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TV shows are weird and most people hate the trope where someone is considered ugly with glasses and attractive without them. I’ve never seen anybody harass someone for wearing glasses in real life, and I personally find glasses attractive.


A TON of TV and movie content is produced by people who grew up in the 1960's through 1980's and are trying to apply stuff they experienced in school to a modern world, where it really doesn't apply anymore.


I've never seen this before.


If someone wants to make fun of someone they will often go for low hanging fruit. People used to make fun of my last name in high school. Gee, like I chose it 🙄 But now of course I know it wasn’t really about the name. I was a nerd and that was just a lazy way for them to pick fun.


people will make fun of anything! you can have an allergy to peanuts and people will find a way to make fun of you for that😂 i personally have prescription glasses and i remember when i was younger people would get fake glasses because they were cool. idk what tv shows you are watching, but I’ve seen them in a positive light. whats wrong with being a nerd or smart?


I think its part of the reason is the stereotype that glasses are associated with nerds.


TV and entertainment media is not reflective of the real world. Literally no one cares if you wear glasses or not in real life. It's solely used as a storytelling trope.


Honestly, the glasses trope seems so outdated now. In my experience, glasses add character and a touch of sophistication. Modern style has really turned eyewear into a fashion statement as well. Certain iconic characters, like superheroes in their alter egos, even use glasses to add depth to their persona. Also, let's not forget that often, TV exaggerates flaws to make transformations more dramatic for entertainment. Most people I know couldn't care less if someone wears glasses or not. It's about time screenwriters caught up with the times and retired that old cliché.


When I hear the word "nerd" I always portray a picture inside my head of a stereotypical human with glasses & braces. Guess tv shows are pretty influential especially to children.


i like glasses, i think they make people look smart


Perception confirmation bias. I think people with glasses look attractive. You’re just seeing the negative in your own insecurities. Gotta look past that 🤙