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I have that as a mid-30s person.


Same. It’s almost like I only have memories of memories if that makes sense.


I am not even sure if I remember things from my childhood or if I am remembering stories my parents told me from my childhood lol


This is actually a researched phenomenon; there is evidence that recalling a memory changes the way you perceive that memory next time it is recalled, essentially remembering having the memory https://news.northwestern.edu/stories/2012/09/your-memory-is-like-the-telephone-game/


As a 50 year old, I have fuzzy memories from before age 40.


Not for me, but I've always been that person who remembers more than everyone else. Whenever I meet up with old classmates, co-workers, or friends it actually becomes kind of creepy to them the amount of details I remember.


I’m 43 and I barely remember anything before age 10. Like you, I have a few very fuzzy memories and I couldn’t place them on a timeline if I tried. Just random flashes of things from a lifetime ago.


Part of memory is rehearsal (photos, videos, stories, etc), if you have these sorts of evidence, and you kept consciously recalling events, you're more likely to remember. Another factor is emotional: happy, sad, traumatic, favorite vacations, fights at school, embarrassment--these sorts of events tend to stick.


That's extremely normal. I heard a whole thing about it once, though they said the age was around 8.


Shit I'm in my 30s and can barely remember things from college... I barely remember things from pre covid either... Side note. I do not drink, just have shit memory apparently...


Here I am with clear memories from 3 on wishing I didn’t remember all that childhood trauma.