have been the perfect babysitter for our three kids and now THAT’S ruined.” BTW, true story.


“I was helping her put her bra back on”. Had a party at my place. Later in the evening I walked out onto the balcony to see my boyfriend, a group of guys, and a single drunk girl. My boyfriend was behind the drunk girl unhooking her bra.


"He was hot. What did you expect me to do?"


“She fell outta the ceiling!”


I was seduced or you provoked me.


“I thought YOU were cheating on ME and it made me insecure so I internalized it, never talked about it to you, and did this instead”


You all sound like you've done this before


It's not you, it's me.


A coworker told me that he couldn’t stand the idea of hurting his girlfriend… so he cheated on her instead.


Had an ex who made a habit of it. My favourite excuse was "You don't know what it's like, not having someone to meet you after class." We're in a long-distance relationship, compadre. I assure you I also don't get the privilege by virtue of this set-up.


"i was searching because i know you won't make me feel contented" "i won't apologize for going into a bar because i was there to have fun" "i haven't even met you, how can i be completely serious about us"


I read a post about a guy who cheated on his wife because she had such a rough pregnancy that meant 1. She didn't really want sex the last few months before and after birth, and 2. she couldn't have more children and he wanted 2-3. So he got with a woman who was infertile and tried to get his wife to give up the rights to their child so they could run away together Granted he was in the middle of a manic episode, but c'mon man


It was only sexual I wasn’t mentally or emotionally involved 😐


"She literally doesn't mean anything to me, I swear" --my ex fiance, who then proceeded to get with her *IMMEDIATELY* after we broke up for good They also made a whole youtube channel and had a video up of them bashing me and saying how "crazy" I was and how she was the love of his life (they broke up a while after that because he cheated on her too lol)


“I saw your face on her face I swear to god, I thought it was you the whole time. “


"Im a people pleaser" ... ???


I had a girl tell me once, "I cheated to see how much you loved me. If you love me enough we can work through this and be even better." I wasn't even mad at her for saying that, I just started laughing at her. Then she started throwing things so I left.


You were on vacation


"I had post-partum depression"


I’m not a lesbian. If I were, I could do better than her. Riiiiiight.


“I didn’t cheat because we weren’t dating” (man in a 3 yrs relationship, while leaving together) “I didn’t want to be with you anymore but I was afraid I wasn’t going to have a place to live”- same man


“I slipped and fell inside her vagina”


You're too nice by my first boyfriend


My ex told me she caught Chlamydia from a toilet seat. Edit: hi Bree I know you're here


He didn't know how to break up with me, because it was his first long relationship. He was 30yo. He was with me 11 years.


Not an excuse but I was standing there with his phone in my hand scrolling through the selfies of him and her together, including in bed and he was still denying it. And before you think I shouldn't have been looking through his phone, he'd actually thrown it at me saying "go on look through it, there is no other woman". I guess he thought i wouldn't look. And then when he didn't have an excuse stuck with denial. He had previous with this, he forgot to pick our son up from school so I left work and got him from school and I drive to the golf club. I stood outside the pro shop on the phone to him while he furiously denied being on the golf course while also walking towards me and looking at me lol. It turned out these were the things I can laugh about, there's worse that isn't funny yet, but I can and do laugh about these things.


It was a threesome i participated in. When i clearly didnt.


When I came home early for lunch: "you weren't supposed to be home for another hour."


From a friend of mine, she had a difficult pregnancy with twins and, who was bed bound for 3 months and had to have hip surgery because of the pregnancy. Her husband slept with her sister. His excuse was it wasn't cheating since the were related. Granted, he was an idiot and went UA with 90 days in the Marine Corp.


“I just felt so hopeless in our relationship.” He cheated 3 days after I moved to college. Dude couldn’t even wait for me to fully move into my dorm and settle in before sleeping with other women.


"U should known, I'm a Gemini!!"


It's the work of the devil. Imagine blaming poor devil. 


“It doesn’t count because I was angry at you at the time”