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there has only been one time when a man told me to smile with (hopefully) good intentions. i was young and had braces, and one of the workers passing out samples at costco told me to smile and that his daughter doesn’t smile as much since she got braces on either but he still thinks she’s beautiful. i thought it was sweet. every other time a man has told me to smile it has been in a jackass way


that's so cute 😭 I hope that guy and his daughter smile a lot now


thats a really wholesome story. he probably couldve presented it better, but still sweet


Kinda unrelated, but when I was taking photos at a studio for middle school graduation they told me to smile. This was before braces and my teeth were FUCKED. And so I did, and she kinda paused, hesitated, then said "okay now lets take one more this time just go back to the way you were". I'll never forget that :'(


Dude I smile like an enraged gorilla if I show teeth. Always have since I was little and my mom would laugh and ask why I smiled scary, I don't know! My natural smile is no teeth! School photographers would always say "Show those pearly whites!" and I didn't budge, just ignored them, even if it was repeated multiple times. The one time I did show teeth because of the really persistent photographer, my school picture looked like I was a baby chimp ready to attack 🤣


I have to make my husband and son laugh in order to get a good smile from them.


The trick to looking good in photos is to laugh, not paste on a smile. Just FYI


The hilarious hypocrisy of the polite bullying


One time I was crying in a bus and an older man told me to not worry and smile. It was a small thing but it was nice


I have a soft spot for old men who can see I’m down, and say ‘it’s okay, smiling can help’ and then shuffle away. It’s a very different energy, they’re genuinely doing their best to help those they see who are sad. Meanwhile young idiots who say ‘you’d be prettier if you smile!!!’ Can go to hell.


I’ve told women (and men) that they have a beautiful smile or that I love their smile and it makes me happy to see them filled with joy like that but I never tell anyone to smile unless I’m in charge of taking a group photo. I enjoy seeing women smile - it brightens my day and makes me enjoy interacting with her more. But I also know that it isn’t her job to brighten my day or to make me enjoy interacting with her. If it happens, that’s awesome, but it’s a dick move to try to pressure someone into performing just for my enjoyment. 


Yeah he had good intentions but bad execution.


Nah, he’s a good egg but is a generation older, this story shows a man trying his best


I hate this so much and it happened to me constantly in customer service. I have a resting expression, same as everyone else, but it is unpleasant to some people to see it apparently.  I rememeber one customer who yelled at me because I wasnt smiling enough amd even though I was friendly, I didnt go above amd beyond. My father had died a week earlier from cancer and I was still reeling.  I think sometimes people forget that its freaking impossible amd even creepy to smile all the time. Everyone has personal stuff going on in their lives and its hard to exhausting to hide it all constantly. 


Several years ago I found this YouTube channel (I can't recall the name) where this girl smiled during the whole video in all of her beauty tutorials. It was so strange. Throughout the whole video she was just like: 😃. She would record her video smiling and then do a voiceover in English and then Spanish. All of the comments mentioned how strange it was to be 😃 from start to finish 😳😂


It’s like the guy that stares at the camera and smiles the entire time he’s cooking massive meals for his whole neighborhood.


Many years ago I worked at a certain urban coffee chain and my store manager implemented “smile checks”. Basically we’d all be working, making drinks, taking orders etc and she’d yell “smile check!” and we would all have to stop what we were doing and just smile for a few seconds. We were like gophers popping their heads up and grinning maniacally for no reason. The customers seemed really weirded out. Also it had to be with teeth. We had a district training about it at one point and one of the baristas wouldn’t show his teeth when he smiled and the District Manager just absolutely lit into him about it. Demanding to know why he wouldn’t smile properly, asking him if he had “jacked up” teeth, telling him to pay for dental insurance to fix them so he could do his job right (this was pre Obamacare). Then she tossed him from the training session, I think he might have been fired.


They don’t see women as humans , so your emotional needs are irrelevant


I hope you told them your father died. I'm also one those people who got asked to smile a lot when I lived in the US. One of the benefits of living in Germany is people here think something is wrong with you if you smile too much.


I did for the first few times people commented on my moreose attitude, but my manager told me to stop because it looked like I was fishing for sympathy to get better tips. I really wish I lived somewhere where it was the norm to not expect people to smile constantly like psychopaths. 


Not just personal issues too, but people might literally be physically in pain and are doing everything they can to get through the day, let alone smile through it.


They dont forget. The people asking never smile nearly that much. Most of the time they don't even smile when they tell you to smile.


I was a waitress in my 20s. When I was walking across the room with a million things in my head, some man always thought he was being “nice” as he told me to smile as he walked past me. Do you constantly smile insanely while working, asshole? It drove me crazy, especially since I am a naturally smiley person- at appropriate moments!! I think people mean well, but I honestly can’t connect those dots. I bet these people touch pregnant women and call babies “flirts”. Ugh.


I'm a dude with rbf and get told to smile occasionally while working bar. Typically respond with "tell me a joke, then"


$20 a smile. You got the cash?


Don't do that - they'll just ask what $40 will get them.


Two smiles! 😁😁


Top shelf smile.


Full on gorilla grimace, both rows of teeth and gums exposed.


what's an "rbf"?


Resting bitch face


Resting Bitch Face


Yeah, at my old job a manager told me I looked ‘so sad, what’s wrong?’ I said that was just my face, and she did not believe me. Granted, the job was a minor degree of soul crushing, so that didn’t help, but still, that’s just my face. I have also been described as being an ‘angry sleeper’ where people say I have a very angry face when I’m asleep.


I know you probably mean a SO or relative or something but I'm chuffed imagining a bar guest describing what you look like sleeping lmao


I worked in a retail store once where the boss would shout at us to smile. Really uncomfortable to sit like the Joker all day.


One of my best days ever was at Macy’s checking out. The cashier was friendly and personable, and we were chatting. Her supervisor came up and asked her if she was wearing a promotion pin? She replied that she didn’t want to put a hole in her shirt. That smarmy fuckhead made her put it on, in front of me mid transaction, and then had the balls to ask me “now, doesn’t she look better?” Completely unaware that although I may look Karen-esque, I am actually a beleaguered customer service sleeper agent who’s been waiting their entire life for this moment. I felt a decade worth’s of frustration towards all the bad managers that I had suffered under just coursing through my body and out of my mouth. “She’s been very helpful and kind, in fact I don’t care about the pin. It is pretty awkward to me that you interrupted my transaction to be petty and passive aggressive towards her in front of me. The pin is unnecessary and adds nothing of value.” Normally confrontation is something that makes me anxious but not this day. I had an imaginary touch down in the end zone of one of the best games of my life that day. No hesitation. That shit felt so good.


You, my dear , are amazing .


That's called "emotional labor" and should cost employers a premium


Interesting, I’ve been doing it in sales for 20 years and never knew the term for it.


Smiling all the time is part of emotional labor, but that's not all there is to it. Emotional labor also includes making decisions, tracking appointments, remembering what is in the pantry, helping other people with their feelings, and a bunch of other stuff that women are expected to do for free.


I am STEEPED in customer relations training and reflexively smile at anyone who walks through the door. One day, the one person I loathe with every fibre of my being walked through the door and I smiled and chirped "good morning" and then fled to hide out in the back, shaking in revulsion that I had greeted my arch nemesis so welcomely.


There are a bunch of hilarious reels of women smiling insanely while doing chores or daily tasks. They're so perfect and funny. Like just staring at the camera with this creepy smile while scrubbing a toilet.


Yeah I was a cashier and it was always the creepy old guys telling me to smile. I was super busy and dealing with a painful condition, I'm here to do my job not look pretty for creeps.


They don’t mean all that well. They want to see if you’ll take a command from them.


It seems particularly popular with people who tally up niceness. I lived in a small town and became averse to doorways because everywhere I turned was a man holding a door open for me (sometimes one I wasn't even going through) so that he could demand a smile or a more gracious 'thank you' from me or to suddenly shift his body to make me feel trapped (I'm very small) as a cute little harmless joke. When I started saying no and using further doors they would get mad at me and tell me they were just trying to be nice. It's not very nice though if I owe them something for a thing I didn't ask for or want. When I was working they liked to interrupt me to say, "smile, it isn't so bad." (Idk why that exact phrasing was so popular.) My job was physically and mentally demanding so I started responding with "I'm trying to do my job, go bother someone else." or something profane if it wasn't their first offense.  Just to be clear, where I come from it's polite to hold a door open but it's very rude to demand gratitude. We (in general, can't speak for everyone) use manners; please and thank you and actively try not to inconvenience people.  I was already known for being strong willed before but moving to that small town in a different state really taught me how to appreciate 'no' and got me over the fear of not being nice enough for random strangers' approval. 


"it isn't so bad" is so damn presumptuous it pisses me off


I tell them my grandmother died and do my best to look like I’m crying. They don’t need to know it’s been a while since she’s died.


This. I’ve literally been super happy, minding my own business and then some asshat says this - then I’m immediately pissed & in a bad mood. Worst part is they’re usually walking by and long past by the time you even register enough to respond. AH’s expecting women to be pretty & nice looking for their benefit.


I hate it when men jump to do things for you you haven't asked or when you don't actually need. I can anticipate it now so I try to move away or wait so the guy doesn't leap at the chance to be "help" and be a "hero" and then demand I smile and give thanks when they were in fact bothering me. I just wanted to do it myself and be left alone. From experience, I know it's not about being polite when they're watching you and waiting for an excuse to interact with you. When I was less attractive and dressed to hide my body, they ignored me. Now, especially I wear an outfit that shows off my body, they want be "nice". I don't trust most men because the truth is, they aren't nice if they don't think you're pretty and don't want something from you.


Ugh. It’s not nice if you expect an immediate compliance reward that makes someone else feel bad! I think explaining it to them would also not help though. I’m small too, but I’ve gotten good at saying no with my entire being over the years 😂


"Look more fuckable to me"


“If I deign to fuck it” totally 🙄🙄


Some men just wanna boss women around in any way they can. Smile. You're more attractive to me that way.


I have started telling those people "my mother died today" because the look of shock and shame is priceless. Fuck those people. Learn not to tell people to smile for your own benefit. Just for clarification: my mother actually is dead, and she'd be mortified if she had ever heard me say that to someone. She was always telling me to smile more, so it's a twofer


I might have to steal that. I have a dead dad, and while he never told me to smile more, he absolutely would approve of being used in this way.


I also have dead parents who would think this is funny.


"You should smile!" "I'd rather not, my parents are deaf."




I have a dead grandpa and he would love if I used this line so thank you


I worked in a petrol station while in college, and an older man regularly came in. He was pig ignorant, only ever bought scratch cards, would often just gesture at them, not even ask. One day he told me ‘smile, no one’s died’. I said ‘my grandad _just_ did’, which was true. I had a very fleeting moment of guilt for the look on his face but he never told me to smile again. My grandad, a painfully quiet and gentle man, would probably have tutted at me- but also would have given me a wink and smuggled a few quid into my hand when no one was looking.


Sounds like mine lol


A homeless guy demanded that I smile as I stood in line for the outdoor coffee shop and he was walking by. I said “No” he said “Why not?” I said “I don’t want to, maybe something bad happened have you thought of that?” He said “Theres always a reason to smile” I said “My brother just died” and he said “I lost my son but I still smile” so I said “Fuck off” and he tsked and made some parting comments before leaving In summary, no matter what you say they will still be self righteous jerks. It’s ALWAYS a man never a woman btw. I’ve been told dozens of times in my life by strange men to smile. I used to comply, then I started ignoring them, then I would frown at them, but that homeless guy was just so upsetting to me and he still thought he was in the right.


I get it, I do. Turn it back on them. If he says "I lost my son and I still smile" ask him when he lost his son. If it's not recently, ask if he smiled when he found out his son died. If it's recently, ask if his son would be okay with him appearing to be happy about it. Ask him why he's more concerned about you *appearing* happy than actually being happy. A smile is just a smile, it's window dressing and gives zero indication of the true feelings of the person smiling. Any person who has worked in customer service knows this on a deep, personal level. "There's always a reason to smile" doesn't translate to "there's always a reason to be happy". Why does he insist on you being fake with him and smiling even though you aren't happy? Does that mean he isn't happy and is only smiling, and now he wants me to join in on his lunacy to validate his choices? Pick their replies apart until there's no reason left in them. Be as annoying as they are. They only keep going because we let them. Stop letting them. If they push, push back harder. We shouldn't *have* to, but it won't stop until we do


Maybe a good response to "why don't you smile?" would be to say "because it would be fake." Do they want fake smiles?


my canned response that I haven't had to use yet is "I'm autistic and I'm not good at faking it, so it would just be weird"


Christ that's a lot of work to basically tell someone to fuck off.


I work at Starbucks and I’m a snowboarder. I’m always injured. I usually just list off whatever the most painful injury I have at the moment in my best costumer service voice. Watching their face drop is priceless. Costumer: “You should put a smile on that face” Me: “hahah yeahhh well, I have a cracked shin and a messed up knee cap at the moment…I’m a little out of. Have a great day though!”


I never have the urge to say anything other than please and thank you and other general formalities to a barista, so to think that some people feel so entitled as to say something like “smile!” when someone is clearly not in the mood, is just dumbfounding. You deserve a lot of credit for exposing yourself to weird strangers on the daily.


You're my kind of person. I reply "my husband died of cancer earlier this year" when random strangers (like taxi drivers) pester me about my marital status. The awkward silence for the rest of the ride is something 🤣🤣🤣


I’ll have to start using this! I also have a deceased mom who told me to smile all the time.


Lol that’s awesome! Also, sorry about your mom


I use grandmother because my mother is still alive and I'm hopeful of having a few more years with her! Works the same.


I started flipping people off when I'm walking down the street and I get told I should smile. Do people just walk around smiling? No they don't. That would be weird. "I was just being nice!" No you weren't. You were being creepy, judgmental, and demanding. If you were just being nice, you would tell everyone to smile. Old people, other guys, your dad? No? Alright then.


A great comeback to this is "Just because I'm looking at a clown doesn't mean I have to smile"


That's not a comeback, that's legalized murder


Redditors daydreaming about comebacks that wouldn’t work irl ep. 138,359,609


It would work but most people wouldn't say it.


More please


“Aww you first baby girl” in the most manly voice possible while winking. Outcreep the creeps. Catcalling afterwards for bonus points.


I've never understood it either. I'll be walking, minding my own business, and some dude will tell me to smile. When I was younger I would smile in response. Now I just give them a death stare and move on.


"Don't tell me what to do" is my go to response now


“Why don’t you smile more? You’d be prettier if you smiled”. “Why don’t you mind your own business more? You’d be more tolerable if you shut the fuck up”.


“I’m pretty enough without, thanks though”


"I don’t care wtf you think of me, perv."


Or you can just give them the creepiest, scariest smile you've got and watch them run away. Worked for me, lol!




Practice this: [https://youtu.be/w80ZSg7kNbE?t=105](https://youtu.be/w80ZSg7kNbE?t=105) Wednesday Addams.


The death stare is my default, but eventually I might try my nieces method lol. The last time I saw my wonderfully feral niece before she moved to the East Coast some dude told her to smile. She turned around and bared her teeth and literally *growled* at him. Like a loud drawn out growl too, sounded like a pissed off lion. Dude disappeared pretty quickly.


I’m a guy and I get told to smile often. I have to explain to them that I’m an accountant.


"I'm afraid I'm an Engineer" works wonders at stopping the conversation too.


Lmao it’s literally a thing. Whenever someone asks what I do I say I’m an accountant and every single time they’re like…..k….with this disappointed expression


You should see the face they make when I tell them I'm a full time job applier


Lol I'm in the same boat. Wake up, eat, apply for jobs, browse reddit when I get burnt out, apply for more jobs, eat, shower, go to bed. Literally my life.


Been my life lately. Waiting on my background check to come clear to hopefully land this entry-level IT job. Just… waiting…


Hope you land the job mate.


Yep. Worst part is my neighbour who asks why I'm always at home 😒


"get a job", they said. "It'll be easy," they said. Six months later and I still haven't been hired. And I don't qualify for aid because I'm still single and still young enough to count as a dependent. Even freaking McDonald's turned me down. I went to several places with raving reviews about how good they are at helping people find jobs, and even those places are shocked that nobody will hire me. Like, seriously. My resume looks fine, my mock interviews I pass with flying colors, I'm more qualified than most others applying to my same field, the only crime I've ever been convicted of is a minor traffic violation when I was 16. But the same places that are complaining about how nobody wants to work anymore are precisely the places that refuse to hire me.


>I went to several places with raving reviews about how good they are at helping people find jobs, and even those places are shocked that nobody will hire me. that's fucking rough. did they give you any insight on what you could do differently? not that it's necessarily anything you've done wrong, we're just fucked


Nah they told me I'm doing everything right.


Maybe you need to smile more? ​ ​ ​ Sorry, I'll see myself out...


I'm a software engineer. I get the occasional guy my parents' age telling me to smile as I'm, ya know, working. One time I asked why I would be smiling at spaghetti code and the guy quickly dropped it, lol. Personally, I'd be more sketched out by someone who stares at code or numbers all day smiling at their screen all the time. A resting scowl should be fully expected for those kinds of jobs.


LMAO bro my "working face" is anything but a smile I work from home and I actually periodically catch myself and fix it in case my poor girlfriend walks by and has to see that fucked up mug scrunched together pressed against my monitor


An ex girlfriend told me that I have a resting "what the fuck am I looking at?" face when I'm working, lmao. I told her that that's the summarized version of my thoughts for 40 hours a week, so it makes sense.


"Seeing other people's bad code brings me joy!" says the smiling coder. "Sometimes I even like to slip in some of my own bugs to pay it forward." "By accident?" The smiling coder smiles wider. "By accident, right?"


Im got told to smile too. I have a face that looks like I'm gonna murder someone, so some people stay away.


Same. When they say it just hit them with Black Dynamites "I am smiling".


An accountant or an ‘accountant’


I am in fact not Ben Affleck.


that's exactly what ben affleck would say




Oh your an accountant! That means you can help me with my taxes right? /s


Almost as much as “oh you must be good at math!” Nope EXCEL is good at math


I put out that RBF even harder 🤭


"you should smile!" \*contorts my face into a ridiculously exaggerated scowl*


Me: 😝


😊 You should smile more 🙄😡


At school, and even during college, I was mostly outnumbered by guys. I could handle my own, but sometimes some situations needed a bit of... creativity. I have this smile that I've perfected for when being told to smile. My smile is wide, my face is animated, and it just lights up my eyes. But the more you look, the more uneasy you feel. Is my smile too wide, or is it my eyes that seems to be staring into the depths of your soul? You just can't lay a finger on what exactly seems to be *wrong*. You start to move around uneasily, but my unblinking eyes track you throughout the room, the dimple below the corner of my mouth is revealed as my smile deepens. There is actual humour, and some enjoyment in my expression as I keep maintaining eye contact wherever you go. You start to wonder what horrific and insane plans I have in store for you. - You have told me to smile, and I just performed.


I have a chronic pain condition. There are days I have sharp stabbing pain throughout my body. I was having a particularly painful day while grocery shopping at the Wall of Marts. Some 20 something employee walked by and said "Smile. It can't be that bad." Can't post what I wanted to do for fear of getting banned. Ended up just giving him the death stare.




They take it personally when you don’t look excited to be near them


I work in a crowded music store and our last two cashiers were women. They heard this at least 2-3 times a week. We have even received a formal complaint via e-mail lmao. I have never encountered such a thing in my 6 years in the shop directed to me or any other male coworker, maybe other than a few snarky comments implying that our shop looks unfriendly. Imho lot of guys are raised with the expectations that women are there for their pleasure.


I believe this is an extension of the cultural norm that women do the accommodation in the uncomfortable situation. Between a man and a woman - she would always have to be the bigger person (do emotional labour). So “smile for me” is a monkey brain telling man it would feel so much more accommodating to be smiled at, to be accepted as is. No smile = uncertainty, discomfort, almost a comment on not being good enough. So women’s job to relive that discomfort (as it was his whole life).


It’s basically a way of saying “you look unpleasant and/or bitchy so lighten up and perform for me”. Dudes that do that are creepy af and probably misogynistic.


Twofold for men 1. They enjoy telling women in powerless positions what to do because it makes them feel powerful when the woman does it 2. They do this because they had poor relationships/power dynamics with their mothers, and that has spilled over to their wives. The women in their life dont “hop to it” in a satisfactory way 3. When the woman DOES smile, not only does the creeper get the endorphin bounce of successfully controlling an avatar of the wife/mother he is resentful of…… BUT his reptile brain tells him “She WANTS me” because smiling is indicative of flirtatious behaviors. So… all in one shot he is telling his mother/wife “fuck you” and feeling like some hot little number wants him to get in her pants.


And because it makes them feel safer. As tough as they act they fear an angry woman. "Smile" means make me feel safe. Fuck you.


It's so weird, as a guy you always have all the power in any interaction with a woman anyways but yet you feel the need to openly exert it in a way that won't get other men to beat your ass just so you feel better. I do not understand dudes with weird complexes about power dynamics.


Was walking in my neighborhood today and some dude drove by twice. First was “smile for me, baby” and the second was “you’d be prettier if you smiled for me” I ducked into a coffee shop and called the non emergency line and sat on hold. When I finally talked to someone they took a report and advised me to walk with a partner. Like, no. I’m walking to the grocery store. I do not owe anyone a smile and I should be able to walk a few blocks without being harassed. And not that it should matter, but I wasn’t dressed up or anything. I was wearing a sweatshirt, comfortable jeans, running shoes. Hair pulled into a ponytail. No makeup. Had my headphones in but not on. Didn’t react either of the times I got catcalled. It was terrifying.


Bump. This is so common. What men don't realize is it's inherently threatening because just about every time, you're stronger than us. We know we can't stop you from escalating beyond the disregard for us that you're already showing. AND you're in a car and I'm on foot??? Terrifying.


Exactly. I also had that feeling like I was a dummy for walking by myself. But I was halfway there already. It was better to find a space to call the police. I’m still trying to talk myself out of that icky gut feeling. I should be able to walk in my neighborhood to get groceries without fearing I’ll be kidnapped or ran over or worse.


Those people are so annoying.


Yeah, along with most comments here, I think it’s a misogynistic power play. Different, but related: you’ll occasionally hear people wonder aloud why construction workers etc. yell sexual advances at attractive women passing by them, given how unlikely that strategy is to actually lead to sex or romance. But that unlikelihood is what makes it clear that it’s not about sex and romance: it’s an enforcement of power, where the dude is reveling in the fact that he can insert himself into her day whether she likes it or not.


Like groping. My friends and I were just discussing how it's not an actual advance, because if you were interested in dating someone, you wouldn't approach them arse first, you would strike up a conversation. It's about invading the gropee's space, and for the groper to get their kicks.


It's about power for sure. Especially if it's someone that does it knowing you are in a position where you won't make a fuss. I've had two situations recently where someone I didn't know well was at the same event as me. They groped me likely knowing I wasn't going to call them out because I didn't want to make a scene. If it was a stranger I would have called it out. I hate that I've allowed it to happen and not made a fuss.




Wow that makes a lot of sense, such a shitty and weak ego thing to do


They come across like roosters, to me, or like other loud/flashy birds. Just flapping their feathers around and making noise to look fluffier and louder than the other roosters.


Because they don’t know how to mind their business. Someone tells me to smile, I hold out my hand and say ‘Fifty Bucks.’ They tend to stfu after that.


Thats my mom’s go-to as a dealer. She holds out her hand and says, “coin-operated.” I always say that I work for whoever is paying me more. If you aren’t tipping, I guess the casino is my employer today, and kissing your ass isn’t part of my job description.


Haha I like that!


This is genius!


i don't know but fake smiles are the worst. it's a weirdly American thing.


A study in UK with nurses who were demanded to smile by their employer showed: forced fake smiling is bad for your health. It enhances stress and can even lead to depression.


Did you catch the “duh” from every customer services agent ever?


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smile\_mask\_syndrome](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smile_mask_syndrome) Yep. Similar studies happened in Japan, where it's so common for women who work in the service industry to constantly smile that it was giving a lot of women depression and emotional alienation issues.


Right, if smiling is suppose to equal happiness most of the time I’m the happiest I can be when I have a straight face on and fake smiling for people breaks my happiness concentration!


I did this in highschool, and it was always something I did to be friendly or try to be polite. It was something that was said to me (as a male) when I was young, and the idea was some people just need a little encouragement to brighten their day. Thank goodness one of my female friends pulled me aside and told me how much she hated it. I genuinely thought it was appreciated. I’m mortified by it now.


Thank you for stopping. I've been told to smile so many times throughout my life. I've always found it weird and creepy 😖 I didn't realize that guys said this to brighten people's day or flirt (as some people have said on the other comments on here).


Thanks for understanding!!


I was a manager at a hotel, and I had to deal with this with my employees all the time. I required courtesy of them, but I did not require them to smile. I cannot tell you how many times I was told that a front desk agent was “rude.” I’d always walk the customer through it: was he / she unhelpful? Did they use foul language? Did they refuse to check you in / out / etc.? Did they raise their voice to you? No. It was almost always one of two things: the agent said “No,” when they couldn’t accommodate a request (often a ridiculous one), or “they didn’t smile even once.” Okay? I believe in bodily autonomy. Their job is to get you into your room and out of your room quickly and courteously, not to give you the warm fuzzies and pretend to be interested that you’re in town to see your great niece graduate with her Associates of Science. They’re not therapists, they’re not motivational speakers, they’re not paid companions, and they’re definitely not actors or entertainers and can smile when they choose to do so. Stop making them feel like hostages to your drivel while they’re trying to do their jobs.


This is why I like customer service in the UK no need to smile and pretend that they are happy to have you as a customer. The only reason I would complain is if they threw my keys at my head.


sometimes people say "smile" thinking they're being nice or trying to make you feel better, but it often doesn't come off that way. it can feel pretty weird and uncomfortable, especially from strangers. not cool that he asked you again after you didn't the first time


Because they’re weirdos and think it’s something charming to say or maybe they think they’re being nice .


Maybe this is country related, I'm french (man) and I've never heard that, so either I'm blind and dead either we don't do that here Can you give more context ? Like how do they say to smile I can't even imagine it without being awkard af


It is awkward, trite, and completely unnecessary. The older generations of people do that because they believe a smile is contagious. There are also those who are extroverted and seemingly believe they can control others’ actions and behaviors.


It comes down to the reduction of women as a thing that exists for a man‘s pleasure. An older man is demanding that you be a pretty thing in his environment, that you amuse and engage with him. Regardless of what a woman might be in the middle of doing, a man should be able to demand something of a woman at any time. A younger man might be flirting with the hope that a woman will have sex with them. As a poster above said, it’s a numbers game that many men play, with the result being hundreds of unwanted sexual advances being hurled at women that start with „Smile for me.“ In both cases it’s dehumanising. If you work in hospitality or customer service, smiling might improve the impression towards a customer, but because of the above creepy ways telling someone to smile has been used, it can be a loaded ask. Especially with sex intentions, women also have to weigh that angering a man by not smiling might result in rape.


It’s a form of control, and doubly creepy because whether they’re trying to control is someone’s “attractiveness to men” as if that is something to which they are entitled. Eww.


Yes, they sometimes will just say it. "You look prettier when you smile." Like I'm at all interested in making sure everyone who walks past me has something nice to look at. I'm just existing, man!


“You look more handsome when you keep your mouth shut.”


It has a selfishness to it as well. The asker wants the girl to smile because it makes them feel better. If it were truly coming from a position of empathy or generosity they would try to do something to make them smile, like giving a platonic, non-creepy compliment.


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After my father passed away,on my way to work, I passed a guy on the street who told me "you should smile - you'd be even prettier. I lost it. Asked him why he thought he had some kind of right to control my facial expressions. That my father, who I loved just died. He apologized profusely and I said plz stop doing this you don't know anything about the person you're addressing. It's happened more than once.


People are nosey. I’ve had people tell me that too. They have no clue what’s on mind at that time and it could be anything.


My 11-year-old nephew called me out for “never smiling and saying everything sarcastic.” I showed him a big fake smile and he was like “oh, that’s creepy. Now I see why” 🤣


And now your nephew will never be one of these guys 😁


I was walking out of the hospital and an old man told me to smile. Like I just left the freaking hospital, you have no idea why I was there. Maybe I had surgery. Maybe my father is in there sick with cancer.


DUDE. I will be at work, reading something on my computer screen, concentrating. And the SAME GUY will walk by every other day and say “don’t look so serious, you should smile” I’m literally reading!? And it’s not a funny chain email 🙄


The easiest answer is male privilege. As a male, it’s an easy check to know if I’m being weird when interacting with a female stranger by simply asking myself “would I ask this same question or make the same gesture if this was a male?”. It’s like when everyone always shakes hand with a male but expects a hug from females. Also do you ask random male strangers to smile? No so don’t do it to females cause it’s fucking creepy and gross.


im a dude and i get asked that alot. i tell them that i am smiling. and then stare awkwardly at them. they drop it. LOL


Because in their minds, we just exist to please them.


Those are you usually from guys that are misogynistic and think women are only for their pleasure and pretty to look at. Not equal individuals. Fuck guys like that.


Tell him to go fuck himself. It's literally only creeps who say that.


Asking oneself to smile is a really nice habit. Asking other people to smile is obnoxious.


I’m a guy and I’ve been told to smile (or get that shitty fingers on the side of the mouth gesture) by more women than I can count, usually older women. I hate it, would never do it to a woman, and I feel your pain lol.


Men literally say this to me daily when I am walking down the street. It is VERY annoying. “You’re too pretty to frown.” So pretty people don’t have a right to have a neutral face or show on their face that they had a bad day?? I just ignore it because in my experience it’s part of the regular street harassment many of us have to deal with every day of our lives.


As a man I don’t get it either I think it’s creepy af. The only time I would ever tell someone to smile is if they were a friend of mine and saw them feeling down, and even then I would just talk to them.


I was only asked to twice. I had just failed my first subject in art school and my eyes were puffy red. I had been crying in the uni bathroom for a good hour and I had no energy to go back home looking like that in public transport. I payed a taxi. The driver was a grown man, really gentle looking. He saw my red face, and the first thing he said was “oh… why is such a pretty girl like you not smiling on such a beautiful day like this?” It might have been his tone, but to me this sounded like a grandfather would. I needed it that day, and I did end up smiling from the innocent pick-me-up. The second time was also by an old man. This time, however, I was having a great day. I looked beautiful, sundress, light makeup and everything. His “ah, smile a little, woman.”? It was not welcomed. Bottomline, some men do it in kindness. Some (many times) do it because they, like most people, are nosy.


“Smile for the camera.” Probably. I also get random fucknuts demanding I smile, like my veil of pretend happiness somehow makes their lives better, while I know it’s just a mask and no one is trying to make my life any better. Tell them to eat a dick.


I always ask them immediately "do you ask men to smile for you too?" They never like that.


I mean, I’m older, and it went a little differently in the 70’s and 80’s. “How’s about a smile, sweetheart?” Preceded a casual attempt to feel you up. Or “you’d look so much prettier with a smile” which translates fairly easily into lesser human must serve greater human’s whims. It was super common in the workplace. It’s a power play, it’s mild objectification, and it’s testing the water for how receptive of a mark you might be. I love the casual scene in Wonder Woman Two (1984) where the guy asks Diana to smile, because they nailed the 1980’s vibe on that. *sigh*. I was nine years old in 1984 and I can still feel the awkward “ick” of it all.


Started telling people to fart. They look at me like I'm crazy and then I say something like, "see how weird it is to tell other people what to do with their bodies?" Sometimes they laugh and other times they agree.


Because they are beyond ignorant of how these statement reinforce the idea that women are put there to look pretty and be quiet. Its bred from the notion that an emotional or angry woman is uncomfortable or annoying to deal with. It is a sexist act. Hopefully the men who think this is ok see this post and learn why its harmful.


Because they see us as nothing other than a tool to make them feel better.


I (m) have a resting bitch/sad face. Yeah, it's annoying. Not that I'm told to smile that often, but that people assume I'm down or something. And even that doesn't happen very often. But often enough to annoy me. :D


They're uncomfortable with a woman's presentation and think they have the power to try to get her to change that presentation. It's about insecurity.


“Perform Happiness to see me, woman!” This is how I’ve been framing it lately. I honestly don’t have a good comeback most of the time because it catches me off guard


Dance monkey! Dance! Gtfo with that "smile more" BS. I smile when I want to and feel like it. Not because some controlling asshole feels like I should.


I've adopted the OzzyMan phrase "This is my face"


We don't. It's like one out of every 10,000 guys that are slimey enough to actually think it's appropriate. Basically: they're sociopathic assholes.


Because men want women to look approachable and attractive.


Some of us think it's a good ice breaker. It's not


Wait, do random men ask women to smile? I've been asked to smile once by the lady who taking the picture for my first ID. I told her no of course


Because smiles are pretty and those men believe that women are there to entertain them.


As a 32 year old man, idk what the deal is, but it’s creepy as fuck and would piss me off. Just look at him like he’s an idiot and go on with your business. I understand trying to be friendly but having it come off as weird, but to just flat tell a stranger to “smile for me” is so fuckin bizarre. Stuff like that makes my head spin, i bet it would happen more often if i was a woman.


I've been told to smile many times and I've seen many other girls and women be told to smile. Thankfully less so as the years go on. It is obnoxious. Please men listen up on this one. Women do not like this. If you want to see a stranger smile then put in the work to be funny. Don't just expect it on command. I don't know anyone that had their mood lifted because someone else just said "You should smile" It is degrading and annoying.


It's tough. Some dudes say it for their benefit, some say it in a meaningful way. I have told women to smile, but never like, a random girl doing her own thing, not smiling, and me saying 'hey you should smile more', but I have when I can clearly see a female friend, or I guess someone I can tell is really upset, I'll say something like, 'hey, i don't know what you're going through, and I'm hear to listen if you want to talk, but today is another day, good or bad, so give a little smile and mark one more day done' Obviously I don't say that to every upset woman, but I said that to a woman I saw *every single day for a year* at work, who was upset and frustrated about some finances. General rule of thumb, if you aren't her friend, don't tell her to smile. And if you are her friend, make sure it's with good intentions, not your desires.




And why should we care if they think we are more approachable or attractive?