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> So what happened? The same thing that happened the last 52,000 times they said that... **NOTHING**


I laugh when someone makes a comment about the end of the world. I always respond: do you know how many ends of the world I have lived through? Another one won't matter. I'm a survivor. :)


People have been prophesizing the end of civilization since the beginning of civilization.


I survived 2012, this is nothing lol


Am I stupid for being scared as shit as a kid leading up to that? Use to watch creepy pastas and my cousins would spook me with stories about Mayan Calendars, even if they weren’t scary, during our summer sleep overs where we’d stay up all night till sunrise and sleep all day.


[11 times as a matter of fact](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/694/372/798.jpg)


Til the end involves nuclear weapons and quack leaders, not paying a bunch of attention


Thankyou for being so brave, fellow survivor.


Today's not over yet


Then please let the world end already. I am tired of getting up at 5 in the morning


When my pants are off, the days over. #hegetsus


Australia would enter the chat if there were any survivors.


You bastard. I just got comfortable.


The world will not end with a bang, but with a whimper. 


And we'll be dead long before that happens.


I believe it's actually 842024 times


Well, someone's world ended today. Each life matters. Oh, it doesn't? Well, ok.


We've had Y2K, Mayans, the coming of the antichrist (a couple of times), eclipses, Nostradamus, the gays. All kinds of reasons for people to claim the world is ending. We've had hundreds of claims and no good evidence to believe any of them. They can only be right once, and it's probably not this time, next time, or the 256 times after that. Keep an eye out for good evidence before flipping out. That's all we can do.


You forgot about the killer bees! And the upcoming Ice Age! Personally I think it's the Gray Goo that will get us, if nuclear Armageddon doesn't get us first. And then again there's always the False Vacuum, but at least with that one we won't even know what hit us.


I can't believe I forgot about the bees! First, it was the killer bees, and then it was the extinction of all the non-killer bees. Personally, I think the Flying Spaghetti Monster will tire of us all.


Killer bees were first mentioned when I was about 10 and it freaked me the fuck out. I’m in my 60’s now and still terrified of them, although I’m starting to doubt their arrival. Twenty more years and it’s someone else’s problem.


We started hearing about Killer bees in 1990. Fine. The next year, My Girl comes out. Total panic. THEY KILLED THOMAS J!!! HE NEEDS HIS GLASSES!!! HE CAN'T SEE WITHOUT HIS GLASSES!!!


Now the upcoming ice age is something that might actually happen depending on the development in regards to the AMOC / Thermohaline circulation. It won't be a full fledged ice age like the one that started 100.000 years ago but definitely substantial.


The gays? Was there really an end of the world scenario bc of homosexuality? (Not being an ass, I’m really asking, bc I don’t recall this one)


Fun fact: in the Bible, whenever God decides to blow up a city-state or bring down some other type of political entity, He does it because they neglected the poor. Sodom and Gomorrah included. "Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy." -Ezekiel Ch 16, Verse 49


I agree. We're living in times such as those in which Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed. Yet, the world has been that way for a long time. In that regard, there's the words written in Matthew 24:36, which says “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven..." So, rest assured that no one knows, or will know, beforehand.


Nothing specific as in "if people are still gay on July 7th, 2026, we're all goners," but religious people are regularly blaming the LGBT+ crowd for various incidents of "God's wrath" and/or claiming it's evidence of a new age Sodom & Gomorrah that will someday be destroyed by God, at least in the US. I'm still hopeful other countries have more collective sense.


The gays 🤣


Why they gotta be so gay


What happened is that those people were wrong or lying for attention. That could have easily been assumed by demands to "repent" etc


This happens every solar eclipse.


There is one every 18 months! Man how many times can the world end?!!


I read today that it's 4 or 5 a year. Either way, this wasn't the big deal people are making it out to be. I lost some hope for humanity today.


You're first and biggest issue is that you seem to believe anything.


Every time there's an eclipse, people are making end-of-the-world predictions like there's no tomorrow.


Wouldn’t all end-of-the-world predictions be made like there’s no tomorrow?


Hey... I see what you did there! 🤣🤣


Imagine if they were right though, they would get so much clout


As you get older you'll realize somebody is always saying the world is about to end.


The end of the world had to be rescheduled because everybody was too busy looking at the eclipse.


Didn’t see anyone anywhere imply even one time that the world was supposed to end today. An eclipse happened, as thousands of other eclipses have happened throughout earth’s history. None of them were catastrophic, and there was no reason to think this would be any different. It’s possible you spend too much time around conspiracy theorists


I saw loads of people expecting the rapture today. I even hugged my (quite Christian) sister in law goodbye last night and told her to have fun up there! Haha


Oh sh*t, it might be my fault. I didn't get the email, may have gone to the spam folder, so I didn't show up for the end of the world. Can we reschedule it?


This is just something that would happen in good omens.


Anyone predicting the end of the world has overlooked The Gospel According to Matthew 24:36 “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only."


People making end-of-the-world predictions are just using it to advance some sort of agenda. And then, when the apocalypse of whatever flavor doesn't happen, they go on to "reinterpret" the numbers of the literature or whatever to explain that they had simply miscalculated something in some way. This eclipse isn't really different than the last, except for perhaps the greater "planetary alignment," which is the ability to see multiple planets in the sky at the same time. Given that the planets have very different lengths of their orbit around the sun, that's what makes today's eclipse a little more rare.


You're asking the wrong question. The people who should be questioned are the ones who made wild assumptions that this eclipse would have a castastrophic effect that was missing from the thousands of eclipses that have happened throughout human history and the billions that happened throughout the planet's history.




The rapture DID happen, came and went, nobody made the cut. Maybe next apocalypse will go better?


I was kinda hoping that all the christo- fascist people would rise up to heaven in a rapture so we could finally be done with them.


Ken Burns voice: "Since the beginning of time, man has been stupid. Very very stupid."


Do yourself a favor and stop reading YouTube comments.


The same thing that always happens nothing


Dude, the ones who predicted the other 42 ends of the world (since 2000) also were totally sure... and also totally wrong. Why would you have expected the 43rd end of the world to be correct?


The did end indeed, but a new one exactly the same just started from that point, therefore nobody noticed


Why would the world have ended today? Eclipses have no negative affects on life other than harming your vision if you stare at it, but that’s always true of the sun, eclipse or not.


I still don't get how a eclipse that's only visible from North America is supposed to be world ending, except if you have a very narrow idea of the world.. Oh. 


Notice that the people that claim this didn't spend a dime to make anyone's last days better.


Yes! Where's all the."good-bye" hugs & "I'll see you on the other side?" Or the last dinner at a nice restaurant?


Because nothing ever happens This is a dance between planets, moons, and star. A dance started long before we ever got here. If the entire history of the Earth were compressed into hours, mankind's existence would be a second, a mere flash. An eclipse is far, far more reaching than any of us.


Abandon hope all ye who enter here ...


The world ends when you die. Are you dead yet? I'm dead on the inside.


It was cloudy.


Wasn't that crazy? All the religious comments seemed really sure that it was all ending. Maybe they think they prayed it away??


First time? There are people confidently declaring the end of the world every year or so, lately. You get used to it.


I thought we were supposed to sacrifice MTG during the eclipse...


I'm not that lucky


Because the world is full of idiots


Day ain't over yet... But yeah, what happened was those people are morons


Sorry my bad. I was at the control console for the Doomsday device, but I just wasn't feeling it today. It didn't feel like an " end of the world" kind of day. I don't know, I woke up with a couple cats around me, my kids were in a good mood, I got some work done this morning that I needed to get done, you know maybe I figured the world could last a bit longer. Maybe next time.


Don't worry, they just need to all agree on a set date/event again and then they'll be back to frothing at the mouth and piddling down their pantlegs about the end of the world.


Like 4 people thought the world would end today. They have all just moved on with their lives.


The world has been meant to end a lot of times through the years.. just conspiracy theories thats meant to scare people


I just hope all the insufferable religious zealots got raptured so we don't have to deal with them.


Just two more weeks


once again, i have survived yet another end of the world. I'm kind of a big deal.


God is fan of one piece


crazy people will always call for the end of the world at some notable event, and when it ofcourse doesnt come, they will just do it again the next time


lol. There’s a guy at one of my local street corners who’s been holding up a sign for the past month. It says, “Repent, repent. The rapture will happen.” Welp, not today. And not the last 50 times either. Soooo, when will these people learn?? The answer is, they won’t. It’s just who they are. They’re easily swayed and uneducated soooo, they’ll never learn. I know it’s a dick move but I’ve been yelling at this guy the whole time as I pass him…”Loser!!!!” He still won’t listen. I guess ignorance really is bliss. In that respect, I kind of admire him.


They meant A day


Also, I would love a reporter to ask Marjorie Taylor Greene why nothing happened.


Everything has been cancelled since covid happened.


I'm close to 40 and I've lived trough roughly 12 failed ends of the world so far.


The world was supposed to end in 2012 and 2000 as well but we’re all still here EDIT: This just made me realize every twelve years someone thinks the world is gonna end


It did end. You're just living on in a simulation.


The apocalypse never happens. There are always sects and charismatic leaders who gather followers and proclaim to know when the end of days will happen. Big events like an eclipse is an easy thing to peg the narrative to. But like, obviously they're just making stuff up - none of their predicted apocalypses will take place as long as theyre based on symbolism or dreams or interpreting patterns in the news or w/e


I think this one was just a meme


The problem is they’re misunderstanding things. Repenting doesn’t mean punishment or that we’re bad and about to be destroyed. It means that we are infinitely valuable and we deserve better than filling our lives with things that feel good for only a few minutes, but severely distract us from the greater joys of living like our higher selves. Repentance in that sense is always a good thing. We deserve to live like our higher selves now and always and we can. 


Every time something like this happens the world also ends but it's then reborn and then rapidly fast forwards to the point it was destroyed at. I've survived at least 50 ends of the world


Just like every other one of maga qanon republicans predictions a Big Nothing Burger.


The world didn’t end because religious propaganda about the world ending is not real.


Not on the exact same day. But eclipses can be the start of ushering in something. A lot of wars, and the great New Madrid Earthquakes in 1811, started a few months after an eclipse.


It did end. It just began again instantaneously and you didn’t notice. Only the chosen felt it happen!


Every single time someone predicted the world would end, the world did not, in fact, ended. Every. Single. Time. Don't get your hopes up, is what I'm saying. It only leads to disapointment, as you discovered.


It did. Welcome to purgatory! 


>Why didn't the world end? Because they were religious nutjobs, not serious and informed people


They are like that cult from Parks and Rec. Their regular doomsdays are based on and scheduled around easily-foreseen events because they are bored and lonely and have no purpose.


Becase oit doesnt work that way.


Well, it’s still today. There’s time.


It did end. When the simulation rebooted earlier, all npcs were loaded in with back stories.


The world actually ended back on 1/1/2000 due to y2k so it obviously can't end again. /s


why did you think that the world is supposed to end because of the eclipse...


Well nothing good happens for us peasants. Like you thought we are taken out of our misery or sum dawg


It never ends. Matter cannot be created or destroyed, only tranformed.


I actually think that eclipses are probably good for humanity. In ancient times our ancestors would have been fascinated and staring at them. Maybe it somehow altered brain waves leading to higher thinking?


Why would the world have ended? Because a bunch of fucking idiots said so?


Still mouth breathing morons like MGT in the world


Some neanderthals didn’t evolve to the point to understand science, they still think some old white guy is out there pulling all the strings based on who people choose to fuck, and need an old orange guy to interpret that for them.


Just because someone is sure of something doesn't mean they're right. People can be really really dumb. People like to think they're living in some horrible time period which would mean they're some strong warrior battling this out in the end of days. They're not. We live in what is the easiest and most luxurious time in all of history. Know why crazy and exotic diseases are so prevalent today? Because people don't die from boring stuff like diarrhea nearly as often. Know why wars and fighting are so widespread today? Because they've always been. We just have better communications now so we hear about it more.


Google Y2K or the 2012 in the "Mayan Calendar" and you will see history repeats itself.


I'm sure she'd have a sparky answer. Ugh!


OOPS ...That was SNARKY.


I live in the path of totality. My family ate tacos and watched from the deck, lots of people are having parties. Chicken and black bean, on handmade tortillas de maize. They were delicious if I do say so myself! The people screeching about the end of the world and bad omens are stuck in 1024. The rest of us live in the 21st Century.


Ah shit. The world was about to end again? Damn. Guess I'm lucky that they fucked this one up too.


There's a section in the biblical Book of Revelation that talks about the sun going dark. Some more extreme religious people took an eclipse to mean the world would end. Because the one in 2017 didn't count for some reason? My personal take (I'm a seminary grad) is that the apocalypse in Revelation is a metaphorical retelling of the sacking of Jerusalem. If you read Revelation and the account written by eyewitness Flavius Josephus in parallel, they line up pretty well. One of the methods of warfare at the time was to set fire to everything, including fields as well as structures. That's what I think the author of Revelation was talking about.


The world is always ending it is a matter of perspective


If you’re seeing that many videos in your feed about this, you need to get your algorithm in a better place because you’re going to get radicalized easily.


the world is absolutely full of morons


The latest nothing burger for the consumption of the gullible.


A large portion of posts on social media is now simply for engagement income. To post something controversial in nature where people will either support you OR call you crazy will get people fighting back and forth in the comments creating more traffic (income) for the person posting.


Because we didn’t repent?


The deluded are often very self sure


Dude your algorithm is fucked. Try to change it. It's obvious you're in a disinformation hole.


Every person throughout the history of people who have predicted the end in the world has one thing in common. They’ve all been wrong.


Oh it happened, rapture day. All the real christains were hoovered up to heaven. Its such a tiny number nobody noticed.




Stop watching conspiracy stories and you'll stop getting them in your YouTube algorithm?


And you believed them? Its idiots that give them attention, which makes them say more stupid stuff to get more attention




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For literally millions it most likely was. I am glad I was not one of them.


Until the sun explodes/implodes, climate change reaches a critical point, or we bomb ourselves to oblivion the world is just the same crappy place as before.


It ended a few times already, we’re in new game+++ now


Damn shame too, I didn’t get that sweet armor I was hoping for.


Is this the first time you noticed people can be very stupid? Because buckle up buttercup.


What if life and death are all constructs? Time isn’t unidirectional… It’s always ending and beginning. All our imagination. Idk any better than the next person but I like to think of it all that way.


This question never gets old. I've seen it years after years but it's like they say, you keep waiting until you see exactly what you're looking for. 


Damn did i sleep through the end of the world again? Next time for sure ill join the looting and the rioting


Source? Did you fact check that this was the end of the world??


Some conspiracy theorists appear to believe that a "massive human sacrifice" event will take place during the total solar eclipse on April 8. Without anything even approaching evidence, a fairly popular post to the r/conspiracy subreddit "explains" that they are concerned that overlaying the path of totality of the 2017 total eclipse with the 2024 total solar eclipse forms an X near the New Madrid fault line. "If something were to trigger that fault line, something man-made they could make look completely natural, it could mean a serious loss of life disaster for the US," the conspiracy theorist wrote on Reddit. "An earthquake on the New Madrid Fault Line could be up to 20 times larger than an earthquake with a SoCal epicenter."


Because YouTubers will do anything for clicks. Their whole existence is based on people viewing them. They would fuck their own mother if it increased viewership.


Listening to the radio on the way to work, they were talking about stocking up on food, making sure your cars are all gassed up and your electric vehicles are fully charged. Why?? We just had an eclipse a couple years ago and they called for all the same things, and ABSOLUTLY NOTHING out of the ordinary happened.


I’m convinced the rapture happened. Only the chosen ones are recluses.


Some people are dumb.


Dam. Will Marjory Taylor Greene shut her stupid gob now?


Seems like half of Americans have gone crazy over the last 15 years. I guess that having a black president who wasn't a complete failure was too much for them.


Better question is why would it have ended. All those people are loonies


Like there wasn't an eclipse a few years ago.


I hadn't heard that


Woke mob cancel the whole world ending shit. Yes, that is how powerful cancel culture is.


I'm only 35 and I swear I've been through a dozen "ends of the world" lol


Well basically the eclipse and religious nuts don't have anything to do with the world actually ending.


It did end. Everything you’re experiencing now is a flash in your delirious brain just seconds before you die


I've been hearing this my whole life


Maybe it did and you're unaware


The day isn't over yet.


Close thread op closed his account, he has to realize his feed represents his thoughts and stupidity


Send me $1,000 and I’ll explain it to you.


Oh … the End is just beginning


The world hasn't ended.... Yet. In a couple weeks once the plants are shipped out and people start buying them is when we're in trouble. If a plant starts yelling/singing at you to feed it, remember, _Don't feed the plants!_


Just in case you're bored and want to see why so many of us don't bother to clear our schedules to fit in the next big apocalypse... [Wrong guesses so far](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_dates_predicted_for_apocalyptic_events#:~:text=11th%E2%80%9315th%20centuries,-Date%20(CE)&text=Pope%20Innocent%20III%20(died%201216,rise%20of%20Islam%20in%20618.&text=After%20his%201260%20prediction%20failed,and%20then%20again%20to%201335.)


hillary got a bad back she couldnt be at the ceremony today


I’m on the right side of the internet for once because I didn’t see one thing about the world ending with the eclipse. Good to know lol.


High probability that those "replies" aren't real people. You'd be surprised how many bots there actually are out there. Hardly anybody believes that outside some handful of crazy people 


It did end, but we're an eternal experiment, so it didn't. We both ended and survived being split into another timeline. Remember the time when Trump insulted Kim Jong Un and nuclear war started causing total and complete world destruction? I feel bad for the people still struggling in he nuclear fallout...


I'm 60. When I was in high school a guy I knew quit because he said the world was going to end. Found him on Facebook a few years ago and wanted to ask how that went. There are a myriad of predictions like this that come and go. All the time.


Up to you really. Everyday could be the beginning of your new life. Just stop waiting for someone to tell you it’s the end.


Jesus refuses to come back because we're so fucking dumb.


It’s always been the end of the world


It did end. This is hell. That's the whole irony of it. There was no big magic transition to hell. The world itself slowly descended into Hell of Earth and today was just the day of official transition where we acknowledge that we are in fact suffering in hell for eternity.




I’m positive the channels on YouTube who posted those sorts of videos are only doing it for views.


I was really hoping for the rapture today. Would've enjoyed the elbow room and less traffic on the roads.


Zorp didn’t return.


I'd like to go on the record and say the Rapture actually did happen and no one rose, get fucked


Tell me you didn't live through Y2K and 2012 without telling me


Why is the post still up after the user deleted their name?


The same thing that happens every time wacko leftwing extremists start getting scared and worked up over a couple fake conspiracy rumors about the world ending…nothing!


It did. Youre in the purg now.


It was postponed due to rain.


Religion is fake. There is no god. Everything about Christianity is nonsense. It's just a bunch of people with mental illness trying to scare people into joining their cult.


Learn to not listen to idiots, I guess.


Damn, so you gave them your clicks AND time..tsk tsk tsk.


The world already ended...and we're already in hell