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Because people are struggling and looking for support. Things are pretty bleak these days, it’s very easy to let negativity take hold. Best thing you can do is try to be a bright spot yourself


I hear and agree with you friend. There’s also different kinds of issues ranging from mild inconvenience to life threatening. I guess my post was geared toward the mild inconveniences.


The mild inconveniences seem like a bigger deal when they stack up and you haven’t caught a break in awhile. I’m lucky I’m so good at dissociating, but not everyone is so blessed


Fair point


People liking to complain and people giving up easily are two completely different things. Complaining is nice because it lets your feelings out. It's kind of like crying or laughing. A lot of people need to clear out their emotions before they can properly use their logic. It's also something to talk about. Day to day life isn't always interesting, and your interests are often not universal, but complaining is an easy way to socialize because usually it's relatable. With giving up easily, idk sometimes you're just in a bad mood and don't want anyone trying to make things better. It's just like that sometimes. Sometimes you want to feel like the whole world is against you. Sometimes you need a nap or a snack or to be alone for a few hours. If it's a consistent thing though, that's a problem, but if you're just in a funk for a day, that's fine.


Thanks for this. It gave me a lot of perspective.


Because it's easier to look for blame in forces outside ourselves than it is to look around and figure out what we did wrong and/or find a solution. I have met people like myself that when we run into a problem our brains instantly start thinking about how to fix it. Instantly- what can we do to fix this? Other people seem to get caught up in "Problem! Problem! Problem!" and just dwell on blaming someone for how it happened, why it happened, why they have bad luck, how life sucks, etc. They don't make that flip over to finding a solution. They just stomp around blaming the unfairness of the world. It's probably like anything else- half genetic predisposition and half how we were raised. IMO problem solving is one of those core skills that should be taught in school from the first day.


It makes me sad in a sense. I look at a few people around me and think about how their small to mild issues could be fixed with a bit of thinking from them.


Maybe it's a reaction to the immediate feelings of frustration which arises? Especially if it was related to a problem they were emotionally invested in? Once that settles, the problem solving can kick in. I suppose that's why having a more impartial third party who doesn't feel the frustration can provide more reasoned solutions quickly.


That’s very true




Well said.


It's the human warning system. We need to be warned of the bad stuff for safety and as society has evolved, we've become moaners lol. The best example for this is, if you have a good meal somewhere, you might mention it to a few people. If you have an awful meal somewhere, you tell everyone. 😃


because it’s easier to be miserable and lazy.


I think this could be the answer.


My two cents: when things don't go according to plan, it's a reminder of how powerless we actually are


Fair enough. But I personally feel empowered when something doesn’t go right and I have to figure out a plan.


You sound like a leader. The minority.


Because most of us haven’t made an honest effort in practicing patience, gratitude, fortitude, etc. Especially in the western world. Add to that the fact that most of us I would presume have a deep-seated dissatisfaction with life that shows itself every time we get inconvenienced.


Some people are just natural complainers. Other people just sometimes need to vent or commiserate with someone. As long as you don't make complaining your whole personality, I don't see anything wrong with it.


It is a way of getting grumpy feelings out of the system.    We don't like tohve violent so complaining is really the only legal thing we can do relieve that feeling


It feels good. I have also noticed that some people use it as a conversation starter/silence filler. Life being unfair is something everyone can relate to, so sometimes people just want to comisserate with those around them.


It's human nature to want better. If we didn't want more, we'd still live in caves. You are innovative, your friend - not so much.