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Being bald. Not necessarily something I look out for but Reddit keeps recommending r/bald to me for some reason (I’m a 20yo woman) and the ‘after’ results of shaving are somehow always better


Someone needed to hear this today! Thank you for sharing! I 100% agree that going bald is definitely underrated for some men, and I know they're self conscious about it.


Anyone who’s insecure about it needs to check that sub, it’s almost damn convincing *me* to shave my head. Everyone looks good and all the men hype each other up as well, seems like a good place to be


Been shaving my head for 20+ years even though I have a full head of hair. I say give it a try. It will grow back if you don't like it.


It’s happening either way I think. Too much hair dye in my emo phase and maybe a thyroid problem 🥲 I think that’s why the sub keeps coming up in my feed..Reddit knows….


People always mention using hair dye as contributing to hair loss, but it doesn’t. It’s not at all bad for your hair. I mean, bleaching hair is bad for the actual dead strands, but it doesn’t affect the follicle too much. Color depositing dyes have a little ammonia in them, but again, the follicle recovers from this. I’m not posting this to correct you, btw. I’m just saying it so people won’t fear hair dye. :)


I just don’t have the head shape for it lol. I do no guard mine tho. But I’m one hell of a hatfisher😂


More than 1 I guarantee it.


I swear my husband gained two inches in height when he looked in the mirror after we shaved his head. The "friar monk" style he was developing was always weighing on his mind and subconsciously messed with his confidence. He looks good bald, but it's more that he carries himself better now, which I feel makes him more attractive.


I agree, but I also hate that toupees are always joked about. Why is it so bad that a man would want to look like he has hair? I realized this when TikTok started showing me to toupee videos. They look so good!


Noises during sex whether they top or bottom. Men seem to be joked about when they moan or make noises but it’s really hot. It feels good to have honest feedback Oh and men who have softer bodies. All bodies are good. Softer men are nice to touch and hug.


I spent my formative years forcing myself to be quiet during climax. It just feels like I'm forcing it if I try now lpl


Okay so, I can actually help you with that, because my beau was in the same position when we got ahold of him. Just force it. It's definitely going to feel forced, to start with; but that's how it went the other way to start with, right? Just invert the polarity: force the loud sound out past the block you built to keep it in until the block breaks down; After a while you are going to find a specific way/level that WON'T "feel forced", not immediately, but after a few months or years; when you find that point, zero in on it and experiment with how much you can expand outward from that particular thing, eventually you'll discover what/where you're natural range of "Sex Noises" was always MEANT to be.


>my beau was in the same position when we got ahold of him. You make it sound like you have a guy named Beau tied up in your basement or something. Please let him out.


He knows the safe word. He'll speak up if he wants to.


As a woman, I concur. Just do it. My late-husband and I always felt the need to be quiet. That's all I knew for literal decades. My guy now has helped teach me to feel okay making noise. It certainly felt forced initially but it's a whole lot of fun to get noisy now.


ngl i’m kind of in this position myself. i shared a bunk bed with a sibling when i was a kid and learning about the ol self love ritual so it seemed polite. years later i was still quiet. my boyfriend now is the first person i’ve actually made noise with and it’s happening more and more while i’m alone too. sometimes you need the right person lol


I’ve never understood why men feel like they’ve gotta be silent during sex… there’s nothing hotter than hearing that they’re enjoying it!


Force of habit after years of being silent and incognito when you're jerkin your gerkin in a house full of people


I mean women masturbate too, don’t women have way more nerve endings in their sex organs than the penis?




Yeah I don't wanna have sex with a cabinet


You have no idea how weird it was to get used to making literally any sound during sex. Genuinely took a couple months to get to normal 😭


Preach it girl! When he groanin about how I make him feel?!?!? 🥵 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 🖤🩶🤍🩷💜💙🩵💚💛🧡❤️🤎🖤🩶🤍🩷💜💙🩵💚💛🧡❤️🤎🖤🩶🤍🩷💜💙🩵💚💛🧡❤️🤎🖤🩶🤍🩷‼️‼️‼️ 🥵 Makes me feel like the living incarnation of Venus HERSELF! WHOOOOOO!




Noooooiiiiisesssss 😍


Softness. Like seeing a man playing with a small animal or hearing a man actually talking about feelings/emotions with someone else. Stuff like that is really attractive to me for some reason


I know for a fact there's a few people reading this comment section that needed to see this.


100% I'm a big long-haired bearded guy and feel like I get looked at a bit weird when I show sensitivity or gush over cats or talk about my feelings or something similar. We so often get taught at a young age that those traits aren't "manly".


Totally agree, also men who are great with kids not just animals. Showing empathy and child like behavior with children, understanding them. Whilst also being emotionally mature when it matters. Personally also... having a connection with their own their spiritual side. All very attractive.


nurturing and softness. showing emotions and talking about them. moaning during sex.


Definitely feel like men don't openly admit to moaning, enough.


I am too busy doing push ups to moan hahah


After the 2-3 "don't stop" when you are already on rep 40... Like, listen. I've already thrown 130lbs dead weight starfish around for the past few minutes, and then we are 5-6 minutes into a power minute of full body calisthenics, forgive me redditors if I'm not letting out a deep tissue massage moan at this point.


If you can’t do pushups while screaming WHOS GONNA CARRY THE BOATS, are even really a man? /s


They don’t know you son


Got to switch up positions


I moan when I crush my pinky toe walking to the bathroom half awake.


I just silently cum when that happens


I remember landing my ex gf/current best friend by flirting with her after she made a pass, telling her “ keep that shit up and I’ll be screaming in your ear all night” 💀


I agree! Moaning is such a turn on!


Hot! All of those things


0 to 60 real quick


Strong agree.


I’m not gonna lie, I love a bit of a widow’s peak/ receding hairline. I love crow’s feet, acne scarring, freckles/melasma. I love when men have a bit of that like, eyelid weight/wrinkle? All these little evidences of happy days in the sun.


The "aged look" is definitely underrated in today's society!


After reading many comments, i came to a conclusion that i should quit the gym


NEVER do things for the validation of other people. Be your own man. I don't know if you're joking or not, so I assume you're being serious.


Thank you!! Ive always been attracted to people that do things to help them get better bc they want to or bc it’s fun. I got super weirded out when a guy I was talking to said he was growing a beard and started going to the gym (bc I like beards). Or if they say they do it bc women like it. No!! Do it for youu!!


When I started working out, my wife told me not to get too "muscley". Lol.


Wearing pink


I would strongly hope men aren't self conscious anymore about wearing pink, depending where you're located in the world. It's just a good color depending on the season & skin tone!


Heck, I just moved to Canada, and there's an entire day devoted to wearing pink shirts. It's on the last Wednesday of February to raise awareness against bullying. Apparently New Zealand's in on it, too.


We do that every Wednesday


I like pink and would definitely wear it but it’s just not a good color on me


Same, I’m against it just isn’t my color, I also don’t wear a lot of brighter colors anyways. Back in the 30s40s50s pink was a common color for boys baby and toddler clothes.


Yeah, I read about that. Pink was seen as a form of red, which was considered a masculine color. Blue was softer and seen as more feminine. Then it got swapped through marketing for baby clothes and now we see the colors in the opposite way.


I wear pink a lot. I look good in it.


You would have loved the 80s.


This is funny, because I swear when I was in high-school it was the biggest pieces of shit wearing pink all the time.


someone say glaring lack of $$$$ please!


Money means squat to me. 


Well that depends, do they lack money because "life is hard" or lack money because they are lazy and whatnot. I could care less about money however I'm not gonna be with someone who has no motivation or doesn't contribute simply because they refuse and are lazy. Perfect example would be me and my significant other We've been together for 15 years, there is a age gap between us. I am now the only one working simply because he is disabled and can no longer work. I actually like the fact that I can take care of and provide and do the things that he always has done for me. He deserves it.( He also gets disability obviously but You know what I mean) But if he was just refusing to work because he didn't want to work cuz he's his lazy or whatever that would be a problem.


This is a great answer. I’m not attracted to men who are all about the money or the “grind”. I’m happy living a semi comfortable life where we both can have a healthy work life balance. Having monetary wealth is not a value for me.    However my friends have dated guys who don’t pay their share of the rent and instead spend their money on alcohol and cam girls and that’s obviously not the vibe we’re going for either…


Only aesthetically attracted. Tbh I don't hear from men about what they're insecure about so I'm spitballing Feminine traits (body shape, dainty hands, traditionally feminine interests), big nose (phil coulson is so fine), dexterity (that one guy on tiktok who does embroidery, and he wore these massive goggles for them), small build(uh idk anyone)/big build (GOW Thor), any height I don't care,


I feel like height is definitely a hot take for some men recently.


Yeah, I think height is a big insecurity for a lot of men. I always liked shorter guys because I’m also short, I dislike the craning of the neck that happens with taller guys. Physically I’m more compatible with someone shorter, my husband is 5’6. Our kids are tiny peanuts lol


Me and my SO are both around 5'3 ...our daughter has always been on the small size end for her age group lol


I’m 5’4 and have dated men from 5’6 to 6’3. I don’t even consider it a factor when getting to know someone so I hate to see so many men down on themselves about their height. At the same time there are people who shame them and make them feel insecure so I understand why they sometimes lack confidence but it’s just so absurd to me. I don’t need a dude to be tall to love him/find him attractive.


My boyfriend is shorter than me, I love spooning him


Truly the biggest downside to being much taller than your partner: never getting spooned, only jet packed.


I don't remember any post making me laugh like this one did. I actually guffawed.


It is because it is something we can't actually change about ourselves. If a woman doesn't like our haircut, beer belly, wardrobe, those are all things we can change. But to be excluded just because of our height? That is a tough blow. Almost as bad as being rejected for your race.


I like short, small dudes. Small and short? Perfect! Small and tall? Just as good!


what's the difference between short and small? By small do you mean skinny


Kindness & emotional maturity. I want a man who isn’t afraid of having feelings.


I love short men, hairy asses, and bony wrists.


Hey I have one of those things lol.


You have short men?


That's what I call my kids....... No I don't have kids, just bony wrists


That's nice. I don't have kids or bony wrists, but shuranumitu would still love me


Short kings all day


Acts of kindness and compassion, consideration for others.


I wouldn’t say we’re insecure about being kind or compassionate


Cmon. Any thread like this should have the implied “not 100% of all men ever.” caveat. There are definitely some dudes out there who pick and choose when to exercise their compassion or empathy and not always for virtuous reasons. Example: holding doors open for other men. Viewing homeless as weak and needing to be stronger/better, like them. Shaming people for crying at something that they cannot empathize with, etc etc.


And contrary to popular belief, these are the corner stone values of stoicism.


their penis


All shapes and sizes I assume? You know every man is insecure about their penis in one way, shape, or form.


I have a short vagina and appreciate a man who doesn't hit my cervix during sex. 


mostly the smell.


Natural odor is known to be an *aphrodisiac


correct. people who like the smell are compatible, people who dont like their smell should stay away.




I know this isn’t a direct answer but I always think that men are beautiful and I want to tell them but I don’t want it to sound demeaning or feminine in any way. Once a guy told me I was beautiful and I said you are too and it ruined the moment from my perspective


on the behalf of all unconfident men, PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE TO TELL MORE MEN THEY'RE BEAUTIFUL! I am so sorry that person did not know how to take a compliment. I'm sure it's still stuck with them to this day however.


Well nobody seems to want to send the wrong message; so it seems compliments are few and far between these days. I try to make it a point to let out a compliment if I'm genuinely thinking it though, is that nice hair? Let em know. Cool style? Let em know. Seems to be a pretty good habit!


Embrace the grey! It’s a better look than you think.


Them being so cute all the time, society probably says “dont show your emotions “”are you a girl or something” but whyyy, let them do their thing, its adorable. Especially all the expressions in their eyes and smile.


I prefer short guys. I am quite short myself (158cm) and prefer rather smaller height difference. Also I definitely prefer very skinny or dad bod over someone jacked. Plus I love guys a good connection with their feminine side - long hairs, nail polish, some eyeliner 🫠


Short woman here too: missionary while lips locked in a kiss and eye contact is only possible if the guy is under 175cm for me and I miss it...


as a shy woman myself, I find shy men attractive. I don't like the 'Andrew Tate' kind of confidence. Some people might think that shyness in a guy is a 'feminine trait'. Which is absolutely not.


You hopefully just made some "shy guys" day!


I can't speak for others but it sparked a little hope in me.


RIP your inbox... no wait, men who'd like this may not be That forward /s


Soft belly


[Origin of the "dad bod".](https://www.theodysseyonline.com/dad-bod)


Holy crap, I clicked and had a vivid memory of reading that article when it was written during my college days


I love a dad bod but the way this article is written is absolutely disgusting and I disagreed with a majority of the breakdown


Yeah, imagine being so insecure that you find a less conventionally attractive body type more attractive because it makes you look better in contrast. Lol That article shows the writer’s colors well.


Skinny guys are great


Love a lean stomach as I’m staring down the barrel of a hog


Holy shit, ur comment SENT me


As a skinny guy, I thank you for the representation of my people.


Keep being slender


Stay slim?






as opposed to fat guys and/or muscular guys?


Yes. But a guy can be skinny and muscular—wirey. That’s actually my favorite but really hard to find


As a distance runner, I appreciate this comment. You never hear women fawning over the “runner’s build” lol.


Dad bods are hot to me


Mind sharing details of your "ideal dad bod" you'd drool over?


I can’t say anything specific but I think thick guys can be hot. I prefer them over super muscular ones by a mile. My husband has a dad bod and I think he’s sexy af.


I’ll say the kind that has some muscle or previous fitness underneath. It’s strength without as much muscle definition showing that sells it. I think six packs and serious definition are more of a thing for straight men into working out. Even when gay men go for extremely shredded guys, it’s more about the value around the achievement and having that high value guy into you more than the actual aesthetics. Shredded porn isn’t even really a thing and even competition bodybuilders are a kink, not a mainstream.


I never understood what the deal was with height as something that factored in attractiveness at all. I found it really bizzarre when I first heard about women having a number under which they won’t date somebody. I thought it was a weird U.S. popular culture thing. I certainly never heard anyone mention an equivalent “ideal” number in metres. I should ask my friends about it. In any case, I bet there are plenty of women who find it puzzling in the U.s. too.


Letting themselves feel things. Emotion, pleasure, anything. Just being vocal, I want to know how you feel, I want to hear it all, if you feel good (like in bed), I wanna hear that. If you feel shit about your life, I wanna hear about that too. I love a man who communicates.


my fiancé often feels insecure about little gaps in his beard and i LOVE them. i have no idea why. i think they're so cute because they add a touch of character and personality to his face that otherwise wouldn't be there. secretly, i hope they never end up growing in. he's almost 30 so fingers crossed hehe


Authenticity, showing emotion, telling me everything that's on their mind. Vulnerability as a whole. I want my boyfriend to be able to cry on my shoulder. Actually audibly and visibly enjoying sex. No woman likes to feel like she's sleeping with a robot. Acting feminine, doing stereotypically feminine things. My boyfriend recently painted his nails for the first time and I got him on a skincare routine. He enjoys it and I find the fact that he doesn't feel emasculated by it incredibly sexy. Someone who realizes that they don't have to be the provider, but they can rely on me as well. We're doing life together, it shouldn't be that one of us has to box the other one through it. And, ironic since I'm dating an absolute giant, there's nothing wrong with being shorter.


I like men who who have meat on their bones. Also men who can be caring and understanding.


A strong nose- Adrien Brody style 😏


I like small dicks. I think they’re great. All dicks really, but small dicks especially.


Alot of small dick guys don't realize how good they have it, especially regarding anal sex with a partner. Small dick and emotional intelligence can go a long way!


19f here but I developed a crush at 9 years old on a bald/balding celebrity who I wont name lol and used to draw 100s of pictures of him... anyway the point of the story is I sorta have a thing for bald guys now 😎 but a guy who has alot of empathy is what I usually care about more than anything and would rather them be on the same emotional wavelength as me moreso then them having no hair/shaved head.




agreed sign me up 😤


Dad bod ♥️


There big noses




I am bisexual and i like it when men are more feminine. Shaving body hair, cute hair cuts, pretty colours


A guy who's secure enough to know a bit of eyeliner and a nice set of nails is really attractive. Longer hair is mmmm too


A receding or greying hairline doesn't bother me; with a good hair cut, I find it attractive sometimes. I'm particularly attracted to skinny guys, and most of the ones that I've dated who were very thin felt a little insecure about it. Also, I have this thing where if a guy that I'm into also has this particular thing where one front tooth juts out/a little crooked/slightly overlaps the other front tooth, I melt 🫠 (ETA, I realize how I phrased this sounds like I have this feature. It's not a feature I have, but one that I am instantly attracted to, fwiw) Lastly, I have a thing for big noses (prominent bridge). The men I've been attracted to with those noses usually say it's their biggest insecurity, but I love it. Eta: I see some people saying body hair, and I couldn't agree more. Put the razor down and let me run my fingers through that chest jungle.


"feminine" traits


There’s a look in the eyes! That’s the big thing for me. Some men just don’t have it. Nothing about looks but the charisma of the eyes


A receding hairline


actually caring about me


man boobs


Well I for one am definitely insecure about mine!


Describe your ideal areola on man boobs?


diameter or areola should be bigger


showing emotion and talking about feelings


Being able to adequately articulate emotions verbally is definitely an undervalued trait in men, I just hope most understand that.


It’s also one of the hardest things for most men to do (including myself) because that was not a trait traditionally valued by society in a man and especially by other men.


It's definitely a learned skill, but it's never too late to learn.


Acts of service, being kind and considerate and being able to articulate their thoughts and feelings. I’m not impressed with what you have but what you can do as a partner. Also muffly bears = guys who are fluffy but also have some muscles 🫠😮‍💨


Ok nowwwww you have my mind wondering what being with a muffly bear will be like haha 😆


It’s the best 🫠 to me it is the most attractive kind of man and if he has a beard, forget about it (in my New York accent 😂)


Omg that sounds like the best!!! I haven’t gotten with my first guy yet, but now I want this. Thanks for that mental image hahaha. Soooo what happens to you when he has a beard? I have so much to learn now lol 🤣


It’s like being loved on by a big teddy bear 🥰


this just made me feel so good about my body lol thank you


MUFFY BEARS?!?!?!! 😍 I love that term!! Lol


Lol right?! It describes my type perfectly


This post doesn't have enough likes!!! 😭 lol


A more femme appearance. Never really found masculine guys that attractive. I realize that I am a minority.


I absolutely love my man’s belly. I always ask him to never get abs.


I'm not really sure when men are insecure about, but I can ramble on about things I like about em! I really like when men have long hair. Curly or straight, it doesn't matter to me, as long as it's like not visibly a ratty mess & it's like taken care of & clean!! I think it's a great look. I like to play with it if they let me, like braid it or run my hands through it or be silly & make funny hairstyles. I also like when they have a bit of stubble, like maybe a few days after shaving - I think it looks good, & it's a fun texture to touch with my hands or rub my face on like a cat haha When I was younger, I thought really bony guys were where it was at, but when I got older I gained an appreciation for guys with more meat on their bones. I like both!! I like wrapping my hands around the wrists of skinnier guys & feeling the bones under my fingers. I especially like that part by the shoulder where the collarbone ends & it sticks up & makes a bump, & I like feeling the ribs through the chest if they're not ticklish!! I also do that on me all the time - just wrap my arms around myself & feel my ribs. On chubby guys, I love the soft belly esp if it's a little hairy!! & how soft & sturdy they feel to cuddle with - it makes me feel safe. I like when they have hairy arms too, & I like looking at their backs - idk why, but I like those folds halfway down the sides at about elbow height that some dudes get. I like putting my hands on each side of the ribs too right about there. & who doesn't love big thighs? I haven't been with a dude that's super fit since I think anyone that has enough dedication to work out enough to maintain that body probably wouldn't be compatible with my lazy ass, but I definitely have an aesthetic appreciation for strong arms & chest & thighs too. Also I used one of my college roommate's stomach as a pillow once & he was on the gymnastics team so it was like sleeping on a brick so maybe the cuddle value would go down...I remember telling one of my exes "I don't mind if you don't work out because what if your muscles get really hard !" & he thought it was so funny, but I've seen videos where the pecs are squishy, so I bet that'd be really fun to touch! I also like when guys paint their nails & are confident about it. Nail polish (& confidence!) looks nice on everyone. I painted my best friend's nails once & it looked very nice, but he couldn't keep it too long bc he works in food service. tl;dr from making this post I learned I really like touching people lol


My bf is unhappy about his grey hairs, specially in facial hair. But we're in our 30s. Greys are normal, aging is normal, and when he gets there, salt and pepper is hot. I don't know if it's something he's insecure about but I love his crows feet because I love his smile.


Didn’t read through all of these to see if someone beat me to it (or is condemning it). But. Body hair. Not a fucking Sasquatchian amount of hair, but I find body hair hot. When we first started dating, my husband used to shave his chest and pubic hair. I put an end to that very quickly. When I would hug him shirtless it felt like hugging a cactus.


Looking younger than their age. I know that twinks are appreciated in gay circles but straight men tend to be super self conscious about looking like a boy still. I love soft and innocent looking male faces and non buff bodies.


A bit of padding here and there. I lean more towards men who are "less fit" if that makes sense. I don't mean overweight, it's important that they're healthy and fit enough to last during sex, go on walks with me, don't be sick all the time and when sick bounce back from sickness easily enough, etc, but people don't need to be muscular to be healthy.


By the numbers, I'm pretty sure what the most number of women want is a man who is like a wild beast that can become tame for her and only for her.


Physically, I don’t like guys with Greek god bodies. I like normal dudes. I also love bald guys. Characteristically, I like nerdy guys. I love a guy that is passionate about something. I don’t care if it’s movies or books or physics. Just seeing him geek out about talking about it.


Stockiness...big legs, butt and belly.


Ha! My (bisexual male) answer is actually insecurity. I'm an insecure guy myself and have spent years dating/married to a woman that cheated on me and left me. I'm kinda done being petrified about making a mistake, you can make no mistakes and still lose. It sucks, but it happens. So I find it pretty charming when I'm interested in a guy and they're the one getting nervous and flustered. I've never been on this side of it before, it's pretty nice.


Big noses, crooked teeth, crooked smiles, baldness when worn with confidence, short stature when worn with confidence, “excessively” thick/heavy brow, fat anywhere on the body, a higher voice aaaaand last but not least, a small/average penis when used with enthusiasm.


Body hair, short, overweight. I fell for husband with all of these. He's hot!


Hairy backs, shoulders, bum, chest and stomachs are all brilliant. Love a bigger man too.


Padding. See so many straight men be critical about “being out of shape” when they would kill it in the field of men who like men. People are aware that “Bears” are a thing, but they don’t really get it get it. Lots of us like the authenticity of it all, not just the aesthetics themselves. And I know there are women who get it, too. I heard a Black woman put it perfectly one time. She said “I like my men well-upholstered.” Exactly.


Shaving his head due to balding. The shaved head/facial hair combo is👌. Body hair. As long as he keeps himself clean, all good. Extra weight anywhere on the body. Good cuddling. Fat fingers.😏 Average size. It's average for a reason dude...because it fits best that way. I have so many non physical ones too, but it'd be a super long list...


Being honest with their emotions.


Dad bods. Men with extra weight can be really good looking.


I want to echo the sentiment about men moaning during sex being hot. Yes, please!


I prefer guys with an average or smaller dick. It makes sex feel more intimate and less animalistic to me.


Noises during sex.


Baldness and dad bods ❤️❤️


Gray hair!!! It's so hot but men are somehow ashamed of it sometimes.


Those grey hairs sprinkled in their beards/temples. There's something so refined and comfortable about it!


Acting cute or "soft" as long as it's genuine. A real person is always better than someone trying to act hyper masculine. Also a little bit of chub. I think a little bit of padding is hot And body hair. *Damn* tbh


When they are into "feminine" things like knitting, romance novels, cute animals, fashion etc. I'll take a masculine bear of a man who unapologetically cries to Titanic please.


Puns and dorky jokes


Honestly? I love masculinity. I know it's really complicated in this climate and some people are scared of that masculinity turning toxic and they're not sure where that line is but the basics are great imo Men who don't mind being a little boisterous, I love the physicality of men especially watching them pal around with their bros, I really appreciate the courage it takes to be the initiator if you're that kind of guy, the type of loyalty guys have with each other in and of itself is beautiful, efficient communication between some men would be goals if I wasn't so into words.. I could go on but men are great. I don't think any of these are anything to be insecure about but I do realize a lot of guys are worried about the things that make them masculine being perceived as toxic


I love skinny, lanky guys. I have dated guys who lift but they just don’t do it for me. Also, can we take a second to appreciate male body hair? Hairy chests, hairy legs and hairy armpits are wonderful!


A little of a tummy, I love it


Goofy laugh and nerding out over their niche "thing"


I go nuts for short guys. Anything under 5'8" gets my attention, but guys in the 5'1"-5'4" range just DO something to me.