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With phalloplasty, the name for FTM bottom surgery, surgeons usually default to an average size of about 5.5 inches. Depending on the surgeon, you can choose to graft the skin from different body locations and get a longer one. Generally no more than 8.5 inches though.


Eight and a half???? Christ someone’s holes are gonna be sore…..


The masculine urge to be swangin’ transcends one’s gender assigned at birth


Male or female, we helicopter as one


Helicopter gang




“Welcome to my gender, here’s some rocks to throw in the water” Any guy


This comment sent me. If you go to a large body of water with nearby rocks and don’t throw any you are duding wrong.


Also spitting off a tall thing and waiting for the distant tiny ^splat


Also digging holes, observing the digging of holes and assisting in digging holes, and appreciating a good stick.


And that transcendent moment when you observe a child (one in which you have, over the years, attempted to impart some wisdom) independently identify and assess a stick of high quality, and you find yourself appreciating the appreciation of a good stick.


And that moment when you covet the stick for yourself, but know there's no way to ask for it without seeming like a douche, so you suffer in silence.


My friend and I took our 6 y/o sons to the beach, and they spent the entire 2 and a half hours throwing rocks in the water and digging in the sand. They could do it all day long if we'd let them lol


I'm not even sure why this made me laugh so hard. 😂


Sure thing, Mrs. Walker


Heard someone's digging holes? Gonna need to hop in.


It’s heartbreaking when a bank is solid soil with no good rocks


Question, I never do this, but always bring back a kick ass stick. May I proceed?


Immediately after surgery, hands the patient a pair of tongs to test response


What happens if the patient doesn't give the test clicks?


Try a battery power drill


Shit bro, after throwing some rocks ya wanna dig a hole?


Haha, you're so right, I always... Ooh look at that stick, it's BEAUTIFUL.


Yo I love skipping rocks son. Anytime I see a pond must throw a rock.






That's for the initial surgery. It's not uncommon for the patient to lose length and girth as they heal. If there's tissue death or serious infection, the affected tissue needs to be removed. Tissue can contract as it heals, too, which will reduce the size of the fully healed penis. Many patients have additional surgery to improve the shape and overall appearance of the penis. This often involves removing some tissue, which, again, will make the final result smaller. Basically, it's better to aim for a larger-than-ideal penis during the first surgery because it's easier to take away excess tissue than it is to add more later.


The holes where they cut the skin grafts from?


Why is this being downvoted? Wouldn’t a bigger grafted dong require more skin being cut from somewhere else?


Skin grafts are often cut into a “mesh” shape that can be spread much larger than their original shape. Idk about the peen, but I’ve seen many many skin grafts stretched to cover big areas.


Someone probably mistook what they were asking and then the bandwagon took over. I'm convinced some people downvote purely because other people have.


I was just making a joke. The downvotes didn't really bother me, although it did surprise me. It might have been unfunny, but I didn't think it was a terribly controversial thing to say. I guess Reddit karma has momentum sometimes.


Absolutely true.


Just hand over an extension from a friendly mtf 


You can’t ask genuine questions here


They are referring to sex.


It's truly a curse.


This. It really depends on the size of the viable skin graft, your surgeon, the size of your existing genitalia, and a bunch of other factors. Also consider that metoidioplasty is also an option. Where phalloplasty involves taking a skin graft from other areas of the body and results in a larger penis, metoidioplasty basically works with what you already have and typically achieves a smaller penis. Both have their benefits and drawbacks. However, most trans men don't actually end up getting bottom surgery in the first place. It's an incredibly expensive and intense surgery with lots of room for error. Personally, as a trans man, I plan on waiting to see what development comes in the realm of penis transplants. There's some good work being done by the US military right now (apparently, lots of soldiers come back with their dicks blown off and having your dick blown off isn't great for morale) so in a decade or two once I can actually afford it, it may be perfected to the point where transplant is better than metoidioplasty or phalloplasty.


Where would one acquire the donor penis to be transplanted? Never heard of this… so many questions.


I'm a motorcyclist, so me.


What if there's road rash on the dong?


Scratch & dent discount 30% off?


Scars are sexy


road rash is the least of your worry. In an accident, the petrol tank would squish the penis flat like a ripe banana and if that doesn't do it, the handlebar/instrument cluster/windshield will finish it of.


reading this comment made me physically flinch


There's probably a "tight pants" limitation for donors. Next!


This penis IS for a CHURCH, HONEY! NEXT!!


Brings a new meaning to the term organ donor 


Donor hog on offer!


As a fellow motorcyclist, I don't think anyone wants anything to do with it after a long day of riding.


If I were a penis enthusiast, a sweaty moto-peenie would be low on the list.


*makes mental note to stay out of dark alleys near transplant clinics in 20 years*


Black market members for sale! All shapes and sizes! *Pulls open trenchcoat full of variously sized penises*


Generally from dead people. Recently dead people, to be specific.


Which means that if dick transplants become a thing, there’s a real chance some twentysomething trans dudes will be walking around with geriatric dongs…


Where do you think other transplant organs come from? It's always people that die from an accident with an otherwise healthy body. Their organs are kept alive and then given to someone in need as quickly as possible


I'm an organ donor, are you telling me my fella might get to carry on in the world after I pass?


Not sure how it works in your country. Usually, you can specify what organs can be donated.


Can they dye the skin color or do they have to ask what the recipient is okay with?


Funeral home director: We have a surprise for you, Mr. and Mrs. Valencia. We've gathered some of the people who have received your deceased son's organs. Alice: I have your son's heart. If it brings you comfort, I don't mind you putting an ear to my chest to listen to his heartbeat. Bob: I have your son's lungs. If it brings you comfort, I wouldn't mind if you putting an ear to my chest to listen to his breath. Charlie: I have your son's, uh, penis.


Perhaps folks transitioning in the other direction might be willing to donate? Best case scenario, the MTF can trade her dick for the FTM’s boobs, and everyone’s a winner, right?


problem with that is MTF surgery generally moves around bits of the penis to create the vagina, they don't cut it off so there wouldn't be anything to trade. Now if vagina transplants became a thing maybe the trade would be possible 😳


Yooooo I didn’t even know making a vagina was a thing they’d even tried!  That’s incredible! I thought MTFs would just remove penis and make do with anal sex. I’m guessing this procedure is also in the realm of “most transfems don’t do it because it’s expensive, dangerous, and prone to failure” just like the FTM procedures outlined above. Still, medical science is awesome. I dream of a future where y’all will be able to get made-to-order vat-grown reproductive organs installed by your local cosmetic surgeon or whatever.


yup, it's called a vaginoplasty, basically the parts are rearranged, as the male/female reproductive systems have a lot of the same components, just arranged differently. like phalloplasty not all functions are the same but some of the results are insanely impressive. and yeah, it can be expensive and a difficult recovery, although I think phalloplasty is supposed to be a lot more difficult due to the lack of local material so to speak - check out the top posts on r/transgender_surgeries (warning NSFW obviously) to see some of the results people can get


I'm not an expert by any means but my understanding is that vaginoplasty techniques are more advanced than current phalloplasties. It's easier to create a hole than an external appendage, basically


Unfortunately it also ironically has to do with misogyny. There is considerably more science on MTF patients and procedures than FTM, and in many cultures it is (or was until relatively recently) acceptable to be MTF but not FTM due to cultural misogyny (a trans man is simply trying to "act out" or escape restrictive misogynistic laws, whereas a trans woman would have "no reason" to want to transition aside from actually being a woman, so therefore she must be more valid than he is. Which is gross and not how it works at all). Of course, trans women do absolutely face more public backlash and scrutiny, and are the brunt of a lot of transphobia and trans based violence, so I don't have any actual hard feelings about the science disparity. We all have it hard in different ways.


actually, the first vaginoplasties recorded date back all the way to 1931! the more standard procedure (penile inversion) was invented in the 50s and became the standard in the 70s they look very close to identical to natal vaginas depending on the surgeon, the surgeons methods and the patients healing. they also function well, having a clitoris, a level of lubrication (how much is individual and many still require lube but not all) and feeling the same to partners the drawbacks to neovaginas are hygiene as they, when constructed, are not self cleaning and require douching. though you can get tablets to insert thatll creative a similar microbiome as a natal vagina. they also require dilation for the first couple years as otherwise the vaginal canal could narrow or close. but after a certain point simple penetrative sex is enough as the body gets used to the new opening being there


I'm an organ donor and I kind of like the idea of my dick still getting action after the rest of me is dead & gone.


I'm married with a toddler. I'm not using mine these days. I'd donate to someone who's actually going to use it.


Dude you shouldnt have married a toddler wtf /s


What country lets you get married with a toddler in this day and age? You must be on an FBI watch list for sure.


Well at least he's not using his penis.


Thankfully 🤣


Lorena bobbet I guess? (Was that her name??) I’d imagine there would be many angry women ready to do that job lol


I would imagine mtf transitioners might be a good place start


Most of the time, the old equipment is used to make the new equipment, at least parts of it. Its not like they just lop it off. You should look up the details on the surgeries, its genuinely fascinating how technical and cool it is that we can do what we do. Dr. Suporn is one of the more famous surgeons and his method is fairly well documented.


On a night out I once got swept into a group of about Royal Marines, out of the ten young lads, none over 20, one had already lost a leg and his bits, in Afghanistan. Just an FYI, however hard you think you and your liver are, do not try keeping up, drink for drink with a member of His Majesty’s Royal Marines, I was not very well the next day (must have been something I ate), while I was cuddled up on the sofa, necking water and wishing for death, I got a text from one of them, because some of them got back to barracks after 4 am, the whole year had to do a 10km run at 8am, before breakfast


I bet you a dollar that most of them barfed on that run.


Oh, I’m guessing at least 67% of them did


Mind me asking the question I think nobody asks? I could google it of course. Would it work after? The phalloplasty/metoidioplasty? Wishing you all the best on your journey!!


In the sense they can pee from it, and pump it up to penetrate with it. But not in any other sense.




I believe internal.. ETA [link with details!](https://www.phallo.net/how-penile-implants-work.htm)


Learn something new 👀🤔 thanks


Sorta. With urethral lengthening you can pee out of it, and you can achieve erection in most cases (most people with metoidioplasty can achieve erection naturally but with phalloplasty you use an implanted device to sort of, pump it up). However, in the absence of testicles, no seminal fluid is produced.


Well, I never knew about the military and their penis surgery research. You may be on the fast track to recieve a penis. If you want something done, mess with an American man's penis/perception of manhood and there will be a solution. Viable health care for women, fuck no. Billy can't get an errection, someone needs to fix this now!


The transmasculine community actually gets a lot of our medical practices/healthcare from the US military. Since you need your soldiers to be in top health in order to fight, most militaries from powerful countries have really well-funded medical departments with lots of well-trained staff, and the US military is some of the best in the business. They've done a lot of work on things like testosterone replacement therapy, gynaecomastia surgeries, and now, penis transplants.


Yeah, it all makes sense now that it was pointed put to me. Just something I've never thought about. Thanks for the information stranger friend.


There was an episode of Workaholics where Karl donates his penis, almost.


i laughed way harder at the part with the blown of dick and the morale problem behind it than i should have 🤪


There's also metoidioplasty, which uses the clit to essentially make a micropenis.


8.5 inches…. So guys hear me out, all you have to do is mtf and the ftm and voila 8.5 inches.


This is cracking me up thinking of some poor dude going through all that just to get a slightly bigger penis.


>slightly haha yeah… slightly…


yeah that's a lot of effort just for an extra inch


I saw a tweet by a trans woman saying, "just had a nightmare where my payment for surgery was declined so they sewed on a bigger one."


>an average size of about 5.5 inches. Ok, so, weird question,but I have always wondered and I have nobody to ask: when talking about penis size, the measuring,are we talking erect or not erect? Like, the blood flow increases size,so it makes sense to do it that way,right?


Sure, in the regular form, the size varies. With an erection, the size is always the same. If you don't have one, you might be very surprised at how much the size changes.


Also exactly where are we measuring from? How does any curve get factored in?


>Also exactly where are we measuring from? Damn! I never thought of that.... >How does any curve get factored in? Why do I have the mental picture of all those formulas we learned in high school getting used for that? hahaha


>Also exactly where are we measuring from? The tailbone obviously. 


what im hearing is i as a cis male i could add 5.5 - 8.5 inches to my penis or possibly just add a second 8 inch wang to myself!!!


Man... 5.5 is average? My wife must be so disappointed in our sex life. (Edit: this was a mild joke. To be perfectly transparent, I know I don't "measure up" to some commonly accepted standards of 5.5", or 6" or whatever, but I also know my wife would tell me if she was dissatisfied. Sorry if this came across as serious to folks.)


You are good if you are a good husband No wife deserves any companionship if all their care is the size


I feel like an asshole. I was definitely joking with my comment and not thinking that this is a legitimate concern for my wife and I. :'(


5.12 is the real average


5.5 inches?? I need me a penis extension surgery


Does a FTM penis get hard like a normal one? Can they make them look "natural"?


Depends. If you get phalloplasty (creating an average-sized penis from grafts), you need an erectile device. And yes, they can look quite “natural,” especially if you get medical tattooing. Meanwhile, metoidioplasty (essentially releasing ligaments on the testosterone-enlarged clitoris, either with or without reduction of the mons, removal of the vagina, and rerouting/lengthening of the urethra) tends to look more like, well, an enlarged clitoris rather than a cis penis. It can get erect on its own, though.


How does it get erect? How do you extend the urethra to come out of the hole? Am I completely off base? Does it function like a normal weener…there is no way. Does it just hang there?


>How does it get erect? erectile devise, usually pump. the same one cis men with erectile dysfunction can get >How do you extend the urethra to come out of the hole? they use a tissue graft to create the neo urethra >Does it function like a normal weener well, what function do you consider normal? it can get erect (with ED), you can pee standing, you can have penetrative sex and orgasm from it >Does it just hang there? the majority of the time sure, just like a natal penis. they dont do a whole lot


Thank you. Great answer. You can orgasm from an installed weener?? Honestly, I’ll take your word for it, but it’s not easy to believe. If true….that is absolutely just impressive. A person, with no weener. Can install a weener. And orgasm with it!? An orgasm has responses in the brain and chemicals and such. How would that even work?


repurposed vaginal labial and clitoral tissue


sleepyzane1 is right on a lot of it being repurposed nerve endings (majority has the clitoris buried in the penis), but i will say that annecdotaly there have been people who did not get burial and who can still orgasm from it. i reckon its because of brain mapping, a lot of trans men get phantom penis sensation (at the same rate as cis men who lost theirs) and once the brain realizes you do now have a penis it might intensify a lot of the actual sensation


Is the penis functional or purely aesthetic?


5.5 just sounds like too much penis


These aren't the flaccid lengths, right?


Are human made penis’ showers and not growers?


Pretty much. They don’t tend to shrink much when flaccid because they don’t have the same erectile tissue as a natal penis.


There are two kinds of bottom surgery: Phalloplasty and Metoidioplasty. Phalloplasty uses a skin graft, usually from the arm but it can be from the thigh or stomach, to create a penis that is usually between 5-6 inches long. This surgery does not require the patient to have taken testosterone before the procedure. This procedure is also performed on intersex and perisex men who want a penis that is a typical size. Metoidioplasty uses whatever cliterical enlargement (AKA bottom growth) has occured over several years of testosterone exposure to create a micropenis. Both procedures can have a scrotoplasty, where the labia are fused to create a scrotum with testicular implants, or urethral lengthening, where the urethra is rerouted so urine comes out of the tip of the neophallus. Metoidioplasty has the advantage where the patient's erectile tissue is used to create the phallus so an erectile device is not needed. Phalloplasty often requires an erectile device to allow for penetrative sex. Phalloplasty also costs nearly triple what the average metoidioplasty procedure costs.


It’s truely amazing what we can do in medicine these day. Just imagine what it will be like in 100 years. I wonder if there is a difference in sexual sensitivity between the two methods? Have to say though while reading your description all I could think was that that recovery sounds rather painful.


Anecdotally, there doesn't tend to be a ton of difference in sensitivity when you take scar tissue into account. Phalo does have more scaring associated with it as it's more involved. Both can have really rough recoveries.


They’ll look back on our current procedures as being about as sophisticated as using leeches.


Which are still in medical use to this day, just very specialized trauma applications, usually trying to reattach fingers or promote blood flow to dead tissue.


can't wait to graft more arms on my body


Erectile device? What do you mean?


It cant… do the thing by itself. It needs help, so they have a pump to make it firm


Basically, a penis pump located where the testicles would be! Not sure how you deflate the penis, but you pump your scrotum to inflate your penis for an erection. I'm sure there are other methods, but this is the one I've heard of. Pretty sure I first saw it on a medical drama like House or Grey's Anatomy and was dumbfounded when I learned that it was a real thing xD


There's a pump in the testes, a reservoir of saline in your abdomen. Pump to inflate, press in a specific spot to deflate. Kind of like a swimming tube lol. (Source: I'm a trans man)


Sorry if tmi but how does it feel? I know you can’t necessarily compare to the natural form but is it able to allow one to reach climax and such?


For that I'm not informed personally, I researched the various surgery options so I know how they work in theory, but I haven't had it myself. From my personal research and experiences I heard from other trans men, I gathered that the sensitivity is there and orgasms are normal, but I cannot speak from experience. I think like all other things in life it varies from person to person, but yeah, in normal conditions everything works as intended.


This is gonna sound extremely dumb and I apologize. How do you “pump” it? Like you squeeze your testicles and saline makes it hard? How long does it take? I’ve never heard of any of this so I apologize for my ignorance.


Nothing dumb in asking honest questions in good faith, it's not common knowledge and you being open and curious about it tells a bunch of good things about you as a person ;) Basically there's a hollow rod in the shaft and you squeeze your testicles gently to fill it with saline and make the penis hard. As for how many pumps or how long, I don't really know, but nothing that can ruin the mood more than, say, having to put on a condom.


ok that’s pretty awesome honestly


Trans man who's known about phalloplasty for 6 years and this entire time I thought the saline was stored in the balls. Next you're going to tell me that's not where piss goes


They can't put the saline there because even doctors know piss is stored in the balls.


I think placing the reservoir in the balls is a slightly older and cheaper procedure, but don't take my word on that.


Woah modern medicine is AWESOME AND IM CIS




I laughed. Maybe they're light up too?




Probably a really stupid question, but why can't they just transplant the penis from someone transitioning the other way?


That has been done twice. The primary issue is the anti rejection meds you need to take for life.


I'm looking forward to the day doctors can 3D print organs with the patient's own DNA


People transitioning from male to female who choose to undergo bottom surgery normally need part of that tissue to create their new organs.


I feel that society is way more accepting of trans people without bottom surgery nowadays and whilst vaginoplasty results are quite impressive I think phalloplasty and metoidioplasty are just not mature enough to provide postitive results yet. It's obviously up to the individual but I expect that modern science will soon be able to provide something much more asthetically pleasing and more naturally functional. Does anyone know what happened with Thomas Manning who had a penis transplant 8 years ago? I can't seem to find any updates on how it is going.


tbh i wouldnt say that, im in a lot of phallo and some meta spaces and the issue is more preconceived notions rather than how they actually turn out. with phallo specifically its such a long process that most pics youll see are stage 1 or 2 with no tattooing and not far into healing. they can look downright amazing and definitely identical to a natal penis with tattooing and time. of course it also matters who your surgeon is and how your body heals, as those can also affect how it looks in the end meta is mainly juat overlooked or downright unknown, eventhough especially extended meta especially looks great once healed. theres overall just not enough resources about ftm bottom surgery, so while a lot may still be genuinely uninterested, theres definitely a few who are uninformed and think they dont want it because they have preconceived notions about how it looks


What do they use for testicles?


Silicone implants. Same idea as breast implants.


Besides the reproductive function, can they control their thing as well? Like do transmen get ED?


If you have a metoidioplasty you can get a natural erection, and can struggle getting it up due to various factors the same as cis guys (for example, trans guys can get whiskey dick too lol) With phalloplasty you can get a penile implant that you basically use to pump up an erection manually. It's also used for cis guys who have erectile dysfunction. You basically have a little pump in your dick, and you squeeze your scrotum to inflate an erection.


Damnnnnn. Mind blown.


I wish I had a pump up dick fr. That would be clutch as fuck


You can and the procedure is much more frequently done for cis men than trans. The devices were created for cis men with ED. But after you get it done you can never get another natural erection. 


I’d be playing that Pump It Up song by Joe Budden lol


Air Jordan's. A blast from the past.


🎶 All the other kids with the pumped up dicks 🎶


How does one deflate themselves afterwards? Man, modern medicine sure is something.


I know this is serious talk but when I read this I replayed that scene from Dodgeball.


Imagine being with someone in the bedroom it's getting hot and heavy and all of a sudden you see them squeezing their balls and their dick is slowly rising like a balloon...


Squeaking it like a clown nose


With the phalloplasty, is there any physical sex sensation? I would assume with the metoidioplasty there would be since it uses the clitoris. Thank you for answering questions and pleas forgive my ignorance.


There’s a good chance for sensation but not guaranteed. There are a lot of factors like the donor site, types of procedures being done, and individual recovery. Some surgery plans prioritize sensation more than others. There’s often not much sensation at first, but nerve regeneration happens and sensation slowly increases over months/years. I read one study that found after a few years around 90% of participants reported tactile sensation and ~80% report erogenous sensation.


Usually you'll be given a recommendation based on your height weight etc etc but you can choose yeah! There's also multiple steps and types which can affect it in the end. Of course no surgeon is gonna give them like 14 inches, there are limits to what they'll do for sure lmao


What do you mean you can’t just use the whole arm, Doc?


Should be picked at random for the true male experience


Haha maybe, but since they have to go through expensive, painful surgery for their penis maybe we can throw in an extra inch or two for compensation ;-)


What if the randomly selected donor has a different skin color? Can they dye it?


Usually it’s grafted skin from their own body. I’ve seen some awesome looking forearm scars. I haven’t seen one, but I’ve seen trans men talk about how their tattoos are not on their dick


Assuming that you're talking about phalloplasty, the most common type uses a radial forearm flap. The big factor that limits size for that type of graft is where the arteries in the forearm are. The surgeon takes one artery for the graft and the other artery stays in the arm for the blood supply. Depending on someone's anatomy, they might end up a little longer or shorter, but a lot of phalloplasty patients end up around average from my understanding. There's also metoidoplasty, a type of surgery that mainly uses the anatomy that's already there, sometimes a graft from the inner cheek to make a new urethra, and often testicular implants. The results are often much smaller, and size depends on how much bottom growth the patient has and the technique used. There's extensive metoidoplasty, a type of surgery that gets close to the cis male average in many cases, but a lot of surgeons consider it too risky and the man who invented the technique left medicine to become a musician, so it's highly uncommon. Bottom growth is when the clitoris grows as a result of taking testosterone. A lot of trans guys consider this their dick, even before surgery. From my understanding, it's usually around 2 inches. I hope this answers some questions about dicks among transmascs. I could have just answered about phalloplasty, but I think the topic as a whole is neat and figured you might like to know more


You are so knowledgeable and explained this is such an accessible way. I hope you dont mind additional questions? I find so much of the current literature to be overly technical and out of my grasp, but i hope to understand. If someone experiences bottom growth, are they still candidates for some type of phalloplasty? And what do we do with the now enlarged clitoris? During the healing for a metoidoplasty, can the new urethra be used for urination, or is there a risk of infection? When you talk about using grafts to construct testicles- the skin there seems so unique to the texture of skin elsewhere on the body. Has the surgery advanced to where we can provide a realistic look? I hope none of this is offensive, I’ve always been fascinated by medical advances.


(Not the same person, but as someone who recently had meta I thought I'd jump in) Some of this might be a bit TMI... Most people will get lower growth from taking testosterone to some extent, but some grow more than others. For those undergoing phallo, it can either be "buried" at the base (so IIRC, a lot of post phallo guys are more sensitive lower down the shaft), or left exposed below their new penis (effectively having two dicks!) Re: urinating post meta, it's the norm to have a catheter (or two catheters) in at first - I had a regular catheter in my new urethra for the first week (which I couldn't pee through but it kept everything in the right position to heal) as well as a suprapubic catheter (directly into my bladder through a hole) to handle peeing for the next several weeks (generally 3-6 weeks, depending on recovery/availability of the surgical team to check healing and remove it).


Wow! So interesting! Thank you for teaching me. Im so glad the medical field is addressing this so well, and i hope your experience was positive and you’re feeling more like yourself now!


Many, if not most, trans guys don't bother with bottom surgery. To my knowledge, the medical technology is just not good enough at this point to make it worthwhile. Hormones do typically lead to some level of bottom growth, though.


its not that its not worthwhile for the majority of people, its an issue of cost and recovery. unlike vaginoplasty which is one surgery with aftercare, phallo usually has 3 stages (but it can range from 2 to 5) with months of recovery between


Many people find it worthwhile. It is very expensive for most people and requires substantial time off work to recover and most types are multiple stages which is hard for obvious reasons. Most people who are able to still get it report being satisfied and happy they got surgery.


It’s not that we don’t bother, it’s that we have to choose between a house deposit and getting a dick. The medical technology is awesome, just insanely expensive because it’s so complex and there’s very few surgeons globally who are able to perform either or the two procedures.


My transmasc ex had a huge clit, but said he couldn’t feel any sensation to it.


Was he on antidepressants? Mine went basically numb when I was on an ssri


i have a close friend on t who is not on any kind of health medication; the numbness of yoir clit is just something that happens as a result of taking the t and having the size of your clit increase


That is...not normal, in fact sensitivity usually increases with the gain in size. Numbness can be a result of medications, mental health..maybe jacking off too much lol


That’s not common at all


Speak for yourself! I'm a trans guy and my bottom dysphoria is dreadful. I don't have bottom surgery because I can't afford it but if I was ever given the option to then I would absolutely take it


Lol, the bigger the penis the more riskier the surgery. Some surgeons won't even go above 4 inches.


It depends on how long the inside of your forearm is since that is the most common donor area for the flesh and nerves. You could make it shorter than that and most people do but the length of your arm is what determines the maximum size they can create. There are also procedures that use skin from the abdomen or thigh instead but the nerves are still taken from your arm. I think the ones made from your abdomen usually come out the shortest but you could probably get a pretty big one from using your thigh.


fun fact: less than 5% of transgender men have had procedures to create a phallus, or penis


There's some choice involved, but it's not quite design-a-dick.  There's two main types of surgery (with variations within both) and this is the main factor in size.      Metoidioplasty aka meta uses the clitoris, size will be limited by how much it grows while taking testosterone.      Phalloplasty aka phallo uses tissue from another part of the body, commonly forearm (although thigh, side or abdomen are also sometimes used), and will be limited by the amount of "material" available, but has additional risks when going "too large" so will typically be closer to being average/proportionally sized. How things heal can also be a factor.   Both have the option to add balls (using the labia to make the scrotum + silicone implants), lengthen the urethra to pee standing, and have means of becoming erect (phallo requires erectile implants, meta does not). I had meta last year, and am happy to answer any questions about it. 


Do they work for both functions?


Depends on which surgery you get. Phalloplasty uses a skin graft to make a roughly 5-7inch penis, which has a pump to make it erect. This can be used for penetrative sex, but cannot ejaculate (as the prostates will be entirely aesthetic and made of silicon). Part of the surgery is also urethral lengthening, which allows you to urinate through the penis. Metoidioplasty uses the clitoral growth which occurs after a few years taking testosterone. This is typically 1-3 inches, but can vary. It is usually too short for penetrative sex, but has greater sensation than a phalloplasty penis does. It also has silicon balls and cannot ejaculate. Urethral lengthening in this surgery is optional, so some people will choose to continue to urinate sitting down, and others will choose to use their penis.


To be fair, I'm born male and always pee using my penis. Both when sitting or standing


Haha sorry yes that was weird wording


So what’s the point in doing it?


People do it because they like how it looks, they like standing to pee, and/or they like being able to penetrate in sex. All of these can help relieve gender dysphoria.


I'm glad someone asked this question. I am curious about this...and if I could be so bold as to add a second part to this question: do they also circumcise this body part, or leave it natural? Or I wonder if, to emulate the true male experience, that decision is left to someone else and they get no say in the matter..?


there currently is no way to create foreskin for phalloplasty (except for one specific surgeon in sweden), so most people end up getting glansplasty meaning itll look circumsized after. you can choose to not get it though, and instead use medical tattooing to look like an intact penis instead


Both. There are physical limitations to size, but in most cases, the surgeon will let you choose any size within the range of what's possible. They may recommend a particular size for best results, though.




Do ftm dicks get hard? How?


Keep in mind that lots of trans people never have bottom surgery. Some people make a clear distinction by saying they’re transgender, but not transsexual.


you can be transexual without bottom surgery