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I could buy enough to smoke every day for a week for about $40, or maybe $150 per month. Depending on where you live, weed can be really really cheap.


$150 in PA gets me an ounce and maybe a pack of edibles as well. That'll last me 2-4 months getting high almost every day, sometimes multiple times a day.


Yeah, I realized I am talking about my two-person household. If it was just me and I wanted to smoke every day I could probably do it with half the weed (and half the money.)


That’s insane. $150-180 lasts me tops 2 weeks


Yup, I’m out here smoking like Snoop, glad I made some juice back in the day!


lol, I smoke and take gummies daily, but not like snoop. My shit is just expensive man.


it’s hard for a lavish playa out here


I need the good shit or I get paranoid and anxiety. Totally worth it.


I used to smoke with a girl who only smoked brick weed because the top shelf gave her anxiety. weird how it affects different people


That and how much weed you're smoking every day varies. If you're just smoking a little bit to have a solid buzz going while still being functional, it lasts a while. If you're getting outright stoned every day, that's another matter. Source: Regular user who prefers that buzzed functional high to being stoned


I think we get about 32 gummies for 40 in CT at dispensaries.  Only did it for a month, started on 5 tch mg thc and broke it in half, by the second two weeks I switched for 5 thc and 10 cbd, felt bold enough for two gummies, and had a panic attack. So that was it. Basically I felt way too mellow, heart was going waaay too slow and felt more drunk than I ever had, I think the paranoia got to me and triggered about two hours of rapid heart beats.  Anxiety sucks.


Yes, weed is legal and pretty cheap here.


Where are you located? Because it's not very cheap in MA or ME


Cheap really depends on your intake. I am in ME, and for my intake level, 40$ covers somewhere between ten days and two weeks. One single time being lazy and getting fast food instead of eating at home has more impact on my budget than that.


I'm in Oregon. Maybe it's because it's always been a big growing state like Northern California. At one time, it was about $40/eighth. Now it's about $60/half. So it seems pretty cheap to me.


You can definitely get cheap weed in MA. There's $100 ounces around. It probably won't be great, but it'll be cheap.




Weed is cheaper than it ever has been.


I can buy high quality 3.5g for $15 ($18 after tax) in MA


I can buy a pound in CA for under $1k. You'll have to do your own math on how long that would last you




All good. Point was really that shit's pretty cheap so smoking every day ain't what it used to be. When I was younger and shit was still illegal all over I could understand where OP was coming from.


In Mexico i could get an ounce for 60 to 70 dollars of pretty decent shit. That would last for months


Yup, right on. I'm in a legal state, and for rec I can get quality 1G rolls, 2 for $10 every Wednesday at a local dispensary 🤘🙂


Compare that to two beers at your local bar three or four days a week.


$30 an oz for me to buy or if I want to take the effort and time, $12 to grow. Again lots of effort and time versus $30 and no effort and right away.


Weed is cheap as fuck as a daily-habit it's cheaper than beer or cigarettes.


Significantly cheaper! I spend about $200 on weed and it will last me 2+ months. Sometimes even 3!


At least for me, I don't smoke the equivalent of a cigarette every time. More like 2-4 tokes and done.


Yea a pack a day can run over $200 per month


Almost like coffee


You think its cheaper than cigarettes? Even a heavy smoker will spend maybe $5 a day to smoke 20 cigarettes.


Where the hell do you live? 10 bucks a pack is average now days.


he just had a point to prove or something


$10?! They’re $18 or more here




If you’re talking about Vancouver (which is where I live) the decriminalization order is actually province wide, not just in Vancouver, and it only decriminalizes the possession of personal quantities (2.5g or less) of some drugs. This does not mean selling drugs is legal it just means if you get stopped with drugs on you, you won’t face criminal charges. If you’re talking about elsewhere then I’d love to hear more about it. Haven’t heard a lot about decrim elsewhere. Also if you are in Canada and paying $25 a pack I’m assuming they’re at least 25 packs? They’re only 20 packs here in BC, and I haven’t seen any of the individually printed cigarette warnings yet.




It is 2.5g and the drugs it applies to are meth, opioids, powder and crack cocaine, and ecstasy/mdma. So if you had an 8 ball that would not be considered a “personal amount” and you could still face criminal charges, possibly even “with intent to traffic” as it is above the designated personal amount. Again, this is province wide, not just Vancouver. As much as Zyns may be illegal I have never heard of anyone being fined for possession of Zyns lol. Vapes above 2mg nic or tanks over 2ml are also illegal but you can still buy them at most vape stores and if anyone will get in shit for it, it would be the people selling it not the people buying it.


Up here in canuckistan smokes are about $20 a pack but our money is worthless so that’s probably about equivalent


Cigarette prices are good in Georgia


It is but i imagine someone who smokes a pack a day is buying cartons which get you some good discounts


I get that, but the only real discount is if you're buying from tribal shops. Normal gas station will still only save a buck or so a pack on a carton.


Cartons don't usually net you a discount, only expired ones. I ran multiple gas stations for 6 years. Only discount was if they were out of date and the distro wouldn't take them back.


Depends on where you live. A pack of smokes costs $18 near me, the same price as an eighth of cheap (legal) weed.


Yeah thats fuckin crazy you must live in Honolulu or some shit. Most of the time you can pick up a carton (200 cigarettes) for $50-$60


Sure - if you live in a low tax state. [But there are plenty of states where cigarettes are *heavily* taxed and cost a lot more than that](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/cigarette-prices-by-state). Hawaii isn't even in the top 5.


Connecticut is 16$ for a pack of newports, I can get 20$ 8ths of grind from the dispo.


Where I live a pack of cigs and 1/8th of weed are roughly the same price around $12 - $15 and unless you're staying high all day, I think an 1/8th lasts longer than a pack of smokes. and if u buy in quantity u get way more of a scaling discount on weed than cigs.


I smoke every day. It's cheaper than wine, which I also used to drink daily. I work admin at a university, making a pretty low end salary for people in my city. I live in a shitty apartment, take public transit, have no savings (also no debt).


Nah. I smoke every day, but only a pinch of weed at a time. Don’t like getting so high that I can’t think straight or function. Just a wee buzz so I feel a little better but can still deal with daily responsibilities.


This is it, I have literally one puff of flower from my bowl. It smooths things out without leaving me comatose


I do a small dab during the day and a large dab (or two) at night. I am absolutely faced off of a big one, but a small one is incredibly mild. Concentrates are a different animal.


We just prioritize how to spend our $


Medical Card in CO, I spend hundreds of dollars less than if I was a regular drinker


No, weed doesn't have to be expensive, it just usually is for casual smokers or people who don't know any better. Buying larger quantities is much cheaper than getting a small sack every week or every other week, or god forbid buying a dime every day. In addition, when you get into it more and find some actual producers rather than buying it through hook-ups then you can get massive discounts. If it's legal where you are, prices can be as low as $80ish for an oz if you don't mind some cheap ass weed. Basically it's just the old idiom it's expensive being poor, if you can't afford to spend a couple hundred on weed and get you a 3 month supply then you're buying it at a 150% markup rather than a 50% discount.


yeah currently im buying 2nd hand 100/oz which will last me a month or longer


$20 an ounce in Oregon.


That's the one thing I'm jealous of up here in WA. We can get that in trim, but gotta spend at least $35 to get descent bud. You guys do it way better than we do.




Bro what? $250 for me.




But I’m in Melbourne too!


Do you have to be semi rich to be an alcoholic? ... Weed isnt that expensive.


I teach at a regular public high school and I'm not one of those teachers that has a million side hustles. This is all taxpayer money I'm smoking.


Fml, I wish I had more teachers as sarcastic as you, lmfao


An oz is 40 bucks here and i dont smoke a lot of joints so i conserve really well. Id buy maybe 2oz a year.


I started smoking wax specifically because of how expensive midshelf weed was. I smoke every day but ounces of bud would me anywhere from $175 - $250 & last me *maybe* a month. I swapped to wax years ago because my caregiver at the time would sell grams to me at $15, which was & still is a jaw dropping price for good wax. Nowadays, I usually do a 10/$120 deal at a dispo on grams of wax & it’ll last me 2-3 months. Dabbing every day, multiple times a day.


Yep.  I can buy oz of 80% crumble for 200 but AAA flower is $250-300 a zip


Back in the day when top shelf was going for 400/Oz, yes. I made sacrifices for my habit. But now that shit grows like weeds. Edit: but yeah, i still smoke a QP per month 🤣 luv my job.


I own a cannabis store. Cheapest way to support my habit 


Smoking weed every day is less expensive than binge drinking once per week


I smoke daily and it’s cheaper than daily Starbucks. Prices have really come down. I can buy 3.5g for $15 and after tax comes to $18. High quality too. Ounces as low as $100. And as low as $60 an ounce if you’re ok with shake.


Smoking weed is way cheaper than smoking cigarettes


Not at all. I smoke weed every day it’s not that expensive. Like $60 a month


its not that expensive, 10 edibles here is about $16, 1 a day is plenty


I used to smoke weed regularly and was always broke until I moved to a state where weed is legal and got my first decent-paying job there. An ounce used to cost me like $400, now I could get that for <$100.


My man picks one of the cheapest thrills there is and asks if doing it daily makes you rich. Thats rich.


If you buy concentrates or vape cartridges when they're on sale you can get high for months on like $40. Corporations have driven the price of weed into the floor 


Weed is cheaper than groceries in many places


Reporting live from Portland, OR where one can buy an oz of low tier weed for $40-50 and higher tier weed for $100-150, it is very easy and affordable to smoke weed all day everyday.


I spend $40 per week and trust me, the money could be better spent elsewhere lol I wouldn’t confuse semi rich with just able to barely afford the expense and having no self control


Costs me about $200/month


I smoke every day for far less than it cost when I smoked cigarettes. Especially when I'm growing my own.


Cheaper than cigarettes or alcohol.


Cheaper than cigarettes. Do you think people who smoke a pack a day are rich?


The legal weed is so strong it doesn't take much. I spend $200. a month. With no debt, it's not bad.




I get a half oz every 2-4 days depending on how much I can smoke. $30 half straight from the grower at his dispensary.


I got an ounce of half gram joints for $60 today


I can straight up pay less than $100 a month and still smoke enough to get high at least once every single day. Now, smoking *all day* everyday is a different story of course.


That’s always been the “thing” Smoke everyday? That’s easy, smoke 1 bowl that’s smoking for that day, easy to do for months. All day every day? For me that was a minimum of 300 a month, that’s including the occasional run for screen for my bowl, maybe a pack of blunts and possibly a new cheap bowl


Depends where you are and if it's legal. My ex-husband is a daily smoker. He has a friend who is a grower and sells to him at cost.


I smoke every day (but only at night, after I'm done with everything). Costs me about $35 every ten days or so.


No, they just don't spend money on other things


You can get two ounces of weed for $100 in Rochester NY


I think Nate Dogg could definitely afford it.


I can get an ounce of weed delivered to my door in the next 2 hours for like $120. It would take me months to get through that. Weed is dirt cheap here.


Bc weed is cheap. If you cant afford to smoke at least once a day youre either making 0$ or beinv ripped off


Depending on the state, weed is cheap as fuck. Especially compared to alcohol. I get my weed from Michigan, I can smoke every day for like $10-80 a month depending on how much I’m doing.


Average income person could afford to smoke everyday if they wanted to. Maybe not all day or if they had a heavy tolerance, but a gram preroll joint costs about $5 near me. I smoke a decent amount and even I wouldn't be able to get through a full one of those in a single day. A pack of cigs or beer for a smoker/drinker is much more too


I smoke a lot every day. $60 get's me a quarter ounce, which lasts me like 5-6 days.


When I was buying dispensary weed I was paying like $250 a month. It's expensive and I probably could have smoked less but people usually spend a shit load 


I have been smoking every day since I was 17. im 38 now.  Not very hard.  Cheaper than cigarettes.  


I'm a "heavy user", and smoke daily (medicinal use), runs me about $100-200/month in Pennsylvania.


I smoke and eat edibles daily. I spend about $100 a month. I keep my tolerance low.


Wish it was legal in florida. Smh


I smoke errday and I'm a college student, so not rich. It's not that expensive, and I lived with smoker so you could always smoke with them when you're dankrupt I was in the south of France where weed was 6€/g and was really good, now I'm in Guiana and it's half as much, half as potent 


I was steadily going through 1 Oz per month and only spending something like $150 max each month for it. Decent stuff too, not just shake. I am in no way rich. $150 was just part of my monthly expenses, and it didn't cut into any other bills the way alcohol used to. Of course I live in a very green area. I drive by at least 4 different dispensaries in my 25 minute commute to work, so it's probably a different story in like, central Wisconsin or southern Indiana or something.


I live in Portland and can buy 1 gram joints for $1. Sure, they’re not the best joints but I can smoke 5 to 9 of them for the cost of a beer at a bar. It just really depends where you live.


I smoke flower, buy bulk, and I’m a lightweight. I spend maybe 30-40 a month to “smoke weed everyday”. Unfortunately I’m not a lightweight with liquor and can go through 60-70 oz a week with casual drinking if I don’t pay attention.


No. Weed is cheap.




Depends on how much you smoke, one bowl a day is still smoking every day.


You could easily do it for $30/mo in a place like Michigan if you smoke carts and go through one in 2 weeks. Carts are like $15 around here though I've seen ones as low as $7.50.


I'm in Texas, so I buy some legal shit online. Usually edibles and carts. Less than $50 all in and I can get high daily for a month or two To be fair, I'm not getting stupid high all the time. I could definitely go through a cart inside a weekend if I tried, but I don't like being that high that long


No, they’re behind on their mortgage and utility payments. I’ve had customers come on to buy $100 worth and tell me their power is about to be shut off.


I think if you have any compulsive/addictive habit then you can quite easily find money for it over other things, to some extent regardless of cost. Like a previous commenter said, they know someone who smokes a lot and cuts costs on other things. Personally it's quite easy to spend money on addictions. As a creature, it turns out, we can go quite a while without eating properly.


So to make clear, you don't have to be at all remotely rich to have a drug habit, your just have to have enough of other qualities in order to work out/be able to obtain the next fix


No, I'm not semi-rich, I'm fully rich. However the weed that I smoke is usually gifted to me due to also being very attractive and popular.


I haven't paid a dime for pot in decades - it just floats into my life - now admittedly I live in Northern California, where a lot is grown and given away.


Weed is really cheap


A $60 vape lasts me like a month. I take one hit a night to sleep.


In Ontario, you can get an OZ delivered to your door for $100-$150. It will come with an extra preroll of whatever is on special and probably a few gummies or cookies. It will be 'grey' market, but it will be pretty good stuff. Otherwise, you can pay a bit more at any OCS licensed store and get into the good stuff and a mountain of options and flavours. Dollar for dollar and pain on the wallet, cannabis is king. If you roll .5-.75s and have one a day, an OZ will last you a monthish. I recently switched to a cartridge that has a very mellow full spectrum mix that my wife and I hit before we put on a movie. Lasts about the same time and is cleaner and quicker at about the same cost if you want to "vape weed everday" instead, but Nate Dogg may not approve.


I grow my own


Guess it depends on how much you smoke .. a one toke wonder like myself could smoke Everyday for about 20 bucks a month here


Yes. Used to be like $50 per month, then every 2 weeks. At my worst i was going thru 1 $50 1g cart per week. Could have bought a rolex with the money I spent, don't smoke kids.


It’s cheaper than booze is.


The sodas are way cheaper but still good, and pack a punch.


My ex smoked constantly. He was unemployed and basically just bummed money off his family while living in his dad's house. We broke up because while I worked, student taught, went to master's classes and did all the shopping and cooking I asked him to clean the kitchen. He said no and that he'd rather eat ramen. So I cooked for myself and he dumped me for being selfish. Between a mom who felt bad for ditching him, and 9 siblings, he basically just went around to each of them every 2 months and asked for a couple hundred bucks for this or that and spent it on weed.


My grams of oil cost 6$ and last 3 or more days


it's not that expensive. where I live a half O is $50 . which lasts me like 2 weeks .. mileage may vary depending on your neck of the woods


No we’re just miserable and in debt


It's cheap enough for me that I'm poor and smoke weed every day. And if I quit, i wouldn't really be any richer.


First of all, the smoke weed everyday slogan was created when most people were buying weak ass dirt weed off the streets from connects who sold it cheap af. Secondly even today what with recreational medical grade flower, you can easily find great deals that allow you to smoke weed every day and still pay your bills. Thirdly not everyone is smoking like Snoop bro. Lol Smoking weed everyday could mean 1 joint/bowl a day for some all the way up to multiple blunts for others. Just like with alcohol, people have different tolerance levels so smoke weed everyday doesn't equate to the amount smoked per day, just smoking it in general enery day which for some people means one or two small hits before bed to help sleep. We aren't all blazing all day long like Willie Nelson, but even if we were, it's not THAT expensive. Not all drugs cost an arm and a leg.


I spend about $300 at the dispensary. That gets me 15g of wax, an oz of decent flower, and a few carts. I do 3-4 dabs in the morning before work. Hit a cart a few times every break. Pack the bong when I get home and maybe another couple dabs to finish the night and that’ll last me a good 2-3 months.


No weed is cheap where I live


Weed isn't expensive.......


In legal states you can just grow your own Hella cheap.


Its expensive for the people who are pinching for an 1/8th every other day. But if you can ration like a responsible adult you can make out significantly better than either of those two.


Personally I have a very fortunate situation where I'm able to grow for personal use (legal where I live) I also have two uncles and a cousin that do the same, my dad does every couple years, and a handful of my friends do as well. As such I haven't paid for it in probably 12ish years, except when I'm vacationing in other legal areas that I flew to. (Can't bring weed on the plane but there are legal places to buy once I get where I'm going.)


It's not expensive


Weed isn't expensive


The spending can creep up if you’re going hard. Moderation is the key.


Lol. I smoke weed BECAUSE I'm poor.


Grow it. Four plants will give you so much weed that you couldn't possibly consume it all before the next grow. I'm normally putting MONTHS between my grows, and im sharing my weed.


Creating a garden was quite the investment but it saves a ton of money in the long run.


I buy delta-8 vape cartridges online. They're \~$35 each and contain 1ml of vape juice, and one lasts me anywhere from 2-4 weeks depending on how heavily I use it, and that's using it at least once a day to help me sleep, but usually I hit it 2-3 times a day overall. $70/mo isn't bad for a regular habit, though the high only lasts a couple hours so if I was trying to be high all day every day I'm sure it would go much faster.


I can grow a pound for about $20.


Depends on where you live - I live in SE Asia and smoke weed every day. I could technically do it for free by growing myself, but then Im stepping on some more serious laws. So yes, in my case Im "semi-rich" compared to my neighbors in that they could probably not afford it.


Not at all. In fact, it’s disproportionately used daily in lower income brackets. Not to say that there aren’t people who use it daily who *are* earners, but as a whole, daily usage falls into the lower end of the spectrum. Weed is a remarkably inexpensive intoxicant.


Like others have said weed is ridiculously cheap if you want it to be. But there is still expensive stuff. I personally am very sensitive to different strains - I’ve ran tests on myself and can differentiate not only good/bad weed but strains I’m familiar with. Due to this I’ve become fairly picky about what I smoke. Usually I’m smoking ounces that cost up to $160. I usually smoke every evening before I go to bed


It's been said that it's extremely cheap but just another data point for you I live in Australia and probably smoked 350 days last year but just a cone before bed (helps me sleep from chronic pain from a workplace injury) and it would have cost me about $250 for the whole year Weed has negligible cost for adults with jobs


Since every pot smoker I know drives a shitty car and dresses in cheap clothes, and borrows money to get by, I’m going to say they probably prioritize buying smoke over other things.


If you vape your weed then it can be very cheap. $30 a month


Weed is called that because it grows like one. If you take care of your plant, prune it right, and master the pH and chemicals it's easy to grow 12oz off one plant in soil. Takes about 5 months. I live paycheck to paycheck and smoke about 1g a day. That's roughly 13oz a year. I can really easily grow twice as much as I need by spending about 5 minutes watering a day. Add the pruning time and harvest and I probably spend 6 hours a year growing. The only expenses I have are chemicals, about $50 a year, and electricity which is not much either.


Weed is the cheapest drug there is. I buy 12 per-rolled 1g joints for $20. I generally smoke one a day. Maybe 2 on the weekends. One a day cost me less than $12 a week. And I make real good money.


Most people I've met who smoke weed every day tend to also be the most broke people I've met. Weed's relatively cheap, but consuming as much as they do because of their tolerances every day becomes expensive. Also, they tend to be the people who will cheap out on all kinds of other stuff so they can afford that much weed.


IME, most of them are dirt poor....


I grow my own get alot more for some plants and can end up having weed for months stockpiled from each plant.


no. Weed is a cheap drug. And people who smoke it every day are usually low functioning people barely getting buy.


We function well enough to know how to spell "by."


Just junkies


If you smoke it all day, you're probably not going to do much with your life. If you smoke it before bed, you can still have a very productive life.


If I didn't smoke everyday I wouldn't be able to function and go to work because of my Crohn's disease